divine talisman

Chapter 324 Fire Crow Town [Part 1]

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From Qingzhou City to Jinxiu City, the royal capital, there is a long journey, a million miles away.

With such a distance, for Chen Xi, it would only take three days to use his starry sky wings to fly at full speed.

But he didn't do that.

As the most terrifying assassination organization in the world, Heishilou is so powerful that even the royal family of the Great Chu Dynasty can't do anything about it. If they want to deal with themselves, they will not miss this point.

Chen Xi even suspected that under the sky between Qingzhou and Jinxiu City, the sky might have already been covered by the Black Sun Tower, and once he exposed his traces in the sky, he would definitely suffer the deadliest act of robbery and murder.

So for the sake of caution, Chen Xi decided to choose to travel by land.

In this way, although the journey is more than twice as slow, compared to the sky where there is no hiding place, there are obviously more things that can be covered on the land.Mountains, jungles, rivers, cities... If used well, they can be perfectly hidden.

There are dozens of cities between Qingzhou and Jinxiu City, the largest of which are Moyun City, Tuomu City and Lei City, and the others are some medium-sized cities.

Moyun City, Tuomu City, and Leicheng are like barriers in front of Jinxiu City. They are distributed in a semicircle. Among them, Tuomu City is in the middle, Moyun City occupies the east and borders the East China Sea, Leicheng occupies the west, and borders the Thunder Sea in the extreme west. .

Between Qingzhou City and Jinxiu City, three routes were divided because of these three cities.

Among them, the route of Tuomu City is the shortest and safest route. There are many cities along the way, and there are no dangerous places. Most people will choose this route.

The route of Moyun City is the next, the distance is twice as far as that of Tuomu City, and it needs to detour halfway through several dangerous rivers. There are also people traveling on this route, but they are all from some chambers of commerce. Yuncheng borders the East China Sea, and many precious treasures rich in the East China Sea can be purchased along the route.

The route of Leicheng is the most dangerous of the three, it was even abandoned hundreds of years ago, no one wants to play with their own lives and get involved in it.

The reason for this is that from Qingzhou to Leicheng, and then to Jinxiu City, there are almost dangerous and terrifying mountains, ancient forests where monsters and beasts are rampant, and extremely cold places where ice storms howl... In short, this On a route, there is almost no safe place except for danger or danger.

As early as hundreds of years ago, there were still some scattered monks with strong self-reliance, trying to challenge the limit, and set foot in this murderous route, but in the end, no one survived, and no one successfully arrived in Leicheng. Then enter Jinxiu City.So since then, this route has been abandoned, and few people dare to set foot on it.

However, there are exceptions. Some vicious bandits and villains who are wanted by various sects will also set foot on this route when they are forced to do nothing, and use all kinds of dangers in it to avoid being chased. Indeed, he avoided all kinds of arrests and pursuits.But doing so is actually similar to asking for a dead end.

Because so far, no desperadoes have come out of it!

However, all of this was a pleasant surprise for Chen Xi. In his opinion, walking in these extremely dangerous and murderous places is indeed extremely dangerous, but it is also because of this that he can actually take advantage of these places. Dangerous, to deal with Hei Sunlou's robbery and murder against him.

In other words, this route is completely a natural arena for life and death!

Fighting here, any variable may happen, and as long as I make good use of these variables, it is not impossible to completely smash this black sun robbery.

So when he saw these routes on the map, Chen Xi took a fancy to this route almost at a glance, and decided to start from Qingzhou, pass through Leicheng, and go straight to Splendid City!

Half a month after the end of the Golden Pool Conference.

On this day, the sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly. A treasure car with red scales, led by thirteen red-scaled unicorns, left Qingzhou City at high speed.

Sitting in the soft and hard seat, Chen Xi carefully looked around.

The red-scaled chariot he rode was a hundred feet long and ten feet wide, and could hold more than a hundred people.This kind of treasure car belonged to the Chu Soul Guard of the Great Chu Dynasty. It was a means of transportation specially used to transport guests between cities. Not only monks, but ordinary people could also take it after paying a fee.

It is said that on top of the Chilin Treasure Chariot, there is also a large Treasure Chariot, the Lengyue Treasure Chariot, which can accommodate thousands of people. It has extremely strong protection and is also very comfortable, but the price is relatively expensive.But this was not the reason why Chen Xi didn't choose the Lengyue treasure car. The real reason was that the procedures for riding the Lengyue treasure car were very strict, and Chen Xi didn't want to have his tracks exposed just after leaving Qingzhou City.

Although the defensive power of the red-scale treasure chariot can only be considered ordinary, there are about ten monks guarding it. They are members of the Chu Soul Guard and represent the will of the Great Chu Dynasty, so there are very few bandits and bandits to attack the red-scale treasure. car idea.

After all, such behavior is tantamount to provoking the dignity of the Great Chu Dynasty. If you dare to do this, you will wait to bear the revenge of the entire Great Chu Dynasty!

Of course, there will never be any shortage of desperadoes in this world, but fortunately, there is not much oil and water in the red-scaled treasure car, and most of the passengers on it are mortals with empty pockets and lack of financial resources, so not many thieves are interested in it .

Chen Xi noticed that the guards on this red-scaled treasure car were quite strong, each and every one looked capable, very sharp, and their strength was around the Golden Core Realm. With them, at least before arriving at Huoya Town, this He doesn't need to worry about his safety along the way.

Huoya Town is eight thousand miles away from Qingzhou City. Get off from there, you can pass through Huoya Town and enter the Dark Forest.As long as you set foot in the dark forest, you will be on the way to Leicheng.

Withdrawing his gaze, Chen Xi slowly stretched his muscles and bones, feeling that the power of his spiritual consciousness had almost returned to its peak state.He had just used up all the talisman-making materials he had purchased last night, so he hurried to make the seventh high-level treasure talisman in the early hours of the morning. Without any delay, he boarded the red-scaled treasure car without stopping.

Moreover, Mu Kui has also entered the Pagoda of the Buddha to cultivate now, so it can be said that Chen Xi is now traveling alone.

"Big brother, are you a monk?" An immature child's voice sounded in my ears, the voice was very small.This was a little boy around six or seven years old. He was dressed in ordinary clothes and looked ordinary. He only had a pair of eyes that were dark and bright. When he looked at Chen Xi, his eyes were full of curiosity.

This is obviously a child of a secular mortal, and his family conditions don't seem to be very good, as can be seen from the coarse cloth clothes he is wearing.

Chen Xi was startled, then nodded with a smile.It can be seen that the little boy is a little nervous, as if he is afraid of offending himself. Perhaps in his heart, a monk must be like a god, unattainable, able to call the wind and rain, ride the clouds and ride the fog, omnipotent.

In fact, in this world, mortals still account for the vast majority, and the number of monks is only a handful of them.They wake up in the morning to work, come back to sleep at night, unable to escape from birth, old age, sickness and death, and unable to control their own destiny. Perhaps decades later, they will turn into a cup of loess, life is like a mayfly, short and ordinary.

However, it is these mortals who make up the world of mortals, and the world is full of various forms. In the final analysis, monks are also transformed from mortals.

Therefore, in Chen Xi's mind, there was no deformed notion that mortals were like worthless things that could be trampled upon by anyone.

As if infected by Chen Xi's smile, the little boy's nervousness subsided for the most part. He took a deep breath, summoned up his courage and asked, "Big brother, can you take me to practice?"

"Why do you want to cultivate?" Chen Xi was dumbfounded. He was about to face an unprecedented catastrophe. Under such circumstances, how could he agree to the little boy?

The little boy said without hesitation: "My younger brother's aptitude is better than mine. He is now practicing in Nandu City. I am afraid that he will become a god in the future and I will never see him again, so I want to practice too. Unfortunately, my father said that my aptitude Not good, the family's financial resources are not enough for me to practice again, so..."

As he said that, the little boy's expression was obviously much sadder.

Chen Xi was stunned and fell silent. He thought of himself and his younger brother, and his grandfather Chen Tianli's decision. The only difference was that he had already embarked on the path of cultivation at that time, while the little boy in front of him hadn't taken a single step. .If he didn't help him, maybe he could only be a stranger to his brother for the rest of his life.

Because monks and mortals are different after all.

"This is a qi refining method. You should hide it on your body carefully so that no one else finds out, otherwise your life will be in danger. You must remember it," Chen Xi said with a smile. He has a lot of qi refining formulas on his body. , were all searched from the corpses of the enemies, and a simple and easy-to-understand basic formula was picked out of it and given to the little boy.

The little boy was stunned, as if he didn't expect the "fate of the fairyland" to come to him so easily. It took a long time before he realized that he quickly and carefully hid the jade slips in his underwear, and said excitedly: "Brother ..."

Chen Xi interrupted: "Don't thank me. Cultivate hard. In the future, you will not only become stronger, but also take good care of your younger brother and parents, you know? Also, this is a secret between the two of us. Don't let the first Two people know."

The little boy nodded fiercely: "I will, please rest assured, big brother."

Chen Xi smiled, and said no more, because he had already seen that the little boy's father had woken up from sleep and was staring at him suspiciously.

"There is still a quarter of an hour before we arrive at Fire Crow Town. Did you get off from there?" At this moment, a guard came over and asked Chen Xi.

Chen Xi nodded, he keenly sensed that there was a trace of weirdness in this guard's expression.

"Fire Crow Town? God, isn't that a place where demons gather?"

Someone exclaimed, and following the exclamation, the guests sitting next to Chen Xi moved away one by one, like snakes and scorpions, and even the little boy was carried away by his father.

Everyone looked at Chen Xi with a hint of fear, suspicion, and loathing, which was extremely weird.

Chen Xi immediately understood everything. Fire Crow Town was not peaceful, even extremely chaotic. Since it was the only entrance leading to the Dark Forest, it was also the entrance of the third route from Qingzhou City to Jinxiu City, so it was natural Gathered a lot of vicious bandits and bandits, and most of those monks were wanted criminals of the Great Chu Dynasty. Once they found out that something was wrong, they would sneak into the dark forest to avoid being hunted down.

In the eyes of everyone outside, Fire Crow Town is naturally extremely chaotic, and it is simply the place where criminals belong.

Obviously, the "demon" in the mouths of these mortals at the moment must be describing those rogue bandits, and when they heard that they were going to Fire Crow Town, they obviously regarded themselves as such people.

Soon, the scarlet scale car stopped, and Chen Xi immediately walked out of the car.

"The monster is finally gone!"

"It's scary, we're sitting in the same red-scaled treasure car with the demon."

"Yes, it is said that monsters can transform into human forms, and they love to eat human hearts. It is very scary!"

As soon as Chen Xi got out of the car, everyone breathed a sigh of relief as if they had sent away a plague god, and started discussing one after another.

"Big brother is not a monster! In Lin Hao's heart, big brother is a real god, and I must repay him in the future." Only the little boy was lying on the edge of the car window, his eyes fixed on Chen Xi's back, as if to Imprint his appearance in my mind and remember it for a lifetime.

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