divine talisman

Chapter 330 Dark Forest

Thanks to brothers "User 46761996", "Half Marlboro", "Where are my chores" for their valuable support!Shout again, on the first day of the month, everyone who has a monthly pass in their hands, hurry up and cast it!


In Huoya Town in the early morning, the sky was still gray.

When Chen Xi came to the Fire Crow Tavern, Qi Yin was already fully dressed and ready to go, with that big black bow with a gloomy luster still on his back, he was tall and strong.

Behind him, there were more than a dozen villains from Huoyazhen. These people would go to the dark forest with Qi Yin to collect materials, either hunting monsters to extract their fur and bones, or picking spiritual materials to dig spiritual mines.

The team departs quickly.

The Dark Forest is located behind Huoya Town, and it is vast and boundless. The trees in the forest are old and tall, and they are so huge that they need seven or eight people to hug them. The crowns of the trees are more than a hundred feet above the ground.

Every tree here is so huge, but the distance between the trees is very wide, and the ground is covered with thick decayed leaves. If you step on it vigorously, your whole person will be buried in it.It's not because there is a swamp below, but because the layer of decayed leaves on the ground is too thick.

Because the forest is too vast and lush, sunlight cannot penetrate the thick layer of leaves. Walking in it, it is dark, and the shadows of the trees look quite scary.

Qi Yin walked in front to lead the team, and Chen Xi quietly followed behind. The whole group didn't speak, and the atmosphere seemed very dull. Only the roar of monsters could be heard from a distance, which added a sense of ferocity. breath.

As they went deeper, everyone's expressions became vigilant, guarding their surroundings, so the speed of travel was naturally greatly reduced.

According to Chen Xi's knowledge, they had already left the periphery of the Dark Forest and began to head towards the depths.

There were no accidents along the way. On the contrary, the whole forest was quiet and dead. Not to mention monsters, not even a bug or ant was found.

It's a bit abnormal!

Chen Xi's cold eyes were radiant, looking at Ning Yin's vigorous back in front of him, he fell into deep thought.


Suddenly, a strange whistling sound pierced the dead silence, as if it had suddenly drilled out of a crack in the rock, coming out of nowhere, and approaching here at an extremely fast speed.

No need to say hello, everyone stopped, vigilant.

"Be careful! It's Qingsuoyan!" A villain screamed loudly, his voice terrified.Everyone else also changed slightly, and immediately released various defensive magic weapons, as if they were facing a big enemy.

As soon as the words fell, more than a dozen arrow-like thin green blades burst from all directions in the forest!

The speed of these green blade lights is as fast as lightning, cutting through the void and making a sharp whimpering sound, piercing one's eardrums, but the oncoming murderous aura is as cold as a knife!

puff puff!

The defense magic weapon of the two villains, like paper, was easily pierced by the green blade light, and in an instant, two fountains of blood burst out from their chests!

"Ah—" The screams of the two people echoed in the forest.

The others were startled, but they had no time to think about other things. Their defensive magic weapon was also under attack, and it was fluctuating violently, making a deafening bang sound, almost shattered.

It is not difficult to imagine that if there is another wave of attacks, they will not be able to escape being pierced by the green blade light and die!

Chen Xi stayed at the rear of the team and received the least amount of attacks. He dodged it after a while, looking extremely relaxed. At this moment, he could clearly see that the green blade lights were actually a group of blue swallows.

Qingshuoyan, with a body as flat as a shuttle, with a light cyan body, and its wings are no larger than a palm, it is said that there is a trace of the blood of the ancient fierce birds and sparrows flowing in the blood of this monster, and its speed is as fast as lightning, and it comes and goes like the wind.

In addition to their body shape being like a sharp long shuttle, their attacks are also as sharp as a long shuttle. With the cooperation of their own lightning speed, the burst of attack is extremely terrifying.

Due to their extremely fast speed and small size, Qingsuoyan is also known as the natural assassin in the forest. They are very good at surprise attacks, and they dispatch in groups. When the prey finds them, they are often pierced to death .

Missing a hit, Qing Shuoyan obviously showed the intention of retreating, and they didn't expect that these defensive magic weapons were so strong, their attacks were blocked, and their movements couldn't help being a little slow.

These villains in Huoya Town have rich experience in actual combat. Seeing their comrades die tragically in front of them, they were shocked and angry. At this time, seeing Qing Suoyan showing signs of exhaustion, they immediately attacked without hesitation.

They knew very well that if they didn't take advantage of Qingsuoyan's exhaustion, once they resumed the speed like a moving shadow just now, their winning rate would be extremely low, and the entire army might even be wiped out.

Sword light, sword energy, gun shadow... all kinds of fierce attacks, splashed out like a storm.

In this dangerous forest, in fact, no matter who it is, they hate such a small and fast beast like Qingsuoyan, because in this environment, you will never be able to advance and retreat as freely as Qingsuoyan , and if they miss a single hit, they immediately run away, and will wait for an opportunity to attack again, which is extremely difficult and annoying.

boom! boom! boom!

Five green shuttle swallows were hit, and several blood mist burst out in midair.Compared with attacking, Qingshuyan's defense ability is extremely poor, once it is hit, basically there is no life left.

In order to avoid being harassed and attacked by the green shuttle swallows in the next trip, these villains are determined to wipe out all the green shuttle swallows. All the trees were broken from the middle, sawdust flew across, and the scene looked extremely chaotic.

And in this chaos, Chen Xi's eyes were fixed on Qi Yin all the time, like an outsider, he was indifferent, and he never made a move at all.

At this moment Qi Yin had taken off the big bow on his back, stretched out his muscular arms, and stretched the bow like a full moon. When the bow string trembled, an invisible arrow shot out, each arrow was precise and ruthless, killing everyone Only Qingsuoyan showed an extremely powerful arrow cultivation.

Qi Yin's body also moved and moved in the process of shooting the arrow, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally darting towards the distance.

Seeing that he was about to leave the team completely, suddenly a figure rushed out, like a ghost, darting towards him, raised his hand, grabbed his back, and brought him back to the team.

"What are you going to do? This is a fight! It's not the time to mess around!" Qi Yin was caught off guard and was taken back. He was startled and terrified, but when he saw the person who caught him, his expression instantly became calm.

This person was Chen Xi. There was a hint of coldness on his lips, and his eyes were cold: "This is indeed a battle, but compared to Qing Suoyan, I hate you even more."

Qi Yin's face darkened: "What are you talking about?"

"Actually, I found out that you were lying last night. With the wisdom of Heishilou, you would never let an outsider know your plan and live. This is very abnormal. Your survival undoubtedly proves one thing .Your identity should not only be one of the five villains, but also an assassin buried in Fire Crow Town by the Black Sun Building, am I right?" Chen Xi said lightly.

His hands were tightly locked on Qi Yin's throat, but his eyes were scanning the surroundings. His eyes did not stay on those people who were fighting Qingsuoyan, but looked into the depths of the forest, as if he saw something .

There was a moment of panic in Qi Yin's eyes, and then he became extremely quiet, and said indifferently: "You guessed well, but now you are surrounded, even if you kill me now, you will definitely die."

A hint of cold sarcasm appeared on Chen Xi's lips: "Whether I can live or not will be known later, but I said that you must die now, do you believe it?"

Qi Yin was silent, as if accepting his fate.

"Before you die, can you tell me one thing?" Chen Xi asked. He didn't seem to be in a hurry to kill Qi Yin, but rather seemed to be waiting for something.

"You said."

"Is there a reward for killing your assassin in the Black Sun Building?"


"Your lives in Hei Sun Building are really worthless at this moment, but this bow is not bad. It should be a witch treasure that has been with you for many years, right?"

Chen Xi raised his hand to grab the big pitch-black bow. The tentacles were cold and unusually heavy, not weighing more than ten thousand catties. Moreover, there was a trace of desolate and ancient witchcraft faintly lingering on it, mysterious and mighty.

The so-called witch treasure is the weapon used by the body refiner. It is different from the magic weapon for refining air flow. The refining of witch treasure is extremely difficult, and only the body refiner can refine it by himself.

Because there is only one material for refining witch treasures, that is the corpses of ancient gods and demons. Their bones, teeth, meridians, nails, even hair and eyes can be refined into witch treasures.Only the corpses and bones of ancient gods and demons can integrate the power of witchcraft and make them exert the power like a magic weapon.

And every witch treasure must be fed and nourished by the body refiner with their own blood, and the impurities in it need to be continuously tempered with witch power, so that the blood can dissolve in water, like an arm and a finger.

However, in the Great Chu Dynasty, the corpses of ancient gods and demons are extremely rare, even harder to see than immortal artifacts.It is precisely because of this that ninety-nine percent of the body refiners in the world do not have any Wu Treasures in their hands, and from this we can know how precious Wu Treasures are.

Of course, even if there is no witch treasure, the body refiner can completely crush the Qi refiner at the same level by virtue of his physical body comparable to a magic weapon.

Qi Yin's demeanor finally changed, not because he felt sorry for his own Wu Bao, but because Chen Xi's words completely shattered the last sliver of luck in his heart.

He had been using his true energy to cast the big bow just now, and the power he exerted was less than one percent, in order to cover up his identity as a body refiner.So after he was caught by Chen Xi, he didn't worry about anything. A body refiner can be reborn with a broken arm. As long as his head and heart are not injured, he will be able to recover in the next moment.

But now, he found that he was wrong. Chen Xi could recognize Wu Bao, so he naturally knew that he was a body refiner. How could he not know the weakness when he killed himself?

"Can you spare my life, and I will exchange a magical power of archery, and this Star Extinguishing Bow will also belong to you, how about it?" Qi Yin said in a deep voice.

"Wouldn't you all commit suicide after failing the assassin mission in the Black Sun Building? Why are you so afraid of death?" Chen Xi asked rhetorically.

"Everyone is afraid of death, and it is precisely because they are afraid of death that they have to work hard to live, don't they?" Qi Yin stared at Chen Xi with an open expression, and he didn't feel that being afraid of death was a very shameful thing.

Chen Xi was noncommittal, and was about to speak, but he seemed to notice something suddenly, a cold light overflowed from his eyes, and under Qi Yin's astonished and terrified eyes, he shattered his heart with a palm.

"You... so ruthless!" The corners of Qi Yin's mouth were bleeding, and his eyes showed deep hatred, which soon became dim, and his body collapsed on the ground, dying.

"I want to live too, so you must die."

Chen Xi shook his head, and casually took away the magic weapon stored on Qi Yin's body without looking at it. He tiptoed suddenly, and his whole body, like a wisp of smoke, instantly got into the forest and disappeared.

At this time, the other villains also completely wiped out Qingsuoyan, and before they had time to breathe a sigh of relief, they were shocked to find that Qi Yin had fallen to the ground and died at some point!

This is no wonder to them, Qing Suoyan's attack was too fierce, with their strength, they didn't dare to be distracted at all, and Chen Xi and Ning Yin were standing at the back of the team, so it would be difficult for them to find out early.

"Not good! That evil star is gone, could it be that he killed Qi Yin?" Someone noticed that Chen Xi was gone, and shouted out in shock, and the others also reacted immediately, and their complexions suddenly became extremely ugly.

In this dangerous forest like a maze, without Qi Yin leading the way, how would they get out?


There was a faint sound of wind, blowing the rotting leaves on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, in the sight of many villains, more than a dozen figures masked in black cloth suddenly appeared, each of them appearing like ghosts, without making a sound!


ps: A brother told me that these chapters have the color of suspense, thriller, detective and other types of novels, but they are not like hot-blooded upgrades to fairy tales. Uh, I want to ask, do you think so?

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