divine talisman

Chapter 2111 Seal of Time

Chen Xi did have a slight fondness for Suo Yingfu, but it wasn't because of her bright and slightly wild beauty.

This sliver of goodwill was simply because Suo Yingfu told Chen Xi quite frankly some news that he wanted to know when he came to participate in the Dao Protector Battle.

Similarly, when Suo Yingfu was about to leave for this source of guilt, she also unabashedly invited him to join her team.

Of course, this sliver of goodwill is not reliable. When he came to participate in the battle to protect the Dao, Chen Xi had already realized the danger of his situation, and he was even more aware that his enemies were not only criminals against the Dao, but also those from the same faction who participated in the battle. threaten.

So apart from a slight liking for Suo Yingfu, Chen Xi also had vigilance and vigilance.

But the only thing Chen Xi didn't expect was that the opponent's layout would be so strict and perfect.

Chen Xi was very sure that during the confrontation between Suo Yingfu and Cang Yunye, he was obviously injured, and it was obviously a real trap.

But all of this is nothing to Chen Xi. What caused him to be severely injured now is not actually how powerful Suo Yingfu's methods are, but the god-breaking thorn in her hand!

It was a cursed artifact, completely ignoring all defenses and divine power, and easily broke through Chen Xi's body defenses, causing him a serious blow.

Without the help of this cursed artifact, Chen Xi would have full confidence in turning the danger out of danger, and would not have fallen to such a state.

Of course, the matter had already happened, and besides, it was too late. The only thing that Chen Xi couldn't understand was, how did the other party know where he would pass by?

The confrontation between Suo Yingfu and Cang Yunye was itself a bait, but as long as Chen Xi didn't appear there, the so-called bait would be out of the question.

But on the contrary, they seemed to have expected Chen Xi's return, and there was no taste of deceit during the battle, and they fought with real swords and guns.

This was somewhat abnormal. Chen Xi was very confident in his stealth and disappearance methods, and he was also very sure that he was not being followed along the way.

But such an abnormal thing happened, obviously, there must be some reason hidden in it.

Being aware of this problem made Chen Xi keenly aware that if he didn't solve this mystery, perhaps no matter how he evaded, he might not be able to hide from the other party's eyes and ears!

Without hesitation, Chen Xi began to carefully examine his internal and external conditions, enduring the severe pain caused by the injuries in his body.

The meticulous thoughts are like ripples, and with the cooperation of the secret power of the forbidden path, they carefully search every inch of the body.

Until the end, Chen Xi still got nothing.

This made him frown, and he became more and more aware of the seriousness of the problem. He didn't have the imprint left by the other party on his body, so how did they perceive their traces?

Inadvertently, Chen Xi's thought passed over the sword in his hand, which caused a vague thought to suddenly flash through his mind, since it wasn't on him, would it appear on something outside of him?

Without any hesitation, Chen Xi's thoughts were locked on the token that recorded the battle achievements and the coordinates of the camp!

Whether it is the sword talisman or the sword of Dao'er, he owns it himself, and it is absolutely impossible for him to be tampered with by the enemy. Only this token with an ancient Chen character engraved on it was a gift from Chen Taichong.

And as far as Chen Xi knows, this token itself is a certificate to enter the battle of protecting the way, and it is issued by the thirteen servants entrenched on the mountain of conferred gods. It is not only owned by Chen Xi, as long as it participates in the battle of protecting the way The strong ones all have a piece.

Thirteen servants...

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and began to carefully perceive this piece of token, and used the power of the forbidden path secret pattern.

A moment later, a frightening light flashed in Chen Xi's eyes. Sure enough, someone tampered with this token!

A subtle and imperceptible mysterious imprint was fused into the inside of the token without any fluctuations. If it weren't for the extremely magical secret pattern of the Forbidden Path, the existence of this mysterious imprint would not even be detectable.

For an instant, Chen Xi had a strong urge to destroy this mysterious brand, but in the end he still held back.

It cannot be destroyed. Destroying it will make the other party aware of all this immediately. This is undoubtedly equivalent to telling the other party that he has noticed the conspiracy in the token.

It would be fine if it was only known by the other combatants, but the ones Chen Xi was most afraid of were those thirteen servants!

This token was issued by them, so it is easy to know that a trace of the mysterious brand in it must also be planted by them, and everything they do is obviously to help those hostile forces kill themselves!

Now that the thirteen servants are sitting in the battle to protect the Dao, they are the thirteen most powerful figures on the Conferred God Mountain. Under such circumstances, Chen Xi dare not let the other party know all this. Even if you don't do it yourself, just leaving Chen Xi in this source of guilt is enough to make Chen Xi fall into a place of eternal doom.

"It seems that Chen Taichong is also wrong. These thirteen servants are not some kind of impartial and selfless people. They may have colluded with the Supreme Sect..."

Chen Xi felt a little heavy in his heart. The attitude shown by the thirteen servants made him more and more aware of the danger of his situation.

But in the same way, all these conspiracies inspired Chen Xi to be ruthless, "Then let's see who can have the last laugh!"


Next, Chen Xi covered a ray of forbidden path secret pattern on the surface of the token, and after a flash, his figure jumped out from the bottom of the ancient tree and disappeared into the misty forest.


In the area less than a hundred miles away from Chen Xi, a sound of surprise suddenly sounded.

Immediately, Cang Yunye, who was the leader, stopped, and the rest of the people also looked at a companion in the center of the battle.

This is a thin gray man, his expression is unpredictable at the moment, he seems to be trying to perceive something, and he is surprised after a while: "No, I can't feel that guy's breath, there are only two possibilities , or he is dead, or he has already noticed the 'mark of time'."


Cang Yunye and the others shrank their eyes and pupils.

"He's not dead, I can feel that the God-breaking thorn is still on him."

At this moment, Suo Yingfu on the side spoke, and the light in his eyes changed.

"Then can you specifically perceive his position?"

Cang Yunye asked.

"Only a vague range can be perceived."

"that's enough!"

Cang Yunye's eyes lit up, and he waved his hand, "You will lead the way, and chase this boy at full speed!"

At that moment, a figure moved away and disappeared in an instant.


The wound on the waist and ribs was still bleeding, and it would inevitably affect Chen Xi's physical strength over time, but most importantly, the flow of blood made it impossible for Chen Xi to hide his tracks.

He knew very well that even if he didn't use the mysterious brand in the token, as long as he followed the blood he left along the way, it would be enough for the enemy to catch up with him in the shortest possible time.

Chen Xi continued to shuttle back and forth in the misty forest. Although his face was pale at this moment, his expression was extremely calm and indifferent, as if he had forgotten that within him, the cursed power of the God-shattering Thorn was still eroding his injuries, causing him to Its already seriously bad state is getting worse.

Whoosh whoosh~~

Suddenly, streaks of filthy light like gray lightning flashed out from the front, as if they had been premeditated for a long time, violently killing Chen Xi.


Chen Xi's face darkened. He was in an extremely serious situation now, and he never thought that there would be another "predator" attack on the road, which would undoubtedly make things worse.


Chen Xi sacrificed the sword of Dao'er, and with less than [-]% of his combat power left in a few breaths, he killed the six "predators", and their corpses were also absorbed by the sword of Dao'er.

However, just when Chen Xi was about to put away the Dao'er sword, he suddenly noticed that an obscure aura was quietly released from the bright red and translucent sword, absorbing wisps of black curse power.

Could it be that Dao's sword still restrains the power of the curse?

With a movement in Chen Xi's heart, he gently pressed the edge of the Dao'e Sword to the God-breaking thorn exposed from the wound.


The moment the two touched each other, it was like two completely different forces colliding together, producing a terrifying and violent vibration, tearing at Chen Xi's wound, causing him to groan in pain, his figure almost staggered fell to the ground.

The most terrible thing is that all this is not over yet. At this moment, Dao's sword groaned happily and excitedly as if it smelled a bloody shark. The power to fight.

Chen Xi could clearly feel that his wound was getting worse and worse, and waves of destructive power rushed towards his body like a storm along the God-breaking thorn, destroying the already severely damaged meridians and acupoints.


Chen Xi couldn't help coughing out a mouthful of blood. How could he have thought that such a change would happen? At this moment, it was too late for him to stop, because the Dao's sword was tightly entwined with the God-shattering thorn, and it made him He can no longer control it.

This made Chen Xi's face suddenly become extremely ugly. He was in pain and anger. If an enemy appeared at this time, there would be no need to think about the consequences. He would definitely die!

Fortunately, it didn't take long for all these changes to end, and even the heart-piercing pain that Chen Xi felt disappeared.

Chen Xi lowered his head and saw that Dao'er's sword was as bright red as blood, burning with a surge of blood-colored divine brilliance.

Inside the divine splendor, there is a pitch-black, slender, cone-like treasure wrapped around it. It is the God-breaking Cone, but at the moment it is engulfed by the thick blood-colored sword splendor, and is being swallowed up bit by bit!

Chen Xi was stunned for a moment, and he didn't care about these things. Looking at his wound, he saw that the power of the black curse in the wound had been wiped away, leaving only the shocking cracked wound, dripping blood.

And in the body, no destructive power can be sensed anymore, and the originally extremely serious injury is being repaired bit by bit by divine power.

This made Chen Xi's heart skip a beat, as long as the erosion from the God-shattering thorn was removed, no matter how serious the injury was, Chen Xi wouldn't be able to stop him in the slightest!

Most importantly, his combat effectiveness will no longer be affected!

At this moment, there was a faint, almost inaudible sound of breaking through the air in the distance.

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