divine talisman

Chapter 2192 The Wonder of Big and Empty

Motherland of ten thousand dao!

Where the mother is, the meaning of the origin.

This place is chaotic, time and space do not seem to exist, and everything in the world does not exist anymore, mysterious and heavy.

Standing here in silence for a long time, Chen Xi suddenly took a step, and the mystery of space emerged, so he began to walk in this chaos.

The mystery of time emerged, allowing Chen Xi to understand how long each step took.

I don't know how long I have been walking in this chaotic world, but I still haven't found anything worth noting, and there are gray and empty scenes everywhere.

It seems that there is nothing, presenting a kind of "empty".

Big and empty.

This place is indeed too big, as if it is boundless.

After a long time, Chen Xi looked at the chaotic scene around him, and suddenly realized that he seemed to be lost. If he walked aimlessly like this, he might find it difficult to find his way in this lifetime.


With a movement in Chen Xi's heart, hundreds of millions of stars emerged, flowing with bright brilliance. This is the law of stars. The latitude and longitude of heaven and earth appear, condensing the embryonic form of the universe. This is the law of heaven and earth. And according to... This is the rule of five elements.

Soon, a prototype of the world emerged.

From the beginning to the end, Chen Xi didn't use any power at all, just a single thought, and he could evolve what he wanted in this chaotic place.

This is like a real creator!

Dao and law, heaven and earth, and what you think in your heart, even if they are empty, you can have everything!

Chen Xi suddenly had a kind of understanding in his heart. This Land of Myriad Dao Mother seems to be empty, but in fact, it hides all the things, principles, laws, and order in the world... everything is contained, everything is included!

It is true tolerance is greatness.

The word "mother" is the best interpretation of it.


After contemplating for a moment, Chen Xi lightly tapped his fingertips, and the world that had just taken shape suddenly collapsed and turned into chaos again, as if everything just now was an illusion.

Seeing all this, Chen Xi's eyes had a strange color: "It turns out that this is the power of origin, the source of origin, the mother of ten thousand ways!"

When he realized this, the chaos around him suddenly rolled, and disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

Then, an empty, empty, vast and immeasurable place appeared in the field of vision.

It's like a starry sky without stars.

It is also like a boundless area without heaven and earth.



This is the real face of Wan Dao Mother Land!

"Little guy, you are finally here."

Suddenly, a faint voice sounded, full of supreme majesty, as if God was issuing a will.

Supreme leader!

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and immediately saw a chaotic cloud suddenly appearing in the extremely far away place, which was originally empty and boundless. The cloud covered the sky and covered the earth, and its size was unknown. Compared with it, it was like a drop in the ocean.

Countless clear chains of the order of the heavenly law are knotted around the chaotic halo like big dragons, densely packed, flowing with a supreme majesty unique to the order of the heavenly law, which is incomparably frightening.

The voice of the Supreme Leader just now came from that chaotic cloud.

Even though the distance was extremely far away, Chen Xi could tell in an instant that the clear and glistening Heavenly Dao Order Divine Chain was the unique aura of "Fengshentian".

However, as in the past, the power of order of "Feng Shen Tian" is controlled by a mysterious stalwart power, which looks extremely docile!

Apparently, the Supreme Leader has now begun to fully control the power of "Fengshentian"!

This undoubtedly means that the current power of the leader of the ether has surpassed the way of heaven that covers the heavens!

Even the way of heaven is trampled under his feet, how terrible is this?

As soon as a thought moved in Chen Xi's mind, he returned to calmness. He vaguely sensed that the reason why the supreme leader was able to do this was probably because he had already found the true meaning of the power of origin in this land of ten thousand dao mothers!

But this is not important. Since the Supreme Master is still waiting here, it means that although he has obtained the true meaning of the power of origin, he has not really controlled the power of origin.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have to wait for Chen Xi to arrive, and he would directly kill the Ten Thousand Dao Mother Land, and there would be no one in this world who could fight against him.

Chen Xi was very aware of this, so there was no trace of panic.

What really moved him was that in that chaotic cloud, bright halos emerged from time to time, and the aura of each halo was extremely unique, with the aura of civilization, the aura of the world, and many, many vast And complicated power.

If you look carefully, those bright halos are indeed different plane worlds!

The nether world, the human world, the fairy world, the ancient gods, the mountain of conferred gods, the land of chaos...all of them are reflected in it!

Even in the halo that represents the human world, one can still see three thousand big worlds, billions of small worlds, mountains, rivers, myriad things, and countless sentient beings in each world!

This is what moved Chen Xi.

A chaotic cloud encompasses all the heavens and all realms, just like the reflection of the whole world.And around the chaotic cloud, there are countless clear "Fengshentian" orders.

Does this mean that what I see in front of my eyes is not just a cloud of chaos, but the true face of the entire "world"?

Sure enough, the next moment the Supreme Leader's voice gave Chen Xi the answer he wanted: "You are not mistaken, this is the world born from the chaos of the Three Realms. After this seat controls the order of the heavens, this world has long been ruled by This seat is in control."

After a pause, a smile suddenly appeared in the voice of the Supreme Leader: "If you think this is an illusion, I can send a natural disaster right now and wipe out the fairy world."

Chen Xi couldn't help narrowing his eyes again, and said, "Erasure the fairy world? I think you won't do that."

The Supreme Leader said: "Oh, you don't believe it?"

Chen Xi said, "I don't believe it."

"Really don't believe it?"


From the eyes of ordinary people, the conversation between the two seemed extremely naive and ridiculous, like two ignorant children arguing with each other.

But it was obvious that the Supreme Leader and Chen Xi were not joking, their voices were serious and calm, simple and direct.

They all know that it is useless to cover up, and it is especially ridiculous to confront each other with words.

After all, whether it is the Supreme Leader at the moment or Chen Xi, they have all reached a state of supremacy beyond imagination.

Under such circumstances, what they are fighting for is their true Dao heart and strength!

If any more tricks are used, it will prove that the opponent's level is too low and the strength is too weak.

"Indeed, I can do it, but I won't do it. After all, what I want is more than that."

The voice of the Supreme Leader is still faint, echoing in the vast and boundless place, full of supreme majesty.

Until now, he still has not shown his real body.

But Chen Xi didn't seem to be paying attention to this, he just stared at the chaotic cloud with his eyes, and after a long silence, he said, "My master, they...are you imprisoned in it already?"

The Supreme Leader said frankly: "Not bad."

Chen Xi nodded, and asked, "Then how do you plan to deal with me?"

The Taishang leader let out a loud laugh, but his voice showed no emotion: "Little guy, you have already lost from the moment you arrived at the Land of Myriad Dao Mothers. Now that you sacrifice your life to me, it is equivalent to completing your mission!" Mission. This is the last chance I will give you."

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows and said, "What if I don't agree?"

The Taishang leader said indifferently: "It's very simple, you will experience the most unbearable pain in the world, and you will find that it is a blessing to be able to get rid of it now."

Chen Xi suddenly laughed: "After all, it's just a threat after all. If you were capable of killing me immediately, I'm afraid you would have done it already, but you just kept talking nonsense. On the contrary, it made me look down on you."

The Supreme Leader was unmoved, and said: "You are right, your Dao Xin is perfect now, it is really not easy to kill you immediately, but you will soon understand that your life and death are already preordained."

Chen Xi calmly said, "Just give it a try."

The Taishang leader smiled and said, "As you wish."

As he said that, the chaotic cloud suddenly rolled over, opening up a path that was unfathomable, like leading to the abyss of hell.

"Your master and the others are trapped in it. Whether you save them or not, you will not be able to change their fate, but you must not believe it. If this is the case, are you willing to enter it for a try?"

The Supreme Master's voice sounded again, as if he was saying something very ordinary, without a trace of disturbance.

"This is your layout?"

Chen Xi asked.


The Supreme Leader answered very straightforwardly.

"What will happen to you if I don't enter it?"

Chen Xi said.

"I will use another layout until I break through the slightest flaw in your heart, and this means that Fuxi and the others are bound to die."

The Supreme Leader said indifferently.

This is not a conspiracy, but an upright conspiracy. No matter whether Chen Xi agrees or not, it is already under the control of the Supreme Leader!

A long time ago, Chen Xi was extremely resistant to the feeling of being manipulated by others and being unable to control his fate, and it is the same now.

So at this moment, an unspeakable murderous intent surged in Chen Xi's heart.

"That's right, the Dao heart is starting to show waves."

The Supreme Leader seemed to have noticed the change in Chen Xi's mind, and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

"Do you know what I'm here for?"

Chen Xi suddenly asked.

"Kill me, save Fuxi and the others? Or control the power of origin?"

The Supreme Master said.

"No, I won't let you die. If you die, it will be too cheap for you. I'm here to tell you that since I was a child, what I hate the most is being tricked by others!"

After saying that, Chen Xi's figure flashed, and he walked into a passage that was split by the chaotic cloud, before disappearing suddenly.

And the split passage also healed as before.

"What a naive little guy. He thought that he had a complete river map, and he had already explored the illusory principles of life and death. He naturally understood that everything is silent, and there is only ruthlessness in eternity. Who would have thought that he would still be unable to escape the cage of the Taoist heart. "

In that empty and boundless area, the supreme leader's sigh of relief sounded.

Dao heart?

That's all delusion!

If you want to achieve eternity, what is the use of Taoism?

Big and empty is the essence of origin!

ps: I can’t write tonight, it’s extremely painful, I never expected that the final battle at the end would be so difficult!It is reluctance, but also a knot in the heart, always expecting perfection, always asking too much, but paranoia turns into pain.

Everyone is worried that the goldfish has a disease called Manic Anxiety, so let's change it tonight.

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