divine talisman

Chapter 431 After 1 Years

Thanks to brothers "Qingdong", "I'm a good person", and "Happy Reading" for their valuable monthly vote support, and brother "Zuiqingtian" for their 666 rewards!


The Xingxuan Thunder Body is a powerful supernatural power born out of the Kunpeng's bone, which contains the three profound meanings of water movement, thunder, and devouring.

Among them, the water line and the thunder road are the original Taoism.Devouring is the way to use skills, just like the way of swordsmanship and knife way, it is a kind of comprehension and control of skills.

And the cultivation of the Xingxuan Thunder Body is to use the skill of devouring Taoism to control and display the two ways of water movement and thunder.

Like the power of the first two fingers demonstrated by the third senior brother before, it is the terrifying power of the water movement and the thunder road unleashed with the power of devouring.

"Little brother, the Xingxuan Lightning Body's supernatural power, cultivated to a very high level, can condense the Xingxuan Vortex formed by hundreds of millions of stars outside the body. The thunderstorm roars, devours the sky and the earth, and devours all the enemy's attacks. Lose."

After explaining some of the mysteries of the Xingxuan Lightning Body, the third senior brother solemnly reminded, "But you must be careful, if the enemy is too strong, you must not use this supernatural power, otherwise it may cause your own backlash. Burning souls!"

Chen Xi nodded, remembering it in his heart.

"Little brother, when you comprehend the way of devouring in Kunpeng's bone, you can practice this supernatural power. Alright, I have taught everything that should be taught, and I should go." The third brother laughed.

"Senior brother..." Chen Xi was a little bit reluctant.

"Hahaha, junior brother, don't be sad, one day, you and my senior brother will definitely meet again." The third senior brother laughed loudly, patted Chen Xi on the shoulder, then tore apart the void, stepped into it, and disappeared in an instant. not see.

It is just that coming is invisible, and going is invisible, indistinct, like the opportunity of the great way, ghosts and gods are not aware of it, and immortals and demons are not surprised.

Chen Xi looked at the sky from afar, and felt a sense of melancholy in his heart. Humans are not plants, so how could they be ruthless? Although the meeting with the third senior brother was extremely short, the other party's personality and disposition were very much in line with his temper. At this time, the third senior brother left as soon as he said, and he was quite reluctant in his heart.

"Leaving?" Ji Yu walked over with two little guys, Chen Yu and Chen An.

"Well, let's go..., let's go." Chen Xi nodded, and murmured, "Senior Ji Yu, do you think I'm still a disciple of Shenyan Mountain now?"

Ji Yu said without hesitation: "Of course, only the disciples of Shenyan Mountain can practice Zhou Tianxing's body training technique and obtain the master's legacy. Others can't pretend to be it even if they want to."

"It turns out that I already have a teacher..." Chen Xi suddenly laughed inexplicably, and laughed loudly. The laughter shook for nine days, revealing a sense of heroism.


The arrival and departure of the third senior brother, apart from Chen Xi, Ji Yu, and the two little guys, did not cause any movement.

And after the third senior brother left, Ji Yu also disappeared in the cave, and Chen Xi's life once again returned to peace. He cultivated, meditated, and preached to Chen Yu and Chen An, and his life was very fulfilling. .

The flowers bloomed and faded, and before I knew it, several months passed, and there was only one month left before the date of entering the Primordial Battlefield.

And these days, more and more people came to Huxin Island to visit Chen Xi, and they seemed to know that he was leaving soon, so they came to see him off early.

On this day, there was a gentle breeze and the lake was shining brightly. On the island in the middle of the lake, Chen Xi was drinking and chatting with his younger brothers Chen Hao, Duan Muze, and Song Lin, while by the lake, Qing, Yun Na, Mu Yao, Zhen Liuqing, Fan Yunlan Waiting for the girl was teasing the two little guys, Chen Yu and Chen An, making a series of crisp and melodious laughter from time to time.

There was bursts of joy in the calm atmosphere.

"After I leave, everything about our Chen family will be handed over to you." Chen Xi raised his head and drank the wine in his glass, and suddenly said to his younger brother Chen Hao who was beside him.

Chen Hao was stunned, forced himself to suppress the sadness and reluctance in his heart, looked serious, nodded seriously: "Brother, don't worry, when you come back from Xuanhuanyu, I promise to let you see a A different Chen family."

Chen Xi patted his younger brother on the shoulder, remained silent for a long time, and then said, "Don't force yourself to be too tired."

Chen Hao, who is now the head of the family, is no longer the ignorant boy he used to be, and he is known for his calm and dignified manner in front of outsiders, but at this moment, his eyes are red, and he almost couldn't help but want to cry .

He knew that his elder brother Chen Xi was about to leave, and headed to a wider world to wander, the future was uncertain, the danger was unknown, and even the date of return could not be determined.

He knew even more that if it wasn't for finding his missing parents and avenging the deceased members of the Chen clan, his brother would not have to work so hard, and he would have lived a stable and happy life.

"Brother, take care!" Chen Hao took another deep breath, picked up a glass of wine, and toasted to his brother who had been protecting him from wind and rain for so many years.

Chen Xi took it and drank it all in one gulp.

The two brothers looked at each other and smiled.


Ten days later, early in the morning.

Chen Xi woke up early from meditation, and after washing up, he started cooking.

When Chen Yu and Chen An woke up, he had already prepared a table of delicious food.

"Are you leaving?" Xiao Chen An sat at the table, looking at the hot and tempting dishes on the table, he did not directly move his chopsticks as usual, but raised his small head, with clear and dark eyes Staring at Chen Xi, he asked crisply.

Seeing this, little Chen Yu also put down the chopsticks in her hand, and looked up at Chen Xi.

The two little guys are extremely clever, and they can guess something just from this table of delicious dishes.

For nearly a year, Chen Xi accompanied them day and night, playing the roles of father, master, cook, playmate, etc., and they were also close relatives. After learning that Chen Xi was about to leave some time ago, the two The villain's mood seemed to be extremely depressed, but in order not to distract Chen Xi, the two villains had already discussed not to show it, and to happily send Chen Xi away.

But at this time, Xiao Chen An still couldn't hold back and asked.

Looking at the clear eyes of the two little guys looking at him, Chen Xi was startled, and then nodded after a while, and said, "An'er, after I leave, your Uncle Hao will help take care of you. You also moved back to Songyan City to live, the wilderness here is not suitable for the two of you to stay any longer."

"I just want to stay with you." Chen An opened his clear and innocent eyes and asked seriously: "Can you...can you not leave?"

Looking at the look of hope and longing in Chen An's eyes, at this moment, Chen Xi suddenly had a strong urge to stay, stay by An'er's side, and watch him grow into an adult little by little...

But in the end, reason prevailed, and he couldn't do this, because there were too many things on his shoulders, and he had already embarked on a path that was destined to be unable to be diverted by his own will.


Just as Chen Xi was thinking about how to comfort little Chen An, a violent spatial fluctuation suddenly occurred in the sky above the Kongshui Lake, which condensed into a passage.

Cheng Hou, who was dressed in a white robe, came out of it. When he saw Chen Xi, a smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Chen Xi, in seven days, the Primordial Battlefield will start, follow me."

"Senior, wait a moment, and come here after the disciple calms down the kid." Chen Xi immediately stood up, bowed and said.

"Yeah." Cheng Hou nodded.

At this time, Chen Hao, Fei Lengcui, Qing, Yun Na, Du Qingxi, Mu Yao, Duan Muze and others also came to the island in the middle of the lake one after another, all of them were silent.

Parting is always sad, and monks are no exception.

Chen Xi handed Chen Yu and Chen An to his younger brother Chen Hao, and handed over a storage ring that he had already prepared, "Here are some treasures that I have collected over the years, most of them are useless now, so you just keep them Stay by your side, don't refuse."

Chen Hao took it silently and nodded.

Chen Xi smiled, his figure stood up, and came to Chenghou's side.

Turning around, his eyes swept across the faces of the crowd again, and finally settled on his son Chen An. After a long silence, he cupped his hands and said, "Everyone, take care!"

Cheng Hou on the side also nodded to everyone, and immediately waved his sleeve robe, parting the void, and leading Chen Xi into a space passage.

"Father, Ann will wait for you to come back!"

The moment Chen Xi walked into the space passage, Chen An's immature and crisp voice sounded behind him. At that moment, Chen Xi's heart was turbulent and turbulent, because this was the first time after a year, Chen An spoke. call him father.

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