divine talisman

Chapter 2164 Scarlet Thunder Prison

Chen Xi's appearance did not cause any earth-shattering and unparalleled shocking scene, but instead caused countless astonishment and anger.

This is probably no one can predict.

After the time Taoist forced himself to suppress the anger in his heart, he cast his gaze coldly at the only remaining saint descendants of the same line of Taoist.

Since the one who came was not the ancestor who rebelled, he would not pay too much attention to Chen Xi.

And in such a situation, it is undoubtedly the most important to break through the enemy's obstruction first, and go to the deepest part of the place where the crime originated to find the whereabouts of the ancestor of the rebel.

Compared with this, a respondent is nothing at all.

"Everyone, I didn't expect that the savior you were looking forward to turned out to be the one who killed many of your clansmen."

Master Shiguang said indifferently, "Now, are you going to continue to resist, or obediently get out of the way?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the saint descendants and Taoist masters in the distance all changed, gloomy and ugly.

"My lineage of saints would rather die in battle! I will never bow to the enemy!"

An old man was furious and screamed loudly.

The chilling atmosphere re-condensed.

"Stubborn! Don't talk nonsense, let's do it."

Dao Master Lei Ting put down a word in a murderous spirit, pointed at Chen Xi in the distance, and said, "Little brat, it's none of your business here, go back to the camp now!"

There is no accusation in these words, but the words are extremely strong, unceremonious, with a posture of bossing you around, and you can't help but obey.

This was also because the position where Chen Xi was standing happened to be between the three of them and those strong men who were against the Dao. If it wasn't for this, Daoist Thunderclap wouldn't bother to pay attention to him at all.

And in the final analysis, at this moment, Chen Xi is still a member of the Dao Protector camp after all, and it is not easy for them to take action against Chen Xi.

But if Chen Xi was obsessed with his obsession and didn't want to leave, then Daoist Thunder wouldn't mind killing this potential disaster.

"From today onwards, I, Chen Xi, will be in charge of this place, and everything here will also receive my protection."

It wasn't until this time that Chen Xi raised his head and looked at the three Taoist masters, Time, Light, and Thunder, with a calm and calm voice.

Accompanied by the sound, the nine-colored divine lotuses guarding the surroundings turned into flowing divine brilliance, pouring into Chen Xi's body, causing his aura to change suddenly.


The black eyes are like abysses, reflecting the heavens.

The shoulders are like mountains, majestic and green.

The spine is like a pillar, supporting Qing Ming.

The heart is like the sun and the moon, shining for thousands of years.

This body is like the Tao, brilliant and immortal!

Standing up at will, that kind of invisible majesty oppresses the world and the earth wails, and all roads are in mourning.

The whole audience was shocked.

Everyone in the lineage of the saints was stunned, unbelievable, what does this guy say?He wants to take charge of the entire line of saints?

What a great tone!

Some daoist masters are furious. In the past, the three daoist servants ran amok on their territory, killing countless people, and treating them as nothing. Now, even a robbed person dares to speak wildly and wants to get involved in everything about them. Too much deception!

Could it be that he thought that after advancing to the Taoist realm, he would be lawless?

Some members of the Holy Race could not help feeling sad. When did their Saints suffer such humiliation?

Some people even couldn't hold back and rushed out to fight Chen Xi desperately, but they were stopped by the old antique, who said via voice transmission: "Don't be impulsive, let this kid go bite the dog with those three servants."

Sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight!

In an instant, all the powerful saint descendants understood. Although they were resentful in their hearts, they were happy to watch the fight between the snipe and the clam when they thought that the person who should be robbed would now jump out to fight against the three Taoist servants. good show.


And when they heard Chen Xi's words, the three Taoist masters of Time, Light, and Thunder almost thought that they had heard wrongly. Could this kid be crazy?

But when they noticed the change in Chen Xi's aura, they all shuddered, and instantly judged that this guy obviously didn't seem to be joking.

Moreover, they couldn't help but be a little surprised by the imposing manner exuded from Chen Xi's body. It is really rare for a little guy who has just advanced to the Taoist realm to possess such might.

They had also paid attention to Chen Xi's battles before, and knew that when he was still in the main realm of the Nine Star Region, he was able to fight across borders and killed more than ten senior-level old antique Taoist realm beings of the lineage of the holy descendants.

Now that this little guy has successfully advanced to the Taoist Realm, one can imagine how amazing his combat power has undergone a transformation.

But being so provoked by such a little guy still made them furious, and there was a gloomy look on their faces for a while.

Who are they?

He is the Taoist servant who sits on the mountain of the gods for the boundless years!

I don't know how many Taoist masters of the lineage of the saints died tragically in their hands before, so how could they be afraid of a newly promoted Taoist realm?

"What a little thing that doesn't know what to do, are you sure you want to be our enemy?"

Master Shiguang said expressionlessly, with a bit of murderous intent in his voice, full of threats.

"Do not."

Chen Xi shook his head.

Daoist Lei Ting shouted sharply: "Then why don't you hurry up?"

Chen Xi glanced at him, and said mockingly: "Idiot, what I mean is, you are not qualified to be my enemy, understand?"


Those strong men from the lineage of the saints who had been watching the excitement all gasped. Isn't the tone of the robbers too loud?

To say that the three Taoist servants who sit on the mountain of conferred gods for endless years and look down on all living beings like ants are not qualified to be enemies with him, even those strong people of the lineage of the holy descendants feel a bit ridiculous.

If these three Taoist servants are not qualified, then what are they who are strong from the lineage of the saints?

You know, there are more than 60 Taoist masters who died tragically at the hands of these three Taoist servants just now!That's not enough to qualify?

This kid is simply crazy!

This is still the reaction of a powerful person from the lineage of the saints. One can imagine how they would feel if this sentence was heard by a group of monks from the outside world.

And as the person involved, being scolded as a "stupid" by Chen Xi immediately made the Thunder Island owner so angry that he became murderous.

"Little thing, I planned to save your life for the time being, but since you don't know what to do, I will send you on your way now!"

Amidst the shouts like thunder, the burly and majestic figure of Daoist Thunder suddenly flashed, and he slammed down the terrifying red lightning wrapped in his palm fingers.


The scarlet thunderbolt derived from the power of destiny directly ignored time and space, appeared above Chen Xi's head in an instant, and slashed down.

That power was too terrifying, and I don't know how many Taoist masters of the lineage of saints died tragically under such a blow.

But now, this attack is aimed at Chen Xi!

He who has just been promoted to Daoist Realm, how can he resist?

Many saint-born powerhouses couldn't help showing a sneer, but Chi Qingying's heart was wrenched, and he couldn't bear it. Chen Xi saved his life just now, whether it was intentional or not, but how could he ignore it?

Now seeing him standing in front of the three Taoist servants, looking down at him arrogantly and speaking domineeringly, he felt very happy in his heart.

Therefore, Chi Qingying was even a little impulsive at this moment, wanting to help Chen Xi.


In an instant, Chen Xi's entire body was covered by the incomparably dazzling scarlet thunder, as if it was too late to dodge.


Chi Qingying shouted in her heart.

All the powerhouses from the lineage of the holy descendants couldn't help showing a touch of disappointment. They also expected Chen Xi to fight to the death with the three Taoist servants. Who would have thought that he would be so unbearable.

Thinking of his arrogant words just now, they couldn't help being speechless for a while, just such a guy, still trying to get involved in controlling their lineage of saints?

"The clown jumping beam is vulnerable!"

Daoist Lei Ting disdained it. He originally thought that Chen Xi would be able to struggle a little bit, but he didn't expect that this guy was actually a strong man but a capable man. It really made people despise him.

Even the two Taoist masters, Time and Light, couldn't help being a little surprised. The respondent was much weaker than they expected.

At this moment, the red thunder that originally covered Chen Xi's whole body suddenly rolled violently, attracting the attention of everyone in the audience.

Immediately, in their field of vision, the billowing scarlet thunder was completely swallowed up like a thousand streams returning to their ancestors, and soon after, Chen Xi's tall and straight figure appeared, unscathed.

At the tip of his right finger, a ray of bright red lightning lingered, extremely docile.

Seeing such an unimaginable scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help but jump in their hearts, this guy is not dead! ?

"Okay!" Chi Qingying shouted in his heart, unbearably excited. He should have thought a long time ago that it was absolutely impossible for Chen Xi to be killed so easily. Otherwise, how could Chen Xi have easily saved himself from that long river of time before? ?

Chen Xi looked at Dao Master Lei Ting with a calm expression, as if he had thought about it just now: "This is the power of destiny that belongs to the Dao of Thunder? It seems that you Dao servants are not real beings in the world, nor were you born in chaos The innate gods in the world, if my guess is correct, you should be born from the order of heaven."

Dao Master Thunder's eyes suddenly shrank, as if he couldn't believe that Chen Xi could survive, and also seemed as if he couldn't believe that he was easily dispelled like this with a single blow.

It also seemed that the biggest secret in his heart was revealed by Chen Xi, so he was a little surprised.

"There's something wrong with the situation. This kid is more troublesome than we imagined. Be prepared to do it together."

The vicissitudes of the eyes of the Dao Master of Time next to him flickered frequently, and he was keenly aware that the Chen Xi in front of him was too abnormal, whether it was breath or strength, he behaved completely differently from a strong man who had just advanced to the Dao Master Realm.

"It is indeed a bit strange."

Daoist Guangming nodded, murderous intent looming in his heart.

"Little thing, take another blow from me!"

The Daoist of Thunder has the most violent and unscrupulous temperament, and being easily deflected by Chen Xi, it made him feel as if he had suffered a great provocation. He yelled sharply, and transformed into hundreds of millions of red thunder chains, turning into a dazzling volcano like Thunder Purgatory.

"Red Thunder Prison!"

This is the realm of the main god that he controls, and it can be called a transcendent terrifying force!

Obviously, this Daoist of Thunder has already decided to completely wipe out Chen Xi with this blow, and he doesn't intend to hold back anything at all.

Almost at the same time, murderous intent flashed in Chen Xi's black eyes, and a bluish-blue sword edge quietly appeared between his palms and fingers.

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