divine talisman

Chapter 359 Yunna's Life Experience

Late at night, Tianbao Building in Leicheng.

After leaving Leihou Mansion, Chen Xi followed Yaqing to Tianbao Building to rest, and Yan Yan and Yun Na were also with her.

Yan Yan is the daughter of Yan Cheng, a great master of treasures, returning to Tianbao Tower is equivalent to returning home, and Yun Na also came to Tianbao Tower, which is a bit strange.

As far as Chen Xi knew, Yun Na came from the Yun family, an extremely ordinary small family in Leicheng. She didn't return home late at night, but followed him to the Tianbao Building. Chen Xi could vaguely guess something, but he didn't know. Say it.

Yaqing and Yan Yan naturally didn't say much, they arranged two VIP rooms for Chen Xi and Yun Na to stay in, and the two girls left immediately.

It was already late at night, and Chen Xi also felt a little tired after participating in another turbulent banquet just now. He took a hot bath and was about to rest, but an unexpected visitor came.

It's Mrs. Water Flower.

Chen Xi was not surprised when he saw this beautiful lady who was charming and charming, and the beauty of the world visited him. When he was in the Tianbao Tower of Lanhai City, he knew that before the meeting of stars, he would definitely meet Mrs. Shuihua again, but It's just a matter of time.

After careful calculation, this beautiful lady has actually helped him a lot, for example, in Lanhai City, he gave ten black-grade top-grade swords, and for example, in Maple Leaf City, he entrusted Yaqing to help him solve some small troubles, even he The purple gold Tianbao order on her body was given by Mrs. Shuihua.

Although these kindnesses are small, they have to be taken seriously when they accumulate. Of course, Chen Xi dare not forget them.Although he also knew that Mrs. Shuihua approached him, she must have something to ask for, but he was too lazy to care so much, as long as the other party had no intention of hurting him.

Madam Shuihua came here this time and talked with Chen Xi for less than a stick of incense. She seemed to have no purpose, just chatting, and left gracefully not long after.

Fragrance winds in the air, and the beauty is gone.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the bed, contemplating for a long time.

Although Mrs. Shuihua did not express her intention to come, but through talking with her, it is not difficult to find that she has been approaching and helping herself with a kind of moistening and silent actions, but she has no intention of accepting herself for her use.

It seems that from the beginning to the end, she just wanted to show her kindness to herself, that's all.

"No matter what, I still owe her a kindness. Maybe this is what she wants?" Chen Xi shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Early the next morning, it was just dawn.

After Chen Xi got up and washed, he immediately walked out of the room.

When he returned to Tianbao Tower last night, he talked to Yaqing, and today he set off for Jinxiu City.After all, the Stars Conference will start in another month, so it's better to arrive early.

As soon as he walked out of the room, Chen Xi saw Yaqing, Yun Na, and Yan Yan were already waiting there.

This gathering of stars brought together the young generation of powerhouses from the cultivation world of the Great Chu Dynasty.There were not only many participants in this grand event, but also countless people traveled thousands of miles to Splendid City, in order to see the elegant demeanor of the young generation of strong men.Naturally, the three women would not miss this grand event.

But before leaving, Yaqing called Chen Xi aside, and said in a low voice, "Yunna plans to go back to the family to retrieve her mother's ashes before leaving Leicheng, so she doesn't plan to go with us."

Chen Xi was stunned, and said with a smile, "Isn't it just to collect the ashes? There won't be much delay. Let's go with her, and it won't be too late to start."

Yaqing sighed, "I think so too, but Yunna's situation is a bit special."

"What's going on?" Chen Xi frowned, and glanced at Yun Na in the distance. Seeing that she was in a trance, with a preoccupied look, he vaguely guessed that it might have something to do with her family's affairs.

Sure enough, what Yaqing said next proved Chen Xi's conjecture.

It turned out that Yaqing's status in the Yun family was quite low, and her mother was just a maidservant next to Yun Shufeng, the head of the Yun family. Yun Shufeng got drunk once, and became violent and raped Yun Na's mother's body. Yunna was born.

Not long after Yun Na was born, her mother died of illness.And Yun Shufeng's family has countless wives and concubines, and a house full of children, so why would he care about Yun Na, a daughter who was obtained by accident?If it weren't for Yunna being his own flesh and blood, he would have almost forgotten whether he had such a daughter.

In addition, Yun Na's mother is just a maid, Yun Na was not only rejected by those Yun family children who ridiculed her as a low-born, but even those slaves and servants spoke ill of her, and did not treat her as the head of the family at all. daughter look at.

From this, we can know how miserable Yunna's life experience is.

When Chen Xi learned of all this, he couldn't help but sighed, and felt more and more pity for Yun Na in his heart.Being able to grow up in such a harsh environment and live strong and independent until now, Yunna's life is really not easy.

He immediately decided to accompany Yun Na to the Yun family.

Knowing Chen Xi's decision, both Ya Qing and Yan Yan agreed, but Yun Na was a little overwhelmed by flattery, and the way she looked at Chen Xi changed, her gratitude shone with indescribable joy.

A group of people left Tianbao Tower immediately, but just as they walked out, they saw the young master Wang Zhenfeng in a gorgeous robe waiting there.

"Why are you here?" Yaqing frowned, a little tired. This guy has been pestering her for several days, and at yesterday's banquet he instructed others to trouble Chen Xi. Now he still has the face to show up. I really don't know how thick-skinned he is. to what extent.

"I'm here to apologize to Brother Chen." Wang Zhenfeng smiled awkwardly, then stepped forward, with a solemn expression, and said, "Everything that happened yesterday was Wang's fault, and I hope Brother Chen will not mind it."

Chen Xi was too lazy to think about how this guy's attitude changed so drastically, and shook his head, "The matter is over, you don't need to be polite, Brother Wang."

After finishing speaking, he led Yun Na towards the direction of the Yun family.He didn't want to mess with this troublemaker again.

Seeing this, Ya Qing and Yan Yan stopped talking to Wang Zhenfeng and followed closely.

However, Chen Xi still somewhat underestimated Wang Zhenfeng's thick skin. After being ignored by him, instead of being angry, Wang Zhenfeng looked indifferent, with a surprisingly good attitude, and hurriedly chased after him again, and asked with a smile, "What are you doing?" Where are you going? I will accompany you, there is no place in Leicheng that I don't know about."

Chen Xi pursed his lips and remained silent.

Yaqing and the three daughters naturally didn't bother to talk to each other.

Wang Zhenfeng laughed, explained himself, and continued to speak sincerely, "I know some things yesterday, which caused some troubles for Brother Chen, all of which are my fault..."

Just like that, along the way, Chen Xi and the others didn't speak, only Wang Zhenfeng chatted on the sidelines, like a little follower who made a mistake.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the road was dumbfounded, almost thought they were dazzled, you must know that he is the most respected young master in Leihou Mansion, he is a well-known existence in Leicheng, how could he become so humble?

Just when Wang Zhenfeng was spitting and talking dryly, Chen Xi and his party finally saw the mansion where the Yun clan was located.

The Yun family's mansion covers an area of ​​one hundred acres, and its scale is even smaller than that of the current Chen family. It is ordinary and incomparable to the other grand and tall buildings that Chen Xi has seen along the way. In this huge city of Leicheng, Yun The family is indeed a small and inconspicuous family.

Even Wang Zhenfeng, the young master who was born and raised in Leicheng, was at a loss when he first saw the Yun family's mansion, and muttered, "The Yun family? There is this family in Leicheng?"

From this, it can be seen how weak and ordinary the background of the Yun family is.

As she approached the gate of the mansion, Yun Na's expression became complicated. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Outside the door, a middle-aged servant walked out. When he saw Yun Na outside the door, he was taken aback for a moment, and then snorted coldly with disdain, "Hey, you bastard is not dead yet? Why do you want to go home?"

Hearing the word "scumbag", Yun Na's complexion changed suddenly, she clenched her hands unconsciously, and said coldly, "Get out of the way, do I need to report to you if I go home or not? You are just a servant of the Yun family, you better control yourself dirty mouth!"

The middle-aged servant was startled, and then flew into a rage, "What did you say?"

At this time, he also noticed Chen Xi's group, and turned his face, and said with a sneer, "I see, you think you can go home and show off your power after making a bunch of cronies? You really don't know what to do!"

When Yun Na got angry, her eyes were about to burst into flames.

Chen Xi also frowned, even a servant dared to be so cruel, and from this he knew how the Yun family treated Yun Na.


With a crisp sound, Wang Zhenfeng rushed forward without knowing when, and slapped the servant severely, and the slap made him fly backwards for more than ten feet, spitting blood continuously.

"What kind of a dog, how dare you call me 'fellow dog friend'? In other places, I would have killed you!" Wang Zhenfeng took a sip, his face was full of disdain, the kind of innate arrogance, and the inadvertent appearance of his body. His noble aura made the middle-aged servant forget to scream.

"Miss Yun, out of righteous indignation, I couldn't help but give him a shot, is it okay?" When Wang Zhenfeng turned his head to look at Yun Na, there was already a warm smile on his face, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

While speaking, he looked at Chen Xi. Seeing that Chen Xi was noncommittal, he immediately understood that he had made the right bet this time.

"Could it be that they came to the Yun's house this time to find fault?" Wang Zhenfeng couldn't help feeling excited, finding fault was his forte, and if he did it well, maybe Chen Xi would be able to clear up his suspicions against him!

"I just realized now that you look much more pleasing to the eye today." Ya Qing glanced at Wang Zhenfeng and said in surprise.

Wang Zhenfeng laughed heartily, "With Miss Yaqing's words, my heart is enough."

Ignoring the servant who kept vomiting blood on the ground, Chen Xi and his group walked straight towards the gate.

"Come on! Come on! That bitch Yunna has found a group of helpers to come back to find trouble!" After a while, the servant got up awkwardly, screamed at the top of his voice, and the sound spread all over the world, and immediately The entire Yun family was alarmed.


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