divine talisman

Chapter 2115 The situation is strange

After a brief silence, Chen Xi's voice sounded again: "You're right, but I know very well that if you and I go to war, they will definitely not just take advantage of it, but will choose to deal with you together with me."


Chi Qing raised her eyebrows.

"Because they are not only fighters from the guard lineage, the most important thing is that they are very aware of the seriousness of my injuries."

Chen Xi answered calmly, "Under such circumstances, they would rather help me kill you together than join you in dealing with me."

These words fell into the ears of Cang Yunye and the others, causing their expressions to change again, because they were thinking exactly the same just now, but they did not expect Chen Xi to say it so frankly at this moment, let alone say it so frankly. He did not shy away from the fact that he was seriously injured.

Chi Qingying was silent for a rare moment, but the smile on the corners of his lips grew stronger, even with a taste of admiration: "The gift of prediction flowing in the blood tells me that you are another one worthy of my seriousness." An opponent to deal with."


Chi Qingying's blood-colored pupils quietly showed a hint of murderous intent, and he waved his hand.


The Tongtian Zijin Shenhui in the distance seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly crossed time and space, roaring towards this side, and the distance of thousands of feet was only an instant.

But at this moment, for the existence of Chi Qingying's level, it is already a beat slow.


The billowing river of blood emerged out of thin air, drowning Cang Yunye and his group in an unrivaled way!

"you dare!"

At this moment, Zijin Shenhui rushed over, tore apart time and space, and slammed on Chi Qingying's body.


Although Chi Qingying resisted, his figure was staggered and retreated seven or eight feet from the shock.

It's just that this blow didn't make him feel any frustration, on the contrary, he showed a kind of relieved smile.

"There is nothing in this world that I dare not do!"

Chi Qingying chuckled, and lifted his palm finger in the void, and picked up a bloody head, which was the head of a strong nine-star domain master in Cang Yunye's group!

"Chen Xi, I hope to see you in the Rebellion Heights, you must be alive, otherwise this battle to protect the Dao will be much less fun!"

Amidst the loud laughter, Chi Qingying's whole body was like a shadow of blood, which disappeared out of thin air with a flicker, and there was no trace of it.

All of this happened extremely quickly, from Chi Qingying's attack, covering Cang Yunye's group with a river of blood, to Chen Xi's stop, until Chi Qingying walked away with a head in his hand, it was almost completed in a short moment , incredibly fast.

For an ordinary person here, I'm afraid he must feel dazzled.



There was a burst of shouts of shock and anger, and the river of blood burst into pieces, revealing the figures of Cang Yunye and his party, but their faces were ashen, and there was an indelible fright in their eyes.

And on the ground, lay a headless corpse!

That was their companion, a strong Nine Star Territory Master from the lower tribe of the guardian lineage, but in the blink of an eye, he died on the spot!

And thinking that when Chi Qingying made a move just now, they had no way to hide, no way to avoid, and were directly covered by a river of blood, Cang Yunye and the others couldn't help feeling a great terror in their hearts.

Just how strong should the pinnacle saint descendant from the line of rebellious sinners be to be able to do this easily?

But soon, they couldn't think about it, because in their field of vision, a tall figure had already come from the mist in the distance.

It was still the familiar handsome face, Ruoyuan's black eyes, and that detached demeanor. The only difference was that at this moment, Chen Xi's expression was so indifferent that there was no emotion.

With a sword in one hand, he walked firmly and calmly, without any shocking power, but everyone who was caught by his gaze couldn't help their eyes stinging, as if being cut by the sharpest blade.

It is difficult for Cang Yunye and the others to describe their state of mind at this moment, anger, aggrieved, panic, bewildered... extremely complicated.

Their faces became extremely gloomy and ugly. They had already seen how powerful Chi Qingying was, and Chen Xi was able to contend against Chi Qingying's power just now, and in the end even forced Chi Qingying to avoid the edge for a while, turned around and walked away. Go, from this it can be seen that even if Chen Xi is injured, he is still stronger than they imagined.

The most important thing is that they are very sure of this now, because not long ago, two of their companions were killed in an attack from Chen Xi!

The only thing that puzzled Cang Yunye and the others was why Chen Xi was able to persevere until now even after being seriously injured by the God-shattering thorn?And can it still exert such a powerful combat power?

That god-breaking thorn is one of the seven cursed fetishes!

Not to mention being a domain lord, even if the dao lord realm is eroded by the power of the curse, the fate will also be damaged by the curse, and it cannot be recovered in a short time!

But now, Chen Xi is still doing well, this is unbelievable.

How did he do it?

Cang Yunye and the others couldn't guess, but this series of abnormalities made them clearly understand why the object they were going to deal with this time attracted the attention and attention of the five upper-class tribes and the Supreme Sect.

And when they thought that what they were going to deal with was such a perverted responder, Cang Yunye and the others even regretted why they agreed to this matter in the first place.

But obviously, it was too late to regret at this time.


again and again!again and again!

Following Chen Xi's pace, it was clear that his footsteps did not make any sound, but in Cang Yunye's and the others' ears, there was a shock like thunder, and their hearts trembled.

At the same time, an almost suffocating murderous intent rushed towards them, and Cang Yunye and the others felt as if they were being stabbed by the sharp edge.

Tai Rui suddenly said in a deep voice: "Chen Xi, everything that happened before was a misunderstanding, and we all come from the lineage of protecting the Dao. In the source of this sin, we should work together to eradicate those sinners who go against the Dao , instead of killing each other, this will only make it easier for those sinners."


Chen Xi remained indifferent, how ridiculous this kind of rhetoric was, and how old-fashioned it was.

He moved on.

Seeing that Chen Xi was indifferent, Tai Rui couldn't help taking a deep breath, and continued: "I admit that we all made a mistake before, that is, we shouldn't blindly follow the arrangements from Suirenshi and the Supreme Master, and I hope you don't care about these mistakes , when we return from the Battle of Protecting the Dao, we will pay the corresponding price for the mistake we made this time, and compensate you as much as possible, how about it?"

After a pause, he continued: "And from now on, we swear that we will never do anything against you again. I believe that there is no unresolvable hatred in this world. It depends on whether the price paid is enough."

This is indeed a tempting suggestion, anyone would think it over carefully, but Chen Xi didn't.

He still maintained a constant pace, as if he had turned a deaf ear to everything.

This made Cang Yunye and the others look even more ugly, wishing they could fight Chen Xi regardless of anything, but reason told them that if they did so, the consequences would only get worse.

"We have already lost three companions. This price is enough. Are you still not satisfied?"

Finally, Suo Yingfu couldn't help but speak, with a touch of anger in her voice.


At this moment, Chen Xi finally stopped, and looked at Suo Yingfu calmly. Those eyes that were not emotionally fluctuated made Suo Yingfu feel uncomfortable for a while, and his face turned blue and white.

"Their deaths were caused by you, and since I was deceived by you so much, I don't want to trust any of you anymore."

Chen Xi spoke indifferently.

In one sentence, Suo Yingfu's complexion completely darkened.

"Then do you know that if we work hard together, I'm afraid we won't be able to tell who will win in the end. Even if we take ten thousand steps back, even if we are not your opponents, you will definitely pay a heavy price for it!"

Cang Yunye said coldly, "In this weird and dangerous misty forest, don't you worry that that guy just came back and took your life?"

"Try it and you'll know."

Chen Xi's answer was very simple, he took another step, and approached Cang Yunye and the others.

When Chi Qingying decided to deal with Cang Yunye and his group before, it was the same. He walked at a leisurely pace, as if he was not in a hurry to do it.

But as long as he observes carefully, it is not difficult to find that the reason Chi Qingying did this is entirely because he knows that there is a Chen Xi in the dark.

And now, Chen Xi approached Cang Yunye and his party without haste, and why?Could it be that he was guarding against Chi Qingying who might come back?

At this moment, Cang Yunye and the others had only four people left, and they couldn't think about so much at all. As Chen Xi approached, the pressure on them suddenly increased, and they had no choice but to concentrate all their energy on confronting him.

At the same time, they had already given up any idea of ​​trying to resolve this conflict, because from Chen Xi, they had seen that there was no room for maneuver in this matter.

They are ready to go, each with full power, like a taut bowstring, waiting for the moment when the trigger will come.

Even if they die, they will drag Chen Xi to die together!

But in the same way, when Chen Xi was ten feet away from them, he also stopped abruptly, looking at the dense fog on one side.

"I have endured you for a long time, are you sure you want to wait there?"

The voice is flat, but it is clearly conveyed to the distance.

For a split second, Cang Yunye and the others were all startled, their eyes unconsciously looked over there, but they could only see a mist, nothing else could be seen, and they could not perceive any existence.

This either proves that there is no one there, or that there is a powerful existence there that they cannot spy on at all!

"Let them go, and I can give you a chance to fight me fairly."

A calmer and more indifferent voice than Chen Xi's voice resounded from the distance in the thick mist, as if there was nothing in this world worthy of his concern, so his emotions would not fluctuate in the slightest.

Similarly, this is definitely not Chi Qingying's voice!


ps: How about 3 more tomorrow?As long as there are more monthly tickets, it will be as you wish!

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