divine talisman

Chapter 353

Leicheng, on the verge of the Leihai Sea in the extreme west, together with Tuomu City in the center and Moyun City in the east, formed a semicircle to guard in front of Jinxiu City, the capital of the kingdom.At the same time, it is also one of the ten most prestigious cities in the Central Plains, known as the Heavenly Thunder Palace, which turned into a city.

This is an ancient city that has stood for tens of thousands of years. Regardless of its scale, outline, and momentum, it is extremely ancient and magnificent. It is hard to imagine how many years it took this city to build to such a scale.

As soon as he stepped into Leicheng, Chen Xi was shocked. On the spacious street like a square, there was a lot of traffic, and there was a constant flow of traffic, and the noise of the noise came and went. Looking around, there were black and dense human heads everywhere.The buildings on both sides of the street are row upon row, one more magnificent than the other, like a mountain towering in the city, giving people a sense of ancient and majestic.

Chen Xi had been to Qingzhou before. It was a picturesque city with ethereal mountains and rivers, carrying a hint of misty Zen.And this majestic city in front of you is ancient and magnificent, which makes people feel a heavy sense of history. It is vast and vast, but it is also bright and prosperous, which is very special.

And above the sky of this city, it seems calm, but the air current is filled with a lot of thunder power, and there are traces of lightning arcs flashing in the clouds from time to time, some are blue, some are red, some are silver white and so on.Just like the fireworks that flash from time to time, it looks so different.

"It's such a majestic power of thunder. It's much easier for monks to practice here to control the will of thunder." Chen Xi keenly noticed that after he entered this city, the will of thunder that he comprehended seemed to have changed. Get lively!

At the same time, Chen Xi also discovered that there are quite a few young geniuses gathered in Leicheng. Each of these geniuses has a unique temperament, whether they are imposing, or handsome, or graceful, or beautiful and enchanting. Both aptitude and cultivation are extremely extraordinary.

"In another month, the Stars Conference will start, I really can't wait!"

"That's right, this time the current emperor of Chu is going to open the Hualong Pond that has been dusty for thousands of years to celebrate the top ten young powerhouses. It has attracted many disciples of old monsters to participate, and it must be an unprecedented event."

"Haha, such a once-in-a-lifetime event must not be missed, otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life."

Along the way, the streets and alleys were full of people discussing the Stars Conference, which seemed extremely lively.

The Stars Conference is a grand event for the entire Great Chu Dynasty. At that time, many top-level geniuses from the Central Plains, East China Sea, Beiman, and Southern Xinjiang will gather. expect.

"Hey, how is your strength now? Are you confident to be among the top ten in the Stars Conference?" On the way, Yaqing suddenly tilted her head and asked.

After entering Leicheng, Yan Cheng immediately left with the caravan. At this time, their group included Yun Na and Yan Yan in addition to Chen Xi and Ya Qing.

Yan Yan and Yaqing have a good relationship, and they haven't seen each other for a long time, so they followed.

And Leihou Mansion's young master Wang Zhenfeng and his subordinates had already returned to the mansion ahead of time to prepare for the dinner.

According to Wang Zhenfeng, the purpose of this dinner is firstly to cleanse Chen Xi from the dust, and secondly, to introduce a handsome young man of the younger generation to everyone, so it must be well prepared, and it must be held grandly, otherwise it will be a loss of honor as the host. It's a courtesy.

As for whether it is really as hospitable as he said, only he himself knows.

Anyway, Chen Xi didn't believe that this guy, whom he didn't know before and who was just meeting him for the first time, would take such good care of him.

Breaking into the top ten at the Stellaris Conference?

Yun Na was startled when she heard the words, but she quickly recovered. She remembered the scene of Chen Xi frantically slapping a Nirvana powerhouse ten times in the barren wood castle.

Yan Yan almost thought that she heard it wrong, she looked up and saw Yaqing's serious face, she didn't look like she was joking, she couldn't help being speechless, sister Yaqing thinks too much of this cowardly boy, right?People say that women who fall in love are fools, and now it seems that this is true!

She couldn't hold back the dissatisfaction in her heart, and immediately said, "Sister Yaqing, as far as I know, there are many masters participating in the Stars Gathering this time, such as Qing Xiuyi from Yunhe Sect, Zhao Qinghe from Tianxuan Pavilion, Huangfu Changtian from Prince Rui's Mansion, Zhen Liuqing from Donghaiyan Pavilion... Wait, there are more than ten people in total, not to mention some disciples of hidden old monsters, who are also born one after another, planning to compete for the top ten positions in the Stars Conference. Do you say that a little..."

The words were not finished, but the meaning was already revealed, Yaqing could hear it naturally, she couldn't help but feel a little unhappy, and immediately asked, "Do you think he is inferior to those people?"

Yan Yan bit her cherry lips, but did not deny it.

Yaqing couldn't help but sighed in her heart, she knew that if she didn't explain clearly, this silly girl might still treat Chen Xi as a cowardly kid, and if she offended Chen Xi, it would be a big trouble.

She said directly, "Do you know who was the only one who won the [-]-game winning streak at the Golden Pool Conference a few months ago?"

Yan Yan said in a daze, "Of course I know, it is said that it was an unknown monk from southern Xinjiang, who not only defeated Jiyue of the Northern Barbarian Xuanji Sect, but also knocked back the Huamobei of Biyuan Xiandao in the East China Sea with a single sword, and even Ming Wang Daoxu, an outstanding and strong young generation of Xiazong, was also defeated by him..."

As she said that, she glanced at Yaqing suspiciously, and asked, "That Chen Xi, could it be him?"

Yaqing was noncommittal, and said, "Then, do you know that the assassination of the Black Sun Building ended in failure for the first time in thousands of years?"

Yan Yan was confused, but still nodded and said, "It seems to be to assassinate a Golden Core cultivator. As a result, many assassins dispatched by the Black Sun Tower, including several commander-level assassins, were buried in the hands of that person, and there are even a group of commander-level assassins. Fighting and fleeing. Although this matter is secret, it has also caused a sensation in the entire cultivation world, and I have naturally heard of it."

Yaqing didn't say any more, but looked at Chen Xi.

Yan Yan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood everything. She looked at Chen Xi in a daze, as if she had seen a ghost, and was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

Yun Na's heart was also surging when she heard it, and she couldn't restrain herself. She suddenly remembered something, and asked in a daze, "In the barren wood forest, you were also the one who repelled that brutal bear demon?"

Chen Xi was not used to being stared at by a group of women like this. This feeling was like being treated as a monster, which made him very uncomfortable.But he had no choice but to answer Yun Na's question, so he nodded.

"I guess it's you!" The corners of Yun Na's lips rose, and she smiled happily, with a proud look of honor.

Even the violent armored bear demon was repelled by him?Thinking of the shocking battle that day, Yan Yan couldn't calm down at all, and asked angrily, "Then why didn't you say it earlier? It made me a joke all the way!"

Chen Xi said in astonishment, "Have you ever asked me?"

Yan Yan's expression froze, she opened her cherry lips, but she couldn't speak anymore, because just like what Chen Xi said, she had always treated Chen Xi as a coward along the way, and didn't even bother to pay attention to Chen Xi, why? Maybe ask these questions again?


This bastard definitely did it on purpose, just waiting to see himself make a fool of himself at this time!

Yan Yan's teeth itched with hatred, wishing to bite this bastard hard.

The group of people just communicated like this, and before they knew it, they could already see the incomparably magnificent Leihou Mansion from a distance.

Leihou's Mansion is very easy to identify, the whole mansion is built on a huge lake, the whole body is pitch black, it seems to be made of fine steel, with a metallic luster.

The entire Leihou Mansion was shrouded in mist, rain and mist. From a distance, it looked like an ancient beast entrenched in a big lake.

"But Ms. Yaqing?" Outside Leihou's mansion, there were already people waiting.

Chen Xi and his group stopped talking, Yaqing regained that graceful and elegant demeanor, looked at the purple-robed youth, nodded and said, "I am."

"By the order of my young master, I am waiting for Miss Yaqing and the others here. You all come with me." The purple-robed youth looked at the three stunning women with their own merits surrounded by Chen Xi, and could not help showing a trace of envy in his eyes. Shake cast a strange glance at Chen Xi, shook his head, turned around and led the way.

"This mansion is truly majestic." Chen Xi and Ya Qing walked in front, Yun Na and Yan Yan followed closely behind, heading towards Leihou's mansion.

The purple-robed young man who led the way smiled and said, "Master, you have good eyesight. The entire Leihou Mansion is made of thunder meteorites from the sky. Every brick and tile contains the power of thunder. My master has exhausted his endless wealth and spent a hundred dollars. It took many years to cast it, and it is as solid as gold, even if the strong earth immortals break in, they will never return."

"It's really extraordinary." Chen Xi nodded. From the moment he entered, he noticed that the interior of the mansion was densely covered with restrictions. Once activated, the entire mansion would instantly turn into a terrifying formation containing thunder.

The welcome hall of Leihou Mansion is resplendent and majestic. The chairs are carved with dragons and phoenixes, and there are large gold and jade screens around them. Shark oil candles as thick as children's arms shine on the hall, shining brightly and emitting With a light fragrance, it is refreshing.

At this time, the welcoming hall was already full of guests, and the maids and servants were serving tea and pouring water, shuttled around endlessly, making it extremely lively.

"Hahaha, Brother Chen, Miss Yaqing, you are finally here!" When Chen Xi and his party arrived in front of the main hall, a hearty laugh erupted in the main hall. Shi Shiran came out in black robe.


PS Going back to my hometown was a false alarm, and my heart was finally at ease.Returning tonight, just calculated, this week’s update is almost kept at two updates, in order to motivate myself, starting next Monday, it will inevitably maintain three updates, one update is owed, if it is not made up within two days, one more update will be added!


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