divine talisman

Chapter 346

Thanks to brothers "Niu Dawan's Fish", "an", and "Zuiqingtian" for their valuable monthly support!



Everyone gasped, and almost couldn't believe their ears, that guy actually let a Nirvana strong man slap himself in the face?Also apologize to him?

Is that guy really crazy! ?

"Junior, seek death!" The skinny old man was completely furious. He is a top-notch figure among casual cultivators. He is a Nirvana strong man and enjoys a high reputation in the casual cultivator circle. Even the disciples of other sects dare not provoke him.Wherever he goes, he is respected by others, and there is no place for a junior to scold him.

Chen Xi's aura has not reached the Nirvana state, and many people can see this.

A monk who has reached the nirvana state has a sharp aura all over his body, which is faintly visible, like a substance, like a sharp sword lingering around his body.

In the eyes of everyone, Chen Xi was at best a master of the Golden Core Realm, and because of this, after hearing Chen Xi's words, he felt that he had gone crazy.

While speaking, the skinny old man raised his hand to grab it, and five sharp blue blades flew out like lightning, grabbing at Chen Xi's head.

The sharp claws pierced the air, and the green awns flowed, containing the terrifying power of evil spirits and the pure sense of wood. This is a Taoist martial art "Qingling Gathering Evil Claws" that he has practiced for many years. , sharp as a knife, even earth-level magic weapons can't resist it, if it is caught on a person, it will be caught and exploded in an instant.

Who would have known that with a wave of Chen Xi's sword, the "Dui Jian Dao" spun like a vortex, and the five claw marks immediately dissipated, like a mud cow entering the sea, without a trace.

Then Chen Xi's body disappeared with a whoosh, and in a tenth of an instant, he appeared next to the skinny old man without a sound, pop!A slap was drawn out.

The skinny old man was caught off guard, and was thrown flying all of a sudden, and the several magic weapons on his body were too late to use.


He spat out a mouthful of old blood, and even spit out a few big teeth. He never expected that in the blink of an eye, he would be so insulted!

This time the skinny old man was completely angry: "Little thing! You are courting death!"


Chen Xi ignored his shouting, and the next moment a hand appeared on the other side of the skinny old man's face, and he slammed it down fiercely.The latter wanted to dodge, but because Chen Xi was too fast, he simply didn't give him time to think and react.

Another heavy slap was slapped on the face, causing the skinny old man's nose to bleed wildly, gold stars appeared in front of his eyes, and his head buzzed.It can be said that it is inconceivable that a Nirvana powerhouse should be drawn like this.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Araki Fort almost dropped their jaws to the ground in shock, their eyeballs were all round, and they all looked extremely weird.

Being slapped by someone can be said to be careless. After all, the strong also have negligence. It is not uncommon to see boats capsized in the gutter, but being slapped twice in a row cannot be described as careless.

It was also because of this that everyone felt dizzy for a while, and felt like the sky had collapsed. A cultivator at the Golden Core Realm actually slapped the Nirvana powerhouse twice in a row?Who would believe this?

The skinny old man was furious, completely furious, he was a majestic Nirvana strong man, a mighty existence, but he was slapped in the face, if it spread, he would be ashamed to death!


A powerful aura surged from the skinny old man, and the fierce and fierce power of the evil spirit condensed on the top of his head, forming a huge wheel, inside which surged majestic powers of Taoism. There are four kinds of as much.

A strong Nirvana master absorbs the yin and yang of heaven and earth, and can condense his true essence into a nirvana wheel, which contains the cultivation base of a Nirvana strong man and the power of Taoism he has comprehended. It is extremely powerful to use against the enemy.In the world of practice, it is known as flying out of a round and breaking mountains and rivers.

But all this is useless.

Chen Xi appeared in front of him again without a sound. With a light swipe of the sword talisman containing the four meanings of thunder, wind, fire, and sky, it actually directly broke through the defenses around him. When it was perfect, it directly locked his throat.The movement is swift and swift, almost teleporting!

clap clap clap...

The nirvana wheel that had not yet been condensed returned to the body, and the skinny old man was picked up by Chen Xi in his hands like a chicken, and then his old face that had already been swollen and swollen was severely slapped eight times.

"It's really a piece of trash. It's only when I'm old that I comprehend the four kinds of Taoism, and they are all small ways. It's a miracle that a bastard like you can live to this day. These ten slaps are for you. Teach me a lesson!" After the slap, Chen Xi raised his hand and threw the skinny old man out, like throwing a piece of trash.


The skinny old man let out a scream, and his body fell heavily from the third floor to the ground. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and then passed out directly. He didn't know whether he was fainted by anger, or he couldn't bear the gazes from around him, so he fainted on purpose.

Shocked the audience!

A strong Nirvana man, a mighty existence, respected everywhere he went, was unexpectedly slapped ten times by a Golden Core cultivator, and passed out all of a sudden!

Looking at the skinny old man lying on the ground like a dead dog, everyone was so shocked that their brains went blank for a while.

In fact, Chen Xi's actions seemed to be understated and relaxed, but in fact, they were all his strongest methods.The most powerful thing about him now is that he can move almost like a teleportation with the wings of the starry sky, possesses unparalleled terrifying speed, and then uses the Guizang sword to see and dismantle the moves, and cooperates with the various mysteries of the Dao that he has comprehended. Thunder, soundless, elusive, killing instantly.

But the most important thing is that this skinny old man's strength is too weak. Although he is a Nirvana cultivator, he is only in the initial stage of Nirvana, and the Taoist realm is even weaker. It is not unusual for Chen Xi to slap his face with ease. .

The Nirvana powerhouses in some rooms on the third floor also noticed this scene, and they were all secretly startled, but no one dared to provoke Chen Xi again.After all, there is a living example of the skinny old man in front of them. Although they are confident in their own strength, they dare not act rashly.

Chen Xi ignored these, and walked straight into the room.

"What a young generation! What a terrifying swordsman!"

"Where did this killing star come from? Why didn't I say it? With his strength, he can definitely rank among the top [-] in the Stars Conference. No, the top [-] is very likely!"

"Yeah, judging by the age of this killer star, he must be under 30 years old, and he is at the Jindan stage. If he participates in the star gathering, he will definitely show his glory and become famous everywhere?"

When Chen Xi's figure disappeared from the field of vision, heated discussions erupted in the entire Araki Castle.

If the 30 members of the Vulture Bandit were killed before, they showed ruthless killing skills, then at this moment, what they showed in this battle with the skinny old man was extremely terrifying personal strength.Faced with this kind of young and strong man who can cross the big realm and defeat the opponent, who can not be curious?

Yun Na stood in the corner in a daze, thinking of the scenes about Chen Xi she saw just now, she couldn't help her heart fluttering, as if she was infatuated.

After closing the door, Chen Xi looked around the room, and found that it was as Sanyong said, the room on the third floor was very large, divided into many secret rooms, where alchemy, weapon refining, meditation... everything was there.

After taking a comfortable hot bath, changing into a set of clean and refreshing clothes, and casually restraining his waist-length hair, Chen Xi lay on the bed and couldn't help heaving a long sigh of relief.

Only at this time did he slightly relax the mind that had been tense for three months.From the dark forest to now, he has been in uninterrupted battles. In other words, even when he entered Araki Fort, he hadn't escaped from the fighting state. The continuous high-intensity battles made him The first reaction to the matter is, is there a need to fight?

At this moment, he was completely relaxed. It felt like jumping from one life to another. The peaceful feeling that he didn't need to fight made him fall asleep soundly without knowing it.

Indeed, these days he is really tired, walking on the verge of life and death day and night, except for fighting, heals his wounds and dies. Relaxed a little bit.

This can be seen from his torn clothes and blood stains all over his body. When survival and fighting completely occupy all his time, how can he think about dressing up and taking a bath?

This sleep lasted for three full days.

In the early morning of the third day, when the first ray of sunlight fell from the sky, the sleeping Chen Xi finally woke up. Feeling the exuberant vigor and vitality projected from every inch of his body, he couldn't help but let out a comfortable groan.

The next moment, he sat up from the bed, took a basin of cold and clear water to wash, and then went straight into the refining room.

A dense talisman array and a three-legged bronze furnace are arranged in the refining room. Both the talisman array and the furnace cauldron use the fire in the center of the earth as the source of power, which can be used for refining weapons and also play a defensive role, preventing the be disturbed.

Chen Xi didn't use the furnace, and wanted to further refine the quality of the sword talisman. The usual refining techniques and the furnace were useless at all, but those fires from the center of the earth could be used.

If he is not mistaken, the fire in the center of the earth with a ruddy color should be an extremely domineering spiritual fire called Baiyan Spiritual Fire, which has an excellent effect on some materials that are extremely difficult to smelt. It is perfect to use it to temper the sword talisman.

Chen Xi's sword talisman is a kind of talisman, weapon, and dao treasure. There are five divine talisman runes inside. At the core of each divine talisman, there are different divine objects sitting in it, such as Qingyi sacred wood, Taichong's gold, and Bing talisman. Vulcan crystal and so on.As for the sword embryo, it is refined with the Slaughtering Scythe, which is a fairy material. As early as the beginning of refining, its quality has been above the best of the earth level, only slightly inferior to the magic weapon of the heaven level.

The most rare thing is that this sword talisman has unlimited room for growth, and this is the most powerful part of the sword talisman.

However, the power of the sword talisman can no longer meet Chen Xi's requirements. What he has to do now is to raise the quality of the sword talisman to another level, and strive to reach a height that can rival the magic weapon of the heaven rank, so that his own strength can be used in battle. Get the most out of it!


ps: Sorry, there are only two updates today.Kavinka is amazing, the plot is there, but the things I write always make me dissatisfied. I have deleted more than 4000 words today. This feeling is too tangled.If I force the number of words, I can write three or four chapters in one fight, but that would be flooding, and it would be too irresponsible to the brothers.So I still hope that brothers understand, I will try my best to adjust my state!

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