divine talisman

Chapter 2181

The blade of fate is imminent!

Before the voice fell, Emperor Shun had already uttered a loud shout, and was about to get angry. If the ruler was angry, his right hand would sweep across like thunder.


The Blade of Destiny made a sound like glass shattering, and disappeared without a trace. The power generated did not even cause fluctuations in time and space, let alone any nearby food.

But at this moment, Emperor Shun's body was violently blown away, blood spurted from his mouth and nose, and there was an abnormal blood red color on his resolute and calm old face.

With a thud, he fell to the ground, his whole body seemed to be suppressed, covered with a layer of dead air that could not fade away, filling his whole body.

A patriarch-level existence who has lived in Shenyan Mountain for countless years, and can be regarded as the top Taoist master in the world, and now he is seriously injured and dying in this few blows!

The most frightening thing is that from the beginning to the end, neither the attack of the Supreme Leader nor the resistance of Emperor Shun caused any fluctuations, and even affected any nearby food.

So calm, so plain, it seems even more shocking.

This undoubtedly means that the control of these two powers has obviously reached an incredible level, seeing the truth in the smallest details, and hearing the thunder in the silent place!

"It really isn't your strength."

Di Shun's face turned from blood red to waxy white, and every inch of his skin was being corroded by a wave of death, which he could not avoid or resist.

He was obviously suffering from great pain, the veins on his forehead were bursting inch by inch, his hands and ten fingers were trembling slightly uncontrollably, but his expression was still calm and calm, and he had never been in a panic.

"This is indeed not my power, but it should have belonged to me a long time ago."

The Taishang leader seemed very frank, his words were flat and vague.

"You are just a running dog in front of the Heavenly Dao Sect. It is already the limit to be able to use the power of the Heavenly Dao. If you try to control it in vain, you will be overestimating your capabilities."

Di Shun said coldly.

running dog!

Hearing this extremely humiliating word, the footsteps of the Taishang leader who was about to move forward suddenly stopped.

He squinted at Emperor Shun who was sitting on the ground, and after a moment of silence, he sighed, retracted his gaze, and said calmly, "You are indeed not as good as Fuxi, at least... even if he died, he would definitely not be able to say such weak words." .”

"My brother's strength of character does not need you to judge."

Di Shun took a deep breath, sat calmly on the ground, swiped his sleeves to wipe away the blood stains from his mouth and nose, and ignored the dead energy that was constantly eroding his whole body.

The Supreme Leader frowned and pondered for a long time, then suddenly said: "If you plan to fight with your life, then don't blame me for destroying all the creatures on Shenyan Mountain immediately!"

Di Shun narrowed his pupils, struggling and killing intent surged in his eyes, and he said hoarsely after a long time: "I'm afraid you can't do it."

The Taishang leader smiled, put his hands behind his back, leisurely looked at the sky in the distance, and said, "Do you want to try again?"

Di Shun raised his head and stared at the figure of the Supreme Leader for a long time, his expression finally turned dark, as if all the strength in his body had been drained, he sighed deeply and remained silent.

"To me, killing is not killing you, and the meaning is not important. What I want in my heart is not what you can understand. Maybe if Fuxi is here, he will understand my thoughts. Unfortunately, he is not here now. On the mountain."

The Supreme Leader resumed his pace, stepped onto the end of the stone path, and reached the top of Shenyan Mountain.

He just stood there casually, his large black clothes fluttering in the wind, his figure seemed unreal, it seemed to exist, but in fact it was as insignificant as heaven, and there was no trace to be found.

Di Shun's body was completely covered by a wave of death, his face was haggard, and he no longer had the strength to stop everything in front of him.

Not even a trace of strength.

This made Emperor Shun feel a sense of sadness that couldn't be shaken off.

The Supreme Leader came in person, and it was as if he had entered the land of no one in Shenyan Mountain. If this was a provocation, it would be a huge provocation. If this was a humiliation, it would be a bone-chilling humiliation!

Ever since Shenyan Mountain was founded, has it ever experienced such a thing?


Emperor Shun is not afraid of death, but he also knows that if he fights with his life, the Supreme Master must really dare to kill some other disciples on Shenyan Mountain!

This is the root cause of Emperor Shun's sorrow the most.

If you have scruples in your heart, it is tantamount to painting the ground as a prison!

Suddenly, a deep and majestic voice sounded from the sky, "The absence of senior brother doesn't mean that Shenyan Mountain can let you walk freely."


Just at the moment when the sound came out, the entire Shenyan Mountain suddenly released a strange wave, and one could clearly see that at the foot of the mountain, in every crevice of the rocks, mysterious and dense symbols appeared, like silent starlight. , suddenly lit up at this moment.

On the mountain, the waterfalls and springs, the luxuriant vegetation, the magical medicines and rare treasures, the mist and airflow... all the scenes suddenly turned into rune patterns, and the divine glow was blazing, flying lightly into the sky.

Immediately, thousands of runes and hundreds of millions of runes glowed with an illusory light like a dream, rushing up from every corner of Shenyan Mountain and gathering on the top of Shenyan Mountain.

These hundreds of millions of almost endless runes, patterns, auras, and glows... all merged into one place, like a round of scorching sun condensed by dense runes, immeasurably vast, boundless and infinitely changing!

This is a god!

A god who seems to be able to cover the starry sky, straddle the heavens, seize all the chances of heaven and earth, and interpret the wonderful meaning of infinity!

This is the Promise God!

With the entire Shenyan Mountain as the foundation, with the infinite wonderful truth and heavenly secrets as the power, the supreme god gathered.

At the same time, it is also the highest core inheritance of Shenyan Mountain!


On the sky, the God of Promise covered the sky, and the sun was shining brightly, with immeasurable divine power, bathing the entire Shenyan Mountain under it.

"I didn't expect that there would be a day when I could use this formation..."

Di Shun murmured, his face covered with lifeless aura had already shown a pale gray color, but there was a gleam of splendor in his pair of eyes.

He hadn't seen this formation for a long, long time.

"Wujishen, it's amazing. Back then, Fuxi also realized the Tao through this, and peeked into the ultimate path. Looking at it now, it's really extraordinary."

On the top of the mountain, the Supreme Leader suddenly raised his head and looked at the Infinity God that covered the sky. Instead of showing a trace of awe, he uttered a sincere admiration.

"Since this is the case, may I ask if it can be suppressed and killed by you?"

That muffled voice resounded in the sky again, and along with the voice, a tall, thin figure emerged.

He was wearing a purple Taoist robe, a feather crown on his head, walking on cloud shoes, holding a handle like a snow whisk, and a green vine belt was casually wrapped around his waist, and a green leather gourd was hanging on the belt.

Standing up casually, there will be a transcendent aura of Lingyun piercing through the sky, with a sharp edge that shocks the world, looking down on the eternity!

The third patriarch of Shenyan Mountain heard the truth!

A giant who looks like a wild crane in the clouds, but actually has a heart of iron, a strong temper, and a giant who kills and looks down upon the sky!

"If this formation is controlled by Fuxi, there may still be some hope, but if it is controlled by you, Wen Daozhen, it will lack some charm, tasteless, and not worth exposing."

The Taishang Cult Master looked away from the Promise God, and his face full of admiration had returned to its previous calm.

"Haha, killing people this time is indeed a little unsightly, but if it is killing a dog, it is the first-class guillotine in the world today."

Wen Dao really laughed, took off the green leather gourd around his waist, drank it, then smashed his lips, and said, "If you don't believe me, today I will cut off the head of you, the lackey in front of the gate of heaven?"


Before the words were finished, a beam of light spewed out from Wuji God, its color was chaotic, its length was like a rainbow, and it fell down like a horse.

The Taishang leader didn't hide or evade, and gently reached out his hand to grab it, like picking up a handful of the Milky Way that fell from the sky, and he easily grasped that chaotic rainbow in his hand.

He looked at it carefully, then shook his head and said: "I only know that the power of a quick tongue is so unbearable, it is really not as good as your senior brother."

With a bang, when he spoke, the chaotic rainbow instantly turned into light rain, and was crushed between the fingers of the Supreme Leader.

Wen Dao really raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, don't worry, the first time is born and the second time is familiar."


The God of Promise revolves suddenly, deriving infinite illusory divine brilliance, as if the heavens and myriad worlds are revolving in it, flowing out a mysterious and mysterious aura that is as real as it is.

In an instant, the billowing rune pattern was like mercury pouring down the ground, galloping down, across time and space, and suddenly reached the head of the supreme leader.

Those galloping runes actually contained a majestic and brilliant power of destiny, turning into a sea of ​​runes, with an unspeakable terrifying power.

Under such a blow, any Taoist realm in the world can only dodge, otherwise he will be suppressed and killed on the spot, and his body will disappear.

This time, the Supreme Leader finally didn't dare to stand still, and he didn't see him move, and the power of order that was filled with the aura of God rushed from his body.

For a moment, he was like an incarnation of heaven, controlling the heavens, and that immeasurable aura imprisoned the whole world.

Wen Dao really frowned, and jumped into the Wuji God.

"Do you want to rely on the power of the Promise God to fight with your life and die with me? I didn't see that you are more decisive than Emperor Shun. But unfortunately, if you do this, you won't hurt me, and it will also make the whole Shenyan The mountain was buried with it."

In the faint voice, the Supreme Leader stepping on the power of order suddenly soared into the sky. Wherever he passed, the fate runes pouring down all collapsed one after another, like melting snow, unable to move. One step against the Supreme Leader.


In just a split second, the Supreme Leader had arrived in front of the God of Promise, reached out his hand and grasped the God of Promise, which covered the sky and was continuously releasing immeasurable divine power.

Immediately, the God of Promise uttered a wail, stirring the nine heavens and ten earths.

The entire Shenyan Mountain trembled violently, as if being choked by the throat of fate, showing a sign that it would collapse at any moment.

The eyes of Emperor Shun, who was covered by death, suddenly filled with a rare look of horror, which seemed unbelievable.


At the same time, Wen Daozhen's figure was forced out from the Wuji God, he coughed up blood, and looked sluggish, as if he was on the verge of falling, unable to support himself!

If the Supreme Leader doesn't move, it's terrifying!

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