divine talisman

Chapter 305 2 women

Early the next morning, it was just dawn.

After Chen Xi and Mu Kui washed up, they left the inn.At this moment, Qingzhou City is already crowded with people. Countless monks are walking through the spacious streets, like a black torrent, converging in the same direction.

Without asking for directions, Chen Xi followed the crowds to the center of Qingzhou City. There was a lake covering thousands of kilometers. At this moment, an incomparably grand arena had already been built on top of that lake, with eighteen rings standing on top of it.

This venue covers the entire lake, enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people to watch the battle. It is paved with hard basalt steel, and the surface is even covered with countless defensive formations by the talisman master, which is enough to block the attacks of the monks in the underworld.

And those eighteen arenas are also extremely hard, for competitions, there is absolutely no fear of power leakage or collapse.

At this moment, the entire venue was already full of crowds, and as far as the eye could see, there were black and dense crowds of people's heads, and the loud sound waves spread into the sky, causing the clouds to disperse.

"Hmph, so what after the first round of one-on-one competition? For most experts, it may be easy to win ten consecutive victories, and it is also possible to win twenty consecutive victories. It is not so easy to win thirty consecutive victories."

"That's true. As the number of victories increases, the moves, cultivation, martial arts realm, and fighting habits are all clearly grasped. Another master of the same level is enough to defeat him."

"In this way, isn't it too difficult to win a hundred consecutive victories?"

"It's not just difficult, it's even harder than going to the blue sky. I heard some older generation monks say that in the previous Golden Pond Conference, it would be good if there were two or three hundred consecutive victories."

"Ah, I heard that monks who have won a hundred consecutive victories are enough to be ranked among the top [-] in the Stars Conference a year later. Based on this calculation, the monks who can win the top [-] in the Stars Conference are all a bunch of perverts?"

"Who says it's not? After all, the most indispensable thing in this world is genius."

While queuing up and listening to everyone's discussions, Chen Xi didn't feel any disturbance in his heart. His goal was by no means limited to the Golden Pond Conference or the Stars Conference, and these words didn't affect his state of mind at all.

Soon, Chen Xi followed the entrance passage and entered the venue of the Golden Pond Conference.

As far as the eye can see, the eighteen arenas are surrounded by an arch-shaped auditorium. At this moment, the auditorium is already filled with black and dense crowds.

It wasn't too late for Chen Xi to come, but the seats in front and in the middle were already filled, and only the most remote seats were left vacant.

The location here is actually very particular, the location is good, you can see the game on the ring in all directions, you won't miss any highlights, and you have the opportunity to learn many useful things, such as fighting skills, fighting strategies, etc. Wait.

But Chen Xi didn't care about these things. He looked around, and was about to find a remote place to sit down, when he suddenly saw a woman waving at him in the front seat.

This woman was dressed in black, with black eyebrows and starry eyes, snow-like skin, and a delicate face. There was a hint of self-confidence and wisdom between the smooth and round brows. She was Yaqing from Tianbaolou.

"Why are you here?" Chen Xi walked over and asked in surprise.

"Are you only allowed to come? Sit down quickly." Yaqing pointed to the empty seat next to her, as if it was specially reserved for Chen Xi.

"Master, please sit down, just find another vacant seat." Mu Kui had good eyesight, and before he could finish speaking, he had disappeared into the crowd.

Chen Xi naturally sat down unceremoniously, looked around, and said with a smile, "This place is not bad, it's in the center, and the view is wide enough to clearly see the details of the competitions on the eighteen arenas."

Speaking of this, he turned his head and asked, "By the way, you also participated in the competition?"

"No, I just passed by here to take a look, and then I ran into you, do you think it's a coincidence?" Yaqing smiled slightly, her cherry lips were slightly pursed, her white teeth were half exposed, charming and charming.

"It's really a coincidence." Chen Xi nodded.

"So, this is called fate. God arranged for me to meet you, and no one can change it." Yaqing looked directly at Chen Xi, her starry eyes were rippling, and it was difficult to understand the meaning.

"Cough cough." On the other side of Yaqing, the ordinary-looking Xin Huan, who looked dull, couldn't help coughing dryly after hearing this, and secretly cursed in her heart, "This woman can't even open her eyes when she tells lies." In the blink of an eye, no one knew that Chen Xi was participating in the Golden Pond Conference, so they rushed here overnight..."

Chen Xi was a bit overwhelmed. He felt that there were too many meanings in this sentence, and it was easy to make people fantasize about it, so he could only change the subject, looked at Xin Huan in surprise, and said, "Who is this?"

"Oh, one of my guards, just pretend he doesn't exist." Yaqing smiled, but she gave Xin Huan a hard look in her eyes, as if blaming him for interrupting her "good business".

Chen Xi smiled, and didn't say any more, how could he fail to see that this ordinary-looking middle-aged man was actually a hidden master?But if Yaqing didn't say anything, he couldn't ask more questions.

"Your opponent in the first round is a man named Qiuyan. This guy is too hateful. He said bad things about you in Qionghua Restaurant last night. You have to teach him a good lesson." Yaqing said with a smile: "Besides, I bet [-] Congealing Pills on you, if you lose, you will pay me back!"

Chen Xi was stunned and said, "I don't seem to have asked you to bet on me, did I?"

"Then what do you mean, you won't pay me back if you lose?" Ya Qing bit her cherry lips lightly and said pitifully.

"I will compensate you, of course." Chen Xi sighed, he was speechless, what happened to this woman?How can you think of a normal person, just like a spoiled child.

"Are you sure you want to compensate me?" Yaqing deliberately bit the word "compensation" very hard.

"Compensation!" Chen Xi didn't realize it, and nodded his head.


"Willingly." Chen Xi had a bit of a headache, and asked doubtfully, "You...what's the matter?"

"Knowing that you are willing to accompany me, I am very happy." Yaqing said with a chuckle, her starry eyes blinked, her charming and glamorous style made everyone around stunned and lost their minds.

Chen Xi immediately realized that Gu Jing Bubo's heart was inexplicably fluctuating. This feeling made him a little uncomfortable, he hesitated to speak, he really didn't know what to say.

"Hey, Chen Xi, you're here too, what a coincidence." Right at this moment, a quiet ding-dong sound came from next to my ear, and immediately a man was wearing a light blue dress, with black silk in a bun, with picturesque eyebrows and a beautiful face. Yingying, a beautiful woman, came over.

"Miss Zhen?" Chen Xi asked in surprise. This woman is Zhen Liuqing. When he was in the Qianyuan Treasure House, he had a relationship with him once, but because they were not familiar with each other, they had never communicated with each other. The same stranger, but did not expect that she would take the initiative to greet him.

What surprised Chen Xi most was that Zhen Liuqing actually sat down on the right side of him. There was originally a cultivator sitting here, but at this moment, there was no trace of him.

In this way, Chen Xi had Yaqing on the left and Zhen Liuqing on the right, forming a tendency of hugging left and right, and they were still two big beauties with different temperaments, but both were enough to be called stunning beauties.This scene again attracted countless envious and jealous eyes from all around. With those eyes, I wish I could kill Chen Xi, and then put myself on top...

"Zhen Liuqing, Donghai Yange?" On the other side, Yaqing brushed the hair beside her ear, and regained her graceful and confident appearance.

"Oh, you recognize me?" Zhen Liuqing asked in surprise.

"If I didn't recognize you, I would have sent you away." Yaqing smiled lightly, she didn't know if she was joking or said that on purpose.

Zhen Liuqing was stunned, and said with a hoarse smile: "I have the same experience as you now, but I know Chen Xi, so I didn't do it."

"Oh, it seems we have the same idea." Yaqing said in surprise.

"It's different." Zhen Liuqing seriously explained: "You know me, that's why you didn't dare to blow me away, and I know Chen Xi, that's why I didn't go to blow you away. There is a huge difference between the two understandings."

"You think I dare not do this?" Ya Qing smiled leisurely.

"Do you dare?" Zhen Liuqing asked back.

The smell of gunpowder is full!

Hearing the tit-for-tat confrontation between these two women, Chen Xi felt quite inexplicable, why did he choke for no reason?Could it be that some unpleasant things happened to the two of them before?

That's not right, judging from Yaqing's tone, it's obvious that she and Zhen Liuqing had nothing to do before.

Could it be because of... me?

Chen Xi was taken aback by his absurd idea, and quickly gathered his attention, looking at his nose and nose, and acting like an old monk. It was better for him not to intervene in this kind of confrontation between two women.

However, she didn't want anything to happen, but she just happened to happen. The next moment, Yaqing took the blame on Chen Xi and asked with a smile, "Chen Xi, do you think I dare to do this?"

Chen Xi secretly sighed in his heart, he is here to participate in the Golden Pool Conference today, not to be a referee...

"I'll answer you for him." Zhen Liuqing glanced at Chen Xi, and said, "He must be thinking of a way to get the best of both worlds. Maybe you don't want to hear this kind of answer."

"Who asked you to answer?" At this moment, Yaqing finally became a little annoyed, and glared at Zhen Liuqing. The next moment, her eyes turned to Chen Xi, "I just want to hear what you have to say."

Chen Xi pondered over and over again, and then slowly said: "Miss Zhen and I have met for the second time, and this is the first time we have spoken."

The answer was irrelevant, but in Yaqing's ears, the shame and anger on her face were swept away, and her spirit became bright and radiant.

On the side, Zhen Liuqing's expression was calm and peaceful, but her eyes were slightly dim.

"Of course, this is also the second time I've met you, Miss Yaqing." Chen Xi didn't look at Yaqing's face, and said to himself, "Okay, I've finished what I should say, it's time to go to the competition, here, then The monk who presides over the ring competition is calling my name."

After speaking, Chen Xi stood up and walked towards a ring.

Yaqing and Zhen Liuqing were startled at the same time, and they listened carefully. Isn't Chen Xi's name being called on the ring in the distance?

The two of them looked at each other, feeling very annoyed in their hearts. In order to quarrel with a woman with a nasty mouth, they forgot to pay attention to the surrounding situation. It really shouldn't be...


ps: Talk about love, talk about love, let me relax when I have a cold, and enrich Xiao Xixi's love life, or he will become a killer who fights monsters and upgrades...

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