divine talisman

Chapter 2178 The regret behind the glory

Chen Taichong was stunned: "Are you going to leave now?"

Chen Xi nodded: "Right now."

The sudden departure of senior brother Wu Xuechan made him inexplicably tense, and he felt an unusual aura.

Chen Taichong hesitated to speak, as if he wanted to ask something, but finally held back.

Chen Xi said: "The battle to protect the Dao is over. From now on, no one should dare to provoke the Chen clan again."

Chen Taichong's heart trembled, his face showed a touch of excitement, and he seemed to raise his hand to pat Chen Xi's shoulder. When he saw Chen Xi's gaze, his heart trembled for no reason, and he actually felt an indescribable pressure and fear.

This caused Chen Taichong to be shocked again, subconsciously nodded and said: "Alright, I will take you to see your parents right now."

This kind of reaction of his was also normal, although he had already sensed that all the thirteen servants had been suppressed and killed, and he was sure that it was very likely that it was done by Chen Xi, but after all he had not been able to witness all this with his own eyes, so he couldn't help but feel a little uncertain.

But at this time, when he met Chen Xi's gaze and felt that pressure and fear, Chen Taichong dared to be sure about this matter.

The death of the thirteen servants, apart from the great shock it brought to Chen Taichong, did not make him feel any sadness. middle.

But after all, this is just a relationship that only exists in meaning, and there is not much intersection at all, and naturally there is no relationship.

The only thing that surprised Chen Taichong was, how did Chen Xi... get to this point?


Ice and snow flew, and the sky and the earth were all white.

Chen Lingjun and Zuoqiu Xue were both silent, staring blankly at the wind and snow.

The two haven't spoken for many days, each thinking about their own thoughts, because what should be said has already been said, what should be worried has also been deposited in the bottom of their hearts, and the rest... is to wait.

"Huh? Is that Xi'er?"

Zuo Qiuxue's eyelashes trembled, and with her widened eyes, she vaguely saw a black figure looming in the wind and snow.

"This is the one hundred and third time you've said the same thing."

Without raising her head, Chen Lingjun said lazily, "Just wait quietly, Xi'er is not as fragile as you think."

During these days of waiting, Zuo Qiuxue often had this kind of speculation, thinking that Chen Xi would return to pick them up every time.

Chen Lingjun's ears were almost callused, but he also knew that this was caused by Zuo Qiuxue caring too much, worrying too much, and worrying too much.

According to Zuo Qiuxue's explanation, isn't it normal for a mother to worry, worry, and care about her son?Unlike you, Chen Lingjun, who is heartless as a father, my old lady was also blind to follow a stinky man like you.

Regarding this, Chen Lingjun always shrugged helplessly and smiled wryly. What else could he say about his woman's nagging?

"Look quickly! It's really... really Xi'er!"

Suddenly, Chen Lingjun felt a pain in his arm, and was grabbed by Zuo Qiuxue. Looking at Zuo Qiuxue again, his face was excited, and the brows were full of joy.

"Uh, let me see."

Chen Lingjun turned his head, and when he saw the tall figure emerging from the wind and snow in the distance, his pupils dilated immediately, he stood up with a bang, and laughed loudly, "Look, he is indeed my son of Chen Lingjun, how could there be someone like him?" Go without return?"

The heroic laughter stirred up the wind and snow in the world, setting off heavy snow waves.

"Hmph, I didn't see that you were more excited than me."

Zuo Qiuxue also got up, and cast a sidelong glance at Chen Lingjun with a disdainful tone.


Chen Lingjun just laughed, which showed that he was really excited.

"Father, mother, the son has come to pick you up and left."

In the wind and snow in the distance, Chen Xi looked at everything that was happening in front of him with a smile, seeing the joy and excitement on his parents' expressions, and a long-lost warm current surged in his heart.


On this day, Chen Xi successfully picked up his parents, took Ming together and left the Chen clan, heading back to the Ancient God Realm.

And just as they left on their front feet, groups of people arrived on their back feet.Those are all big figures in the major tribes of the Dao Protector, and some of them are the heads of the clan.

And looking carefully, it is not difficult to find the figures of the five upper-class tribes, the Tang family, the Xia family, the Suiren family, the Shi family, and the Beiming family...

At that time, the guards guarding the Nine Spirits World were taken aback, their faces changed in horror, and they thought it was the enemy who came to Xingshi to question him.

But what was unexpected was that these big men from various tribes were more amiable than each other.

The guards of the Chen clan had never experienced this kind of treatment, and they couldn't help being a little flattered. After asking in detail, they realized that these big figures from the major clans of the Daoist line came to "plead guilty"!

And it also carries a huge amount of rare treasures!

It didn't take long for this news to spread throughout the Chen clan, causing shock among all the Chen clan.

Their Chen clan can only be regarded as a middle-level tribe in the Taoist protection line. In the past, not to mention the five upper-class tribes, even some other middle-level tribes looked down on them. In reincarnation, the entire Chen clan began to show signs of decline.

Under such circumstances, how could they have imagined that one day the five most powerful tribes in the entire Daoist lineage, together with some other powerful tribesmen, would come to the door with all kinds of treasures in a posture of pleading guilty? Come to ask for forgiveness?

This is simply incredible!

For those members of the Chen clan, it was like a dream.

Only Chen Taichong knew clearly that everything that happened in front of him was in fact thanks to Chen Xi, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart for a moment, if Chen Xi could be included in the Chen clan at the beginning, it would be possible for their Chen clan not to be among the top tribes in the future ranks?

It is even very possible to aspire to the entire protection side!

And when they learned that Chen Xi had already left and did not intend to pursue the past grievances any longer, those big men from the various tribes who came to plead guilty also secretly breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, secretly calling it a fluke, and they had already made a move in their hearts. Decide, even if you are provoked by the Chen clan in the future, try not to do anything if you can.

They all knew very well that although Chen Xi had left, what if one day he returned to the Chen clan?Therefore, the Chen clan must not be offended.

Until these big figures who came to "plead guilty" were sent away, some big figures from other tribes came to the door one after another, also carrying all kinds of rare treasures, and sincerely begging for forgiveness with the same attitude...

This kind of thing happened for three full days, and in the three days, almost all the important figures from the major tribes of the entire guardian line came here once.

Until later, the lineage of the holy descendants, who had been regarded as the enemy by the entire Daoist lineage, did not know where they heard about the relationship between Chen Xi and the Chen clan, but they also sent envoys to the Chen clan to place and present A large number of treasures were given as gifts.

Those who are strong in the lineage of the holy descendants are Xuancheng. The Chen clan is the most unbreakable friendship and alliance of the entire lineage of the holy descendants. Whoever dares to be an enemy of the Chen clan is the enemy of the entire lineage of the holy descendants!

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and for a moment, the entire lineage of the guardians were shocked and angry, envious and sighing, knowing that because of one Chen Xi, the rise of the Chen clan was already unstoppable.

Those magnificent scenes are enough to make the entire Chen clan unforgettable for a lifetime.

And they finally understood that the Chen clan was able to have such glory today, all thanks to that Chen Xi who was never recognized by them, who was never accepted into the clan by them...

This may be the only regret behind this honor.


Let’s say that after Chen Xi left with his parents and Ming, he moved through time and space at full speed and rushed to the Ancient God Realm.

On the way, Chen Xi and his parents naturally had endless conversations, and he also told his parents everything he had experienced in the battle of protecting the Dao one by one, in a concise and concise manner.

But even with a brief description, Chen Lingjun and Zuo Qiuxue were still amazed and deeply moved. It was unimaginable that their son had such outstanding military exploits against the sky.

But while the two were happy, they couldn't help worrying about Chen Xi. They knew very well that with Chen Xi's current strength, he had seriously threatened the entire order of the heavens, and there was no telling what dangerous things might happen to them in the future.

There was nothing they could do to help, they could only politely tell Chen Xi to be careful.

Others can only see the glory and achievements that Chen Xi has achieved, but they are the only ones who worry about their son's future path.

This is the parent.

Chen Xi enjoyed this feeling of being cared for, and he tried not to talk about fighting and fighting along the way, he didn't want his parents to worry too much about him.

Along the way, Ming had been standing quietly on one side, listening to the conversation between Chen Xi and his parents, with no trace of impatience on his expression, but occasionally a smile could not help but appear.

Because from this kind of conversation between father and son and mother and son, it was the first time for her to see another side of Chen Xi. Compared with the disposition that Chen Xi had shown in the past, she actually liked the kind of temperament that Chen Xi showed along the way. temperament.

He would show a helpless wry smile when Zuo Qiuxue scolded him, and would admit his mistake embarrassingly, assuring his parents that he would never risk his life in the future, and would also show a shy and embarrassed expression when his parents asked him about his marriage and children.

When asked about the relationship between him and himself, he would feel at a loss and talk about it.

Thinking of this, Ming couldn't help feeling a little strange, yes, what is the relationship between himself and Chen Xi?


not friend?

Or not at all?

Ming was a little confused by this.

But soon, this confusion turned into distress, because since Zuo Qiuxue asked about the relationship between Chen Xi and himself, although Chen Xi didn't say much, Zuo Qiuxue and Chen Lingjun looked at Xiang Ming. changed……

After the initial scrutiny and scrutiny, that gaze turned into love and pity, well, it was like looking at his future daughter-in-law...

That's roughly what it feels like.

But it was this kind of feeling that made Ming feel a little overwhelmed. For the first time in her life, she also felt embarrassment and embarrassment.

However, this feeling does not repel Ming, it just occasionally annoys him, what does Chen Xi think of this misunderstanding?

ps: Let this chapter be warm and relax your nerves.Then there will be a very involved final battle, where legendary characters such as Fuxi, Cangwu Sacred Tree, Ji Yu, Supreme Leader, Liu Shenji, Dean of the Temple, and Nuwa will appear one by one.

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