divine talisman

Chapter 362

Thanks to brothers "God of Heaven and Earth Demon", "dt40", "Smile of the Sea", and "zheju7256" for their valuable votes!Thanks to Brother "Four Weeks" for another 10000 reward for joining us!

Today I feel that yesterday's complaints are a bit too much, but I don't want to feel at ease in the future and stop making big fuss for unworthy people.


The time away from the Stars Conference is getting bigger and bigger. In the Chu Dynasty, winds gathered from all directions.

Numerous families, sect monks, and people of all kinds from the Northern Man, Southern Xinjiang, East China Sea, and Central Plains rushed towards Splendid City.

Some small families and small powers have no chance to participate in this grand event. After all, Splendid City is located in the core of the Central Plains, the distance is far away, and the way is full of various forces. I am afraid that they will be buried in various dangers before they reach the splendor.For example, animal attacks, bandits looting and so on.

Therefore, those who have the strength to go to Jin to participate in the Stars Conference are all from the dominant side, and all the teams are led by experts.

As for the strength of idle clouds and wild cranes who want to witness the Stars Conference, they must be in the Jindan state before they can reach Splendid City safely.

And in order not to miss this event, many forces will come out one month in advance. After all, this Stars Conference is recognized as a grand occasion. If you miss it, you will regret it for a lifetime.

Chen Xi, Yaqing, Yan Yan, Yun Na, and the young master of the Leihou Mansion, Wang Zhenfeng, who had completely boiled over in the Great Chu Dynasty also left and headed towards Splendid City.

The reason why the Stars Conference has attracted the entire practice world is that this grand event is destined to win the supreme honor in the world if the current royal family can win the Stars Conference.

The second is because as long as you have obtained the Stars Conference, you can participate in the ancient times and go straight to the legendary place closest to the fairy world-Xuanhuanyu!

Therefore, apart from the qualifications to enter the Immemorial Realm, this group of Star Wars players also had the right to enter the Xuantian Realm.

Yunhe faction.

A group of red-clawed white cranes chirping like a fairyland on earth.


A burst of violent heaven and earth fluctuations roared like a road resounding through the nine heavens and ten earths.Hundreds of millions of hazy strange visions appeared suddenly on that ethereal mountain peak, as if falling from the sky to form a lotus flower.

The vision here shocked the entire Yunhe faction instantly.

"Where is Xiu? Could it be that the elder sister has left the customs?"

"Elder Sister, she has been retreating since the desert of the vast sea. At this time, the vision of the wind and cloud will increase her strength a lot!"

"At this time, there is only one time away from the Stars Conference, and the proud reincarnation of the eldest sister Tianxian is enough to win the first place!"

Many mountains of the Yunhe faction escaped light and pierced through the sky, and all of them looked towards Xiushui Peak with amazement and fanaticism in their eyes.

This Yunhe Sect's heavenly proud girl who was the reincarnation of a great celestial being has been in seclusion for three years, and the voice of the heavenly voice has reappeared in the world!

Tianxuan Pavilion.

Tianxuan Pavilion is a sect that is almost hidden from the world. Disciples rarely appear in the mysterious world, but in the whole cultivation, no one dares to underestimate the strength of Tianxuan Pavilion.

The reason is that today's Emperor Chu, the Four Great Palaces, and some of the royal family who don't care about world affairs have more or less practiced in Tianxuan Pavilion!

Just from this point alone, it can be seen how terrifying the power of Tianxuan Pavilion is.

After all, if there is no point, it is impossible to attract so many people from the royal family to practice.

A dense heat wave in Tianxuan Pavilion is scorching. The terrible high temperature seems to be able to melt everything.


In the secret room, there is a bronze tripod with fire under it, birds and beasts carved on its body, and the atmosphere of ancient vicissitudes exuded by ancient ancestors offering sacrifices to heaven.

The boiling water in the cauldron was thick and strange, but the blood was not bloody, but bubbling and bubbling.At this time, there was a young man sitting cross-legged with his eyes. He seemed unable to feel the calmness of the clouds on the stern cheek of the furnace.


Suddenly, a gigantic god appeared in the secret room. This phantom of an ancient god and demon almost occupied the entire area, and then he raised his head to the sky and made a violent sound, as if trying to struggle out of trouble.

"It's just a ray of blood, why don't I use it quickly?" The young man suddenly opened his mouth and yelled out.

This phantom of the ancient gods and demons turned into strands and poured into the young man's body unwillingly as if they had been severely injured.


The youth's muscular and well-proportioned body gave out bursts of thunder-like thunder, and the bloody aura above his head was majestic and ancient.

"It's so powerful that I'm now in the Stars Conference, it's like picking something out of a bag!" The young man clenched his hands tightly and felt the turbulent abundance in his body, and couldn't help but let out a clear cry that shook the sky for nine days.

"Hahaha! Hurry up and go to the unparalleled glory!" The sloppy old man's bold and hearty laughter resounded.

This day, Tianxuan Pavilion disciple Zhao melted the essence and blood of ancient gods and demons to break through the level.

Prince Rui's Mansion.

A majestic and majestic pitch-black palace, the burly and tall Prince Rui sat high in the center, and his aura spread far and wide. His whole body was like a round of brilliance, making it difficult to look at.

"This year's Stars Conference is not the same. Do you have the confidence to be among the top ten?" The rumbling voice resounded like thunder in the grand hall.

The two youths in the main hall stood shoulder to shoulder and the young man in black robe on the left replied calmly: "Have I ever let you down?"

His posture and demeanor, his brows, and his voice were calm, but exuded an incomparably powerful aura.

This is Huangfu, a well-known cultivator in the world, a young generation of strong men with amazing talent, understanding, and strength!

"Hahaha." Prince Rui nodded heartily and said, "Why don't you adore you for now? After cultivating in the Demon Flame Sea, do you have the confidence to stand out from the crowd at the Stars Conference?"

Huangfu Chongming said solemnly: "These three children will definitely live up to their father's careful cultivation over the years!"

"Very good! If I, Prince Rui's Mansion, can occupy two of you before this Stars Conference, no matter what you have, I will agree to everything!"

Prince Rui stood up from the throne and looked down at the great hall with his hands behind his back, his cheeks were full of heroism and majesty like the sound of a yellow bell.

Hookah Pavilion.

This is an ordinary scenery, but it is quite secluded with mountains, waterfalls and lush forests.

At this time, it was the sunset.

There is only one Cangqiu plant on one mountain peak on the island, and on one side, there is a string of bright red flowers hanging under the eaves of a golden thatched hut, adding a worldly atmosphere.

A young man with a handsome face and a plain dress who looks like a peasant woman is picking vegetables and fruits in the vegetable bed with her sleeves rolled up and her body naked.

Purple eggplants, green beans, juicy cabbage... are all commonly seen in the secular world. Perhaps the vegetables and fruits here are obviously fresher.

The young woman's movements were skillful and she was obviously often engaged in this kind of work until the night when she straightened up from the vegetable bed and walked happily into the thatched cottage with a vegetable basket on her shoulders.

Wisps of cooking smoke hang from the sky, bright stars appear round, big and bright in this boundless sky.

The young woman walked out and placed two pairs of dishes on the old Panasonic's desk, and placed the four freshly cooked dishes, raising her hand. On the desk, there was another green wine gourd.

"I'm afraid this will be the last time you will be late, why don't you show up quickly?" After finishing the work, the woman raised her hand and tapped the Cangqiu tree in front of her and said with a smile.

"When I think of my obedient disciple who will become a teacher, I feel terrible. Don't eat." A voice came from inside the old pine tree and said slowly.

"What makes you uncomfortable is that no one cooks for you, right? If you don't eat, anyway, I'm going to participate in the Stars Festival and I'll leave after eating." The young woman sat on the table and began to chew slowly.

She ate very often and took two sips until there was no sound in the old pine tree, and the atmosphere seemed very quiet.

"I take care of you too. I will come back to see you when I get tired of watching Xuan Huan Yu." The young woman stood up and stopped silently in front of the old pine tree before saying seriously.

No one responded.

The young woman stopped laughing and turned around to reach the top of the mountain. She had disappeared into the boundless night sea with flying in the air.

"Zhen Liuqing? Are you merciful? Before he left, if I were with you as a teacher again, I'm afraid you would really not want to leave...It's not difficult to enter the Xuanhuan Realm and become a fairy with your skills."

With a slow sound, a chubby boy with a childish face and white beard fluttered endlessly from the old pine tree.He raised his eyes to look at Zhen Liuqing's leaving eyes, and it took a long time for the sun and the moon to regain his calm. .I hope you can like it.

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