divine talisman

Chapter 2138 9 Maps 1

In the tightly closed palace, the mist from the Chaos God's Pool concealed Chen Xi's figure.

Everything that happened outside the palace never disturbed him.

In the body, that strange force was still rampaging, and it was filled with wisps of destiny, which came from the sword of Dao.

If Chen Xi went to investigate the Dao'er sword at this time, he would definitely find that the transparent and mysterious lotus flower that was originally formed by the fusion of three "Pearls of Law" no longer exists.

Obviously, this strange force pouring into his body was transformed by this mysterious and transparent lotus flower.

It's a pity that at this moment, Chen Xi couldn't separate any thoughts to care about other things.

Every second that passed by, the turmoil in his body became more and more dangerous. Chen Xi had to concentrate all his thoughts on suppressing and dissolving the turmoil in his body.


To this day, he still has not deduced a specific solution.

In the final analysis, it is because this strange force is filled with wisps of fate, and with his current cultivation base of the Nine Star Region Master Realm, it is difficult to control this breath of fate.

How to do?

Chen Xi was also helpless.

He didn't notice at all that his concentrated thoughts were gradually becoming blurred and ethereal...

If it was normal, Chen Xi would definitely notice such a change in his thoughts immediately, but at this moment, he was as if in a daze, and didn't notice it at all.

At some point, Chen Xi felt in a trance that he had come to a dark and mysterious place. The place was vague, its size was unknown, its height was unknown, its location was unknown, it was chaotic and indescribable.

The Origin of Chaos in the Three Realms!

As if a blessing came to his heart, in an instant, a sense of enlightenment rose in Chen Xi's heart, and he finally understood where he was.

But before he had time to think about it, his consciousness suddenly went into a trance, and he felt like he was transformed into a torrent, breaking through this darkness and breaking out of the origin of chaos in the three realms.

The mighty torrent is rushing, ignoring the constraints of time and space, straddling the limitations of latitude and longitude, roaring from the past to the future, eternal and boundless, beyond the scope of myriad ways.

It is so vast and sacred, and every wave that flows is full of mysterious power, law, cause and effect, luck...

It is like a moat that spans the gods, and it is like the mother source of all things, high above and beyond reach.


It is fate!

It's the river of fate!

When this thought appeared in Chen Xi's mind, it was as if struck by lightning. His whole soul seemed to be separated from his body and roamed around Xu Xu, as if he wanted to trace the long river of fate and search for its original place of birth.

This feeling is so mysterious that it is indescribable!

Chen Xi completely lost all his perception and thoughts, he was in a daze, like a newborn baby, leaving only a trace of clean heart, floating and sinking in this miraculous realm.


The change in consciousness made it impossible for Chen Xi to notice that in his sea of ​​consciousness, the eight fused river map fragments, the traces of cracks between them gradually disappeared, and finally there was no trace of the assembly anymore. seamless.

It is like a ball of light filled with glass color, holy and ethereal, primitive and deep, giving people a shock that reaches people's hearts.

But in the end, these eight fused river map fragments turned into drops of light rain and disappeared into Chen Xi's sea of ​​consciousness...


This is not disappearing, but a fusion!

It's just that what it fuses with is Chen Xi's body!

His blood, tendons, meridians, acupoints, soul and energy...every inch of his body, inside and out, is now dyed with a layer of holy, ethereal, primordial and profound light that is the color of glass!


Back then, Chen Lingjun once said that before Chen Xi was born, he already owned the "ninth block" river map, and became a victim whose fate was concealed.

The "ninth piece" of the river map is a word for "Tao", which was won by Chen Lingjun in the battle to protect the Tao before reincarnation and reconstruction.

It is precisely because of this unique fragment of the river map with the word "Tao" that Chen Lingjun was killed by the Dao of Heaven and was forced to choose to be reborn.

It's just that even Chen Lingjun didn't expect that in the process of avoiding the pursuit of the Taishangjiao, the fragment of the river map with the word "Tao" that he snatched from the Mountain of Conferred Gods would merge into the Huaiyu that was already there by chance. His pregnant wife Zuoqiu Xue was inside.

It was also from that day that the fate of Chen Xi, who had not yet been born, had completely changed, and no one in the world could deduce his fate!

But now, during the Dao protection battle that Chen Xi participated in, in this camp palace, because of the shocking changes in his body, the fragments of the river map that had been silent for a long time in Chen Xi's sea of ​​consciousness were completely awakened, and an unprecedented event took place. The change.

Under this change, the eight river map fragments completely merged into Chen Xi's body and became a part of his body!

Coupled with the fragments of the "Tao" character Hetu that had already been fused with his body, it was at this moment that he was defeated because of the conflict between the two completely different heavenly orders of "Fengshentian" and "Yuanshitian". The broken Nine Pieces of River Map has finally returned to its complete state!

At this moment, even when Chen Xi was sober, he would not be able to imagine how such a bizarre and inconceivable change would occur.



And at the moment when the fragments of the river map merged into his body, Chen Xi's originally muddled consciousness was shaken suddenly, and he suddenly came to his senses.

The bewildered look in his eyes gradually faded, turning into a kind of clear calm, as if it could reflect the heavens and myriad things.

With an inadvertent movement of his thoughts, the turbulent and conflicting forces in his body suddenly stopped, and then, like an extremely docile lamb, they merged into the star field within Chen Xi's body.

The aura of fate in that strange force was completely eliminated, and there was no conflict from the beginning to the end.

When Chen Xi withdrew his thoughts from his body, an indescribably obscure ancient aura suddenly diffused from his body.

At this moment, it was like the beginning of chaos, and the heavens trembled!


outside the palace.

Suiren Kuanglan and Beiming Canghai stood side by side, and behind them, stood a group of strong men who were protecting the Dao, all of whom showed bad looks.

Such a scene made Tang Xiaoxiao and Xia Ruoyuan frown.

If it's just Beiming Canghai and Suiren Kuanglan, then it's easy to deal with, they can entangle each other one by one.

But if you add a group of strong men behind Beiming and Canghai, the situation will become a bit tricky.

"Hmph, on the battlefield just now, Chen Xi beheaded two peak saint descendants by himself, which can be called a world-class feat, but you want to take advantage of his weakness to disadvantage him. This is too despicable!"

Jin Yunsheng stood up, looked angrily at Suiren Kuanglan and the other strong men, and said in a low voice, his words were not polite.

"you wanna die?"

Suiren Kuanglan's eyes soared, he stared at Jin Yunsheng coldly, and said indifferently, "You'd better get out now, if you persist in your obsession, you will not be the only one who will die, and the clan behind you will also be doomed to suffer!"

If you were an ordinary person, you would have to be ridiculed if you dared to say these words. After all, Jin Yunsheng is also a descendant of the Jinyun family, a middle-level tribe in the Chaos Nest. How can anyone dare to threaten the power of a middle-level tribe?

But Suiren Kuanglan is qualified to say this, because he comes from the upper class Suiren clan, if he really wants to trouble the Jin Yun clan, no one would dare not believe it.

In an instant, Jin Yunsheng's face changed suddenly. He was not afraid of death, but he had to consider the safety of the clan behind him.

"If Jin Yun's family is affected, Xia Ruoyuan promises that those who did it will have trouble sleeping and eating in the future!"

Xia Ruoyuan spoke coldly, his words were calm but full of murderous intent.

"you dare!"

Suiren Kuanglan's eyes narrowed, and a cold light suddenly appeared.

"Why don't I dare?"

Xia Ruoyuan said indifferently.

Seeing this, Suiren Kuanglan suddenly smiled: "Want to delay the time? Impossible! Brother Beiming, I think it's time for you to do something!"

At the same time, he said to the crowd behind him: "Everyone, join me in trapping the two traitors Tang Xiaoxiao and Xia Ruoyuan first, and when Brother Beiming solves that Chen Xi, these two traitors will also die!"

The sound of murderous intent resounded loudly.

In an instant, the situation suddenly became tense, threatening to explode.

"Hahaha, I'll thank you all!"

Beiming Canghai suddenly laughed out loud, turned into a vast sea, and rushed towards the closed palace gate in the distance.

Almost at the same time, Tang Xiaoxiao picked up the blue scimitar, which was thicker than her body, and rushed forward, trying to intercept Beiming Canghai.

But on the way, he was stopped by Suiren Kuanglan who attacked brazenly.

At the same moment, a group of strong men from the same line of guards were full of murderous intent, and surrounded Xia Ruoyuan on one side.Although they were afraid of Xia Ruoyuan, they could still be able to keep the other party locked away for a while because of their large number of people.


Tang Xiaoxiao was so angry that his almond eyes widened, but he was tightly entangled by Suiren Kuanglan.

On the other side, although Xia Ruoyuan exerted all his strength, it was difficult for him to shake the siege of the large number of powerful guards.

As for Jin Yunsheng, he was also besieged by several strong men, not to mention breaking through, even protecting himself seemed very difficult.

In such a chaotic situation, Beiming Canghai could be said to be the best in the world. He arrived in front of the tightly closed palace in an instant, slammed open the gate with a tyrannical posture, and rushed into the palace.

At this moment, Beiming Canghai's heart was excited to the extreme, and his fighting spirit and murderous intent were like a burning sea of ​​fire, full of ambition.

When the conflict happened just now, he was still a little worried about whether he could kill Chen Xi as he wished this time, but now, he is no longer worried!

Because if Chen Xi hadn't suffered serious injuries, he might have already rushed out when faced with the dispute in front of his palace gate, but Chen Xi didn't!

Obviously, the guy's injuries were serious, and he had to hide as a turtle.

Thinking of this, how could Beiming Canghai delay? As soon as he rushed into the palace, his thoughts instantly locked onto Chen Xi in the Primal Chaos God's Pool!

As expected, this guy was seriously injured, so he had no choice but to hurry up and use this Chaos God Pool to repair his injuries...

Unfortunately, it's too late!


Years of fighting and fighting made it clear to Beiming Canghai that there was no room for any negligence and nonsense at this moment.

Without any delay, he used all his strength to strike down with a green saber that was lingering with murderous intent in both hands!

The blade pointed directly at Chen Xi in the Chaos God's Pool.

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