divine talisman

Chapter 313 Dragon Soul Jade Pendant

Thanks to the brother "Little Spark" for the support of the 4 precious monthly tickets cast!Thank you!


Whoosh whoosh!

Under the gazes of many gazes, Young Master Zhou, An Qianyu, Wang Daoxu, and Su Chan stepped on the void one by one, their movements were like lightning, their aura was overpowering, like heaven and man, they plundered towards the arena from different directions.Just that sassy and beautiful posture drew bursts of applause from the audience.

But the most surprising thing is the next scene, these four top young powerhouses have surprisingly the same goal, they all fly towards the third ring together.

On the third ring, isn't it Chen Xi?Could it be that they all want to challenge Chen Xi?

Everyone present was in an uproar, and they almost couldn't believe their eyes. How could Chen Xi cause the four top experts to fight?

"Aren't you a bit of a bully?" Someone said weakly.

"Bullying? This is a challenge competition. According to the rules, as long as you stand on the ring, anyone can challenge it. Master and the others made their move on Thursday. It is in line with the rules. How can you call it bullying?" someone retorted.

"But Chen Xi has just gone through a fierce battle, and his physical strength has been exhausted. If he challenges him at this time, even if he wins, it will be dishonorable, right?"

"Hmph, these little people don't need to worry about these things. Since the rules of the Golden Pool Conference are stipulated in this way, there must be a deep meaning. Perhaps this is also to tell the world that it is not easy to win a hundred consecutive victories. The [-]-game winning streak is well-deserved due to the blocking of masters."

"Too much deceit! How could these guys do this!" On the other side of the auditorium, Yaqing's brows were erected with hatred, her almond eyes were wide open, and she wanted to breathe fire.

Zhen Liuqing closed the hair beside her ear, and said in a deep voice, "Things are not as you and I thought. If my guess is correct, Chen Xi's sword just now has completely ignited their fighting spirit on Thursday. Perhaps in their view, Being able to fight Chen Xi will greatly benefit one's own strength."

Speaking of this, Zhen Liuqing couldn't help but smile, "This also fully shows that in their eyes, Chen Xi has become an opponent worthy of equal treatment. After going through the upcoming battle, regardless of success or failure, Chen Xi's name will be Spread the voice to Qingzhou, and be recognized by the entire Central Plains practice community."

"According to what you say, Chen Xi should feel honored instead?" Yaqing frowned and said, "If it's a fair competition, I can accept it, but how does it look like a fair competition?"

"This is the rule of the Golden Pond Conference. How can it be so simple to win a hundred consecutive victories?" Zhen Liuqing said indifferently, "Actually, you and I don't have to worry at all. Perhaps Chen Xi is eager for these people to challenge him."

"How do you say that?" Yaqing asked.

Zhen Liuqing said meaningfully: "Didn't you see that Chen Xi didn't seem to have exerted his full strength until he defeated Jiyue?"

Yaqing recalled the battle just now, and she really found that no matter how powerful Jiyue's attack was from the beginning to the end, Chen Xi seemed to be extremely casual, without the slightest sense of tension as if he was facing a big enemy. What does this mean? In his heart, Ji Yue's strength can't bring him any threat at all!

Thinking of this, the worries and anger in Yaqing's heart were swept away, and an intoxicating smile appeared on her lips unconsciously.

On the third ring.

Those white-haired talisman formation masters were still on the ground repairing the damaged defensive formations on the ring, while Chen Xi stood by the side, watching with relish.

For a long time, he has been groping alone in the study of Talisman, and he has never seen the methods of other Talisman Masters. Now, after a little observation, he found a lot of things worth learning, such as how to use the Talisman The disk and the formation flag make the strength of the formation base play to the best state.For example, how to cooperate with various formations can achieve a perfect fit, making it look like it came from a formation...

Perhaps the level of these talisman masters is not as good as his, but the experience they have is worth learning and learning from. Threesomes must have my teacher, that's the reason.

Chen Xi also noticed the arrival of Young Master, An Qianyu, Wang Daoxu, and Su Chan on Thursday, and apart from being a little surprised, he had no other superfluous thoughts.

His idea is very simple. Since it is a challenge, someone must come to challenge him. If others can come, Master Thursday and the others can naturally come, as long as they are treated equally. Anyway, I came here this time just to test myself to advance to Jindan The strength after the environment, the more masters the better.

All in all, only by confronting masters can one recognize one's own strength, isn't it?

Compared to Chen Xi's indifferent state of mind, the relationship between Young Master Zhou, An Qianyu, Wang Daoxu, and Su Chan was full of undercurrents and gunpowder.

They were all very surprised, they never expected that the other three would have the same idea as theirs, wanting to fight Chen Xi at this moment.But after being surprised, there is a silent competition.

As we all know, these four people are all popular figures in this Golden Pool Conference. The strength of each of them should not be underestimated, and even surpassed many contestants. Naturally, the harmony will not go anywhere.

"It seems that you all want to fight Chen Xi, but Zhou feels that if any of us step into the ring now, even if we win against Chen Xi, it would be unfair. What do you think?" The young master on Thursday shook the jade fan in his hand, Sweeping his eyes over the other three, Yoyo said, his voice was calm, but with an intimidating spirit that made people have to listen.

"Indeed, Chen Xi has already gone through 41 battles, so his physical strength must have been exhausted. If we go to challenge again, it will be a bit invincible, and we have a certain identity." An Qianyu nodded and said.

"Then Master Zhou has any good suggestions?" Wang Daoxu said from the side.

Young Master Thursday smiled slightly, clapped the jade fan in his hand, and said: "Zhou has indeed a proposal, which can not only solve this problem, but also decide who will challenge Chen Xi first."

This time, not only Wang Daoxu, but also An Qianyu showed interest. Only Su Chan stood indifferently, staring at Chen Xi on the ring with cold eyes, as if apart from Chen Xi, everything around him could not attract his attention. interest.

"It's very simple. Didn't Chen Xi win 41 victories? Then you and I also won 41 victories. How about challenging Chen Xi again?" Young Master Thursday said, "Whoever achieves this first will be the first!" One challenged Chen Xi, and the others followed in order, so wouldn't all problems be solved?"

"That's fine." An Qianyu nodded. This was indeed fair and solved the problem of the order of challenging Chen Xi. It couldn't be better.

"However, I still have a question." Wang Daoxu frowned and said, "If the first person to challenge Chen Xi is defeated, the other three will probably give Chen Xi some time to recover his strength, right? What's the difference?"

The young master on Thursday was stunned, and said dumbly: "If I was the first to play, I would definitely not let Chen Xi continue to win, so the problem you are worried about should not happen."

What an arrogant guy, he thought he could be the first to achieve 41 consecutive victories, and thus be the first to challenge Chen Xi and defeat Chen Xi?

Both An Qianyu and Wang Daoxu frowned.

"Forget it, in order to make you feel at ease, how about I take out a dragon soul jade pendant as a bet?" Master Zhou sighed, and took out a jade pendant that was full of blood and glamorous.

This piece of jade pendant is only the size of a palm. As soon as it appeared in the air, an astonishingly majestic dragon aura gushed out. Yes, it was indeed a dragon aura. A phantom of a real dragon was conjured up in it, roaming proudly, shaking the void, and the vision was astonishing.

"Dragon Soul Jade Pendant! It is said that it contains a trace of the blood and soul of the ancient beast Canglong. Wearing it on the body will prevent all evils from invading and prevent all diseases. It also has a mysterious beneficial effect on cultivation. Inside, it seems that only the royal family owns this treasure." An Qianyu's eyes narrowed, and he said in surprise, as if he couldn't believe that Master Zhou actually took out this thing as a bet.

"That's right, it's exactly this thing." Young Master Thursday smiled lightly, playing with the Dragon Soul Jade Pendant in his palm, and said leisurely: "Of the four of us, whoever can challenge Chen Xi first will get this thing. Of course, If I am the No.1 who challenges Chen Xi, if the battle fails, this item will belong to Chen Xi. If he owns this item, as long as he absorbs the blood essence of the dragon soul within it, his physical strength will definitely recover within a cup of tea. In the best condition, no matter who challenges him again, there will be no invincible situation. What do you think of Zhou doing this?"


Taking out a Dragon Soul Jade Pendant as a bet not only proves that these four young masters are rich and powerful, but also shows that he has extremely strong confidence in his own strength, otherwise he would never have taken out a Dragon Soul Jade Pendant as a joke.

Under such circumstances, An Qianyu and Wang Daoxu didn't hesitate any longer, they immediately agreed.

Only Su Chan was left, and he remained silent from the beginning to the end. Even Master Zhou took out treasures such as the Dragon Soul Jade Pendant as bets, but he didn't attract his attention.

"Why, you don't agree? Do you want to go your own way?" Master Zhou frowned, his eyes flickered with cold electricity, and he glanced directly at Su Chan.

An Qianyu and Wang Daoxu also showed displeasure, and looked over coldly, with a hint of a strong sense of threat.In terms of status and strength, they are not inferior to Su Chan from Zhanwangfu. How can they tolerate him ruining everyone's good deeds?

Feeling the naked threat of the three, although Su Chan is extremely confident in his current strength, he also understands that once he bluntly expresses his disapproval, he will be jointly suppressed by the three of them. The palace is completely unbearable for relying on it.

After being silent for a while, Su Chan nodded unwillingly, and squeezed out a voice from between his teeth: "Okay, let's see, who among us will defeat Chen Xi first!"

"It's so bold, it's like what a real martial artist would say." Young Master Thursday laughed loudly, then glanced at the other rings, and said: "Except for the No. 41 ring where Chen Xi is, there are seventeen other rings , let’s pick one each, and see who wins [-] consecutive victories first!”

"Get started!"

As soon as the words were finished, the four of them rushed towards the other arenas. They all wanted to choose the first person to challenge Chen Xi at the first moment.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi in the arena finally came to his senses, touched his nose, and said to himself, "Unexpectedly, I have become a favorite of everyone..."


In the auditorium, Yaqing couldn't help laughing anymore, her eyes were like a pair of crescent moons, she giggled and said, "This guy is such a jerk, I still have the mood to make fun of myself at this time."

Zhen Liuqing on the side couldn't help but smile, her starry eyes were scorching bright like a lake, and she said, "From this, it can be seen that Chen Xi is still very confident about the upcoming fierce battle, let's wait and see."

At this time, everyone in the auditorium also understood that they were also extremely interested in Master Thursday's proposal, and they all opened their eyes wide, wanting to see who could be the first to challenge Chen Xi.

However, at this moment, an unexpected scene happened.On the second ring, after defeating his opponent, Hua Mobei from the Biyuan Immortal Island in the East China Sea jumped down and came to Chen Xi's ring, cupped his hands and said: "Brother Chen, take this opportunity, how about Shall we learn from each other first?"

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