divine talisman

Chapter 319

Thank you brother "Drunk Blue Sky" for your support and reward!Thanks!


Songyan City, Chen family.

Today's Chen family mansion has been expanded nearly ten times.Inside, there are palaces and buildings lined up in row upon row, pavilions, terraces and buildings are hidden among green bamboos and cypresses, small bridges and flowing water can be seen everywhere, corridors and rockeries, green lakes inside, flying cranes flying in the clouds, mountains outside, vines hanging cornices, the scenery is picturesque, It's like a fairyland, so beautiful.

Even the servants and maidservants of the Chen family are wrapped in brocade clothes and are full of energy, which is different from other families.

Now almost all the monks in Songyan City know that the Chen family is number one in terms of the mansion's sturdiness and strength.

This earth-shaking change only happened in just a few months. The reason is very simple. Today, the Chen family controls all the resources in the entire Nanman deep mountain, the spiritual veins, spiritual mines, spiritual materials, and spiritual medicines within a range of one hundred thousand miles. ...The value is astonishing, and the wealth it brings to the Chen family is endless, like running water.

With the support of such strong financial resources, it is difficult for the Chen family not to rise.

Nowadays, not only the merchants in Songyan City, but also many chambers of commerce in other major cities in southern Xinjiang beyond Songyan City came to negotiate business with the Chen family and seek cooperation.

For example, Tianbaolou, which has power throughout the Great Chu Dynasty, even signed a long-term cooperation agreement with the Chen family. The Chen family will supply various materials, while Tianbaolou will deliver various sophisticated equipment and magic weapons to the Chen family.

It can be said that the current Chen family is not an exaggeration to say that they are making money by sitting on the ground.

The wealth is strong, and the power of the family is also rising at a rapid pace.Now the Chen family has 1 disciples with foreign surnames, of which [-] elite disciples are in charge of guarding the Chen family's mansion, and the other [-] disciples are looking after and running various businesses of the Chen family.

Of course, the cultivation base of these appearance disciples is not very high. Considering the future development of the Chen family, Chen Hao has also asked people to recruit a group of young children with the highest aptitude, understanding, and loyalty from all directions. Bai, intending to spend a lot of effort and money to train these young children to become the backbone of the Chen family in the future.

Although the Chen family doesn't have any masters now, Liuyun Sword Sect will send some Nirvana-level elders every three months to sit in the Chen family to deter the younger generation. After three months, another group of Nirvana-level elders will come.

So today's Chen family does not lack masters, and with the presence of these Nirvana-level elders, they have helped the Chen family resolve several difficulties invisibly.

After all, in today's world, there are too many people who are blinded by interests, and there are also many bandits and bandits. The Chen family is flourishing and its wealth is increasing day by day. In the eyes of these people, it undoubtedly becomes an extremely fat piece of meat, which is like taking a bite.With these Nirvana-level monks sitting in command, coupled with the Liuyun Sword Sect's signature, all these unstable factors were indirectly killed in the bud.

All in all, the current Chen family is rising and growing at an astonishing speed. For a long time, there will be no internal or external troubles.

Even Bei Heng, the Grand Elder of Liuyun Sword Sect, predicted that according to this momentum, the Chen family would be able to keep pace with the six major sects and five major families of Longyuan City in less than a hundred years, completely surpassing other major forces in southern Xinjiang.

Today's Chen family is very lively, it can even be said to be the busiest day in recent years.

The lords of the major forces in Songyan City, some respected people outside Songyan City, the principals of the major chambers of commerce in southern Xinjiang, several elders of Liuyun Sword Sect, and the leaders of the major demon cultivators in the deep mountains of Nanman are all here. Today, carrying valuable gifts, or in groups of three or two, or in groups of four or five, they came towards Chen's house one after another.

Early in the morning, the sky above Songyan City was covered by various escaping lights, flying magic weapons, and spiritual bird mounts. The scene was extremely magnificent and extremely noisy.

The reason is very simple. The astonishing news that Chen Xi won a hundred consecutive victories in the Golden Pond Conference has spread throughout the entire southern border, and it is no longer a secret that Chen Xi was born in the Chen family of Songyan City.So these monks, forces, and chambers of commerce related to the Chen family, why don't they come to pay their respects?

"Ning Daofu, the head of Songyan Academy, and Ye Qiu, the head of Maple Leaf Academy, are here! The two seniors will give you a copy of the thousand-year-old Emerald Heart Lotus and a copy of the Jiuqu Blood Spirit Ginseng."

"Baibaozhai in Lanhai City, Ruyifang in Yuhua City, Jubao Temple in Wanxiao City... All the stewards are here! Here are a copy of Xuanjing Zimu Tie, a copy of Bixiao Linglong Pill, and a piece of earth-level magic weapon Chiyun Sword." share……"

"Ah, Senior Xuanjing, Senior Qingqiu, you're here too, please! Please! Hey, what kind of gift are you getting? If you let the Patriarch know about this, you must scold me severely...Success, as you said , this little baby will definitely be delivered to Master Chen Yu himself."

Xiao Nu led a group of servants, and one of them stood outside the vermilion gate for a long time, welcoming the guests, their cheeks were stiff when they smiled, and their voices were hoarse when they shouted, but the excitement and pride in their hearts were getting stronger and stronger. It is also a very fulfilling thing for the members of the Chen family to receive so many distinguished guests.

The Chen family's mansion was already full of dignitaries and friends at this moment, guests gathered, banquets were arranged, and the sound of chatting, laughing and drinking was everywhere, and of course the most talked about things were about Chen Xi.

The main hall of the Chen family, those who can sit in the main hall of the Chen family are naturally the most prominent among the crowd. Fei Lengcui is sitting in the main hall, entertaining these distinguished guests, but Chen Hao is not there. People have criticism and dissatisfaction.

After all, Fei Lengcui is not only Chen Hao's wife, she is also a quite famous disciple of Liuyun Sword Sect back then, plus Chen Xi's relationship, who in the room would dare to underestimate her?

"Sister and sister, is that boy Chen Hao in trouble? Why isn't he coming?" In the end, there was still someone who couldn't hold back his curiosity. This person was the old Turtle King Xuanjing, and it was most appropriate for him to ask this question .

Fei Lengcui shook her head, her expression filled with endless joy and sadness, extremely complicated, and said: "He and Yu'er went to the mourning hall, and they said that they would also tell grandpa about the matter of big brother Chen Xi."

Everyone fell silent.

Most of them knew Chen Tianli, and knew that it was this old man who single-handedly brought up Chen Xi and Chen Hao brothers. At that time, the Chen family was wiped out and impoverished. The life of the grandpa and grandson was not only hard-pressed, but also suffered a lot of ridicule and criticism. It can be said that it is difficult to ridicule.

Today's Chen family is rapidly rising and growing, and it is even more prosperous in southern Xinjiang. Compared with before, it is indeed a world of difference, but it is hard to get back Chen Tianli's death, it is indeed a deplorable thing.


In the Chen family mourning hall.

Rows of candles burn brightly for a long time, and there are many spiritual tablets listed on them, and the names of every clan member who died when the Chen family was destroyed were engraved on them.

Chen Hao knelt on the futon, looked at the spiritual seat in the center, and murmured: "Grandpa, back then you asked my brother to earn money to support the family, but you didn't let him learn anything, saying that his qualifications were not as good as mine. With our family's financial resources, It can only be used for one person to concentrate on cultivation, so let him give up everything and take on the burden of maintaining the family..."

"But now, my brother has not only won the first place in the Qianlong list, but also won a hundred consecutive victories in the Golden Pond Conference. He has become the only monk in our southern border practice world who has won this honor. He shocked the world and became famous. When you ...But I missed it."

"My brother never resented your decision back then. He knew that when you made this decision, you felt pain in your heart. I finally understand this feeling now. Seeing my brother wandering around alone, alone To bear the hatred of our Chen family, I have suffered many life-and-death crises, and my heart is also very painful. These things should be borne by me, shouldn't I..."

"Father, you are crying. Didn't you say that men don't flick their tears?" Little Chen Yu knelt quietly on one side, seeing her father Chen Hao's face covered with tears, she stretched out her little hand to help him wipe away the tears.

Chen Hao took a deep breath, rubbed little Chen Yu's head, and said, "Yu'er, father owes your uncle too much in this life. When you grow up, you should repay uncle well, okay?"

"Well! Uncle treats Yu'er the best, and I will definitely repay him for the rest of my life." Little Chen Yu nodded fiercely, and then he frowned again and asked, "Father, how should Yu'er repay Uncle?"

Chen Hao smiled, looked at the spirit seat of his grandfather Chen Tianli, and said, "It's very simple, carry forward our Chen family and make our Chen family immortal!"

"Immortal?" Little Chen Yu was still young, so he obviously didn't understand the meaning of these words.

"Yes, eternal immortality, even if the world collapses, time erodes, even if natural disasters continue, and all enemies invade, our Chen clan will not allow it to fall!" Chen Hao paused every word.

Little Chen Yu stared into his father Chen Hao's eyes, and said seriously: "Father, Yu'er has it in mind. Uncle once told Yu'er that actions are always more powerful than words. Just look at Yu'er's actions."

"Let's go, today is the day to celebrate your uncle, let's go see your uncles." Chen Hao nodded, stood up, took little Chen Yu's hand, turned and left the mourning hall.

"Wow, that's great, I can get a lot of fun things now..." Xiao Chen Yu exclaimed excitedly, then covered her mouth and said apologetically, "Father, am I too playful?"

"Let's have fun with you today, but in the future you must practice hard, remember what I told you?" Chen Hao laughed.

"Remember, back then, Uncle was working hard all the time, that's why he was able to become stronger than others. Yu'er should also be like Uncle, seize every minute of time to practice, and not lag behind Uncle." Xiao Chen Yu replied crisply .

Chen Hao nodded, but sighed secretly in his heart: "Yu'er, don't blame your father for forcing you, you will inherit the Chen family's great business in the future, unlike other children, you can have a carefree childhood..."


ps: I think this chapter must be written. A novel cannot guarantee that every character has flesh and blood. At least the relatives and friends who are closely related to the protagonist cannot be written as passers-by, can they?

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