divine talisman

Chapter 284 Xuansha holy water

In the three trials of Qianyuan Treasure House, the top twelve who passed the first trial can each get a piece of Taoist martial arts.Chen Xi was No.4, and he chose a half-level Taoist martial art "Great Annihilation Fist". Among the remaining eight Taoist martial arts, one of them was "Snow Lion Sound Wave Kung Fu".

And as far as Chen Xi knew, these eight Taoist martial arts were obtained by Lin Moxuan, Man Hong, An Qianyu, Pei Zhong, Xiao Linger, Wang Daoxu, Xue Chen and Yue Qi respectively.

At this time, at the auction of Tianbao Building in Maple Leaf City, "Snow Lion Sound Wave Art" unexpectedly appeared, and Chen Xi was reminded of these eight people in an instant.

"It should be Lin Moxuan who put it up for auction. This place is the territory of the Huangtian Daozong, and he is the golden core disciple of the Huangtian Daozong. Who else is it?" Chen Xi quickly deduced that this "Snow Lion Who is the original owner of "Sound Wave Art", but what makes him strange is why did Lin Moxuan sell a Taoist martial arts?

"You took Lin Moxuan's Huang Tian Dao sword away, which was a great shame to Huang Tian Dao Sect, and then Zhao Zimei, the patriarch of the land fairyland, returned from Liuyun Sword Sect, full of anger and nowhere to vent, so I will take care of everything." Venting on Lin Moxuan puts his position in the sect in jeopardy."

Yaqing seemed to see Chen Xi's thoughts, and said with a smile: "Nowadays, the support of Huang Tian Dao Sect for him has also been greatly weakened, and it is impossible to get another magic weapon of the same grade as Huang Tian Dao Sword, so I have to bear the pain and sell it. Lose the Snow Lion's sound wave skills, so that I can buy a top-grade magic weapon at the lower level, and prepare for the Stars Conference a year later."

Only then did Chen Xi suddenly realize, thinking about it, the lack of a magic weapon would have a great impact on his strength. Lin Moxuan wanted to get a ranking in the Stars Conference, so he had to sell the Snow Lion's sound wave skill to buy a new magic weapon.

Immediately, Chen Xi glanced at Yaqing, and couldn't help but secretly startled in his heart, Tianbaolou was indeed powerful, as if no news in the world could escape their collection.

"The opening price for this Taoist martial arts book is [-] Congealing Pills, and each bidding price must not be lower than [-] Congealing Pills!" Seeing the lively atmosphere at the scene, Du Feiyu handed over the reserve price without losing the opportunity.

Immediately, the atmosphere at the scene became much quieter. Many people looked at the dark golden jade slip and swallowed their mouths, but their thoughts of asking for a price were extinguished in their hearts.

What is the concept of one hundred thousand baby condensing pills?

Chen Xi sold a Nine Mang Dinggan Cauldron, which was the top-grade magic weapon inherited from Prince Rui's Mansion, and it was only sold for this price. One can imagine how astonishing the price is.Not particularly wealthy Jindan realm monks, the entire net worth is only more than [-] Congealing Infant Pills.

"If the price is right, I can try to take pictures of this Snow Lion Sound Wave Art." Chen Xi was thoughtful. When he was in the Qianyuan Treasure House, he was a little tempted by the Snow Lion Sound Wave Art, but at that time he could only choose one. He had no choice but to choose the Great Annihilation Fist, after all, the Great Annihilation Fist made him more satisfied.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi is tempted? But this jade slip doesn't have 50 Congealing Pills, so I'm afraid I won't be able to take it down." Yaqing said.

"It's too expensive." Chen Xi pondered for a moment, then shook his head, his thoughts suddenly went out.

Sure enough, what happened next was exactly as Yaqing said.

"One hundred thousand and one thousand!" Someone finally couldn't hold back and shouted, the voice was sharp and arrogant, and it came from the VIP room.

Although he couldn't see who it was, Chen Xi instantly heard that it was the second young master of the Sikong family, Sikong Hua, three days ago. It was unexpected that this domineering and arrogant fellow had so much wealth, one hundred and one thousand Congealing Pills, Just shouting out like this, it can be seen that there is a huge financial support behind it.

"One hundred and five thousand!" From the VIP room on the other side, came a voice as cold as iron, revealing a hint of reservedness and pride.

"This is Su Jiankong, another disciple of Huangtian Daozong, who is also a genius at the Jindan stage. After Lin Moxuan lost power, Huangtian Daozong began to support him. It is said that he will be with Lin Moxuan at the Stars Conference , Comparing with each other, we can tell from this that the relationship between the two is also tense."

As she spoke, Yaqing stretched out her plain hand and pinched the magic formula, a figure was reflected in the void, dressed in white over snow, with a stern expression, but the brows were full of beauty, and there was a faint unfathomable feeling on her body, as if the yellow sky was thick and earthy General congealed taste.

"It's really extraordinary." Chen Xi looked at it, then looked away, but he was amazed at Yaqing's technique in his heart. If he read correctly, it should be a kind of mirage magic trick, which can condense all kinds of magic tricks with true essence. thing.

"11 million!"



"50 million!"

As soon as Su Jiankong's quotation was dropped, a series of quotations rang out at the auction site, soaring again and again, making the atmosphere of the entire auction site extremely hot.

"55!" Soon, Su Jiankong once again quoted a price that shocked everyone in the audience without hesitation!Such a price is enough to buy a heavenly magic weapon!

The audience was silent.

In the end, this snow lion sound wave skill was bought by Su Jiankong.


In a VIP room, Lin Moxuan, who was dressed in black, slammed the wine glass in his hand, his handsome face was twisted and livid, "Bastard, Su Jiankong, are you challenging my position?"

Although Snow Lion's sound wave skills were sold at a sky-high price, Lin Moxuan would rather be bought by others at a lower price than be bought by his opponent Su Jiankong.

This is related to his status in Huangtian Daozong. He is so poor that he pawns Taoist martial arts, but he spends a lot of money and deliberately buys his own things. Isn't this a slap in the face?

"Damn it, Chen Xi, Su Jiankong, you all deserve to die. If it weren't for you, how could I have fallen to this level? Just wait, I will definitely kill you at the Stars Conference!!" Lin Moxuan's eyes were icy cold, A sound like the roar of a wild animal came out of his throat.

Chen Xi was completely unaware of this, and he was even a little bit dumbfounded in his heart. Both were disciples of the Huangtian Dao Sect, one lost power and the other gained favor, and the competition between them actually appeared at the auction, which showed how bad their relationship had become.

The main event at the opening of the auction conference was a piece of Taoist martial arts snow lion sound wave skill that was bought, and the next treasure that appeared on the stage was three large purple-gold gourds, which contained Xuansha holy water.

This water can cleanse the meridians, temper the body, and make the physical strength undergo a radical change. It has an incredible effect on the body cultivator.

Although this thing is a good thing, among the cultivators here, there are very few body refiners, accounting for less than [-]%. .

So after going through a round of not-so-intense bidding, the Three Gourd Xuansha Holy Water was bought by Chen Xi at a price of [-] Congealing Infant Pills.

"It's a good thing. When I refine my body and advance to the Golden Core Realm, it may be able to benefit my body." After paying [-] Infant Condensing Pills, Chen Xi got the Xuansha Holy Water, looked it over in a hurry, and realized that Seeing the huge power contained in it, I was overjoyed.

He originally came here for the Xuanyan Melting Void Pill, in order to make it easier for Qi refining and cultivation to advance to the Golden Core Realm, but he didn't expect to be able to buy Xuansha Holy Water, which is also beneficial to the body refinement and cultivation of the Advanced Golden Core Realm. It has a great tonic effect, which may be regarded as an unexpected surprise.

"Master, look! The mace auctioned below is actually an extremely high-grade magic weapon!" Mu Kui said suddenly, it turned out that in the auction house, the auction of the third treasure has already started.

It was a seven-foot-long magic weapon with a pitch-black body and countless sharp thorns on its surface. It was rough and simple in shape, but it was filled with a ferocious and brutal aura, which made one's scalp tingle when one looked at it from a distance. Dare to imagine what kind of terrifying lethality this thing will cause if it is used with all its strength.

Chen Xi was startled, and noticed a trace of longing in Mu Kui's eyes. He patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "Do you want this magic weapon of mace as a weapon?"

Mu Kui hesitated for a moment, but still nodded fiercely.

"Okay, I'll help you take a picture." Chen Xi said, Mu Kui has always followed him, loyal, and that kind of respect for him from the bottom of his heart moved him very much. He is also willing to help Mu Kui buy it.

"This mace is a magic weapon. Its grade is at the top of the earth. It is an inheritance of the Iron Banner Sect, a sect that has become extinct 3000 years ago. This treasure is made of nine-day mixed iron and weighs one hundred thousand catties. Breaking mountains and breaking ground, its destructive power is astonishing, and it was also a well-known fierce soldier back then. The opening price is [-] Ningying Pills, and each increase should not be less than [-]." After Du Feiyu introduced this magic weapon of the mace, he immediately reported Offered a low price.

When everyone heard the price, they also nodded secretly, knowing that Du Feiyu didn't overreport it. Although this treasure is an unpopular weapon, it is extremely ferocious. It will undoubtedly be even more powerful if used in the hands of some monks who practice domineering techniques.

Mu Kui needed this item, so Chen Xi was not polite, and immediately quoted a price, saying, "Sixty thousand!"

As soon as the price came out, there was an uproar immediately, and the sudden addition of [-] Ningying Pills was indeed shocking. After all, this Ningying Pill is not a jelly bean, and it is not for anyone who wants to have it.Some monks are afraid that they will not be able to get [-] Congealing Pills in their lifetime.

Chen Xi's move can be said to be a head start.

"Sixty-one thousand!" After a brief silence, there was a quotation from the other side of the VIP room.

"Sixty-five thousand!"

"Sixty-eight thousand!"

Soon, more and more monks started quoting. After all, treasures such as the top-grade magic weapon of the earth rank are difficult to buy even in the market. They belong to the kind that has a price but no market. I can see it, so no one wants to miss this opportunity.

"One hundred thousand!" Chen Xi made another offer without hesitation.

At this moment, everyone present could see that Chen Xi was bound to win this treasure, and it would be meaningless to fight any longer. Immediately, most of them gave up bidding unwillingly.

"Is there anyone who increases the price? If not, this item will belong to the fellow Taoist in the VIP room." Du Feiyu asked in a deep voice.

"11!" Just when everyone thought that the final decision was about to be made, a hoarse and gloomy voice suddenly sounded, like a gust of wind. Hearing this voice, everyone present had a chilly feeling.

"It's troublesome, this person is the young master of the Sikong family, Sikonghen, he is the most difficult person, as long as the things he targets, they can't escape his control." Yaqing said with a frown on the side.

Sikong mark?

Chen Xi was startled, and suddenly remembered that in Wandu Mountain, this person snatched a Moyu Blood Lotus under his nose, and even injured Qin Yuwei with poison.

"Hmph, you dare to go against me everywhere. Although it is unintentional, it is unforgivable!" Chen Xi was furious in his heart, but his face was extremely calm. He quoted another price, "12!"

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