divine talisman

Chapter 484 Thunder Tribulation Ends [Part 3]


Like a fish returning to the sea, an eagle returning to the sky.all in

The moment Chen Xi's primordial spirit jumped into that pool, all his thoughts and thoughts had a wonderful feeling of being suddenly enlightened, each and every one of them was transparent, free and carefree.

This is no longer a kind of nirvana or transformation, but a kind of spiritual enjoyment.

The vitality contained in the incomparably blazing thunder began to condense around its primordial spirit, reshaping its body, just like sowing the seeds of life in the soil, accumulating blood, flesh, skin, bones, tendons, internal organs, and meridians The acupoints... are like bamboo shoots after a rain, vigorously growing, with a new brilliance.

Chen Xi sat there cross-legged, wandering in a kind of pure and serene dao state where he had no desires and no desires. He was constantly changing, and his reshaped body was crystal clear, like glazed divine gold, with a crystalline luster like thunder.

The phoenix died from the ashes and passed into nirvana, and the current Chen Xi is in the midst of a brand new life transformation.

After a short time, the radiance emitted by his body became more and more intense, the clouds were steaming and rosy, revealing the brilliance of spirituality, and there was a crackling sound in his body, which was the rhythm of the limbs and bones, and the resonance of the internal organs, like a song The sonorous sound of nature, and the wonderful sound of the avenue like the morning bell and evening drum, every bone is shining with crystal light.

Different from the past, this time his bones, meridians, and acupoints all have a layer of film, like metal, like crystal, shining brightly, full of spirit, and when he moves a little, he will make a rhythmic sound. Gives a feeling of unshakable firmness.

In addition, his flesh and blood are also undergoing transformation. The world of micro-apertures in every inch of his skin seems to be opened at this time, and the golden light shines all over, nourishing the flesh.

This is a very crucial step. Body refiners take the road of "sanctification of the physical body". They believe that there are 8000 million micro-apertures in the human body, and each micro-aperture is a world. Opening all of them can transform into a saint. , Immortal forever.

The reason why the Nirvana Golden Body can foster the primordial spirit lies in the release and opening of the micro-apertures of the whole body. The primordial spirit is fostered in it, even if the physical body is completely destroyed, a single thought can reshape a physical body, which is extremely tyrannical.

That is to say, if one wants to kill a body refiner in the Nirvana state, it is not enough to destroy only his physical body, but also the primordial spirit in the micro-apertures of his physical body.

However, there are more than ten million micro-apertures, and the primordial spirit is fostered in them, how can it be so easy to kill?

This is also the reason why a body refiner can crush a Qi refiner at the same stage, just like an unkillable cockroach, with terrifyingly strong vitality.

At this moment, Chen Xi's entire body was resplendent, his primordial spirit merged with his physical body, and his Nirvana Wheel and Nirvana Golden Body echoed each other, like a god, his entire body was flawless and unsullied, blooming with endless brilliance,

From inside to outside, from form to spirit, Nirvana and transformation are proceeding simultaneously.

The state of Nirvana, taking away the good fortune of the heaven and the earth, is a transformation of the essence of life, a huge baptism in the process of chasing the way of heaven, reshaping the true self, deriving the spirituality, and detaching the body and mind.

And Chen Xi is different from the others. He has achieved both body training and Qi refining, and has gone through the fourth stage of Nirvana Tribulation Thunder tempering, and finally Nirvana, and smoothly advanced. describe.

Just like his primordial spirit, which is different from others, it has turned into two parts, one part is fostered in the nirvana wheel of the dantian, and the other is fostered in the micro-apertures of the whole body, but they do not conflict with each other, which is extremely strange.

And his Nirvana this time can be said to have experienced two cycles of life and death.

Once in the swamp, from death to life, the Nirvana Wheel and the Nirvana Golden Body were condensed.

Once, in the pool of vitality in the deepest part of the calamity cloud, the primordial spirit scattered and reunited, and finally caused everything in itself to undergo a huge Nirvana transformation.

And this kind of Nirvana, in the early days, was called "Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens", implying that after a strong man survived the Nirvana Phoenix Tribulation, he has the potential to become the Supreme Supreme of all ages!


"Is it dead?"

"It should be dead. Didn't you see that there is no shadow of Chen Xi in the void?"

"But the cloud of calamity is still there, and it hasn't dissipated. If we rely on it like this, what if we are contaminated with thunder calamity? You must know that it is the Nirvana Phoenix Tribulation, which only exists in the ancient books of the early days. It has been around for too long. The years have not appeared, and if something happens, we have to finish the game."

"That's right, let's wait a little longer, wait for the robbery cloud to completely dissipate, and then move closer."

The geniuses and powerhouses of the major dynasties in the distance talked a lot, but no one dared to approach the Jieyun, fearing that they would be affected if they were not careful.

In fact, the Jieyun in the sky, after Chen Xi's body was destroyed, restrained all his berserk gestures and fell into silence, only the faint roar of thunderstorms could be heard.

However, due to the lingering cloud of calamity, and the fact that everyone was extremely afraid of this Nirvana Phoenix calamity, half an hour had passed since Chen Xi's physical body was destroyed, and no one dared to approach it.

"Hey, that calamity cloud has started to shrink!" Another half an hour later, someone suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone looked up, and sure enough, they saw that the billowing calamity cloud covering the sky began to shrink suddenly, and in the blink of an eye, there was only less than a hundred feet left.

"Haha, according to this momentum, the robbery cloud will soon dissipate, and Chen Xi will undoubtedly die!" Someone let out a long breath and laughed loudly.

"Let me just say, this Nirvana Phoenix Tribulation, even in the early days, very few people can make the transition. Although Chen Xi's aptitude is scary enough, how can he compare with those powerful creatures in the early days? His fall is also reasonable things." Someone talked eloquently, with a look of godly knowledge.

"It's good to die! If this guy is allowed to successfully cross the catastrophe, I'm afraid we will all have to play." Xu Lengye at the side also heaved a sigh of relief, and then gritted his teeth: "It's just a pity for my fire feather fan. Get ruined with this bastard..."

"No, that seems to be the treasure left by Chen Xi, and it was not destroyed by the thunder..." At this moment, an exclamation suddenly resounded, and the owner of the voice seemed to feel something was wrong, and quickly shut up, but it was already too late.

Because at this time, everyone also saw that under the robbery cloud, there was a pagoda, a tortoise shell-like object, and a small tripod as small as a little finger.

These three items were previously covered by the thunder calamity, so they were not discovered, but as the calamity cloud shrank, they were immediately exposed.

They survived the Nirvana Phoenix Tribulation, even after Chen Xi died, they were still intact. Could this be the trump card that Chen Xi used to rely on when he fought alone and killed all directions?

Did he rely on one of these three treasures to destroy Pei Yu's "Heavenly Immortal Edict"?

In an instant, everyone remembered Chen Xi's previous ferocious actions in their minds, and their breathing suddenly became heavy. Their eyes fixed on the three treasures, all of which revealed a fiery color of greed.

They were convinced that with Chen Xi's strength, it was impossible to destroy the "Heavenly Immortal Decree", so he must have borrowed a magic weapon that was even more terrifying than the "Heavenly Immortal Decree", and this magic weapon was most likely to be those three treasures one of the!

Just imagine, the "Heavenly Immortal Decree" contains a trace of the will of the Immortal Venerable, how powerful is the magic weapon that can destroy it?

Absolutely not under the semi-immortal weapon!

Everyone at the scene confirmed it in their minds in an instant, and reached a consensus.


At this moment, a ray of light flew up through the air, and suddenly flew under the robbery cloud, intending to snatch the three treasures away.

"court death!"

"You dare to snatch the baby under the eyes of the prince, I'm getting impatient!"

"Shoot! No matter what, these three treasures must be grabbed!"

The others also reacted immediately, and there was a burst of roaring and cursing. At the same time, they also rushed out and rushed towards Jieyun at a high speed. In order to get the three treasures, they no longer cared whether Jieyun had disappeared completely. .

All of a sudden, the surroundings were completely chaotic, with one after another escaping light piercing the sky, plundering from all directions towards the robbery cloud, densely packed, like locusts, no fewer than hundreds.

They were all convinced that Chen Xi would definitely die, and that the Nirvana Phoenix Tribulation would definitely dissipate soon, so there was no scruple in grabbing the treasure.

"Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!"

However, just as everyone arrived under the robbery cloud, before they had time to make a move, the three treasures suddenly turned into three streamers of light, rushed into the robbery cloud, and disappeared.

This sudden change suddenly made everyone's expressions dull, and some of them couldn't react to what happened.

How could this be?

Chen Xi was already dead, and Jieyun was about to disappear, how could these three treasures fly away suddenly?

Could it be that they are all psychic?

Everyone was a little caught off guard by this scene, stunned.

"If you want to get my baby, do you have my consent?" At this moment, a calm voice suddenly sounded from the depths of Jieyun.

Accompanied by the sound, the billowing robbery cloud that had already shrunk to a range of ten feet exploded and scattered around, revealing a majestic figure.

He is dressed in hunting clothes, with long hair fluttering, his feet are in the void, his back is straight, like a sword like a gun, a pair of eyes are deep and bright, like an abyss like an ocean, and his temperament is indifferent.

"Chen Xi!"

"How is it possible that you are not dead!?"

"That's the Nirvana Phoenix Tribulation, you... how can you survive?"

"God, isn't this true? You have survived this calamity. Hasn't it proved that you have the potential to become a generation of supreme?"

When they saw this stern figure coming out of the catastrophe cloud, everyone present couldn't believe it, and they were dumbfounded, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Of course I won't die, but you don't have to live." Chen Xi casually hung the small cauldron on his chest, then raised his head, glanced at the people around him one by one, and then said calmly, "Bitter After being forced together for so long, you must be tired, why don't you take advantage of today and end all the enmity."


ps: Ahem, it seems that from tomorrow onwards, we must thank those lovely and respectable people who silently vote monthly and give rewards at the beginning of the article, otherwise everyone will not be motivated to vote.Of course, I have obtained the editor's permission to do so... (laughing)

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