divine talisman

Chapter 218 Earth Immortal Jade Talisman

Qing Xiuyi slapped lightly, and the palms intersected, unexpectedly directly resisting Fan Yunlan's palm.Seeing this scene in Chen Xi's eyes, he was keenly aware that all of Fan Yunlan's palm strength seemed to be blasted into a vast ocean and completely dissolved.And Qing Xiuyi's body is like a boundless ocean, containing everything!

"Nirvana's seven rounds of cultivation are indeed powerful, but if I hadn't been struggling to suppress my strength in order to participate in the Stars Conference five years later, I'm afraid that I have already advanced to the realm of the underworld, so why would I be afraid of you?" Qing Xiu After Yi caught Fan Yunlan's palm, his expression was indifferent, sad and joyful, and he also slapped it with his backhand.

All of a sudden, the Taoism in the surrounding Misty Rain Dao Domain seemed to be absorbed by this palm, and the sound of raging sea waves came from the void. and go.


The frightening sound of real yuan colliding continuously resounded, Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan, these two masters with terrifying cultivation, really fought together. [

Qing Xiuyi is at the pinnacle of Jindan Consummation, possessing the reincarnated body of a celestial being, her strength is unfathomable, plus she is in her own Misty Rain Dao Domain, and she is evenly matched with Fan Yunlan in the Nirvana realm!

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi also had a surge of heart and blood.

The Nirvana realm is a terrifying existence that far exceeds the Golden Core realm. In the southern border practice world, the great monks in the Nirvana realm can already be honored as ancestors. Killing the Golden Core monks is as random as killing chickens. The gap between them is so different that they cannot be compared.

Because the higher the realm, the more difficult it is to cross the border. The subtleties are related to the control of the power of heaven and earth, and the understanding of Taoism and profound meaning. There is a huge difference between the two.

However, at this moment, Qing Xiuyi can compete against Fan Yunlan, who is in the Nirvana Realm, with her cultivation at the Golden Core Realm. This is simply breaking the inherent concepts in the practice world and creating a miracle. If this battle spreads, I'm afraid No one will believe it anymore.


Explosions sounded repeatedly, and the Misty Rain Daoyu was completely pulverized by the terrifying power of the two people. Immediately afterwards, the force of the collision of true essence bombarded the space between the sky and the earth. It was instantly annihilated, and huge cracks were blasted into the ground.

If at this time, even a master of Jindan enters the turmoil of the two people's confrontation, he will be shaken into meat and killed immediately.

However, although the two of them had no reservations about their moves, they controlled the power fluctuations in an extremely tacit understanding at the same time, as if they were afraid of hurting Chen Xi on one side.

However, Chen Xi wanted to escape, but it was absolutely impossible. Not to mention that he had no strength in his whole body, just because the auras of these two women had been firmly locked on him, it was doomed to escape in vain.

"Hmph! Your strength is indeed beyond my expectation, but that's all there is to it. A genius like you, if you don't wipe it out early, it will become a big problem in the future!"

Amidst the sneer, Fan Yunlan suddenly rose up and stepped into the air. Behind her, a dark halo of dao domain gushed out, like the eternal night, and on the night, thousands of pairs of lights flickered. The blood-red demonic eyes, counting carefully, are exactly three thousand. Each pair of demonic eyes is as big as a lantern, releasing ferocious, bloodthirsty, cold... and many other evil lights.

Chen Xi felt his scalp go numb just by looking at it from a distance, and it was as if an extremely cold thought had been poured into his soul, wanting to devour his three souls and six souls.

He hastily took a deep breath, and unconsciously flashed all the truths of the other side's Taoism in his mind, and all distracting thoughts were immediately cleared away, and his mind suddenly recovered.

"The other side is to lure souls to cross the calamity, and it is for the stability of the six realms. Naturally, we cannot tolerate evil demons and heretics devouring souls and stealing souls, harming the heavens and principles..." Chen Xi vaguely felt that it seemed that the Taoist will of the other side was born to restrain all evil demons and heretics .

He couldn't help but think of the scene when Luo Xiu and Teng Huaxu were exterminated, the evil pen was killed, and the Nether Record swallowed evil things, sweeping away the evil spirits of the world, and returning the world to a bright future.And the Taoism of the other shore comes from the Nether Record, and it is owned by the imprint of the will left by that great man.

"Three thousand magic eyes? Soul Devouring Dao Domain? I heard that the Blood Moon Demon Sect has a blood pool inherited from the ancient times. It contains dozens of demon sect's upper roads. It is not a heavyweight person. You can enter it to practice fundamentally. Cultivated in the Soul Devouring Dao Domain, it seems that he is also a core figure in the Blood Moon Demon Sect!" Qing Xiuyi said with a rare expression of solemnity.

"Miss Qing is very knowledgeable, but the more you know, the sooner you will die. Today you are doomed to doubt." Fan Yunlan, who was covered in black robes, stood in the soul-devouring realm where the magic eyes gleamed, looking Extremely weird and evil, just as her voice fell, the Soul Devouring Dao Domain suddenly moved.

Three thousand pairs of magic eyes suddenly opened, and several gray brilliance shot out through the air, carrying a unique destructive aura, dead silent, soul-swallowing. [

chi chi...

As soon as this gray and dead brilliance shines on the void, the astonishing force of corrosion melts the void into a riddled hole, which is shocking.

"Smoky mirror!" Qing Xiuyi's eyes were fixed, and an ancient bronze mirror shrouded in haze and densely patterned runes stood in front of her, billowing haze billowing in the mirror, like a sea of ​​smoke and a river of clouds.After all, she is only in the realm of Jindan Consummation, and she dare not be careless in the face of Fan Yunlan, a strong man in the Nirvana realm.

Chi Chi Chi Chi... Under the attack of these dense, rainy, gray brilliance, the Yanxia Mirror trembled violently and wailed, and the sea of ​​smoke and cloud river surging in the mirror was melted away in large areas.

"Smoky Mirror? Huh, break it!" Fan Yunlan snorted coldly, his whole body surging with demonic energy, hunting in his black robe, the three thousand demonic eyes behind him seemed to be bleeding, and shot out several gray eyes again. Guanghua blasted away like a torrential rain.

With this attack, Fan Yunlan had already exerted all her strength, and completely used her cultivation base of the Seven Wheels of Nirvana, with the help of the Soul Devouring Dao Domain, the purpose was to kill Qing Xiuyi in one fell swoop, without leaving any future troubles.


The Yanxia mirror wailed violently again, and the precious aura on its surface also became dull and matte, as if its spirituality was wiped away the next moment, and it melted into a pair of waste.

The Yanxia Mirror was severely injured, and Qing Xiuyi was not much better, her face turned pale, and she almost vomited blood. At this moment, she knew that she would still be able to beat the opponent by a large margin in terms of cultivation, if she didn't use some trump cards, she would say It may be possible to die on the spot today.

Thinking of this, Qing Xiuyi's calm and indifferent jade face showed a trace of ruthlessness, her heart moved, and a palm-sized jade talisman filled with purple clouds appeared in her hand.


The jade talisman was made from something unknown, as soon as it was exposed to the air, several hair-thin electric arcs gushed out from the surface, like tadpoles with rune patterns, lingering on the surface of the jade talisman endlessly.The terrifying aura gushing out of it caused the countless air currents surging between the heaven and the earth to collapse, as if avoiding ghosts and gods, and dared not go forward.

What kind of talisman is this, how can it have such a terrifying aura?It was as if an Earth Immortal had appeared... Chen Xi's pupils shrank suddenly, and a deep sense of horror rose in his heart.

"Earth Immortal Jade Talisman!?" Fan Yunlan knew that Qing Xiuyi would definitely have a life-saving trump card, but when she saw the Purple Light Jade Talisman in her hand, she was still shocked and couldn't keep her composure.

Strictly speaking, the Earth Immortal Jade Talisman is not a talisman in the traditional sense, but a one-time attack magic weapon refined by the strong in the Earth Immortal Realm with their own blood.

An Earth Immortal Jade Talisman needs to consume the blood essence of an Earth Immortal Realm expert for a thousand years, which is equivalent to a thousand years of lifespan. Because of this, its power is beyond imagination, which is roughly equivalent to that of an Earth Immortal Realm strongman. Even a master Minghua cannot resist the attack of the next Earth Immortal Jade Talisman, not to mention Fan Yunlan.

However, in the practice world, the number of Earth Immortal Jade Talismans is extremely rare, and it can even be described as rare. After all, not every Earth Immortal Realm expert is willing to damage his essence and waste his life to refine such one-time treasures.In addition, the material used to refine the Earth Immortal Jade Talisman is also extremely rare and precious, which is hard to come by, so every Earth Immortal Jade Talisman can be called a priceless treasure.

Qing Xiuyi possessed an Earth Immortal Jade Talisman in her hand, which shows how hard Yunhe Party has cultivated her, the reincarnated body of an immortal.


With a crisp sound, the Earth Immortal Jade Talisman with the flashing purple lightning runes was pinched and exploded, and suddenly a phantom of an old man in a black robe appeared out of thin air. The world seemed to be stepped on and shook, and the power was terrifying.


Seeing this phantom, Chen Xi gasped. He clearly sensed that the aura on this phantom was even stronger than Beiheng's! [

Beiheng is the Supreme Elder of Liuyun Sword Sect, and he is a second-level earth immortal. However, although the old man in black robes appeared out of nowhere, although he was just a phantom, his breath was more than that of Beiheng. This shows how terrifying his real body's cultivation is.

"Taoist Longhe, a monk of the Fifth Great Earth Immortal of the Yunhe Sect! No, this Earth Immortal Jade Talisman was actually made by this old guy. No wonder it has a trace of the fifth level of the Celestial Tribulation, the Purple Silence Thunder Tribulation."

Fan Yunlan exclaimed, with a sense of panic in her voice, she didn't dare to be negligent, and planned to escape, but unexpectedly, a towering hand that covered the sky and the sun slammed down, shaking the Soul Devouring Dao Domain around her It shattered and scattered, and then the momentum remained undiminished, and it slammed down on her whole body.

If this blow is real, Fan Yunlan will definitely be shot into a puddle of flesh!


The power of this phantom is really terrifying. It is high above and crushes everything. This is the power of the Earth Immortal Jade Talisman. Once it is cast, it is equivalent to a full blow from the Earth Immortal Realm powerhouse. It is easy to kill any Nirvana cultivator. It's like crushing an ant to death.

At this critical juncture, Fan Yunlan didn't know what kind of secret method he had used, and his body exploded, turning into hundreds of millions of bloody lights, and rushed in all directions like lightning.

It was impossible to tell which ray of blood was hiding her real body.

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