divine talisman

Chapter 365 Great Chu Imperial Capital [Part 1]

Thanks to brother "Zuiqingtian" for the reward and thanks to brother "z6373" for the 4 precious votes!


three days later.

Chen Xi and his party entered a vast land.

This land is boundless and ancient, and the mountains are ancient. As Chen Xi was amazed, this vast world was permeated with ancient and distant chaos, confusion and mystery.

It's as if one came to the barren and vast ancient times a million years ago, and one can't help but feel a sense of remoteness and confusion in one's heart.

"This land has been underground since ancient times. It is said that there are [-] Gongwei brocades that suppress the luck of the entire Great Chu Dynasty." Yaqing is serious about this ancient land, and she is also full of awe in her heart.

Wang Zhenfeng also nodded and agreed: "It is true that the theory of luck is mysterious, but it is actually connected from top to bottom. The reason why the Chu Dynasty has stood tall in the practice world for countless years is to suppress the luck in these three thousand dragon veins. It is said that the East China Sea The owner of the Shuiyan Pavilion used to not affect the foundation of the Great Chu Dynasty unless something happened to disturb the Three Realms."

Is it luck?

The power of the soul that shocked him in Chen Xi's heart was extremely diffused in this ancient land, as if he heard the agitation of dragons, and even felt a deep depression in his soul.

Moreover, the faces of the monks that Chen Xi met on the way into this ancient land all became solemn and serious, and none of them even talked in a low voice.

Just so silently flew forward and came to the central area of ​​this ancient land.

The extremely long mountains in all directions in this area are like a long dragon guarding the head and tail and converging in the center.

An incomparably magnificent and ancient temple located in the mountains like dragons suppressing thousands of people, bathed in the radiant light of mist and smoke, revealing its supreme dignity.

The city far away looks like a supreme towering world, overlooking the beautiful mountains and rivers.

This is the imperial capital of the Great Chu Dynasty—Splendid City!

This time the stars will kick off the curtain there.

This city guarded by Shenxi and thousands of mountains stands here. I don't know how many years old it is immortal. Even the strong in the fairyland must restrain themselves and dare not do anything reckless here.

Fan Chenxi was still a hundred miles away from Splendid City, and Fan Chenxi could already see the majestic buildings in Splendid City, and in the center of the city stood an incomparably majestic and huge Immortal Family Palace.

This treasure hall is almost ten thousand straight through the whole body exuding various gold, red, silver, cyan, purple...

Many reflections sprinkled the entire Splendid City!

Yaqing raised her eyes and murmured: "That is the place where the current emperor of Chu usually lives—Jinggao is the most powerful person in the entire Great Chu Dynasty and the most supreme existence in the hearts of all monks in the entire cultivation world!"

"It's truly spectacular." Chen Xi couldn't help being amazed.

"That's the Palace of Splendid Embroidery, but it's a real thing. The spirits in it alone don't know how many years they have survived. Not to mention the immortals of the earth and the gods, they can't break through the defense of the Splendid Embroidery City." Wang Zhenfeng replied casually.

A real magic weapon!

Chen Xi immediately thought of whether his restoration of the pagoda could also have the power and influence of the Hall of Splendid Embroidery?

"Madam has already arranged for us in Jinxiu City. It's not too late to take a closer look when we get there." Yaqing laughed.

A group of people stopped Yufeng and soon arrived at the foot of Jinxiu City.

many people!

Looking in all directions, there are dense crowds, or driving or riding or riding streamers, shoulder to shoulder.

However, the atmosphere was extremely deserted, and everyone lined up honestly and orderly to walk towards the city gate.

The reason is that there is a strong man in the fairyland in the huge city that is thousands of feet high. Although he sits cross-legged on the side of the city gate and closes his eyes, the terror emanating from his body is like an abyss, deterring anyone from acting rashly again.

"This is just south. It is said that there are ten gates in Jinxiu City. If there are all strong earth immortals sitting in the city, wouldn't there be as many as sixteen in total? The background is indeed terrifying!"

Chen Xi looked at the unattractive Earth Immortal in front of the city gate, and was amazed in his heart that he had a better understanding of the strength of the royal family of the Great Chu Dynasty.

Entering Jin, the breath of the city is boiling again, the clean streets are as wide as a square, the water, the shops, the voices of people, and the bustle is not like what the world can have.

"Splendid City! Here I come!"

"This time the stars are big, I will definitely be famous and soar to the sky!"

"Finally looking forward to being the star of the hundred-year class, this time I must be famous and at least let the whole world know my name!"

Some young people who have just come to Fairview City are eager to become famous at the Stars Conference.

Chen Xi and his group heard this kind of secretly funny more than once, and they also began to feel the atmosphere of rivalry.

"Many of the younger generation seem to be quite strong." Yun Na exclaimed.

"Many people came from far away regions to participate in the Stars Conference. You have so many talented people gathered in one city, the number is naturally huge and amazing."

Yan Yan explained: "The More Stars Conference is held every hundred years, and every time it shakes all the top forces in all directions, they will escort the geniuses under their sect.

These Splendid City became more and more prosperous day by day for the monks.

Almost every few dozen years, one young man who participated in the Gathering of Stars, one out of every ten young people, one out of every ten geniuses, is an eye-popping genius.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as "there are many geniuses and the strong are everywhere".

"Fortunately, Madam helped us arrange it, otherwise we might not even be able to find the inn." Yaqing laughed.

This is a garden-like area with towering ancient trees, flowers and plants, rockery and pavilions, which can be found in Splendid City, and only people like Mrs. Shuihua can do it.

But Chen Xi and the others are not the only ones living here.

Just when Chen Xi and the others entered a single courtyard on the side of this building, they drove out of an extremely luxurious car with several terrifying beasts, and followed many guards with a strong and calm temperament.

The curtains of the treasure chariot were covered with jade, and there was only a woman sitting alone in the car. She was dressed in bright yellow hair, blue silk eyes, beautiful skin, and she exuded an extremely noble atmosphere.

"Eh! Sister Yaqing." The girl's eyes inadvertently saw Yaqing talking in surprise, she had already walked towards Chen Xi and the others from the treasure chariot.

"Princess." Ya Qing, who saw the girl clearly, bowed quickly in a daze.


Chen Xi, Yun Na, Yan Yan, and Wang Zhenfeng all looked at the man in the bright yellow embroidered robe and couldn't believe that they met a royal family member or a princess when they first entered Jinjin!

"Just don't call me by my name as much as you say." The girl smiled when she saw it, and there was a naughty and cute taste on her cherry lips.

"I also feel very awkward calling you." Yaqing and the girl were clearly in a relationship and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

The girl smiled and said, "Of course I'm going to participate in the Stars Conference in the Splendid Hall, so I begged my aunt to bring me here."

Yaqing said dumbly: "I think staying here is convenient for you to go out and play."

The girl spat and smiled and said, "I know you can't hide it from Yaqing and won't tell you. I heard that Qing Xiuyi has come to Jinxiu. I want to go and see how powerful this woman is."

"Don't mess around, or your aunt knows she will be scolded by your father." Seeing that the girl was going to find Qing Yaqing, she hurriedly ordered.

"It's not fun to fight with her when the Stars Release Conference is about to start." Said the girl had sat back and waved at Yaqing before leaving.As for Chen Xi, she ignored him as air from the beginning to the end.

Did the girl leave? Wang Zhenfeng seemed to think of it and screamed: "Couldn't that be the little Huangfu Qingying who the Emperor Chu loves the most?"

Chen Xi also vaguely guessed, but he couldn't be sure.Especially when he heard that Qing Xiuyi had arrived at Jinxiu early, a touch of revulsion welled up in his heart, but he quickly suppressed it in his heart.

Yan Yan and Yun Na were also very curious that the girl's eyes were on Ya Qing.

"Although the descendants of the current Emperor Chu, who else can he have if he is not her? Only hers are eligible to live in the Jinxiu Palace." Yaqing laughed.

"It really is her!" Wang Zhenfeng patted and exclaimed: "Only someone like her can keep pace with Qing Xiuyi and Zhen Liuqing."

Chen Xi also said that the current Emperor of Chu once said, "If young people in the world talk about strange women, one of them is Yunhe Paiqing, the other is my little empress Fu, and the third is Zhen Liuqing of Shuiyan Pavilion."

Very much the younger generation of female cultivators of the Great Chu Dynasty in the era of the current Emperor Chu, these three women are the most outstanding! ||little|say| (..)

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