divine talisman

Chapter 373 Powerful Reverse Kill

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The Splendid Hall where Chen Xi was mentioned suddenly fell into a brief silence.

Huangfu Jingtian, Taoist Longhe, Mo Lanhai, Chongxu Sanren, Master Liuxiao, and Zhao Zimei all looked coldly at Beiheng.

The ancestors of the Earth Immortals in Chen Xi's great hall all had their own reasons. The fact that Huangfu Jingtian and others entrusted the Black Sun Building to rob and kill Chen Xi was so overwhelming that they couldn't hide it even if they wanted to.

The people who robbed and killed also heard that it was because Chen Xi had several items on him and also obtained the treasure house of Qianyuan from the depths of the vast desert. wish.

Everyone knows this kind of thing, but if you say it, you are afraid that it will hurt Huangfu Jingtian and other six people, and it will be an offense. Everyone has lived for a long time, so naturally they understand this truth.

So in the conversation just now, they also intentionally or unintentionally avoided Chen Xi's so as not to cause the displeasure of these six people.

But at this moment, Bei Heng's opening revealed that Chen Xi had undoubtedly pierced through this layer of windows and opened up the embarrassing atmosphere for these six people, and naturally became silent.

Feeling the atmosphere, Bei Heng had a slight expression in his heart, not only did he not regret mentioning Chen Xi's name.

"Chen Xi? I've also heard of this son's name."

Wen Chenghou looked around and everyone smiled and said as if he didn't notice the atmosphere: "This is the only young man who has won a hundred consecutive victories in the Golden Pond Conference, and it is also the only year in the practice circle in southern Xinjiang to achieve such an achievement in thousands of years. It's amazing."

Everyone was face to face but no one responded.

The faces of Huangfu Jingtian and the six people became more and more gloomy. Wen Chenghou obviously did it deliberately to embarrass himself and others!

But because of Wen Chenghou, they dared not speak out.

Wen Chenghou didn't care about everyone's smiles and continued to ask enthusiastically: "Could Bei Heng point out which one is Chen Xi? It's also good for me to see the demeanor of this son."

Beiheng is keen, Wen Chenghou seems to be deliberately provoking Huangfu Jingtian and others, why?Does Wen Chenghou want to accept his righteous brother?

"Wen Chenghou's handsome young man in handsome clothes is my foster brother Chen Xi." Despite his heart, Bei Heng pointed to Yuan Deng and replied with a smile.

"Nine thousand feet?" Wen Chenghou glanced at Deng Deng and said in amazement: "Although his height is unmatched, his speed is mysterious and unhappy. Zhang Chi's expression obviously did not receive much moral will. According to this, he will be able to quickly. over the others."

Said that there was already a hint of appreciation in his voice.

The ancestors of the earth immortals in the hall also agreed with Wen Chenghou's point of view.

With sharp eyes, they could see that Chen Xi was walking up the Tianfeng Mountain seemingly at a speed, but his demeanor was not in a hurry, and he was always going up. He was incomparably many times more embarrassing and obvious than the others when they climbed the mountain.

This kid's strength is really impressive!

These Earth Immortal ancestors had only heard of Chen Xi, and they were also surprised at this moment, but because of Huangfu Jingtian and others, no one spoke out.


There was a sudden sound in the hall, and everyone turned their heads, only to see that Beiheng had smashed an old face in front of him at some point, and they seemed extremely angry.

"Just take a look at the lofty heights of Dengtian Peak!"

Bei Heng pointed at the distance and gritted his teeth, "It's a full ten, but my brother-in-law is obviously trying to plot something. Such methods are simply despicable and filthy!"

As expected, everyone was like Beiheng. Thirteen young disciples blocked Chen Xi. Anyone could see the tense confrontation.

When they recognized the thirteen disciples, everyone immediately understood why Beiheng changed his name, perhaps they couldn't control the anger in their hearts.

The reason is that these 13 people are all under the sect of Huangfu Jingtian and other six people. No matter how stupid the people are, this is a revenge plan by the six major forces against Chen Xi!

It might even be the instruction from Huangfu Jingtian and others...

Even Wen Chenghou couldn't help but wrinkled at this time but didn't say much.This is the stars as long as they don't destroy anyone can say nothing.

"Fellow Daoist Beiheng said that to get through the summit of Tianfeng, you have to test your heart and brain even more. What can you do if you want to become a human being without a bit of skill and wisdom?" Huangfu Jingtian suddenly laughed loudly Che the hall.

From the gathering of stars, it is destined to be a cruel competition. If everyone sticks to their hearts, how can such a competition select the real strong? "

"Everything depends on your own strength and as long as you don't violate any behavior, you can be punished, even if you are punished, you can't hate others. You must know that many people died tragically in the fighting in the previous Stars Festival!"

Taoist Longhe, Mo Lanhai, Zhao Zimei and others all stared at Beiheng with cold eyes.

Bei Heng was furious, but he couldn't help it, because what these old bastards said was that in the previous Stars Festival, more than a dozen people besieged one person, or more than a hundred people besieged one person.

"The battle has begun!"

An ancestor of the Earth Immortal suddenly attracted all eyes to Dengtian Peak.


"These bastards are so shameless!"

"Mom, now Chen Xi is afraid of danger."

"Sure enough, if it's the six major forces, I know they won't let it go like this."

Jinxiu Yaqing, Yun Na, Yan Yan and the others also saw that they were all angry and worried about Chen Xi.

Climb to great heights.

Chen Xi was alone and was fanned by thirteen cultivators. The other cultivators all feared that they would avoid it and it would affect him.

"This guy is going to be in trouble."

"This guy doesn't seem to be very popular, but he is surrounded by so many people here."

"Who says no, we can't mix things like hurrying up."

The thirteen young men from the six major forces all looked at Chen Xi as if they were staring at a dead person.

Chen Xi looked at these 13 people indifferently, and then brazenly made a move!

Not a word of nonsense was said.

At this time, there is no need for the situation in front of you. This is already an endless and endless room for maneuver.


As soon as Chen Xi made his move, a sure-to-kill figure approached like a ghost, and a sword talisman pierced through it like a flowing rainbow in an instant, bringing out a string of blood flowers.

To kill this person, he did not turn sideways and slashed fiercely at the monk beside him with his sword.


As soon as the young cultivator raised his hand, the sword talisman, which was as sharp as a magic weapon of heaven rank, was easily chopped off and his whole body was sprayed all over the ground with scarlet blood mixed with colorful viscera.

In just a blink of an eye, Qi Qi, two disciples of the Golden Core Consummation Realm, still had a smudge on his face before he died, as if he didn't expect why all this happened so quickly.

Not to mention that this is their companion, they never expected that Chen Xi would be caught off guard by his sneak attack by saying that he would do something like that!

In fact, they had been fighting hard all this time, so they couldn't be caught off guard, but they felt that Chen Xi's speed and force were too great for them to even lose the time to counterattack two of their companions.

"This kid, let's do it together!"

"Damn! Kill this bastard!"


The remaining 11 people shouted angrily and used all of them to surround and kill Chen Xi.

Chen Xi wasn't surprised. What he was worried about was that it would be a pity if these guys didn't fight.How can they not make him happy now that they still have the courage to rush?


Chen Xi's true energy all over his body stepped on his footsteps, and his whole body was like a strand of wisps wandering in the hands of the crowd. The sword talisman Fei Shuo Yaojiao, each sword would inevitably bring up a strand and take away a life.

These people's cultivation bases are all in exchange for the perfect strength of Jindan, and he is not sure that he can solve them in a very short time.

But here, Chen Xi is confident that he can completely annihilate the opponent in a very short time!

The reason is that due to the pressure of morality around Dengtian Peak, these people have to allocate most of their experience to exert less than [-]% of their usual experience.

And he couldn't interfere with his being able to exert [-]% of his strength until the surrounding forces of moral will oppressed him.

In this kind of situation, killing it is like chopping melons and vegetables without worrying about any danger.

In fact, Chen Xi didn't use all of these people at all, and they weren't worthy of letting him go all out.


Chen Xi's attack was not as fast as it could have been, and what he wanted was to wipe out all of them and deal the heaviest blow to the six major forces! (.guan.)

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