divine talisman

Chapter 408

The second update!Thank you brothers "leonstone" and "Binbinbin" for their valuable support!


Zhen Liuqing's sudden exit in the middle of the battle stunned all the spectators, and when they heard Zhen Liuqing's reason for leaving, everyone couldn't help being uproarious.

"In order to resolve the grievances with Qing Xiuyi with someone, do you want to give up the duel?"

"Who is that guy? What's the relationship between Zhen Liuqing and him?"

"It's too much of a joke! That's the top three in the Stars Conference. It would be a pity to give up!"

"I remembered. It must be that guy Chen Xi. From the start of the competition, he stayed with Zhen Liuqing, and now that Zhen Liuqing quit the competition, the reason for Qing Xiuyi's smooth advancement to the top three is to fight against Chen Xi!"

Wave after wave of uproar resounded, and everyone's eyes gradually turned to Chen Xi.

After much deliberation, they thought that Chen Xi was the most suspicious, because he had a very close relationship with Zhen Liuqing, and he had already been directly promoted to the top three, which completely matched what Zhen Liuqing said.

But what made them puzzled was, what was so good about Chen Xi that he could make Zhen Liuqing make such a big sacrifice?Could it be that the two are Taoist couples?

Among those present, only Fan Yunlan was extremely sure that the person Zhen Liuqing mentioned must be Chen Xi.

The reason is very simple, Chen Xi not only had an embarrassing affair with her, but also took away Qing Xiuyi's virginity in front of her...

"I hope this guy won't try to get Qing Xiuyi's understanding like he did to me, otherwise, it would be too cheap for him... It's best to teach him a serious lesson and let him know that there is no such thing as a free lunch. !" Fan Yunlan murmured fiercely in her heart, but there was a trace of a smile in her beautiful eyes, as if she thought of Chen Xi's bloody nose and swollen face after being beaten so badly.


"The second match, Zhao Qinghe vs. Lingyu!" Wen Chenghou's voice sounded, announcing the start of the second battle, and immediately turned everyone's eyes away from Chen Xi, and turned to the battlefield.

"You shouldn't have wronged yourself because of my affairs." Chen Xi had no intention of paying attention to the battlefield at this time. He turned his head, looked directly at Zhen Liuqing, and said seriously,

Zhen Liuqing blinked her eyes, and said with a smile: "Anyway, I've already made it into the top ten, and I don't covet the exercises in the royal family's secret collection. Instead of doing this, I might as well give in a little bit, so that you can settle one of your worries."

Chen Xi was startled, and an indescribable warmth welled up in his heart. He knew that Zhen Liuqing's understatement actually paid a heavy price, and everyone present could see it.

"This kindness is too great, how can I repay it in the future." Chen Xi took a deep breath, suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart, shook his head and smiled wryly.

Zhen Liuqing joked with a smile: "Why don't you show me the No.1? It's a thank you."

"How can I do that? Favor is kindness, and a competition is a competition. These are two different things." Chen Xi shook his head resolutely, then took a deep look at Zhen Liuqing, and said, "I will do my best to strive for the first place, both for you and for myself."

Zhen Liuqing was stunned, and lowered her head, but there was a smile on the corner of her lips.


At this moment, there was a loud noise from the Demon Killing Arena, which made the world tremble.

"I admit defeat!" Ling Yu's voice came out.

"Zhao Qinghe actually defeated Ling Yu in such a short period of time?" Chen Xi's heart trembled, and when he looked up, he saw Ling Yu squatting on the ground with a pale face.

Opposite Ling Yu, the muscular Zhao Qinghe stood with arms folded, unscathed!


Since then, the top three most important members of the Stars Conference have been selected, namely Qing Xiuyi, Zhao Qinghe, and Chen Xi.

The three of them stood side by side at this time, waiting for the order of the current Emperor Chu.

Looking at these three figures, there was a hint of yearning and envy in the eyes of everyone present.

"The three of them are all top-level existences. With today's achievements, they can enter the royal family's secret collection and choose a martial arts or supernatural power at will."

"Well, to achieve such brilliant achievements at such an age, we were beyond our reach."

"Yes, they are the well-deserved favorites of heaven. Among those with great luck, their future is destined to be limitless. In a few years, they will definitely grow into a giant."

All the ancestors of the Earth Immortals sighed endlessly.

"Before the final round of duel, I have something to announce." Emperor Chu said calmly, his voice was strong and steady, resounding through nine heavens and ten earths.

"I have decided that the person who can win the No.1 of this star conference can make a request to me. As long as it does not exceed my bottom line, I will agree to everything!"

Of course!

Everyone present was stunned, there was no other way, this reward was so tempting, even the ancestors of the Earth Immortals were envious and jealous.

To get No.1, you can make a request to His Majesty. Such a great thing is like a pie in the sky, which is rare!

And its value is so great that it is definitely not comparable to a Taoist martial arts or a powerful magic weapon, because the rewards are fixed, but the conditions can be raised at will, which can completely solve your most urgent needs, especially Is it the person who made the promise or His Majesty the current Emperor of Chu? Is there anything he cannot do in the Great Chu Dynasty?

"Xiuyi, do your best to get No.1. This kind of opportunity is not only beneficial to you personally, but also greatly beneficial to my Yunhe Sect. Don't miss it!"

"Qinghe, did you hear that? Your Majesty has already set out the conditions. If you can get the first place, as a guarantee for the teacher, the position of Pavilion Master of Tianxuan Pavilion will be yours from now on!"

"Brother, big brother doesn't want to put pressure on you either, but if you can win the first place, you should still fight for it. If you can get His Majesty's promise, both your Chen clan and my Liuyun Sword Sect will benefit a lot."

At this time, Taoist Longhe, the ancestor of the Yunhe Sect, the sloppy old Taoist of Tianxuan Pavilion, and Beiheng couldn't sit still anymore, and they all sent voice instructions to the young people in their respective camps.

When Qing Xiuyi, Zhao Qinghe, and Chen Xi heard the words, a burst of pride suddenly surged in their hearts. They have all come to this point, and they are only one step away from being number one. Wouldn’t it be a pity if they didn’t go all out for it?

The Emperor of Chu looked down at the three young men below, with a smile on his lips: "Not to mention rewards, I must first congratulate you and the three of you. After you enter the ancient battlefield, you will understand the importance of this star conference to you .

In other words, this meeting of stars is very likely to change the fate of the three of you, help you soar to the sky, and achieve more brilliant achievements in the years to come. "

The three of Chen Xi stood in awe and listened attentively.

"Among the three of you, there must be one who will be the No.1 of this Stars Conference, but I can't figure out who will be able to win this supreme honor at this moment, I can only hope that you will do your best and leave no regrets. "

The Emperor Chu encouraged the three of them, and immediately announced the list of final duels: "After an hour, the three of you will have a final duel with each other, divided into three matches."

"The first battle, Chen Xi vs. Zhao Qinghe."

"The second battle, Qing Xiuyi vs Zhao Qinghe."

"The third battle, Chen Xi vs. Qing Xiuyi."

"Three battles, everyone will fight against the other two, and the winner of the two will be No.1. Alright, take advantage of this hour, let's adjust your body and mind first."

After the words were finished, Emperor Chu waved his sleeve robe, and a golden glow gushed out again, covering Chen Xi and the three of them, completely recovering the three of them's physical strength, and they were full of energy.

However, as their physical strength recovered, the pressure continued unabated. The three of them also understood why Emperor Chu set aside an hour to calm down their bodies and minds and maintain their peak state.

At almost the same moment, Chen Xi, Qing Xiuyi, and Zhao Qinghe crossed their knees in mid-air, and entered into a deep breath-adjustment with their eyes closed, completely ignoring the changes in the outside world.

All three of them understood that in the final round of confrontation, perhaps the strength of "Tao Heart" was more tested. After all, the gap in strength between each other was extremely small, and many methods could be used to make up for it.And once the Dao heart becomes unstable, it will be fatal, and there is no chance of saving it...


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