divine talisman

Chapter 226 My Junior Brother

This beautiful young man, with red lips and white teeth, is obviously a woman disguised as a man, but she has a natural charm, handsome and coquettish, with every gesture, it seems that the whole world is cheering for her demeanor, shouting, jumping for joy, peerless pair.

However, as soon as the beautiful boy's words came out, Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan felt as if they were abandoned by the world, isolated and supported, and like sinners exiled by the Dao, condemned by thousands of people, and could not escape.

Because in their eyes, the air currents, vitality, clouds between the sky and the earth, the flowers, trees, rocks, dust in the forest...everything seems to be angry, resisting themselves, repelling themselves, as if they want to tear themselves to pieces!

What kind of realm is this?

With just a few words, the laws of heaven and earth can be made to submit and be ordered by it. I wish I could go through fire and water for her and crush all the existences that make her feel unhappy! [

Seeing this beautiful boy disguised as a man, Ling Bai smiled happily and cupped his hands.

It was different from Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan. From the moment the beautiful boy appeared, he felt the spiritual power poured into his body, docile like a sheep, not only recovering the injuries in his body, but also The natal essence consumed by self-injury is also recovering at an incredible speed.

He knew that all of this came from the handwriting of Chen Xi, the "senior sister", who used the world and everything in the palm of his hand. With one thought, all things are born, and one thought is extinguished, all things are destroyed. Do whatever you want without breaking the rules!

The beautiful young man stretched out his slender green hands, pinched Ling Bai's little face, and smiled broadly, "Proud and virtuous, not bad, not bad."

Ling Bai, who had always been handsome and ruthless, showed a trace of shyness for the first time, lowered his head, as if he didn't dare to look into the beautiful boy's eyes, and murmured endlessly.

The beautiful young man grinned and rubbed Ling Bai's little head again. When she turned her head, there was no trace of a smile on her fair and innocent face, as indifferent as water. She looked at Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan for a moment, then shook her head and said: "A reincarnated body of a celestial immortal has only recovered less than one-thousandth of the memories of being a celestial fairy. A body of an evil lotus, but it has practiced the soul-devouring magic art that is full of mistakes. Where do you get your sense of superiority from?"

Seeing the beautiful young man tell the truth about himself, may the expressions of Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan, who were already terrified in their hearts, change again and become more afraid to act rashly.

Qing Xiuyi took a deep breath and said in a concentrated voice, "Who are you?"

From the beautiful boy, she felt an unshakable power, unfathomable, as if what she was facing was not a person, but a wisp of heaven's will!

This feeling was something she had never experienced before, and it was also the first time she felt hopeless since she was reincarnated and practiced.

Yes, desperate.

Even if it was her master Taoist Longhe, even if she searched through the consciousness of "celestial beings" in her mind, she couldn't find someone who could cause such terrifying pressure to her!

Junior Brother?

How could this Huang Tingjing boy have such a terrifying senior sister?Who is he...?

Qing Xiuyi couldn't figure it out.

Like Qing Xiuyi, Fan Yunlan was also panicking about the identity of the beautiful boy opposite.

The secret of Qing Xiuyi's reincarnation body as an immortal is known to the entire Great Chu Dynasty, but she is different. No one else knows her evil lotus companion body except the blood moon sect master.However, this top secret was seen through by the beautiful boy at a glance, and he even revealed that the Soul Eater Devil Art he practiced was full of mistakes and omissions. What kind of realm should he have to do this?

"Is this question interesting?" The beautiful young man frowned and said displeasedly: "You have to understand your own situation, since you thought that my little junior brother was inferior to you in any aspect, you felt that you could trample on him, hurt him, or even Take his life. Now, the situation has changed!"

Speaking of this, the beautiful boy's eyes froze, and in the dark pupils, it was like a vast starry sky suddenly emerged, in which the sun, moon and stars suddenly appeared and disappeared, and the number of evolutions of the Dao circulated endlessly in it. At the same time, her whole body It seems to be transformed into a billions of stars, with a terrifying momentum, making all the surrounding scenes seem to be turned into nothingness, and become nothingness. [

The sky sends murderous intentions, the stars change places, the earth sends murderous intentions, dragons and snakes rise from the land, people send murderous intentions, and the world turns upside down. At this moment, the beautiful young man's murderous intentions arise suddenly, as if as long as she is willing, a single thought can make Qingxiu Yi and Fan Yunlan exploded to death!

Feeling the killing intent in the void, it was like being held in the throat by a sharp sword. Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan uncontrollably felt a wave of fear rising from their hearts, and felt cold all over their bodies, like falling into an ice cave .

Their faces turned pale, their inner pride and reservedness were shattered, and their proud postures and dignified auras all collapsed one after another. They looked like quails that had been knocked down from the clouds, or phoenixes that had their feathers plucked. They looked extremely pitiful.

"Traveling you is really boring, and it doesn't give me any sense of accomplishment. If it weren't for my little brother, I wouldn't even bother to look at you. Do you know why? Because you don't deserve it. Maybe in the eyes of others, you have a halo on your head." , admired by countless people, but in my opinion, it is just a drop in the ocean, not even a hair of my junior brother."

"Do you know why I say so much? Because of your stupid behavior, I feel angry. It's really shameful to harm my little junior after taking advantage of it. Although I promised an old guy that I would not interfere in some mundane things , but since I was attracted this time, I have to make an exception and violate it once."

The beautiful boy spoke slowly, his words were plain, but like a cold blade, it cut the hearts of the two girls, making their hearts tremble and bleed.

But they couldn't refute it, because what the beautiful boy said was the truth, and because of the strength of the beautiful boy, he was qualified to speak like this!

Ling Bai watched from the side feeling relieved, and shouted happily. The two women chased Chen Xi and him before, and they spoke and behaved like queens who had the power of life and death, while Chen Xi and him became A lamb to be slaughtered, an ant to be trampled on, a fish to be taken away...

It's hard to describe one or two of the feelings of being looked at, trampled on, and life and death without personal experience.But now, the situation is reversed, the roles are reversed, Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan have become the targets of being looked at, trampled on, and killed. It is conceivable that Ling Bai feels refreshed in his heart.

"What...how do you want to deal with us?" Qing Xiuyi said slowly with a pale face.

"Of course I won't kill you guys. Although it's very simple for me, since you are lucky enough to meet me, it's also a kind of fate."

The beautiful boy's eyes fell on Chen Xi, and the coldness on his face instantly melted away, with a smile on his lips, "I can give you a chance to fight my little junior five years later, whether you live or die depends on his strength to decide. How?"

Hearing that the beautiful boy didn't intend to kill himself, Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan both secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and were immediately taken aback. Will they fight Chen Xi five years later?Let his strength decide his own life and death?

The two girls looked at each other, and the hope in their eyes became brighter and brighter. From their point of view, they might never be able to surpass the mountain of a beautiful boy, but if they faced Chen Xi, their chances of winning would undoubtedly be much easier.

The beautiful young man seemed to have seen through their thoughts, but he didn't point it out, and said in his heart: "Old guy, old guy, I let these two people go so reluctantly, I didn't interfere with the younger brother's affairs, so I shouldn't It will interfere with his practice..."


After making the oath of heaven that he would not deal with Chen Xi in the next five years, the beautiful boy immediately drove the two girls away, as if he was chasing away flies.

Seeing the two girls leaving safely, Ling Bai said unwillingly: "Hey, why didn't you kill them? You don't know how nasty they were just now!"

The beautiful boy shook his head and smiled: "You don't understand. If I intervene, wouldn't I become the same person as them? It's not good to bully others. If you want revenge, you should defeat the opponent with your own hands and use your own strength to slap the opponent hard. , that’s called refreshing.”

Ling Bai curled his lips, feeling unwilling to say: "They can bully others, why can't we?"

"Okay, when he wakes up, don't tell him about it, just remember it." The beautiful boy changed the subject, said with a smile, and stopped arguing with Ling Bai, even if what Ling Bai said, she still agrees with her heart.

Ling Bai nodded: "Don't worry, I know that you did this to make Chen Xi stronger. After all, cultivation is a matter for one person, and you must have the courage to stand alone and devour all directions, in order to become a real strong man. By."[

The beautiful young man nodded, and took a deep look at Chen Xi who was sitting cross-legged and hadn't woken up, and she didn't see any movement. The whole figure was like the light of a star, from solid to fading, until it disappeared completely.It is just like coming and going, and going and disappearing, indistinct, like the opportunity of the great way, ghosts and gods are not aware of it, and immortals and demons are not surprised.


After the beautiful boy left, Ling Bai let out a long breath of foul air, as if he had lifted a ten thousand catty boulder from his heart, feeling relaxed all over his body.

"Unexpectedly, Chen Xi's senior sister is too good. I'm afraid she might not even be a match for a celestial being, and she doesn't know how terrifying the sect behind her is. Don't dare to think about it, don't dare to think about it..."

Ling Bai sighed while looking around vigilantly.

The beautiful boy has already left, and Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan also promised not to harm Chen Xi in the past five years, but in the depths of this vast desert, especially in this weird forest, there are many threats and dangers, and there are many dangers. Have to prevent accidents from happening.

"Okay, Lingbai, I just woke up and heard about everything that happened. Besides, my strength has almost recovered, so I don't need to be afraid of others anymore." Amidst the calm voice, Chen Xi who was sitting cross-legged on the ground suddenly opened his eyes. Opening his eyes, the pupils are as deep as the starry sky, making it impossible to guess what he is thinking in his heart at the moment.

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