divine talisman

Chapter 571 Capricious [Part 2]

(); Thank you brother Baojiang for the 4 precious monthly tickets and Qingdong for your support...on the lotus platform.

A flash of rainbow light flashed by, and Chen Xi's figure suddenly appeared in it. He shook his head, only then did he feel much clearer, and he couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

The petal in his hand, which looks like jade but not jade, made him understand that the scenes he encountered before were not hallucinations, but real.


A pile of verdant bamboo slips fell from the sky and scattered in front of Chen Xi. It was astonishingly the 49 inheritances of Taoism.

Seeing this, Chen Xi hurriedly looked around, and was surprised to find that the nine steps of the lotus platform were empty, except for himself, there was no one else.

How is this going?

Chen Xi pondered for a long time, but couldn't figure out why, so he carefully put away the rolls of bamboo slips on the ground, and put them into the Buddha Pagoda together with the golden petals in his hand that recorded the true interpretation of Daluo, and then turned and left.

What I encountered today can be described as miraculous. When I climbed on the lotus platform, not only did I see volumes of "book demons" who seemed to have psychics, but I also met Dao Lian, a person who was incarnated in the lotus of chaos. Talking for a long time with strands of spiritual thoughts, until now, he still feels like he is dreaming.

But after thinking about it carefully, he climbed to the top of the lotus platform this time to obtain a Taoist method, and now he has obtained so many Taoist methods by accident, which already makes him very satisfied.

Soon, Chen Xi had already walked down the lotus platform, descended layer by layer along the small path of the Book Mountain, and then passed by the shore of the Sea of ​​Enlightenment, heading towards the Dianzang Building.

What puzzled him was that there was no one in the entire collection building!

He still clearly remembered that when he entered the valley, there were no less than thousands of disciples in the Dianzang Building, and it took less than an hour for them all to disappear. This kind of scene is really unusual.


After walking out of the collection, Chen Xi heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the old man lying in the rocking chair was still there. This at least proved that what he saw just now was not a hallucination.

As for where those disciples went, he didn't bother to care.

Now his mind is full of how to comprehend Taoism, how to attack the realm of the underworld, how to use talisman to control other Taoism and other things, and wish to retreat and practice now, so he has no time to pay attention to these details.

"Chen Xi." Just as Chen Xi was about to leave, the old man in the rocking chair suddenly said, "Your master has left."

Chen Xi's body froze, a dimness flashed in his eyes, he nodded and said, "Thank you senior for telling me, this junior already knows about it.""

"Cultivate well, you are the first disciple to ascend the lotus platform in thousands of years, don't let down the inheritance of Taoism you have obtained, if you encounter anything you don't understand during practice, you can enter this collection building to consult the classics at any time. "The old man enjoined gently.

"Thank you, senior." Chen Xi cupped his hands.

"The news of your visit to the Lotus Terrace has been blocked. The disciples who entered the Dianzang Tower today were also ordered not to talk about it. This is also to protect your personal safety."

The old man said slowly, "However, paper cannot contain fire after all. During this time, you should work hard to improve your cultivation. If you want to grow into a strong person, you can only rely on yourself."

It was only then that Chen Xi understood why the Dianzang building was empty. It turned out that those disciples were all summoned away by the sect's high-ranking officials, and a password ban was issued.

Saying goodbye to the old man, Chen Xi immediately left Wuhua Peak and flew towards Xihua Peak.

However, on the way, a ray of rainbow light suddenly rushed towards him. Seeing him, he hurriedly shouted: "Junior Brother Chen Xi, you should hurry back to Xihua Peak to have a look. That Du Xuan brought the disciples of Donghua Peak and threatened to kill him." Occupied your Xihuafeng."

This person is wearing a fiery red dress, with waterfall-like hair, a young and beautiful face, skin as white as jade, and a slender and graceful figure. It is An Ke, a female disciple of Nanhua Peak.

At this time, her willow eyebrows were slightly frowned, and there was a sullen look between her smooth brows, like an angry kitten, anxious and angry at the same time.

"What!? How dare Du Xuan not keep the agreement?" Chen Xi raised his eyebrows. He clearly remembered that when Crazy Liu left, he had severely reprimanded Du Xuan, and an agreement had been reached. Three months later Only in the peak test will he accept his own challenge.

Who would have thought that not long after Crazy Liu left, this guy would come back and bring a group of Donghua Peak disciples to threaten to occupy Xihua Peak!

"Contradictory, domineering, this Donghua Peak disciple is really arrogant!" Chen Xi's eyes flashed an undisguised murderous intent, and he was also a little anxious. It was not because he was worried that Xihua Peak would be taken over, but because he was worried about the senior brother and the others. safety.

He is clear that his brothers and sisters are like a group of good babies, kind-hearted, aloof from the world, obsessed with the way he is good at, it is impossible to be the opponent of Du Xuan and others. The result was absolutely intolerable to him.

"Go back and have a look, I'll inform my sister." An Ke quickly ordered again, turned around and left as a rainbow.

"You..." Chen Xi opened his mouth, then closed it again. He originally wanted to say that this was a matter of Xihua Peak, and he should handle it by himself, so why bother other people.

But before he could say it, An Ke had already left in a hurry, without giving him a chance to refuse.

"Forget it, returning to Xihuafeng first is the most urgent task." Chen Xi shook his head, and immediately used the wings of the starry sky with all his strength, his whole body turned into a flash of light, which disappeared in an instant.


Sihua Peak.

Huo Mole and others never expected that after only a few hours, Du Xuan came back again, and brought a group of disciples from Donghua Peak to occupy all the heavenly paradises up and down Xihua Peak!

"Hahaha, this cave is not bad. There are 36 spiritual springs and one fire in the center of the earth."

"Don't grab it, this cave is mine!"

"God, Xihuafeng disciples are simply reckless. There are so many spiritual materials and medicine gardens, and no one picks them!"

"Just wait for senior brother Du Xuan to deal with that Chen Xi, from now on, this Xihua Peak will be our territory."

In the distance, noises came one after another, some people were robbing the cave, some people were trampling on the elixir recklessly, and some people were discussing how to carve up the entire Xihua Peak.

All of this made Huo Mole and the others look abnormally ugly, their chests heaved with anger, and their eyes were about to spew fire, but they could no longer move an inch.

Because just now, Du Xuan killed them all of a sudden, and put restraints on all seven of their senior brothers. They were so weak that they couldn't use any strength at all.

"Du Xuan, you don't believe what you say. You are a complete villain, and you are not worthy of the title of one of the five true disciples!" Huo Mole gritted his teeth and shouted angrily.

"I didn't come here to start a war with Chen Xi, I just took my brothers and sisters to find some places to cultivate." On the opposite side, Du Xuan shook his head and chuckled, and said slowly.

"You... are too deceitful!"

"This Xihua Peak is not your Donghua Peak's territory. Why do you want to find a place to cultivate and come to my Xihua Peak to play wild?"

"If you do this, if the headmaster finds out, aren't you afraid of being punished!"

& nb

sp;Seeing Du Xuan avoiding the important and neglecting the important, with such despicable intentions, Huo Mo Le, Lu Sheng, Yi Chenzi, Duan Yi and others were so angry that they shouted angrily.

Hearing this, Du Xuan folded his arms and sneered, his gaze seemed to be looking at a group of idiots, showing contempt and pity.

After a while, when Huo Mole and the others had had enough scolding, he said leisurely, "I forgot to tell you that in the future, the senior sect leaders will no longer interfere in the affairs between our disciples. No one will pay attention to you!"


(); What?

The expressions of Huo Mole and others changed suddenly, they couldn't believe it was true, but when they saw Du Xuan's reassuring appearance, they faintly felt that Du Xuan was not lying.

At this moment, their hearts fell into a trough unconsciously. Master Liu Crazy left, and there were only a few of their brothers and sisters left on Xihua Peak. If the high-level sect ignores them again, what will they do in the future?

In the distance, the disciples of Donghua Peak were still scrambling for a place of heaven and earth, a piece of spiritual fields and medicine gardens, as if they regarded Xihua Peak as their own home, and let out bursts of triumphant laughter.

The laughter fell into the ears of Huo Mole and the others, but it was so ear-piercing, making them angry, but they couldn't help but feel a bit of bewilderment, the high-level sect...how could they make such a ruthless decision?

"Senior Brother Du, the Sword Washing Pond is full of spiritual energy, and it is the best place for hidden cultivation in Xihua Peak. I have specially reserved it for you, so it will be your living place in the future?" At this moment, a Dong Huafeng disciple excitedly ran to speak.

"Oh? I heard that the Sword Washing Pond is the place where I sent Immortal Huakong to realize the Dao ten thousand years ago. It is miraculous and extraordinary. Leaving it for these wastes is no different from throwing away everything." Du Xuan said with a chuckle.

"Senior Brother Du is right. Only an identity like you is worthy of such a treasure land."

The disciple cast a disdainful glance at Huo Mole and the others, then turned his head, and when he looked at Du Xuan, he said with a flattering look on his face, "Senior Brother Du, wait a moment, I'll help you wash that Clean up the sword pond, open up a private courtyard, settle everything, and welcome you to stay."

With that said, he turned around and left quickly.

"This guy is really hardworking." Du Xuan shook his head, but he was very pleased in his heart. In his opinion, being able to make other disciples so flattering is itself a symbol of strength, isn't it?

"The Sword Washing Pond was reserved by me for my junior brother, you can't occupy it, otherwise I will fight it out, and I will die with you!" Seeing this, Huo Mole and the others shouted angrily.

"Chen Xi? Even if he comes, he won't be able to keep the Sword Cleansing Pond!"

Mentioning Chen Xi, a cold and murderous intent flashed across Du Xuan's eyes. He thought of his younger brother Du Guan, who was seriously injured by Chen Xi, and wished he could kill him right now.If it weren't for this, he wouldn't have turned himself in and killed Crazy Liu as soon as he left.

"Du Xuan, if you dare to touch every plant and tree on my Xihua Peak today, you will definitely kill it!" At this moment, a cold and murderous voice resounded suddenly, resounding up and down Xihua Peak. rs [end of chapter]

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