divine talisman

Chapter 474 The True Essence of Nirvana [Part 1]

The space in the island of meteoric treasure is vast and boundless, like a continent floating on the wild sea, with ruins all over it, the earth is red, and the mountains are barren of grass. the chase.

It was a relic of the gods, a treasure that fell during the battle of the ancient gods. As long as one surrendered, it would be enough for any monk to benefit endlessly.

However, Chen Xi didn't care about all of this, he used his starry sky wings with all his strength, and flew across the vast world at extremely high speed, like a flash of lightning, and like a ray of transparent streamer.

His whole body was covered in blood, with cracks all over his body, and boundless excruciating pain filled his whole body, but his expression was extremely cold, like a puppet who didn't know pain.

The bitter wind hurt his face like a knife cut, made his long hair flutter and his blood-stained clothes rattle, but it couldn't blow away the stubbornness and stubbornness in his eyes.

The sky was shrouded in clouds of calamity, and as they galloped together, the bright red thunder and lightning evolved into a small world, exuding a destructive aura that wanted to crush the world.

That is the power of heaven, the punishment of heaven, unfathomable, hanging above the sky at this time, and it has not landed for a long time, like a blade on the neck, a sharp sword hanging on the head, making people desperate and having trouble sleeping and eating.

"Heaven's secret, heaven's way, heaven's will, heaven's punishment...haha." Chen Xi's eyes reflected the dazzling lightning in the sky, and a hint of sarcasm appeared on his lips, as if he was mocking the heaven's way, and also seemed to be mocking himself, but Soon, this sneering look turned into a resolute look.

Even if it is death, he will never give up!


Chen Xi was seriously injured and was dying. He was threatened by a catastrophe above, and a powerful enemy pursued him below.An unprecedented hunt began, and the entire island of fallen treasures boiled.

The news spread to all directions and spread to the entire Primordial Battlefield, causing an uproar and everyone was shocked.

First of all, the geniuses and powerhouses of the Xuehong Dynasty, Sirius Dynasty, and Dongxia Dynasty who entered the Island of Fallen Treasures were all wiped out, and none of them survived. What an amazing news. It was only a young man who did this. One person, fighting all the heroes alone, killing everyone, invincible.

Moreover, he also annihilated Pei Yu's "Heavenly Immortal Decree". This kind of fierce and heaven-defying means is even more jaw-dropping and unbelievable.

This matter was raging in the Taikoo battlefield, and everyone was talking about it, making it difficult for the talented and strong men of the Jin Dynasty who had not entered the Island of Falling Treasures to hold their heads up.

Furthermore, Chen Xi actually attracted the double calamity of Nirvana in the midst of the siege of the heroes, and he wanted to advance to the Nirvana state in the midst of the slaughter. He even almost succeeded. Although he failed in the end, it was even more shocking. Everyone was shocked .

On this day, in the entire Primordial Battlefield, all the geniuses and powerhouses of the major dynasties heard about this matter, and they were all discussing it, creating a commotion.

"Go to the Island of Meteor Treasures and kill Chen Xi!"

This command appeared in many dynasties, such as first-class dynasties such as Daqin, Dajin, Daxuan, and Dagan, and ordinary dynasties such as Xuehong, Sirius, and Dongxia. It's just a part of these dynasties. Naturally, they can't sit idly by when they hear that their companions are suffering.

A great chaos was soon staged in the island of falling treasure.

The entrance to the Wild Sea was blocked, and the entrance to the Fallen Treasure Island was blocked. Many dynasties joined forces to find and kill Chen Xi, and wanted to kill him in the Fallen Treasure Island without giving him a chance to survive.

If they didn't kill Chen Xi, they vowed not to give up, and they couldn't sleep or eat.

This was a bloody storm, and it was a turmoil. The island of fallen treasures, the ruins of the treasures left by the gods, fell into a turmoil.

For several days in a row, Chen Xi stayed on the run and spent the whole time fleeing. However, no matter where he fled, the enemy would soon catch up, because the cloud of calamity had always shrouded the sky above his head, following him like a shadow, and it was extremely eye-catching.

These days, he didn't know how many obstacles he encountered. He was covered in blood after many battles. The most serious times were when he met Qin Xiao and Bi Lingyun again. The repeated battles made his injuries worse. The machine is on the verge of collapse.

The most frightening thing was that the exit of the Island of Falling Treasures had been blocked and was guarded by many experts, so he had no way of retreating from the ruins.

This situation lasted for nearly half a month, and Chen Xi's witch power was about to be exhausted, and he was no longer able to repair the injuries all over his body. Therefore, his body at this moment had countless scars and was tattered, and he would die at any time. The tone is supportive.

Finally, he escaped another chase. He hid in a cave in a mountain range and healed his wounds silently. The time was limited, so he had to hurry up, or the enemy would arrive again.

That appearance, like a wounded lone wolf licking its wounds, unyielding, never giving up the hope of survival.

This mountain range is shrouded in thick fog, and thunderstorms are rampant in the sky all year round. Hiding in it can also cover up the calamity cloud he caused to a certain extent.

These days, he has been thinking about why the thunder catastrophe has not come. He deduced it carefully and reflected on it, but he still couldn't understand it. He even began to suspect that this day's punishment was against him on purpose, otherwise it would not come until now ?

If it were someone else, they would have begun to accept the test and transformation of the Nirvana Jielei on the day Jieyun arrived, right?This situation is too weird.

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and began to check his injuries. The injuries on his body were extremely serious, almost irreparable, his body was in tatters, and in addition to the fact that he had encountered countless battles in the past half month, he was close to death, and the energy in his body was already weakened and was about to be exhausted.

"I'm really unwilling." Chen Xi said to himself, he didn't believe that he would be killed, even until this moment, he didn't give up, he was still healing his wounds and deducing the matter of crossing the tribulation and nirvana.


An hour later, another big battle broke out, and the enemy chased him up. Chen Xi tried his best, his clothes were covered in blood, and he escaped once again.

This time, after he escaped, he finally fell into a swamp full of poisonous insects. His body was broken like cotton wool, as if a gust of wind could disintegrate him.

The blood, gurgling, was swallowed by the foul-smelling swamp below him, and it seemed that the whole person was about to be buried in the swamp.

Chen Xi lay on his back in the swamp, his eyes fixed on the cloud of thunder rolling and whistling in the sky, the sound of thunder shaking the surrounding fields was like the ridicule and sarcasm issued by the Dao of Heaven, it was so ear-piercing and so irritating anger.

"You want to kill me? It's absolutely impossible!" Chen Xi suddenly let out an extremely hoarse roar from his throat like a trapped animal on the verge of death, exhausted the last bit of strength in his body, struggled to get up, and started to charge for the last time. close!

Life is endless, and the battle is endless.

There is no crossing to Nirvana, so how dare you surrender and perish?

He completely let go of his mind, he no longer cared about whether there were enemies approaching, and no longer cared about whether it was dangerous to be in this fetid swamp, his whole body was so ethereal, he forgot everything about the surrounding world.

His body was in tatters, and his energy and energy were almost exhausted. The golden elixir liquid in his dantian was dull and mottled, lifeless, and the witch power was exhausted and shriveled inside the flesh and blood membrane.

All of this seems to have reached the point of exhaustion.

It was also because of this that it was extremely difficult for him to pass the level this time, and he might even die on the way to the level.

Time passed bit by bit, Chen Xi persevered, there was always a kind of persistence and stubbornness in his heart, guiding himself, and he refused to give up.

But in the end, he still failed, exhausted the last bit of strength, completely exhausted, his whole body was dim, and he no longer had a trace of strength.

At this moment, he is no different from a corpse. He has no consciousness, but his physical body has been defeated, without the essence to nourish him. In the end, his body will disappear and disappear between heaven and earth.


Suddenly, at this moment, a majestic aura spread, and when he was exhausted, the potential hidden in the deepest part of his body was released, rushing up like a vast ocean.

His whole body was glowing, and the terrible wounds were healing quickly, and in his dantian, there was a bright glow rising, and with a bang, it condensed around the golden core, turning into a round of dazzling red nirvana wheel.

There, the yin and yang qi are gushing out, just like auspicious qi, which evolves infinitely and mysteriously.

The red clouds are flying there, like a group of flame elves dancing, and the Nirvana Wheel looks like a golden crow against the background!

"I was put to death and then reborn. My body is broken, and I have exhausted everything in my body. I have run out of oil, and now I am reincarnated from death. This is the mystery of Nirvana. It is rebirth, new life, and starting from scratch!"

At this moment, Chen Xi completely understood and had a complete insight.

In the catastrophe of Nirvana, each cultivator has a different way of getting through it, and the situation he encounters is different, but it is extremely rare for a monk like Chen Xi to reincarnate into a Nirvana wheel.

"Metabolism, destroying the old to replace the new, not removing power, not being able to endure calamities, the so-called Nirvana, probably like this." Chen Xi said to himself, the Nirvana wheel in his dantian bloomed with billions of crimson lights, raging like a fire wheel, like a scorching sun, nourishing his whole body energy machine.

This time, his injuries were indeed to the point of exhaustion. Under normal circumstances, he would undoubtedly die, and there was no way out. There was a life transformation that made him survive.

The nirvana wheel circulates in the dantian, sprinkling hundreds of millions of red clouds essence, one by one, one by one, so that the potential in his body is surging and fully revived, like a dry dead place rejuvenated and vigorously born.

The dilapidated body is also repaired, like the cracked land being watered by sweet rain, full of vitality, vigor and brilliance, and the energy and spirit are rising like a rainbow, as brilliant as divinity.


In Chen Xi's body, the potential to survive death surged like a mighty Yangtze River, pouring into the Nirvana Wheel, emitting endless light. In just a few breaths, he had recovered to his original state, and his body exuded fierce and fierce aura, shaking the surrounding fields. !

He suddenly stood up, put his hands behind his back, and looked up at the sky. There, there were mighty clouds, rolling thunder and roaring, and evolved into a world of thunder.

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