divine talisman

Chapter 355 Please enlighten me

The first update!Thanks to brothers "Tu Sheng", "goodlook", "zjb56436400" for their valuable monthly tickets, and thanks to brothers "user 13671815" for their 888 rewards!


This Xu Qingdong is really short of pumping!

Chen Xi's originally calm heart couldn't help feeling an urge to beat this guy up, but after thinking about it for a while, he still held it back. It really doesn't mean much to torture a clown.

"Hey, he doesn't even have the courage to fight, this guy doesn't seem to be worthy of his name."

"Who says it's not, maybe it's really a waste of fame."

"Disappointment! What a disappointment!"

Seeing Chen Xi's delay in responding to the battle, everyone in the hall shook their heads endlessly, with doubts, ridicule, and displeasure in their expressions.Some women looked at Chen Xi with even more contempt, feeling that this guy was worthless, too useless, not a man at all.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi doesn't say anything, does that mean he's voluntarily admitting defeat? Sigh, it seems that some rumors are sometimes false, so they can't be taken as true." Seeing this, Xu Qingdong sneered in his heart, and the disdain on his face grew stronger.

"Okay, enough is enough!" Wang Zhenfeng stopped.

He held this banquet and arranged many people of the same generation to come, in order to severely suppress Chen Xi's aura in front of everyone and make him embarrass himself in front of Ya Qing.Even though Chen Xi didn't take up the challenge, judging from everyone's reaction, he knew that his goal had been achieved.

"Hmph, it's just a sparring, and it doesn't hurt your life. Fellow Daoist Chen Xi is too shameless. Who does he think he is? Can anyone enter Leihou Mansion casually?" Xu Qingdong was full of complacency at this moment. , and continued to chase and fight fiercely, with the appearance of wanting to fight Chen Xi to the death.

Both Yaqing and Yunna were furious, and Chen Xi endured again and again. This guy didn't know what was good, but turned on his face instead. He really regarded himself as a human being!The pupils of the two girls turned cold, and they were about to say something, but they were stopped by Chen Xi. They were just crazy people who were not familiar with it, and it would be too flattering to care about him.

Seeing this, Xu Qingdong smiled more complacently, arrogant, and spoke unscrupulously, "What is the only one in the Golden Pool Conference who has won a hundred consecutive victories? I think your opponents are too bad, and they are not worth mentioning!"

Wang Zhenfeng frowned, feeling that Xu Qingdong had gone too far.He just wanted to suppress Chen Xi's arrogance, but he didn't want to become enmity with Chen Xi. If that happened, Yaqing might be the first to turn against him, and that was absolutely not what he wanted to see.

"Oh, you say I'm too bad? Why don't you let me compete with you first?" Just when Wang Zhenfeng was about to smooth things over, suddenly, a cold voice came from outside the welcoming hall.

I saw a handsome young man wearing a bright rosy crown and cloud-patterned boots stepping forward. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in the hall, his eyes were like lightning, and he stared at Xu Qingdong coldly.

Mingxia Sect - Wang Daoxu!

Everyone at the scene recognized the identity of the young man, stopped talking one by one, and looked stunned, as if they didn't expect Wang Daoxu to come to the banquet.Even the host Wang Zhenfeng's eyelids couldn't help twitching. This banquet was organized by him himself, and Wang Daoxu was not invited from the beginning to the end.

Why is this guy here?Chen Xi couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"Mingxia Sect's sect is near Leicheng, so it's normal for Wang Daoxu to appear here. But I heard that Mingxia Sect and Leihou's Mansion have been at loggerheads all along, and I don't know what Wang Daoxu's intention is when he comes here suddenly." Out of Chen Xi's doubts, he quickly sent a voice transmission.

Chen Xi was stunned, and also very curious, why did Wang Daoxu come here for no reason?

However, Wang Daoxu ignored the gazes around him, stared at Xu Qingdong coldly, and said expressionlessly, "I'm not talented. I was defeated by Chen Xi at the Golden Pool Conference. I don't know if my defeated subordinate is qualified to compete with you?"

Xu Qingdong thumped in his heart, and the complacency on his face faded away, replaced by solemnity. Although he was wild and unruly, he was not stupid, so he naturally saw that the domineering man was not kind.

Even when he heard Wang Daoxu admit that he was defeated by Chen Xi without hesitation, he almost couldn't believe his ears. He might not know Chen Xi well, but he was very clear about Wang Daoxu's strength, whether it was cultivation, name, Even the background is above oneself.

Such a person was defeated by Chen Xi, yet he was teasing Chen Xi again and again just now, this... is simply cheating himself!

In an instant, the pride and arrogance in Xu Qingdong's heart disappeared.

"Since you don't speak, I'll take it as your tacit acceptance." Seeing Xu Qingdong's hesitation, Wang Daoxu frowned and said.

Yaqing felt happy in her heart, and she smiled and sent a voice transmission to Chen Xi, "Wang Daoxu is really interesting, he used his own way to treat him, and indirectly avenged you."

Chen Xi smiled, but didn't say much.

Xu Qingdong's expression changed, and he glanced at Wang Zhenfeng pleadingly.

"Forget it, don't mention the matter of sparring again. Brother Wang is here, it's better to drink and have fun. Fighting and killing will have a share." Wang Zhenfeng coughed twice, and said slowly.

Wang Daoxu shook his head and said, "This is not about fighting and killing, it's just a sparring, and it doesn't hurt your life. Could it be that Fellow Daoist Xu doesn't have the guts to accept the sparring? That would disappoint me too much."

"Since that's the case, brother Xu's promise is just to exchange ideas, and it will never hurt your life. Otherwise, I, the host, will never agree." Wang Zhenfeng's complexion sank, but he didn't stop trying to dissuade him, but he hated Wang Dao in his heart The bastard who messed up the situation.

Xu Qingdong's heart fell into a trough. He knew that this battle was imperative, otherwise it would not only be a matter of losing face, but also anger the young master, and he would have no place to stand in Leicheng in the future up...


Xu Qingdong is also a ruthless character. Once he decides to fight, he quickly throws away his distracting thoughts, his whole body is agitated, and his whole body immediately enters a fighting state.

"It's still a bit timid, you go ahead." Wang Daoxu said lightly.

"Offended!" Xu Qingdong was not polite, shouted violently, raised his hand and grabbed it out, the strong wind howled, the flow of Taoism, the powerful and fierce claws tore open every inch of the void.

With a grasp, the Dao will surge, the wind howls, and the momentum is frightening.

It turned out to be an extremely powerful Taoist martial arts, Liangyi Cracked Kongclaw.

This kind of martial art combines rigidity and softness, divides yin and yang, cultivates to the extreme, has the magic of turning the world around, mastering the sun and the moon, combined with the powerful power of Xu Qingdong's Jindan Perfection Realm, the true essence bursts out suddenly, and the strength of the claws merges with rigidity and softness. Like the flow of water, it penetrates everywhere.

At the same time, there was a black and white photomask that rushed down, imprisoning Wang Daoxu.There is a taste of enchantment, which is the level that can only be achieved by extremely delicate control of the two ways of yin and yang.

Obviously, in the face of such a formidable enemy as Wang Daoxu, Xu Qingdong did not dare to neglect.

Wang Daoxu didn't even look at this, and punched out.

This punch seemed ordinary, but when it was struck, it changed, and its meaning was dispersed, like a giant hammer hitting the air, like a thunderclap, majestic and indomitable.

At this moment, Wang Daoxu seemed to be transformed into a majestic mountain, his aura was almost irresistible!


This punch directly broke through the lock of the black and white mask, and the momentum remained undiminished. It also shook the opponent's claws to pieces, and then the face of the fist slammed on the opponent's chest, directly sending Xu Qingdong flying, and hit him hard. On the wall more than ten feet away, he vomited blood and fell to the ground, in a state of embarrassment.

Just one punch will determine the winner!

Everyone looked at Xu Qingdong, who was still invincible just now, but now he was punched so hard that his mouth spurted blood, and he fell to the ground in embarrassment, and they couldn't help but gasped.

What made their scalps tingle the most was that Wang Daoxu was still Chen Xi's defeated general. Even he could blow Xu Qingdong away with a single punch. If it was Chen Xi who struck, wouldn't it be possible to crush Xu Qingdong with just one finger?

Thinking about it this way, Chen Xi became unfathomable in the hearts of everyone.

"Good! It seems that Brother Wang's strength has improved a lot during this year's hard training." Wang Zhenfeng suddenly clapped his hands in admiration, and then waved his hand, arranging for the injured Xu Qingdong to leave for healing.

"It's just that he is too weak." Wang Daoxu shook his head, his words were full of disdain.

Wang Zhenfeng's expression froze, and he remained silent.Xu Qingdong is his capable master of gathering, similar to his confidant, it is strange that he feels bad when he is judged to be poor at this time.

"Do you want me to play with Wang Daoxu?" Xiao Xuantian on the side frowned and said.

"No need, the purpose of this banquet is to severely suppress Chen Xi's prestige. As for this Wang Daoxu, he comes from the Mingxia Sect, so it is not appropriate to make a big move here." Wang Zhenfeng shook his head and refused.

Xiao Xuantian smiled, and didn't ask any more questions. In terms of status, he was equal to people like Wang Zhenfeng and Wang Daoxu, and there was no need to be courteous at all.The reason why I say this is just a kind of affection as a friend.

Wang Daoxu did not notice these, his purpose of coming to Leihou Mansion this time is very simple.

Last time he lost to Chen Xi at the Golden Pool Conference. After returning to the sect, he devoted himself to cultivating, worked extremely hard, and received some pointers from the elders of the sect. His strength improved by leaps and bounds in a short period of time, and he felt that he was sure of defeating Chen Xi. Hearing that Chen Xi was here, he couldn't help but rushed over, wanting to compete with Chen Xi again.

So after defeating Xu Qingdong with one punch, he went straight to the desk where Chen Xi was, and said, "I've already solved that blind guy for you, why don't we also learn from each other? I was defeated by you last time, but Very dissatisfied."

Chen Xi was startled, "You came to Leihou's Mansion just to fight me again?"

Wang Daoxu nodded and said, "Not bad."

Everyone in the hall also figured out the purpose of Wang Daoxu's trip at this time, and they all showed excitement.

Wang Zhenfeng and Xiao Xuantian looked at each other, feeling surprised, but also very excited. If they could use Wang Daoxu's hand to severely suppress Chen Xi, that would be great.

Both Yaqing and Yunna also showed helpless expressions, as if... Chen Xi suddenly became a favorite, and everyone wanted to defeat him and break the dazzling aura that shrouded him.

Yan Yan tugged on Chen Xi's sleeve, a trace of anticipation appeared on her cold and beautiful face, she couldn't wait to say, "Hurry up and let me see your strength with my own eyes, okay?"

A beautiful woman who was as cold as a snow lotus on a mountain was staring at him with expectant eyes. To be honest, this kind of visual deficit surprised Chen Xi, and he couldn't help being speechless for a while. , this girl must not be a natural battle mad, right?Why are you so interested in fighting?

"Brother Chen, please enlighten me!" Wang Daoxu struck while the iron was hot, with a solemn expression, and said with cupped hands.


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