divine talisman

Chapter 452 Strong Like a Forest【For collection】

On the wild sea, the hurricane is raging and the waves are empty.

Chen Xi and the others were flying through the air. Since breaking through the defense line of the savage hummingbird, they also encountered many tyrannical monsters along the way, even existences on the same level as the water fire storm ape.

Such as "Iron Armored Ghost Fish", "Three-Headed Clear Water Turtle", "Magic Flame One-Horned Shark", etc., but the numbers were not large, and Chen Xi and the others didn't entangle them too much, they just rushed all the way up, forcibly killing a bloody path.

Even so, Chen Xi still got a lot of benefits.

The fur, bones, and even the natal pearls in these sea monsters are all extremely valuable and precious materials, some of which can be refined into panacea, and some can be refined into weapons, with many uses.From it, Chen Xi also collected many materials that could improve the quality of sword inscriptions, and it can be considered quite fruitful.

However, the sword talisman is upgraded again, and its power is comparable to the highest-grade magic weapon of the heavens, or even a half-immortal weapon, so the demand for various materials is also extremely demanding.Not only is the number huge, but the quality is also extremely demanding.Collecting all the way, Chen Xi only got together less than one-tenth of the various materials.

At the same time, Chen Xi could be considered to have truly seen the dangers of the wild sea. Countless sea monsters gathered in groups, of all kinds, with all kinds of strange things, and when they appeared, they would be a large area. Thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of sea monsters would appear. count!

And the deeper the sea area goes, the stronger the sea monsters will appear. Chen Xi even discovered many terrifying overlord-level sea monsters with auras as deep as the ocean, and they are comparable to the strength of the ancestor of the earth immortal!

Sensing these extremely dangerous existences, Chen Xi and the others avoided them early and took a detour. Fortunately, these overlord-level sea-monsters seemed to be cultivating latently, and they didn't bother to pay attention to these small fish and shrimps. They were surprised along the way. was not fatally attacked.

As he went deeper, a strange treasure appeared in the hands of Prince Pei Yu of the Great Jin Dynasty. It was the size of a palm and shaped like a tortoise shell. Many strange runes were engraved on the surface, similar to a compass.Relying on this object, Pei Yu led the crowd to search for the Island of Fallen Treasure in the vast sea.

"Island of Falling Treasures, I finally found it!" Suddenly, Pei Yu stopped and looked up into the distance, with a rare hint of excitement in his voice.

Hearing the words, the other people lifted their spirits and raised their eyes to look into the distance.

Oh oh oh!

when p>

As soon as Chen Xi diffused his divine consciousness, he felt the faint voices of countless war horns coming from the distant sea, as well as a biting aura of iron-blooded battle, as if the ancient gods were fighting, shocking the soul.

The Island of Fallen Treasures has finally arrived!

The group of them shuttled across the wild sea, and it took them several days and nights, after going through countless dangers, to arrive at this mysterious island of fallen treasures.

Looking over at a glance, the island of fallen treasures is covered with a thick fog, floating around, gathering but not dispersing, making it difficult to see the reality on the island.

It is said to be an island, but it is actually like a continent floating on the sea. It seems to have no end at a glance, at least hundreds of thousands of miles away.

The hurricane roared, and the fog on the island of falling treasures was erratic, but it never dissipated, as if it was always shrouded in fog, extremely mysterious.

Indistinctly, one could also hear the sound of desolate horns, the thundering roars of the gods, and some dire roars that made one's scalp tingle, which further shrouded the island of fallen treasures with a veil of terror.

"It is rumored that not only fragments of the relics of the gods and many treasures have fallen on the island of fallen treasures, but also many powerful monsters are hidden, and some ancient dead spirits are floating in it, which is extremely terrifying and dangerous. Enter it , be careful and careful."

The face of Prince Pei Yu of the Great Jin Dynasty became completely dignified, and a pure and sharp golden rainbow sword light emerged, defending around his body.

When the others heard the words, their hearts shivered, and most of the excitement and joy faded away, and they were all on alert.

"Let's go, I'm afraid that some strong men from other dynasties have already entered it at this time. If we go in again, there will inevitably be some competition, so everyone must unite and don't let others take advantage of it." Pei Yu's eyes widened. After sweeping everyone, You Qi took an extra look at Chen Xi, then turned around and rushed towards the island of fallen treasures in the distance.

Chen Xi thought about it, and decided to stay with Pei Yu for the time being. After all, this guy seemed to know the Island of Falling Treasures quite well, so he followed him into it, and it would not be too late to leave after familiarizing himself with the situation in the island.

Soon, they passed through the billowing thick fog and arrived at the island of falling treasure.

There is no vegetation here, lack of vitality, the ground is red, as if soaked in blood, looking around, it looks like a land of ruins after a great war.

However, this place is not quiet. In the surrounding clouds and mist, precious lights flicker, and divine light overflows, as if there are countless treasures, like a ruined land full of treasures.

This is a portal formed by two majestic mountains. It has a vast area and heavy clouds and mists, covering a large area of ​​relics, making it difficult to see the reality, but from time to time there are dazzling precious lights rushing out, and there is a sound of piercing the sky.

Apparently, those dazzling precious lights are like relics left by the legendary ancient gods during their battles. The precious lights are like rain, as if they have spirituality, tempting people's hearts.

But outside the door, many people had gathered at this time.

And there were a lot of people, either in groups of two or three, or in groups of four or five, scattered around the mountain gate. They all looked very young, and they were obviously geniuses from the great dynasties.

When Chen Xi and the others arrived, they saw this extremely spectacular scene. The inside of the mountain gate was shrouded in thick fog, and a ray of precious light passed by from time to time. Outside the mountain gate, a group of young geniuses walked back and forth, seemingly uncertain. Pay attention to whether you want to go in or not.

"The Xuehong Dynasty, the Iron Eagle Dynasty, the Baize Dynasty, the Great Qin Dynasty...there are so many geniuses and powerhouses!" At this point, Master Zhou's eyes were a little lacking, and at the same time he was no longer so arrogant, and he started to do his duty.Because there are so many geniuses here, they are all extremely powerful, and the aura they emit makes one's heart palpitate.

Chen Xi was also amazed in his heart. With so many talented experts gathered together, that kind of scene was indeed magnificent and gave people an extremely strong visual impact.

"Look, those guys are all demon cultivators, with pure blood and strong aura. Could it be that they are all descendants of ancient beasts?" Master Zhou clicked his tongue.

Chen Xi raised his eyes, and sure enough, he saw four or five youths in the distance, full of monster aura. Those monster aura lingered in the air, vaguely giving rise to the appearance of various powerful creatures, including a golden giant bird, and a white lion. Tigers, bronze-colored god ants, etc., all have the appearance of rare ancient beasts.

"These demon cultivators should be the geniuses and powerhouses of the Baize Dynasty. The Baize Dynasty is a kingdom of demon cultivators, with many mountains, rivers and lakes, inhabiting endless creatures. However, these demon cultivators are able to enter the ancient battlefield, obviously possessing extremely noble and ferocious spirits. The strength of the beast bloodline cannot be underestimated." Chen Xi was secretly astonished.

The appearance of Chen Xi and his group also attracted the attention of the geniuses and powerhouses of the major dynasties present.

"It's Pei Yu, the crown prince of the Great Jin Dynasty!"

"Great Jin Dynasty? My God, after the Great Qin Dynasty, another first-class dynasty's geniuses and powerhouses appeared. With their joining, I'm afraid the competition will become bigger and bigger."

"No, look, the three people behind Pei Yu and the others should be disciples of the Great Chu Dynasty. If my guess is correct, the young girl in charge should undoubtedly be the daughter of the Emperor Chu, Huangfu Qingying."

"Great Chu Dynasty? Hehe, it's interesting and interesting. People from the Xuehong Dynasty and Dongxia Dynasty, which have feuds with the Great Chu Dynasty, have come here. If these people meet together, the scene must be very interesting."

"However, the three people from the Great Chu Dynasty are also smart. They are attached to the protection of the strong men of the Great Jin Dynasty. Anyone who wants to fight with them will have to weigh it carefully."

When the people nearby saw Chen Xi and his group appear, they all started discussing, some were jealous of Pei Yu and the others, and some gloated over Chen Xi and the others.

Chen Xi's expression was indifferent, but in his heart until now, he was very surprised that the Great Chu Dynasty was just an ordinary dynasty, how could it have forged so many enemies?

In the information given by Cheng Hou, there are only two first-class dynasties that have enmity with the Great Chu Dynasty, namely the Dagan Dynasty and the Daxuan Dynasty. The Xia Dynasty is even more numerous.

It was really hard for Chen Xi to imagine what the current Emperor Chu had done to offend so many powerful enemies. It was like invisibly creating many enemies for these young disciples who had entered the ancient battlefield.

In the crowd, he also saw four people from the Xuehong Kingdom, including Xiao Jianzhi Taishu Hua Rong, and five people from the Sirius Dynasty's Di Wanlou. Seeing himself and others appearing, these people also glanced coldly Come over, implied hostility.

Chen Xi couldn't help but move in his heart, "Then Li Jun and Yan Yu'er are also from the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty, if they also come to the Island of Falling Treasures to join Di Wanlou and others, they will be a force that cannot be underestimated."

"Hmph, I didn't expect to see Brother Pei here, what a trick of God!" At this moment, a cold snort suddenly resounded.

Hearing this, the crowd burst into an uproar, as if they knew who the owner of the voice was, they all gave way and parted ways.

Immediately, the figures of three youths appeared in the field of vision of Chen Xi and the others.

Because the young man was tall and tall, with resolute facial features, exquisite eyes, and a trace of disdain for the world in his gestures, he looked full of domineering.

And the two men behind him are also good at winning games, with powerful auras, and they stand above everyone, obviously they are not comparable to ordinary people.

"This is Qin Xiao, the crown prince of the Great Qin Dynasty, and the two men behind him are Wei Kong and Cheng Feng." Huangfu Qingying said quickly, "Like the Great Jin Dynasty, this Great Qin Dynasty is also a first-class dynasty, and As the prince of the Great Qin Dynasty, this Qin Xiao is known for his bravery and skill in battle, and his strength is absolutely extremely powerful."

"Qin Xiao, Wei Kong, Cheng Feng..." Chen Xi only paid a little attention to Qin Xiao, and then his eyes fell on the two people behind Qin Xiao. Immediately, he remembered who these two people were, and his lips curled up. There was a slight arc of a smile that was not a smile.


Next chapter around 11pm.Today, I added a supplementary update, that is, the fourth update, and I will make up for it if I stay up late.

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