divine talisman

Chapter 557 One Net Sweepstakes [Part 1]

That sudden resounding voice, indifferent yet cold, exuded an aura of undisguised killing and decisiveness, which made the faces of everyone present change suddenly.


Apart from the six idiots, are there any masters in Xihua Peak?

And the thick red-haired man and the others were also stunned, this voice was very strange to them, it didn't seem to be their disciple of Xihua Peak?


At this moment, two figures suddenly appeared in the field, standing in front of the strong man and the others.

The person in the lead with a handsome face, deep-set eyes, a stern figure, and an airy demeanor was none other than Chen Xi, and beside him was naturally Qing Yu.

"Junior Brother Qingyu?"

The brawny man and the others were stunned for a moment, recognized Qing Yu, and immediately smiled wryly, their expressions darkened again, after thinking about it, they understood that Qing Yu's arrival would not be able to change the situation in front of them.

"Eldest brother, are these bastards going to forcibly occupy the Sword Washing Pool?" Qing Yu said angrily, gritting her teeth.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't mention it, it's really impossible... just let them have it." The strong man and others shook their heads in a daze.

"Senior brothers, please be safe and don't be impatient. Just leave this matter to the younger brothers." Chen Xi said suddenly, smiled at the strong man and the others, and then stepped out. His smile faded away, and his gaze coldly glanced at the group of people on the opposite side. .

"Junior Brother Qingyu, who is this?" Called Senior Brother by Chen Xi, the strong man and the others were all stunned and puzzled.

"Senior brother, this is..." Qing Yu quickly sent a voice transmission, and told the strong man and others everything about Chen Xi in detail.


Seeing that it was Qing Yu and a strange young man who came, the purple-robed youth and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and a sneer appeared on their lips again.

As disciples of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, how could they not know that Qing Yu is a waste who can't fight back or curse, and his arrival can't make any waves at all.

As for the young man next to Qing Yu, although they had never met him before, how strong would someone who could become friends with Qing Yu, a trash like him, be?Nothing to worry about.

"Hmph, unexpectedly, Junior Brother Qingyu, who has always been unable to fight back when hit or scolded, actually found a helper? It's really rare."

The purple-robed youth sized Chen Xi up, and couldn't help showing disdain in his long and narrow eyes, and said with a sneer, "Among the true disciples of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, there doesn't seem to be such a number one figure, right? Junior brother Qingyu, could it be this one? Is it the helper you found from the inner disciples?"

"Inner sect disciple? Junior brother Qingyu really has a lot of friends." The others roared with laughter.

"Okay, just for the four words of inner disciple, you have to pay the price of an arm." Chen Xi said calmly. He saw all the scenes of the purple-robed youth bullying the senior brother and others just now, and his heart was already murderous. surge.

"What a big tone, and I'm not afraid of flashing my tongue!" The purple-robed youth said in a serious voice, "Boy, report your name, I, Dong Qi, will not kill the unknown!"

Dong Qi is not stupid. He said this to find out what happened to Chen Xi. After all, this guy faced them alone, not only did he not have any fear, but he looked calm and unhurried, which seemed very abnormal.

"A scum like you deserves to know my name?" Chen Xi said indifferently.

"You're courting death! You actually scolded Senior Brother Dongqi!"

"Boy, what are you talking about?"

"Quickly kneel down and apologize, I can forgive you once!"

The people behind Dong Qi shouted loudly, gearing up for a fight, as if they would fight if there was a disagreement.

"Okay." Dong Qi's complexion sank, a flash of sullenness flashed in his eyes, he took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said with a sneer: "Forget it, by the looks of you, you are probably a new disciple. Sin, I can give you one last chance, leave now, I can pretend everything never happened, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Chen Xi asked without thinking with a calm expression.

"It seems that you are toasting and not eating fine wine?" Dong Qi's expression became extremely gloomy, "I repeat, this is a matter between us and the disciples of Xihua Peak, if you get involved, you have to be careful My life!"

"I forgot to tell you, I am also a disciple of Xihua Peak." Chen Xi's tone was very indifferent, his eyes swept away Dong Qi and the others, "Now, you can either kneel down and beg for mercy, and I will let you go. Or, I can do it myself , but I can’t guarantee at that time whether I will kill you.”

"What a big tone, talking so much nonsense with you, you really think of yourself as a character!" Dong Qi couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, smiled grimly, and suddenly pointed his finger.


A wisp of unparalleled golden sword energy came out of his hand, directly attacking Chen Xi's body.

This sword energy is tens of feet long and as wide as a door panel. It contains the sharp and sharp golden meaning, and has the momentum to penetrate all things and kill the world.

This is the Lianhua Gengjin Sword Qi, one of the perfect martial arts of the Jiuhua Sword Sect. You don't need any magic weapons to practice this sword Qi. If you do it casually, the sword Qi bursts out. Even swords and weapons are terrifying.

Legend has it that the Jiuhua Sword Sect was created by a natural lotus in ancient times. This lotus was born from the heaven and the earth. The nine petals present nine kinds of divine brilliance, imprinted with the infinite meaning of the Dao, which is incredible.

The "Jiuhua Taoist Code" enshrined in the collection building of the Jiuhua Sword School today is said to be transformed from a petal of this sacred lotus, which contains heaven and earth and is derived from the Dao.The ancestors of the Jiuhua Sword School of all dynasties have comprehended the "Jiuhua Taoism" and created a variety of martial arts, Taoism, and supernatural powers that are as numerous as stars.

And this Lianhua Gengjin Sword Qi originated from an extremely powerful Taoist martial art in the "Jiuhua Taoist Code".


The sword energy pierced through the air, like a golden rainbow penetrating the sun, and was extremely fierce. However, facing this sword energy, Chen Xi's expression remained unchanged. He reached out and grabbed it, and the annihilating power flowed between his five fingers, and he directly grabbed this sword energy.

He shot extremely fast, with the annihilating power in his palm, glowing with a palpitating black light, filled with an extremely repulsive and concussive force, directly clamping this sword energy firmly!


Lianhua Gengjin's sword energy shivered for a while, and it kept shrinking, and it was about to collapse into nothing.

Seeing this, Na Dong Qi was not surprised but happy, with a smile of a successful plot on his face, and at this critical moment, he burst out with spring thunder: "The heart of the lotus is angry, and the sword is shining!"


The Lianhua Gengjin Sword Qi caught by Chen Xi suddenly emitted a strong buzzing, condensed into a golden pill, and then burst into full bloom like a flower bud in an instant, and the petals burst out like sharp blades.

"Lian Xin was furious! Brother Dong Qi has actually cultivated Lianhua Gengjin Sword Qi to such a level. Once this move is used, it can kill gods and ghosts. It is absolutely impossible to guard against! Back then, the head teacher relied on this move. How many powerful demons!" Everyone behind Dong Qi was shocked.

"Junior Brother Chen, is he in danger?" Big brother Huo Mole and the others all changed their expressions. Although they don't like fighting, they still have eyesight. How could they not recognize that what Dong Qi cast was Lian Huageng? The ultimate move in Jin Jianqi?

Seeing that Chen Xi's entire arm was about to be blown apart by the move of "Lian Xin Yi Fu", but at this most critical moment, with a bang, a cloud of thunderstorm vortexes suddenly gushed out from his palm, which exploded into pieces. The blade-like Gengjin sword energy that came out was completely swallowed up!

In that situation, it was as if a mud cow had entered the sea, it didn't cause any waves, and it didn't hurt Chen Xi at all.

"How is it possible! What kind of martial art is this?" Dong Qi's eyes shrank suddenly, and he exclaimed in surprise.

Everyone around him also changed color. It's unbelievable that Chen Xi shattered "Lian Xin Wrath" with his bare hands!

"With this level of strength, how dare you come to my Xihua Peak to do my best?" Chen Xi's eyes were cold, and he said calmly, "Since you don't want to kneel down and beg for mercy, then accept my Xihua Peak's punishment!"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xi's figure had disappeared in place.

"Let's go!" Hearing the undisguised killing intent in Chen Xi's voice, Dong Qi's complexion changed, stepping on a rainbow light, he turned around and left through the air without hesitation, appearing extremely decisive.

"Let you escape, what's the face of my Xihua Peak?" An indifferent voice floated in the air, and Chen Xi's figure, like a flash of light, had come behind Dong Qi with a few flickers, and then turned his fingers into a sword, One stroke down.

"Ah!" Dong Qi let out a scream, his entire right arm was cut off, and blood gushed out like a fountain, causing his figure to stagger in pain, almost falling from the air.


The next moment, he was caught by Chen Xi, and he threw it on the ground like throwing rubbish, splashing a cloud of smoke and dust.


Seeing this scene, Dong Qi's companions trembled all over, their spirits frightened, their fighting spirit collapsed, and they fled in all directions in fright. They looked like they wished their parents would have two more legs.

boom! boom! boom!

However, no matter how fast they fled, no matter where they fled, a black shadow always appeared in front of them like a shadow, with the power of a hammer, it slapped them flying one by one, and fell back to their original positions. Leaning in all directions, screaming in pain.

All of a sudden, the entire bank of the Sword Washing Pool was like dumplings, and black shadows fell to the ground with a plop, screaming like gourds rolling on the ground.

Looking at this shocking scene, the big brother Huo Mole and others were stunned. They didn't expect the new kid to be so powerful. Not only did he cut off the right arm of Dong Qi, the culprit, but now he even I want to kill them all, not letting a single one go!

Chen Xi dusted off his clothes, and Shi Shi ran over. He looked at the screaming fellow without any pity in his eyes. If he hadn't come, the ones lying on the ground would probably be the elder brother and the others.

"Senior Brother Qingyu, how many disciples from other peaks do we have on Xihua Peak?" Chen Xi asked.

"130 people." Qing Yu replied without thinking.

"So many?" Chen Xi was startled, then nodded immediately, "Alright, let's take this opportunity today to clear out all these villains who have usurped our Xihua Peak territory, so as to save trouble in the future."

As he spoke, his figure leaped up into the sky, stood proudly in the clouds, looked down at Xihua Peak, and said calmly: "From now on, everyone who is not my disciple of Xihua Peak, get out!"

Like a dragon's chant, like a tiger's howl, it disturbed the situation and resounded throughout the entire Xihua Peak.

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