divine talisman

Chapter 2147 The Domain of the Lord God


The sword of Dao Evaporation transpired with a dazzling blood, frantically devouring the sinful and evil power in the blood sea of ​​the Buddha, and then turned into pure divine power that contained the breath of destiny, and poured all of it into Chen Xi's body.

At this moment, Chen Xi did not chase after the army of rebels who had collapsed in the distance.

Compared with the power obtained by killing those enemies, the power in the bloody sea of ​​Buddha is undoubtedly more abundant and majestic.

His body was like a bottomless abyss, he was fully operating and absorbing the power that contained the aura of destiny, but to Chen Xi's own surprise, until now, his cultivation still hadn't felt any signs of being fully saturated .

Why is this so?

Chen Xi himself couldn't figure it out, he could only attribute everything to his body which was fused with nine river map fragments.

Not long after, Chen Xi turned his gaze to the opposite bank, which was the camp of the Rebellious Way, but it was a chaotic mess right now.

Chen Xi's gaze was like a deep light, passing through time and space, looking further away.

At this moment, he had an intuition in his heart that there was something he had been longing for in that extremely far away place!

Maybe it's strength.

Or it might be a long-awaited promotion opportunity.


The sky and the earth suddenly trembled, and the entire starry sky covered by the sea of ​​blood in the Buddha showed signs of being overwhelmed and falling into silence.

Almost at the same time, an unimaginably terrifying breath suddenly released from the camp where the Nei Dao lineage on the other side was located.

Chen Xi suddenly withdrew his gaze, and a gleam of coldness flashed in his deep and deep eyes. Someone actually made a breakthrough?



Over the camp of the Negative Way, a clear and clear cloud like glass gushed out, sacred and vast, filled with an aura of destiny that made all living beings tremble.

This is……

The spider demon and other four peak saint descendants suddenly raised their heads, their pupils suddenly dilated, and they said in a voiceless voice: "Destiny glow? Someone really succeeded in forcibly advancing!"

The army of rebellious criminals who returned in panic and collapsed all froze at this moment, feeling an irresistible suffocation in their hearts. Many strong men even kneeled down on the ground with their knees softened!

"A group of trash, they just dealt with a robbery, but they collapsed without a fight. When I kill the robbery, I will settle the score with you!"

In the elegant and indifferent voice, a ray of blood soared into the sky, turned into a sky filled with glow, and rushed towards the sea of ​​blood of the Buddha.

Indistinctly, one could see a Zhuoran figure covered by the divine glow, and a scarlet cloak fluttered.

Chi Qingying!

The spider demon and other four peak saint descendants shuddered all over, how could they fail to see that this Chi Qingying had now successfully broken through and became a Taoist master who "communicates with the heavens and controls his own destiny"! ?

This made them excited, but they couldn't help but feel a strong sense of jealousy. The exciting thing was that Chi Qingying had successfully advanced, which meant that it would be easy to kill the robbed person?

What is jealous is that everyone used to be at the top level of the Nine Star Territory Master Realm, and there was no difference between them, but from this day on, they and Chi Qingying are no longer on the same level. But there are two worlds!


Master Chi Qingying has advanced to the Taoist Realm!

All the rebellious army cheered up, and their eyes showed endless fanaticism and admiration.

What makes them puzzled is that there are five peak saint descendants who forcibly broke through the retreat this time, but how come it is only Master Chi Qingying who broke through the boundary now?

What about the other four peak saints?

Shouldn't there be any accident?

The spider demon and the other four peak saint descendants were obviously aware of this problem at this moment, and they couldn't help but look at each other, and they all had a thought in their hearts, the other guys who retreated... I'm afraid they have failed to forcefully break through!

Failure means death!

This is the realm of destiny, the level of a Taoist master that reaches the sky, so how can it be so easy to break through?

Generally speaking, one of the five peak saints who can successfully break through the Taoist realm is already extremely lucky.

No matter what, at this moment when Chi Qingying broke through, almost all eyes were cast on the sea of ​​blood in the distance.

There, there is a monster against the sky that cannot be defeated in the main realm of the Nine Stars Region. Now that Chi Qing should advance to the Taoist realm, can he be completely suppressed?

Everyone is looking forward to it.



The entire Buddha's blood sea surged up, setting off numerous turbulent waves, and the space-time mourning was chaotic, as if it could not bear this kind of coercion.

In the midst of this great turmoil, the sky suddenly shone, and Chi Qingying's slender figure was outlined. His face was handsome and pale, his eyes were like a pair of blood diamonds, and he was wearing a scarlet cloak.

What is different from the past is that at this moment he seems to have become the master of this world, and the aura exuded by his gestures is boundless, breaking through the shackles of all ways!

This is the bearing of the Taoist Realm!

The so-called my fate is up to me, after controlling my own destiny and comprehending and controlling the true meaning of a destiny avenue, Chi Qing should already be a real Taoist existence.

As soon as he paced back and forth, the Buddha's blood sea was silent, calm, time and space stood still, and he surrendered to his feet. In a trance, the sky seemed to be decorated by Chi Qingying alone!

"Chen Xi, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been so persecuted that I had to take a slanted sword and forcibly break through the barrier. Speaking of which, I should thank you."

In the elegant and indifferent voice, there was no response from Chi Qing, and he had already arrived thousands of feet in front of Chen Xi.

A pair of eyes like blood diamonds fell on Chen Xi indifferently.

Chen Xi's expression remained calm and indifferent. After realizing that Chi Qingying had been promoted to the Dao Master Realm, his expression had not changed a bit from the beginning to the end. Even his figure was still as tall and straight as a spear, motionless.

"It's very simple to thank me, just save your life."

Chen Xi spoke indifferently, as if he hadn't noticed the terrifying coercion everywhere in the world.

"Hehe, I have grasped the true meaning of destiny, and I am connected with heaven and all ways. Even if the gods want to deprive me of my fate, it is not so easy, let alone you... Nine Star Territory Lord ?”

The last four words were spit out by Chi Qingying one by one, full of great irony, with a feeling of looking down on all living beings from above.

Yes, no matter how powerful Chen Xi's combat power is now, he is still just a Nine Star Territory Lord, and his Chi Qing should be different from before, his cultivation has reached a whole new level, he is known as Tongtian!

Under such circumstances, Chi Qing should think that she has the absolute confidence to ignore and trample on Chen Xi.

But Chen Xi's performance was beyond his expectation, and he said indifferently in an almost unwavering tone: "God can't take your life away, but that doesn't mean I can't. You can run amok, that can only mean that you are too naive."

Chi Qing Ying Xue pupil narrowed his eyes, he never thought that facing himself in the Dao Master Realm, this robber would dare to be so arrogant.

This made him shrug his shoulders dumbly, and said: "Whether this seat is naive or not is not up to you, but out of a kind of kindness, the conditions that this seat promised you at the Rebellion Heights still count, as long as you obediently dedicate your life , this seat can give you a way to die with dignity, after all, there are not many people who are qualified to be regarded as opponents by this seat."

No one expected that after Chi Qingying advanced to the Daoist Realm, instead of deploying thunderous means to completely suppress and kill Chen Xi, he would instead confront Chen Xi in terms of words.

This made the spider demon and other four peak saint descendants feel dissatisfied, but they dared not say anything. After all, Chi Qingying had already stood at a height that they could not reach, and even they did not dare to offend.

At this moment, Chen Xi smiled in a rare way, and said with some emotion: "Chi Qingying, if I were you, I would definitely not be so long-winded and nonsense, but I am a little curious, whether you Blood Spirit Race are all on the same level as you? Like you, you have to gossip for a long time even to kill the enemy?"

Chi Qingying's expression was not easy to notice a froze, a trace of sullenness gushed out from the bottom of his blood pupils, and he said indifferently: "Forget it, since you are obsessed with obsession, I will send you on your way."

As he spoke, he raised his right hand, his slender, white fingers were as delicate as suet jade, lingering with a glaze-like luster.


With just such a random movement, the sky above Chen Xi's head suddenly collapsed, and a black hole opened up in time and space, swallowing it down with a bang.

At this moment, the sky, the earth, and everything seemed to be cut off, leaving Chen Xi in a helpless situation, as if he had been abandoned by the Dao!

This is an extremely terrifying power, controlling all ways, depriving the world of all laws, and putting the opponent into a situation of being completely controlled.

This is also a kind of power possessed by the strong in the Taoist Realm - the domain of the main god!

Once ordinary ascetics fall into it, they will be powerless to struggle, life and death are completely manipulated, and you will die if you want to, it is extremely terrifying.

The only ones who can fight against it are those who are also at the level of the Taoist realm.

Chi Qingying was very confident that this blow alone was enough to put Chen Xi in a state of eternal doom!At that time, he will let Chen Xi taste the humiliation of being involuntary and can only bow his head to himself!

However, Chen Xi just raised his head, and with a casual flick, the black hole of time and space that swallowed it burst into pieces, annihilated invisibly.

At the same time, the invisible power that covered Chen Xi in all directions also seemed to have been hit hard, and became chaotic and ceased to exist.

A blow that contained the power of the Lord God's Domain was so lightly neutralized by Chen Xi!Look at that relaxed appearance, it is effortless!

For a moment, Chi Qingying's lips froze with coldness, and his blood pupils froze. This is the power of the Taoist realm!Looking at the whole world, which Nine Star Region main realm can resist?

Not to mention that Chen Xi broke through this blow so easily, it was unimaginable, no matter how calm Chi Qingying was, he couldn't help but feel a little unbelievable.

Is this guy really a nine-star domain master?

At this moment, even all the powerhouses in the Nidao camp who had been paying attention to this duel all gasped, shocked inexplicably.

This is the power of the Taoist Realm!If you say it is resolved, it will be resolved, this kid...why did he go against the sky to such an extent?


ps: Goldfish created a WeChat account by itself. Everyone log in to WeChat and search for the official account "Xiao Jinyu". Don't misspell the name!Then you can find it!I am ashamed to say that this is the first time for Goldfish to play the official account, so young... I need everyone to actively add it. I solemnly explain that after the completion of the book, the extra chapters of Fu Huang will be posted on the WeChat official account first!In addition, as the goldfish ripens late, various benefits will be distributed there, such as... red envelopes?

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