divine talisman

Chapter 2169

Dao was upset.

In the battle on the first front, when he saw Chen Xi beheading a group of peak saint descendants with his own power for the first time, Shi Chuge knew that there was a problem with his Dao heart.

For the first time in his life, he experienced what it means to be frustrated and bewildered, because he knew very well that it would be impossible for him to face a group of peak saint descendants by himself.

Waking up is sometimes the most painful thing in life.

When Shi Chuge clearly realized the gap between himself and Chen Xi, he was silent for a long time, and he was also dazed for a long time, in a daze, as if he had lost all motivation to seek the way.

When almost all the participants from the Dao Protector lineage retreated from the battlefield one after another, Shi Chuge went uncharacteristically and followed Chen Xi's footsteps to the sea of ​​blood.

He also couldn't tell why, it was as if he wanted to find something he had lost, and this kind of thing could only be found in Chen Xi.

Unfortunately, when Shi Chuge arrived at the Buddha's Blood Sea, there was no trace of Chen Xi.

At that moment, he was completely bewildered and lost.

He felt that the sky could not accommodate him, so he fought against the sky, and he felt that the earth was mocking him, so he fought against the earth.

Everything abandoned him, but he refused to agree. He used all the strength in his body to fight and kill, without knowing what it was for and what he wanted.

Until the last drop of strength in his body was exhausted, and his body fell into the sea of ​​blood of the Buddha like a piece of rotten wood, Shi Chuge suddenly felt tired.

He hated this feeling, and he didn't want to go on like this.

So, he stretched out his right hand from the sea, as if he wanted to hold something.

Then, a river of fate appeared in his vision.



Everything will fall into place.

When Shi Chuge stood up from the sea, the bewilderment, madness, and frustration in his heart... were all swept away.

He became a Taoist master, spied on the power of destiny, and recovered his lost Taoist heart!

He has returned to his former composure, calmness, and calmness, with a beautiful appearance and a graceful appearance, but the breath of fate tells him that there is still a trace of entanglement in his heart.

Shi Chuge decided to resolve this ties, and then, he found Chen Xi in front of him.


"Fortunately, I found my Dao heart."

Shi Chuge looked at Chen Xi calmly, and said, "So, my purpose for coming to you is very simple, just to fight."

Chen Xi didn't know what Shi Chuge had gone through, but looking at the other party's calm, firm, and persistent eyes, he immediately understood that if he didn't agree, this guy would definitely stick around to the end.

This made him frowned, thought for a moment, and then said: "A person has his own way, so it doesn't necessarily mean that he is superior or inferior. The most difficult opponent in this world is actually himself."

Shi Chuge nodded: "I understand."

Chen Xi stared at the other party for a long time, and finally said, "You don't understand."

Shi Chuge frowned.

Chen Xi had already turned around and left.

He walked so naturally, without any hesitation, as if what should be explained has been explained, what should be resolved has been resolved, then, all that is left is to leave.

Otherwise, what would you do if you kept it?

too boring.

Shi Chuge frowned, looked at Chen Xi's back in the distance, but couldn't hold back in the end.

With a clang, the "Feng Huo Xue Qiong" thrusting obliquely on the back came out of its sheath, and the spear's point, which was as red as blood, pierced out through the air with a simple force.

Simple, clean and unstoppable!

This is not the power of the main god's domain, but this spear has gathered the most powerful power of Shi Chuge's life.

The void is calm, the world is as it was before, everything seems to be the same as before, only a blood-colored gun shadow suddenly appeared behind Chen Xi, piercing through.

The astonishment of this spear is enough to be the best in all ages!

But when Shi Chuge witnessed this scene, he was completely stunned, with bitterness on his lips: "It turns out that he has already reached a height that I can't see..."


At this time, Chen Xi's figure that was pierced by the spear disappeared like ripples, leaving only a blood-colored spear point piercing the sky and the earth alone, as if it had been forgotten.

Obviously, what was penetrated was the phantom left by Chen Xi.

Shi Chuge also witnessed this scene, and finally knew that from the moment he took the shot, he had already suffered a crushing defeat.

His most powerful shot pierced through an afterimage.

Is there something wrong with Shi Chuge's mind?

No, it's because he never found out that Chen Xi had already left!

He didn't even notice when Chen Xi left. This indeed proved that Shi Chuge had indeed been defeated from the moment he made the move.

This is the gap.

At this moment, Shi Chuge finally saw the gap, but he couldn't know how big the gap was...

Standing alone by the sea of ​​blood of the Buddha for a long time, Shi Chuge finally let out a long sigh, and he didn't even want the "Feng Huo Xue Qiong", and left aimlessly on his own.

Xiao Se's figure appeared extremely lonely in the empty world.


The Rebellion Heights belonged to the camp of the Dao Guard.

Tang Xiaoxiao, Xia Ruoyuan, and Jin Yunsheng sat cross-legged in front of the camp, silent to each other.

They are waiting.

From the moment they decided to help Chen Xi, they knew that they would be regarded as traitors by the Dao Protectors.


They have also asked themselves, and the answer they got is very simple, and they have no regrets.

This is the answer given by their Dao heart. For practitioners, what they cultivate is to follow their minds. If their hearts are violated, how can they expect the Dao?

However, they still couldn't help but sigh in their hearts when they thought that Chen Xi would really die in this battle of Dao protection this time.

If Chen Xi died, then their sacrifices would not have much meaning, and meaningless things would always make people feel sad.

"If Chen Xi doesn't come back this time, what are you going to do?"

Xia Ruoyuan opened his mouth suddenly. He has a cold and stern temperament, but he seems to hesitate at this moment.

"do not know."

Holding her innocent and clean face in both hands, Tang Xiaoxiao said something weakly.

"What about you?"

Xia Ruoyuan looked at Jin Yunsheng on the other side.


Jin Yunsheng opened his mouth, and immediately became ruthless, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll stay here, when I advance to the Dao Master Realm, I will go to the Rebellious Dao lineage to fight fiercely, avenge Chen Xi, and then return to the clan. I want to see if those guys who regarded me as a traitor at that time dare to tear their faces away from me!"

Xia Ruoyuan nodded: "That's a good idea."

Jin Yunsheng chuckled and couldn't help but ask, "What about you?"

Xia Ruoyuan said without hesitation, "It's about the same as you."

Tang Xiaoxiao raised her head, gave Xia Ruoyuan a contemptuous sideways glance, and said angrily, "Can you behave differently?"

Xia Ruoyuan said in a daze, "Then what do you think I should do?"

Tang Xiaoxiao curled her lips immediately, and said weakly: "Don't ask me, I am still annoying enough now. I have had a severe headache since I entered the battle of protecting the road. If I had known this, I shouldn't have come to meddle in this matter." Wading in muddy water."

Xia Ruoyuan said: "So you regret it?"

Tang Xiaoxiao was stabbed like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and shouted: "Who regrets it? Since I, Tang Xiaoxiao, dared to run to Shenyan Mountain alone, I never regretted anything!"

Xia Ruoyuan nodded and said, "That's good."

Tang Xiaoxiao was still angry, and said angrily: "You dare to mock me, come on, let's fight!"


While speaking, that blue scimitar, which was longer than her body, appeared out of thin air, and stabbed Xia Ruoyuan in the head.

Xia Ruoyuan was taken aback immediately, dodged abruptly, and said angrily, "What are you doing?"

Tang Xiaoxiao said triumphantly: "Fight, vent your anger!"

Xia Ruoyuan's eyelids twitched, and he let out a cold snort, his whole body surged with fighting spirit, and he said coldly, "Oh, then I've seen it too."

Seeing this, Jin Yunsheng became anxious immediately, and hurriedly shouted: "Two two, you have something to say, so as not to hurt the friendship..."

"To shut up!"

Tang Xiaoxiao and Xia Ruoyuan yelled almost at the same time, and immediately met each other's eyes, both of them were fighting.

Jin Yunsheng shut up resolutely, even fearing that it would be affected, he had already known and avoided it.


The battle broke out, the divine splendor fled, and there was chaos.

The two men were full of fighting spirit, and they were merciless in their actions. They fought until the sky was dark, flying sand and stones, and the sun and the moon were dark.

Seeing this, Jin Yunsheng sighed in his heart, knowing that both Xia Ruoyuan and Tang Xiaoxiaoshi were venting their anxiety.

Chen Xi didn't come back for a long time, and they couldn't return to the outside world immediately, so they were in a dilemma for a while. Who wouldn't feel a little depressed?

Even Jin Yunsheng sometimes wished he could do nothing and go to the lair of the rebellious line.

After a cup of tea time.

The battle is over.

Tang Xiaoxiao looked ashamed, but her eyes were shining brightly, showing a trace of satisfaction, she dropped the blue scimitar in her hand with a clang, and let out a comfortable sigh.

On the other side, Xia Ruoyuan was also disheveled, ragged, and quite embarrassed, but his expression became much calmer than before.

"What are you doing?"

A voice came.


"Get out."

Tang Xiaoxiao and Xia Ruoyuan answered casually, and immediately froze, looking in the same direction, where a tall figure stood, looking at them with some doubts.

Chen Xi!

The two stood up abruptly, with a look of joy on their brows, this guy came back alive!

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi! You've come back!"

In the distance, Jin Yunsheng yelled and looked like he was about to cry with joy, which immediately made Tang Xiaoxiao and Xia Ruoyuan despise him, this guy is simply too embarrassing.

But I have to admit that they were filled with joy and excitement... so it was hard to laugh at Jin Yunsheng out loud.

"I am back."

Chen Xi nodded, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

This is also the first time since he entered the land of crime to fight and kill, a smile appeared on his indifferent and emotionless face, clean and warm, even a little dazzling.

Seeing this, Tang Xiaoxiao, Xia Ruoyuan, and Jin Yunsheng couldn't help but smile at each other.

At the same time, there is a world-shattering wave suddenly set off outside the source of the crime of guilt.

ps: Visually, if the book is not finished in a hurry, then the book will not be finished this month, so let's finish the book next month.

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