divine talisman

Chapter 351 Arriving in Thunder City

After a short rest, the caravan hurried on the road.

The violent armored bear demon doesn't know life and death, and the expert who fought against the bear demon is also hard to find. In order to avoid any accidents, it is undoubtedly the best choice to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

This made Yan Yan quite regretful. She still wanted to thank that expert. It would be even better if she had the opportunity to form a good relationship, but unfortunately things backfired. The team leaves.

From this day on, nothing dangerous happened on the road.

Chen Xi should meditate as usual, and should rest. He didn't have the consciousness of being a coward with a soft face, so he drank and chatted with Yun Na when he had nothing to do. He also had a general understanding of the situation in Leicheng, and his life was quite good. For calm and fulfillment.

And Yun Na is undoubtedly the happiest one. After getting in touch with Chen Xi often, she found that Chen Xi is not a cold and ruthless guy. Help yourself to explain the confusion and so on during cultivation.

And the longer she got in touch with, the more she discovered that Chen Xi was not only extremely powerful, he was also proficient in making talismans, and he was also a super skilled spiritual chef!

A talisman master is an extremely rare existence, and it is even more difficult to become a talisman master. From the fragments of words Chen Xi inadvertently uttered, it was learned that Chen Xi was able to make high-level treasure talismans At that time, Yun Na could no longer find any words to describe her mood. She looked at Chen Xi with endless admiration and admiration for several days.

It was really hard for her to imagine how this guy could achieve such a great achievement at such a young age, he was like a rare talent in a thousand years!

However, when Chen Xi occasionally demonstrated his cooking skills, Yun Na immediately forgot everything, and put all her thoughts on eating, and every morning, noon, and night, she would ask the same sentence with great anticipation, "Chef Daling, What shall we have for dinner?"

In this way, Yun Na became the most loyal foodie of Chef Chen Daling.

In order to express her admiration and gratitude, Yun Na was responsible for cleaning and preparing all kinds of food, not to mention trivial matters such as washing dishes and chopsticks, serving tea and pouring water. Not as diligent as her.

Seeing this scene in the eyes of everyone, they despise Chen Xi more and more. They feel that this coward is simply a heinous bastard. He orders a beautiful beauty full of action more diligently than a maidservant. I really wish that a thunderstorm would fall from the sky Hack this evil obstacle alive!

But soon, their complaints and jealousy turned into a torrent of water, and they were swept away.

That night, the team camped beside a forest stream.

In the stream, there is a big fish with golden scales all over its body and two dragon beards around its mouth. It is full of aura, crystal clear and exudes a faint fragrance.

This kind of fish is very rare. It is called dragon beard koi. It contains rich spiritual power. It is extremely expensive in the outside world. It is a species that only some big monks can afford.

When Yun Na learned that the clear soup made from this kind of fish was also of great benefit to women's beauty, she immediately couldn't hold back the excitement in her heart, and caught dozens of them all at once, and handed them all over to Chen Xi for disposal.

Chen Xi certainly wouldn't dampen Yun Na's interest, so he set up a fire frame, put on a cauldron, mixed with more than ten kinds of elixir picked along the road, and stewed a large pot of dragon beard koi.

And the rest of the dragon beard koi was worn by him with iron rods, put on the raging bonfire, and made into a delicate and refreshing grilled fish with charred outside and tender inside.

The alluring aroma soon wafted through the forest.

The people in the caravan who were meditating couldn't help but secretly swallowed their saliva. The smell...is so tempting!It can almost arouse the roundworms in the stomach to fight each other.

However, because of affection, they had no choice but to endure it bitterly. They didn't show any kindness towards Chen Xi along the way. At this moment, asking them to bow their heads to eat was more uncomfortable than killing them.

After making the fish soup and grilled fish, Chen Xi realized that he had cooked too much, and Yun Na and he couldn't eat it at all. If it was left to cool, it would lose the best texture and taste.

He glanced at the people who were drooling all around, smiled in his heart, immediately stood up, walked towards the treasure chariot, and said to Yunna, "I'll go to practice first, and you can share these with others. This time On a long journey, I would like to thank them for taking us on the road, this kindness must not be forgotten."

As soon as the words fell, the person had already sat in the treasure chariot.

Yun Na was actually hesitating about this matter. Seeing Chen Xi's approval, she stopped hesitating and called Yan Cheng, Yan Yan's father and daughter, and others to share this sumptuous dinner with all the flavors and tastes.

Yun Na's popularity in the caravan is good, at least hundreds of times better than Chen Xi's, plus she has a gentle attitude, and she is a sexy and hot beauty herself. After pushing and shoving for a while, she finally " Difficult" agreed.

In fact, everyone couldn’t hold back the roundworms in their stomachs for a long time. When they first got the grilled fish, they pretended to be reserved, but when they bit into the burnt buttery yellow fish, their eyes opened wide. No matter how demeanor and restraint he cared about, he didn't even care about the way he ate. He grilled fish with his left hand and fish soup with his right hand, and started to gobble it up.

Yun Na pursed her lips and smiled, seeing that Chen Xi's skill made everyone look like this, she was also very proud in her heart.

All of a sudden, the forest was filled with the sound of grilled fish chewing, and the sound of "sucking and sucking" fish soup from time to time.

"Well, the taste is not bad." After drinking and eating, someone patted his stomach, burped comfortably, and commented lightly.

"It's really good." Others agreed with it deeply.

Yan Yan glared contemptuously at these pretenders, and didn't even look at the way you were eating just now, one by one was better than the other, so much so that she didn't even want to eat more...

"I finally understand why Miss Yun fell in love with that little brother. Grabbing a woman's stomach is equivalent to capturing her heart!" Yan Cheng said with emotion.

Yun Na's pretty face flushed, she lowered her head in embarrassment.However, she had already seen that after this incident, everyone's hostility and rejection towards Chen Xi had obviously eased up a lot.

The fact is just as Yun Na knew, in the next few days, although everyone's attitude towards Chen Xi was not friendly, they no longer spoke sarcasticly.

In the early morning of this day, the sky was drizzling with drizzle, the dense forest gradually became rarer, and the field of vision became vast. Looking up, one can already vaguely see the outline of a majestic and magnificent city, entrenched in the far distance, with the days bordering.In the sky there, there are vaguely bright arcs flashing one after another.

"Finally we are about to arrive in Leicheng!"

"Everyone cheer up and try to get into the city before dark."

"Haha, of course, I'm still waiting to go to Zuiyue Tower to buy a beautiful drunk."

Seeing the faintly visible outline of the city in the distance, everyone in the caravan lifted their spirits and shouted excitedly. It has been half a month since they set off from Araki Fort. Nerves had been tense all the time, and at this moment everyone was eager to rush back to the city and have a good rest.

"So we're going to Leicheng..." Yun Na murmured, but there was a hint of disappointment in her voice. Thinking of the days she spent with Chen Xi, a ridiculous thought arose in her heart for no reason. Wouldn't it be great if we couldn't finish walking?

However, Chen Xi didn't notice Yun Na's inadvertent sense of loss at this moment. He was staring at the city outline in the distance, and couldn't hide his excitement.

Starting from Huoya Town, passing through dark forests, Wanxie rocky beaches, ice demon caves and other dangerous places, and starting from Barren Wood Castle, traveling millions of miles, and finally arriving at Leicheng at this moment, thinking of the hardships along the way And danger, Chen Xi also had mixed feelings in his heart, as if it was a lifetime away.

Thousands of miles away, there is a group of people in front of the city gate. The leader is a beautiful woman with a beautiful face, bright and deep eyes, and a graceful figure. She is wearing a white dress and swaying gently with the breeze. To go home with the wind.Beside him, there is also a handsome young man in a brocade robe, and a dozen or so strong men, each of whom is extraordinary.


ps1 The friend next door is leaving today, the move has delayed some time, and my mood has become a little depressed. I am away from home, and it is rare for an old friend to accompany me. Now that I am leaving, I have mixed feelings in my heart. Alas, I hope he will work smoothly in the future.

This volume of ps2 is over here, and the next volume is the gathering of stars in the world. I can't wait to write this volume.However, there will be two changes tomorrow. One is to finalize some detailed outlines, and the other is to put the book on the shelves of the mobile wireless reading base, requiring author certification and other miscellaneous things.Of course, from today onwards, you can also go to the mobile wireless reading base to read books. If you have a free ticket, please give it to me. Thanks in advance.


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