divine talisman

Chapter 486

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"Damn, that guy is not human, it's terrible!"

"How could this be? The Nirvana Phoenix Tribulation didn't kill him. If he is allowed to grow like this, who will be able to check and balance in the future? I'm afraid he will really transform into a generation of supreme!?"

The heroes fled desperately and had no choice, because the only way to stop was to die. This was unthinkable in the past. The geniuses and powerhouses of various dynasties gathered together, but they were killed by a young man from an ordinary dynasty. Absolutely no one will believe it.

The Island of Falling Treasures was vast and boundless, and apart from those who had a grudge against Chen Xi, there were also other strong people who specifically searched for the relics of the gods to enter the ruins.

When they saw this miserable fleeing army, they were all dumbfounded. What's going on?They had also heard before that many forces joined forces to kill a young man from the Great Chu Dynasty. They thought they would be able to capture it easily, but they didn't expect to see such a scene in the end.

"Quick! Get out of this ruin and rush out of the Island of Falling Treasures, that guy is a murderous demon!" The strong man who fled all the way stumbled and shouted at his companion.

"With so many of you, can't you kill him alone?" Many people couldn't believe it and asked in amazement.

However, no one responded, and the strong men who were scattered all the way did not dare to stay for a moment in order to escape for their lives, and they disappeared in an instant.


A tall figure appeared here, and it was Chen Xi. His gaze was like lightning, and he swept away the many monks who were standing still, and found that the enemies were not his, so he set off again, chasing and killing them, without any delay.

"All of this...was caused by him?" A genius expert from a certain dynasty gasped. The moment Chen Xi glanced at him just now, he suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and his whole body felt cold. Feeling, he couldn't help but shuddered Lingling.

"It should be true." The others also felt the same as him, and nodded with lingering fear.

"It's really scary. When did such a killing star appear in the Great Chu Dynasty?"

"Quick! Pass everything here to other people, and tell them that they thought they would meet this Chen Xi, so they must not have any conflicts with him, otherwise they won't even know how to die."

"Yes, we must inform other people that a strong man from an ordinary dynasty has caused a bloody storm by himself. If word spreads, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire Primordial Battlefield."

These dynasty powerhouses who had no grievances or enmities with Chen Xi, after witnessing the scene in front of them, with a disturbed mind, quickly spread everything that happened here to the outside world.


In the end, only a small part of the powerhouses hunted down by Chen Xi escaped from the place where the treasures of the gods were buried, and left outside the mountain gate.

After leaving the terrifying battlefield, many people couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but when they found that their companions were dead, and only two or three of them survived, their expressions suddenly changed. Dim and heavy.

This time, their losses can be described as extremely heavy, and it is unknown how many were killed. Some geniuses and powerhouses of ordinary dynasties were even uprooted, and the entire army was wiped out.

Like the Xuehong Dynasty, the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty, the Eastern Xia Dynasty...these are all Chen Xi's key "care" objects, so naturally there is no possibility of them surviving.

As for first-class dynasties such as Daxuan and Dagan, they also suffered heavy losses. Among the geniuses who entered the ancient battlefield, at least half of them lost in this battle.

And what caused all this was just a young man from an ordinary dynasty.

These escaped people felt as if they were in another world at this moment. The scene of being swept away by a single person and being chased and crushed in the ruins was definitely a nightmare, and they would never forget it.

In the barbaric era when the ancient gods were born, there were probably not many young people as powerful as this, right?

"Quickly tell the rest of the dynasty not to be enemies with Chen Xi again. He survived the most terrifying Nirvana Phoenix Tribulation in the legends, successfully entered the Nirvana realm, and has the potential to grow into a generation of supreme!"

"Such an enemy is indeed invincible for us. Perhaps only the disciples of the three top dynasties and the mysterious ancient family can compete with it?"


The news quickly spread to the Island of Falling Treasures, and spread throughout the ancient battlefield, causing an uproar. People couldn't believe it. Many dynasty geniuses came out together. Instead of rewarding Chen Xizhu for killing, they were chased and killed by him. !

"Is this true? Isn't that guy seriously injured and dying, how could he sweep away all the heroes and kill so many strong people by himself? This... is too appalling, right?"

"Heavenly! I said a long time ago that since this boy can break the 'Heavenly Immortal Decree', he must be comparable to an extraordinary person. But to be honest, even I can't believe that he can do this."

On this day, every corner of the Primordial Battlefield was full of noise and turmoil. When people got the news, they were almost stunned.

Many powerful men from various dynasties were chased to this point by a young man from an ordinary dynasty. It simply broke the common sense. It was unbelievable. It was like listening to a fairy tale.

Even the disciples of the three top dynasties and families of the mysterious ancient country, after hearing the news, began to pay attention to this young man named Chen Xi.

"To have survived the Nirvana Phoenix Tribulation. This tribulation is called 'Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens'. As long as those who survive this tribulation, they often have the potential to grow into a generation of supreme. No wonder this Chen Xi is so powerful." Thoughtful, carefully analyze the reason why Chen Xi is so powerful.

"Impossible. The Nirvana Phoenix Tribulation is just a calamity. It has almost never happened since the ancient times. Who knows if it is true or not. You can't believe it." Some people shook their heads in disbelief.

"No matter what, it's not easy for a young man to come to this stage from an ordinary dynasty. It deserves our attention. Maybe we can meet him in the final test of the ancient battlefield. When the time comes to try his strength, You will know if it is true or not." Someone was curious about Chen Xi and was full of anticipation.


In the ruins, there was chaos, and the killing was still going on. Chen Xi never stopped, chasing and killing all the way. This was to kill all the enemies in one go.

Soon, he arrived at a mountain area filled with gray-brown haze.

After arriving here, Chen Xi finally stopped in his tracks. His eyes were deep, and he suddenly landed on one of the high and steep mountain peaks. A trace of coldness appeared on his lips, "You three, do you still want me to invite you out?"

There was no answer, and there was silence.

Chen Xi didn't say any more, he raised his hand and slashed away with a sword.


The sword qi is vast and blazing, full of Taoism, spanning the void, and it is about to slash on that mountain peak. Suddenly, a rainbow light rushes up and turns into a mountain seal, shaking the sword qi like two volcanoes When they collided, the violent airflow directly crushed that mountain, and it ceased to exist.

"Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!"

At the same time, three figures rushed out from under the crushed mountain, they were Qin Xiao, Pei Yu, and Bi Lingyun.

Chen Xi glanced at the three of them, and couldn't help but think of the scene when he was besieged and killed by the three of them that day, his gaze became even colder.

From afar, many people followed, and they all gasped when they saw this scene. This is His Royal Highness the crown prince of the two first-class dynasties, Daqin and Dajin, with a distinguished status and extremely powerful strength.The other Bi Lingyun is not bad either, she is the descendant of the peerless fierce bird Bi Fang, with pure blood and extremely powerful.

Now that Chen Xi actually wanted to attack these three people, this made them both excited and uneasy, worried that the battle would be too terrifying and would affect themselves.

Qin Xiao and the others also never believed that Chen Xi, who was besieged and forced to flee during the tribulation, was able to successfully cross the tribulation, so he never left, in order to find an opportunity to see if it was true or not.

However, just seeing each other now, the hearts of the three of them suddenly turned cold. From the aura emanating from Chen Xi's body, they clearly felt the aura that belonged to Nirvana cultivators, and it was even more terrifying than ordinary Nirvana cultivators. Everything, the taste that controls everything.

"How is it possible, this is actually true..." The usual warm smile on Pei Yu's face disappeared, his expression was cloudy and uncertain, and he couldn't accept such a reality.

"Before, I was hindered by the three of you, and I was almost struck to death by the thunder calamity. Today, it's time for us to end this grievance!" While speaking, Chen Xi directly made his move, and with a flicker of his figure, he had already killed him.

"Too much deceit, let's fight him!" Pei Yu gritted his teeth and yelled, and sacrificed the half-immortal weapon Lian Xiao Sword, charging forward.

On the other side, Qin Xiao and Bi Lingyun's eyes flashed fiercely, and they also attacked together.


The battle broke out in an instant, and all of a sudden, the sky was full of light and sword energy, and the land with a radius of thousands of miles became their battlefield. Mountains were smashed to pieces, and pieces of ground were cut to pieces. The scene was extremely horrifying.

This battle was beyond the imagination of the people watching the battle from afar. With one against three, Chen Xi was completely in an absolute advantage to crush everything. When he raised his fingers, the flames of the Fire Feather Fan soared into the sky, just like the spell of Vulcan. , Covering ten directions and eight poles, Pei Yu and Qin Xiao were immediately shocked to cough up blood.

On the other side, Bi Lingyun vibrated her wings with a "swish" and turned her head to run away. She was frightened, worried that if she stayed a little longer, her life would be in danger.

"God! In just a few rounds, Qin Xiao and Pei Yu were severely injured, and even Bi Lingyun ran away in fright. What kind of supernatural power is this?" Everyone watching the battle from a distance was stunned.

"Where to go!"

Chen Xi raised his hand and was about to kill Qin Xiao and Pei Yu, and then go after Bi Lingyun. He was determined to kill, so how could he let one of them escape.

However, at this moment, he suddenly stopped, and looked into the distance, there were two figures rushing towards him, looking at their appearance, they turned out to be Huangfu Qingying and Master Zhou!Reading Bar reminds you that after reading a book for a long time, you should pay attention to rest your eyes! 【】

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