divine talisman

Chapter 349 Violent Armored Bear [Part 1]

Thanks to the brothers "Yue Ruoruo" and "Xiaoyaoguo" for their support of a large number of valuable monthly votes!Thanks to brother "user 15800872" for the 888 reward, and brother "Four Weeks" for another 10000 reward!In other words, this is about to be promoted to the first "head" of this book.Thank you!Thank you!


In the barren wood forest, groups of bloodhorn worms burst out of the ground, screaming and screaming, and the monster aura surged like a tide, densely packed, blocking the road ahead.

The vitality of the bloodhorn worm is extremely strong, and if it is chopped into several sections, as long as the blood horn on the head is not injured, it can instantly recover to its original state.Coupled with the fact that they come and go in groups, the number is huge, even if the Jindan cultivator falls into their siege, he will be dead or alive.

"Beast! Courting death!"

Yan Cheng and the many guards of the caravan knew each other very well, and without hesitation, they opened up their positions, and shot one after another, with all kinds of lights shining, they charged towards the overwhelming crowd of bloodhorned worms.

All of a sudden, there was the sound of real yuan exploding everywhere in the world, blood water was like a waterfall, broken limbs flew around, and the ancient trees and rocks within a radius of thousands of feet were swept away and turned into powder.

There are a total of 60 guards in this caravan, all of whom are at the Golden Core level, and they acted brazenly, and the damage they caused was also extremely terrifying.

Especially Yan Yan, this beautiful woman with an ice-cold temperament like a lotus, indeed has the strength to be proud of. With a single strike, she killed thirty or fifty blood horned worms in an instant, which was extremely powerful.

However, there are too many bloodhorn earthworms, densely packed, like a tide, killing a wave, and then drilling out from the ground, as if endless, it is a headache.

The battle entered a fierce stalemate, unable to attack for a long time, everyone showed signs of exhaustion, the situation was quite unfavorable for everyone.

"Ice Snow Dance Slash!"

Seeing this, Yan Yan gritted her silver teeth, held her sword in the air, and her clothes fluttered like a fairy Lingbo. With a stroke of her sword, countless sharp icy snowflakes poured down, and in an instant, the blood horned worms were wiped out. Most of the time, the momentum is overwhelming.

However, this blow consumed seven or eighty eight of her strength, a trace of fatigue appeared between her brows, her panting was thin, and she had no choice but to avoid the sharp edge for the time being.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yan Yan glanced at the treasure chariot in the distance, and seeing the indifferent couple, she couldn't help but feel angry, what a pair of ungrateful men and women!At this moment, they should work together to overcome difficulties, but they were so scared that they hid in the treasure chariot and dared not come out!

Chen Xi didn't know that Yan Yan was slandering him. He had his own plan in mind. Although there were a lot of bloodhorn worms, they couldn't help the masters of this caravan. It was only a matter of time before the battle was won. When it was time to make a move, he would naturally Help out.

But Yun Na couldn't sit still anymore, looked at the indifferent Chen Xi, she hesitated again and again, as if she felt sorry, and finally rushed down from the treasure chariot, and killed the blood dragon worm together with the others.

Chen Xi smiled, but didn't stop it.In fact, there is another reason why he does not plan to make a move for the time being.

After leaving Araki Fort, along the way, he could vaguely feel that someone was hanging behind the caravan, with a lingering ghost, obviously with evil intentions.

And he can feel that this person's strength should be quite strong, and he is very good at stealth. If he is distracted to do other things, he may lose his lock on this person in an instant, and the gain outweighs the loss.

However, seeing this scene in Yan Yan's eyes, it made her despise Chen Xi even more. In her heart, she already regarded Chen Xi as a little boy who ate soft food.

The true essence and the demon power kept colliding with each other, setting off waves of air and sweeping away in all directions.Just as Chen Xi had speculated, the battle lasted for another cup of tea, and the number of bloodhorn worms began to decrease drastically, and no new bloodhorn worms came out of the ground.

"The bloodhorn worm is about to be completely wiped out, victory is in sight, everyone work harder!" Yan Cheng boosted morale while attacking.

In fact, there is no need for him to say much, the others have already seen the clues, everyone's expressions brightened, and they shot with all their strength, all kinds of formulas and magic weapons were bombarded out without money, and in just a few breaths, the people blocking the road All the bloodhorn worms were wiped out, leaving behind a lot of broken limbs.

At the end of the battle, a guard took a deep breath, looked at the ground dragon worm corpses all over the ground, and said with lingering fear: "Well, it's just a group of blood horn worms, if there is a blood horn worm king, so many of us can't kill it together. "

"Don't talk nonsense, if the Bloodhorn Worm King appears, our lives may all be accounted for here."

"I'm just talking."

At this time, a gaze looked at the treasure chariot where Chen Xi was, and said with contempt: "I never thought that kid would be such a wimp, his courage is even worse than that girl's."

While speaking, he glanced at Yun Na who was not far away, sighed and shook his head, as if he felt worthless for her.

"In this world, there are a lot of jerks who eat soft food. We don't have to ask him to help, but his behavior is too cowardly. That girl is blind if she follows him."

"Why don't you take a chance and teach that little boy a lesson?"

Yun Na frowned and glanced at these people. She didn't feel that these people were trying to defend herself, but she didn't bother to explain to them, so she turned and walked towards Bao Nian.

In the distance, Yan Cheng heard the discussion here, came over immediately, and scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about? Don't tidy up, get on the road as soon as possible!"

"Guard Yan, the brothers are upset, why should he hide in the treasure chariot and can't come out, but we have to work hard here?"

"He's a guest! Do you understand?" Yan Cheng glanced at the treasure chariot where Chen Xi was, and waved his hand lightly, "Stop chewing your tongue, clean up quickly, and leave here, I'm afraid the blood here will attract a lot of people Fierce beast."

Everyone opened their mouths, but stopped talking, obviously unwilling.

Yan Yan didn't care, and said coldly: "What kind of guest, the master is in trouble, as a guest, he should help out, right? I think he is a softie!"

Yan Cheng glared at his daughter, wondering inwardly, did he see the wrong person?

It didn't take long for the caravan to continue to set off, speeding like lightning.


The caravan camped in the forest. After the battle during the day, everyone was exhausted. They had to take time to recharge their batteries, otherwise they might not be able to reach Leicheng, and they would be wiped out by waves of monsters.

The bonfire was raging, and except for some sentry guards, most people gathered together, drinking and eating meat, but they didn't feel lonely.

Yan Yan sat next to Yan Cheng with her legs crossed, glanced at Chen Xi who was sitting alone in the distance, and felt a sense of pleasure in her heart.

Now in the caravan, Chen Xi has become the most disliked person, a coward who only eats soft food from women, no one wants to be with him, it seems that talking to him a few more words will humiliate his identity , The situation is very embarrassing.

Of course, Yun Na has been loyally following Chen Xi's side, never leaving her.

But in the eyes of everyone, all of these are sighs, deeply unworthy of Yunna.

"Father, the guards all have opinions." Yan Yan said softly, the blazing bonfire dyed her icy and beautiful cheeks a blush, making her extremely charming.

"I know." Yan Cheng took a sip of his wine and sighed, "You guys, you can't drive him away just because he doesn't make a move? Just take him for a ride along the way."

In fact, Yan Cheng was also a little puzzled, he could see that Chen Xi didn't look like a heartless person, why did he act so cold and heartless?

"Yeah." Yan Yan nodded, seemingly in a daze, and murmured: "I have been restless along the way, as if something is about to happen. Father, tell me, could it be that violent armor The barbarian bear demon has not left all this time, right?"

Yan Cheng's expression became serious, and he also felt this way, as if he was being targeted by something, and then he smiled wryly: "The violent armored bear monster is the most vengeful, you killed its cub, it Definitely won’t let it go.”

Yan Yan shook her lips, her expression became firm, and she said, "Why don't I leave the caravan and act alone? I won't cause trouble to the caravan."

"Nonsense!" Yan Cheng frowned and scolded: "That savage bear monster with violent armor is so powerful that it is comparable to a strong man in Nirvana. Aren't you courting death by acting alone? Don't mention it again!"

Yan Yan curled her lips and said no more, just staring at the bonfire in front of her, dazed.

Yan Cheng sighed inwardly, patted his daughter on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, with my father around, I will never let you suffer any harm, otherwise your mother will never forgive me if she is alive. "

Yan Yan's eyes turned red, and she leaned her head on her father's shoulder, as cold and proud as she was, but at this moment she showed a rare weakness, as if all the coldness and pride were just a disguise, and now she is the real one. she.

Beside the bonfire in the distance, Chen Xi sat alone, completely indifferent to the discussions of the people around him.

Is it a violent armored bear demon?

Yan Yan and Yan Cheng didn't use sound transmission to talk, although the voice was weak, but he heard it all in his ears, and he immediately understood what was the thing hanging far behind the team.

As far as he knew, the violent armored savage bear was also said to be a kind of overlord-level beast that roamed the forest. There was a trace of the blood of the ancient mythical beast Vigorous Bear flowing in its body, which was infinitely powerful and extremely ferocious.And this kind of ferocious beast is extremely vindictive, unless it is killed in one fell swoop, it will be entangled and pursued by it endlessly, it is a terrible existence that makes many monks feel extremely headache.

"Senior, are you still thinking about something? Let's eat something first." Yun Na raised her head, and seeing that Chen Xi had been silent for a long time, she couldn't help asking in a low voice. While speaking, she handed over a bunch of crispy browned barbecued meat.

Chen Xi woke up from his contemplation, stretched out his hand to take it, tasted it, and exclaimed, "Good craftsmanship, almost as good as Chef Ling."

Yun Na smiled happily, and said happily: "You can eat more if it tastes good, and I will roast it for you. There is also this Yunshui brew, which is made from the secret recipe handed down by my family. You can try it."

As she said that, she handed over another gourd of old wine, and served Chen Xi in a considerate and meticulous manner. In the eyes of others, everyone was jealous, a good girl who was so juicy, sensual, and considerate, but was beaten down by one. Fan's cowardly little boy is in trouble, the law of heaven is not fair, the law of heaven is not fair!

The eyes that looked at Chen Xi were full of jealousy and resentment.

How could Chen Xi care about these things? He unceremoniously took the wine gourd and poured it wildly, then smacked his lips and exhaled, "It's fresh and long, full-bodied and long-lasting, what a good wine!"

Yun Na's charming eyes turned into crescent moons, as if hearing Chen Xi's praise was no less than listening to a wonderful voice, she was greatly encouraged, and served Chen Xi more attentively.

Seeing this, everyone looked up to the sky and was speechless, almost bursting into tears.

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