divine talisman

Chapter 391

Thanks to brothers "User 13671815", "Snow under the Moonlight", "Sad Sword Wolf" for their valuable support!


Chen Xi's figure was quietly sitting cross-legged in nothingness.

After getting the supernatural power "Eye of Divine Truth", he finally felt much more comfortable. Although he did not get the Taoist martial arts in the Dao Martial Altar, in his opinion, having the supernatural power of "Eye of Divine Truth" is absolutely necessary. It is more valuable than having a perfect Taoist martial arts, and it is more helpful to oneself.

In fact, after careful calculation, Chen Xi does not lack in fighting methods.

In terms of Qi refining, he practiced the most difficult swordsmanship in the world - "Wanzang Sword Manual", and the half-step Taoist martial arts "Great Annihilation Fist".

In terms of body training, I have practiced "Wings of the Starry Sky", "The Dharma of Heaven and Earth", "Three Heads and Six Arms", and "Starry Sky Mahamudra".

In terms of spiritual attack, he has practiced the "Shen Shaking Art", "Illusive God Art", and "Slaying God Art".

These exercises are all top-level exercises with infinite power. With his current comprehension and hard work, he has not yet perfected all the exercises.

So at this time, there is another perfect level of Taoist martial arts, but it is just an extra fighting method, which does not have much benefit to the fighting power.

The "Eye of Divine Truth" is different. This kind of supernatural power is powerful because it has the unique function of seeing through everything. It is used to fight. Any cover-up, camouflage, concealment, illusion, flaws... etc. of the enemy will be caught by him. See through at a glance.

This kind of powerful effect similar to that of a prophet is enough to be called shocking.

Right now, Chen Xi is carefully comprehending this supernatural power.

In Jinxiu City, countless eyes fixed on the mid-air without blinking, looking at the hundred figures sitting quietly cross-legged on the Dao Martial God Throne, the look of anticipation in their eyes became more and more intense.

A stick of incense has passed since the Dao Martial God Throne appeared in the sky, but the figures on the God Throne haven't moved at all...

Everyone knows that the souls of these people have entered a strange space and are communicating with the "Dao Wu Altar", only in this way can they successfully obtain a Dao grade martial arts.

What they are curious about is, what level of Taoist martial arts can the top [-] young powerhouses of this Stars Conference get from it?


Just when everyone was expecting to wait, there was a sudden violent fluctuation in the air, and a young disciple was the first to open his eyes.At the same time, a black glow like endless torrential water soared into the sky from the Dao Martial God Seat where he was sitting,


The black water stream surged violently, and condensed into a giant tiger beast as big as a mountain with its fur glowing with black glow. It stood in the sky, opened its mouth and roared violently, and the sound shook the whole field, resounding throughout the entire Splendid City.

"Tao Grade Martial Arts - Black Water Fierce Tiger Fist!"

Looking at the black tiger beast transformed by the Dao, there was an uproar in Jinxiu City, and many people were envious.

The young strong man was slightly dissatisfied with this, the Black Water Dao Yi is just a kind of Water Walking Dao, which means that the "Black Water Fierce Tiger Fist" he got is just an ordinary Dao grade martial arts.


Following this young strong man, violent fluctuations resounded from the seat of Dao Martial God in mid-air, one after another, and various visions filled the sky.

There are fierce birds bathed in firelight.

There are huge handprints that stir the world.

There is a sword shadow with sword intent soaring into the sky and smashing the clouds in all directions.

Each kind of vision represents a kind of Dao grade martial arts. From the aura emanating from the vision and the power of Dao will, one can judge the pros and cons of this Dao grade martial arts.

For example, whether it contains a great way or a small way, and for example, whether the contained Taoist attributes are ordinary or special... and so on.

"Look! That martial art actually contains a rare 'decaying Taoism'. My God, this kind of martial art is simply killing people invisible. If it is stained, the flesh and blood body will be rotted without knowing it!"

"Hey, the young master of Leihou's Mansion is really amazing, he actually obtained the Taoist martial art "Purple Lightning Silver Thunder Knife", so that Leihou's Mansion will have another Daoist martial art! "

"Cut! You guys, I haven't seen the world, and the good show is still to come. The Dao grade martial arts that just appeared are all ordinary, and the most powerful ones only contain a kind of Dao mystery. When it comes to the big show, That's wonderful!"

Looking at the astonishing visions that appeared in the sky, the atmosphere in Splendid City suddenly became more and more heated, and the streets and alleys were full of exclamations and noises.

Soon, there were only more than 30 Dao Martial Gods seated in the air, and there was no movement yet, and everyone looked over, with various emotions in their hearts.


It was only less than a cup of tea, but An Qianyu, Wang Daoxu, and Hua Mobei opened their eyes at the same time, and suddenly, three beams of light rushed out from the Dao Martial God Seat where the three of them were sitting. Appeared under the sky.

A huge sword shadow that intersects with water and fire.

A quaint chessboard in black and white.

A picture scroll drawn from green wood, lake and sea.

Each of these three visions contains two Dao meanings, and they are also two Dao!

Seeing this scene, there was another exclamation in the audience, apparently they did not expect that three top Taoist martial arts would appear at the same time this time.

The so-called top-level Taoist martial arts means that the Taoism contained must be the Dao, and the number of Taoism must be more than two!

This kind of martial arts, even in some ancient and huge forces, is a rare existence, and it can be regarded as the most core martial arts inheritance.

But now, three top-ranking martial arts suddenly appeared, no wonder everyone couldn't help but exclaim.

However, before everyone's exclamation fell, seven or eight people on the Dao Martial God Seat opened their eyes again, and the vision flew into the air, and the momentum was mighty, and they all contained two kinds of profound meanings of the Dao.

Among them, the Liuyanque, the most eye-catching one, has obtained Taoist martial arts, which contains two kinds of profound meanings of wind and fire, and it also conjures a phantom of an ancient mythical beast Suzaku in mid-air!


The phantom of the Suzaku is surrounded by invisible flames and winds, and it crows in the sky, shocking all directions, making other visions seem a little dim, like the emperor in the fire, aloof!

"Quack quack, I finally got lucky today. Hey, but this is also normal. Who made my aptitude so good? It is definitely at the level of the past. You vulgar human beings will never understand my coquettishness. It's..." Liu Yanque was triumphant, stood up proudly, and combed her wings slowly.

Everyone couldn't help but roll their eyes, this flat-haired bastard is really unflattering!

"What the hell, there are still more than a dozen people left unmoved! How can you compare with others with your broken talent?" Someone couldn't help retorting and shouted.

Liu Yanque ignored it, combed her feathers carefully, but disdained to slander in her heart, "Ignorant human beings, if this Taoist martial arts is not very suitable for the taste of the master, the master will definitely go farther than others... For those who don't understand the market, I don't bother to explain it to you!"

But even though he thought so in his heart, Liuyanque couldn't help turning his gaze to one side, where there were still eleven or two people who hadn't moved yet.

"Qing Xiuyi, Zhao Qinghe, Huangfu Changtian, Huangfu Qingying, Zhen Liuqing, Su Chan, Young Master Zhou, Yu Xuanchen, Ling Yu, Chen Xi, Fan Yunlan... these eleven people, I am afraid they are all here. Try to find the perfect Taoist martial arts?"

"It must be so. The perfect Taoist martial art exists in the central area of ​​the Daowu Altar, which is full of terrifying oppressive power. Only the top figures can reach there."

"No way? I believe Qing Xiuyi and the others can get there, but what Chen Xi said...hehe, I don't think so highly of him."

"Stupid! Didn't you see that Chen Xi carried Fan Yunlan on his back and climbed to the top of Dengtian Peak with twice the oppression of Daoyi? And in the fierce battle in Daoyi Waterfall, he carried a person on his back, and he was able to beat Qiong Chi Daozong's eldest disciple Qiu Xiaofeng defeated and finally won two Daowu jade medals, how could his strength be inferior to Qing Xiuyi and the others?"

"Okay, okay, I won't argue with you. It's too early to say who is the best. When all the tests are over, the facts will prove everything."

At this time, most of the eyes of the Fairview City were also looking at the few dozen or so people. Suddenly, all kinds of whispers resounded in every corner of the Fairview City.

(Just read the novel)

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