divine talisman

Chapter 446 Water Fire Violent Ape [Part 1]

This group of sea monsters are tall and tall, with fish heads and human bodies, hideous faces, wearing tattered armor, bronze halberds on their fingers, flashing runes on the halberds, and exuding sharp aura.

Especially on its back, there is actually a pair of pitch-black wings, which shuttle up and down in the storm with agility and ease, exuding a palpitating breath of death.

"Be careful, this is a dead spirit fish and bird. It is one of the more powerful sea-monster races in the wild sea. It can hide from the sky and enter the sea. Its strength is comparable to ordinary Jindan monks, and it is the most difficult to kill." Seeing the storm from afar Huangfu Qingying immediately reminded the army of fish monsters that appeared in it.

"These undead fish goblins have two ways of ventilation and water, and they have condensed natal yuan beads in their bodies, which is also very beneficial for us to practice the two ways of wind and water." Leng Qianqiu's expression moved, and she raised a The long chain of white bones turned into a long rainbow, crossing the sky, directly blasting into the army of undead fish and birds, strangling them fiercely.

In an instant, hundreds of undead fish and birds exploded to death, flying out hundreds of crystal clear black beads, which were caught in Leng Qianqiu's hands by the long chain of bones.

"Human monk!"

"It seems that the ancient battlefield has opened again, hahaha, I can finally eat fresh human flesh and blood."

"Kill, kill them all, don't let a single one go!"

Among the group of dead spirit fish and birds, suddenly there was a sharp and piercing roar, the murderous aura resounded through the world.These sea monsters are no different from ordinary Golden Core cultivators. They are highly intelligent and know how to cooperate in combat. The next moment, they joined forces to launch a counterattack.


These undead fish and birds joined hands to form a giant pattern, from which countless mines and wind blades surged out, and even sent Leng Qianqiu's long chain of bones flying away.

"Awesome, I already know how to use formations and tactics, but this formation is too crude. If I were to preside over the large formation, it would at least be able to exert ten times the power..." Chen Xi was stunned, and immediately shook his head. Directly run the Xingxuan Lightning Body and punch it.

With one punch, countless thunderstorm vortexes emerged, turning into a whirlpool torrent, and hit the center of the formation formed by the army of undead fish and birds. Suddenly, the formation collapsed, and many undead fish and birds were immediately crushed into powder. The huge blood essence, demon essence, and life essence pearls were all involved in the thunderstorm vortex.

"Swallowing heaven and earth, turning all things into one's own use, this supernatural power created by the third senior brother is really powerful!" Chen Xi was filled with admiration in his heart. The blood essence and demon essence of these dead spirit fish and birds were all swallowed into their bodies. Immediately, there was a warm air flow flowing between the skin of the flesh and blood, instantly replenishing all the witch power he had consumed.

This kind of refinement of blood essence and demon energy for personal use, and the effect of replenishing witch power is simply against the sky. Although it does not benefit one's own cultivation, as long as enough blood essence and demon energy can be swallowed, it can make Chen Chen Xi's sorcery power has become as endless as it is, and he is no different from a tireless puppet in battle.

And the natal pearl of the dead spirit fish and bird contains a trace of wind and water, two kinds of Taoist powers, which are comparable in value to Taoist elixir!

After all, the strength of these undead fish and birds is comparable to the existence of Jindan monks, and their natal pearls are also similar to the Liangyi Jindan of Jindan monks, and their value is naturally extremely amazing.

"320 pieces... My bag is shriveled and clean right now. Although the value of these natal yuan beads cannot be estimated, collecting more of them will definitely be a considerable fortune." Chen Xi took a look and put the natal yuan beads in Inside the Buddha Pagoda.

At this time, other people also went all out to hunt and kill spirit fish and birds. The value of these sea monsters' natal pearls was very high, and they all knew that it was definitely an astonishing wealth. It is simply impossible for a large-scale sea monster to be hunted and killed at will.

Only in the wild flood sea of ​​this ancient battlefield can there be such an opportunity.


Shenxia swept across the sky, Taoism was surging, all kinds of attacks were overwhelming, and the momentum was mighty, just like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, killing the undead fish demon group wave after wave.

They are all the top geniuses in the world. Their own cultivation and mastery of martial arts and magic weapons are far from comparable to these undead fish monsters. Once they charge with all their strength, the situation will definitely be ruined. , the momentum is like a broken bamboo.

But the most conspicuous among them belongs to Chen Xi. Every time he attacks, his whole body explodes like a ball of rolling thunderstorm, covered by countless vortex torrents, and every thunderstorm vortex seems to turn into a bloody mouth. , Sweeping and sweeping, devouring all directions, in just a few breaths, there are tens of thousands of undead fish demons, all of which were swallowed by him.

In the end, there was no time for the others to make a move. Chen Xi had snatched away all those undead fish monsters. His whole body was like turning into a swarm of locusts. Wherever he passed, not a single piece of armor was left, not a single blade of grass was left, and he was extremely ferocious. .

"What kind of supernatural power is this? It's so fierce!"

"Damn it, this kid is too cruel, he won't even give us soup."

"What should I do, I can't grab him?"

Seeing this scene, Pei Yu and the others were shocked, jealous, and unbelievable.

According to the general principle, even if they are the top powerhouses in the Golden Core Realm, they cannot slaughter thousands of undead fish and birds in a short period of time, unless they have such powerful treasures as semi-immortal weapons, or surpass them. Only when you have reached the Golden Core realm can you do this so casually.

However, Chen Xi exploded again and again with astonishing supernatural powers. He killed groups of undead fish and birds within a few breaths. I couldn't believe it was real.

"Brother Chen's performance is too eye-catching, I think those guys are trying to kill him." Master Thursday glanced at the expressions of Pei Yu and the others, and said quickly.

"It doesn't matter. To Pei Yu, the stronger Chen Xi is, the more valuable he can be used. At this time, he will definitely not attack Chen Xi." Huangfu Qingying said calmly.

"What about after that?" Master Thursday asked.

"In the future?" Huangfu Qingying's lips showed a hint of coldness, "I don't know who will take advantage of whom in the future, but with Chen Xi's wisdom, he will definitely be able to easily solve all this."

"Brother Pei Dao, this group of undead fish demons have been wiped out, let's hurry up." Chen Xi's calm voice came from afar.

"Oh? Brother Chen is amazing, and Pei can't do without admiration. In the sea, as long as Brother Chen is around, even more ferocious sea monsters will appear, so why not be afraid?"

Pei Yu woke up from his contemplation, his expression straightened, and he forced out a warm smile.However, the next moment, the smile on his face froze suddenly, and his expression became rare and dignified.


At the place where the seas met that day, another sea monster storm swept over. The sea monster in the storm turned out to be a terrifying violent ape with a height of ten feet, thick fur, and sharp fangs!

"Be careful! This is the Water and Fire Violent Ape. It is one of the most powerful groups in the wild sea. It is brutal by nature. It is proficient in the mysteries of water and fire. It is infinitely powerful. It is far from what the dead fish and birds can match. The genius who entered the wild sea in the past Among the strong ones, most of them fell under the army of water, fire, and apes!" Pei Yu shouted loudly, his expression extremely solemn, and there was no trace of relaxation.

Everyone had already noticed the siren storm gushing out again in the distance. After all, the storm that hit this time was too majestic and frightening to be ignored.

I don't know how many water and fire storm apes are hiding in the storm, just because of the ferocious demonic aura emanating from them, they all condense into a pitch-black demonic cloud with a range of thousands of miles, tumbling endlessly, with a terrifying aura.

Seeing this scene, even with Chen Xi's strength, a trace of fear arose in his heart.

After all, there are too many of these water-fire storm apes, and the aura emitted by each one is no less than the strength of the late Jindan monks. It is like a torrent of a large army, which is extremely scary.

One hundred, or thousands of such sea monsters may not be able to do anything to any of them, but when ten thousand, one hundred thousand such sea monsters appear, it is enough to tear any of them into powder!

In the siren storm in front of me, there are all black and fire apes, each of them is ten feet high, with tyrannical arrogance, like giants on the sea, tossing the river and sea, invading and plundering all around.

Moreover, among this group of water and fire apes, there is a more powerful aura. It seems to be its leader, and there is more than one. Even if Chen Xi and the others are extremely conceited about their own strength, they don't dare to rush forward in the face of such a situation. into it.

"It turned out to be human monks, these stupid races, and they want to plunder wealth in the wild sea, improve their cultivation, and even go to find the island of falling treasures. They really don't know how to live or die."

"The flesh and blood of human monks are the freshest and most delicious!"

"Hahaha, those who can enter the ancient battlefield are all geniuses with the highest qualifications among human beings. Their wealth is astonishing, and there are countless magic weapons, pills, and exercises, which can be plundered and used by us."

"Kill them all and steal their Taoism, we can strengthen our strength, plunder more wealth, dominate the wild sea, and expand more territories!"

At this time, the Water Fire Storm Ape in the storm also discovered Chen Xi and the others. Suddenly, all kinds of roars were earth-shattering and resounded in all directions, with bloody, violent, and extremely fierce arrogance in their voices. Ordinary people are afraid that they will be scared to death in an instant.

Almost at the same time, waves of violent and cold energy enveloped Chen Xi and the others.


Amid the roaring sound, groups of water and fire apes jumped out of the storm and leaped forward. The bodies of these water and fire apes were either surrounded by billowing flames, or surging with mighty water. The powerful control of two kinds of Taoism.


The water and fire surged up into the sky, tens of thousands of them covered the sky and the sun, and disturbed the world. Almost instantly, they rushed in front of Chen Xi and the others.


Some things were delayed at noon, and the update was late, the next chapter will be around 8 pm.

(Just read the novel)

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