divine talisman

Chapter 573 Annihilation Promise [Part 2]

(); Thanks to brothers "Qingdong", "Tianxia Yirentian" and "Zhiai Yisheng" for their valuable support!


"Since you want to fight, let's have a good fight!"

With one blow, Chen Xi followed closely without holding back, and cast the wings of the starry sky. The person was like a streamer of light, traveling through the void, pointing at the sky and hitting the earth, and his punches were like landslides and tsunamis. He unleashed a big annihilation fist with all his strength. . ''

Ever since he took control of the Avenue of Annihilation, the power of the Great Annihilation Fist has undergone a qualitative transformation, and its power has soared in a straight line. Every move is filled with an oppressive momentum that destroys everything and annihilates all desolations.

At this moment, he opened it with all his strength, and it was like the end of the world. There were signs of annihilation and collapse everywhere in the void.

"Hmph, I'm quite capable, but with this little trick, you dare to yell at me!?" Facing Chen Xi's offensive, Du Xuan sneered again and again, and his figure burst into black mist, charging forward like a demon god.

His expression was cold and stern, exuding a vicious and bloodthirsty aura, his gestures were like a wind, and he was surging like a tide, unexpectedly showing a mighty aura that fits with the heaven and the earth.

It seems that the whole world has turned into his home field, and he, Du Xuan, is the only master.


There was a loud shout, and the two of them were already fighting fiercely together in an instant. The rumbling and collision of the true essence was like a volcanic eruption.

Fortunately, this place is above the sky, and the battle between the two did not cause a catastrophe to Xihua Peak.

However, it was completely different in the battle situation. The strong wind was raging, the humming sound was harsh, and the fists and palms of the two men intersected, turning the area of ​​thousands of miles into a chaotic place.


Blossoming cyan lotus-shaped sword energy surged out, blooming blazingly?

??Xiaguang, in which faintly flowed a mysterious and extremely Gengjin aura, as if it could cut the sky and cut the earth, obliterate the sun and the moon, and it was extremely fierce.

"Wanlian Qingxiao Sword Qi!"

Everyone was secretly surprised. This is a powerful martial art of the Jiuhua Sword Sect. Its history can even be traced back to the ancient times millions of years ago. It was created by a powerful person. Qing Xiao Out of ten thousand lotuses, ten thousand lotuses contain ten thousand swords, which can be used to destroy the enemy.

Moreover, this sword formula has been practiced to the extreme, and its lethality is no different from ordinary Taoism!

Buzz! ...

Like the sound of countless bees vibrating their wings, it resounded through the sky and the earth, and the blue lotus flowers that permeated the sky were spinning endlessly, like peerless swordsmen one by one, releasing a series of sharp and unparalleled sword energy, intertwined together, like a rain of swords overwhelming the sky, The pouring down, just looking at it from a distance, makes one's scalp tingle, and one's heart feels powerless with nowhere to escape. ''

"Reverse the chaos of yin and yang!"

Facing this scene, Chen Xi's eyes were fixed, and he let out a loud shout, and his whole body surged with true energy, like ten thousand streams returning to the clan, all concentrated on his right fist, releasing a palpitating power that made one want to vomit blood.

Looking from a distance, Chen Xi's fist seemed to be deriving two worlds. One world was under the sky and the earth was above, as if it had been reversed. In the other world, the world was normal, but everything was reversed. , head up, feet down.

And in it, there are countless turbulent forces of rebellion and annihilation, interpreting everything in an upside-down form.Just seeing this punch, most of the people present had the urge to vomit blood with sadness, and the energy and blood in their bodies were faintly disordered, reversed, and ran away.


Wrapping two fists that are completely upside down and full of annihilating power, they finally burst out. In an instant, a thousand-foot-long crack was plowed out in the void. The vitality around the crack dried up, everything turned into nothingness, and fell into a kind of In a state of broken order and chaos.

And the "Wanlian Qingxiao Sword Qi" was completely destroyed, and they were destroyed one after another. If he hadn't evaded in time, Du Xuan would have almost been caught in the turbulent flow of this punch.

"Not bad, very good, but Junior Brother Chen Xi, you have to be careful next time, Senior Brother, I won't release any more water."

Du Xuan's long and narrow eyes were as cold as knives, his aura surged, and the black mist surged around him, giving rise to ferocious red-eyed crows.

Obviously, being defeated by Chen Xi for two consecutive moves has already made him murderous. The strength shown by Chen Xi made him pay more attention to this opponent. He has only joined the sect for a day, so it is so good, and he will grow up in the future. How far?

This time, even if Chen Xi couldn't be killed, he still had to be severely suppressed, planting the seeds of fear in his heart, and even if he wanted to grow up in the future, it would be impossible!

"Senior brother Du Xuan, why do you need to talk too much, let's do it!" Chen Xi saw a strong murderous intent in Du Xuan's eyes, but couldn't his heart be boiling with murderous intent?

"Hahaha... good! Very good!"

Du Xuan laughed, but there was no smile in his eyes at all. Instead, he was extremely cold and chilling. Immediately, he took a deep breath, and a powerful wave slowly spread out from his body.

And when this wave of fluctuations emerged, the void around Du Xuan made a sound of shattering inch by inch, as if being sliced ​​through layer by layer by an extremely sharp blade, setting off a turbulent flow in the void.

In just a split second, Du Xuan's aura surged again, and above his head, a huge dark crow with black feathers, red eyes, and silver claws was reflected. It spread its wings and was about to fly.

This is……

The eyes of many disciples were fixed at this moment, and Du Xuan was about to use his own innate Taoism, which was the unique special power of his Crow Clan!


A series of fine cracks quickly spread from Du Xuan's feet, and the void under his feet was also being squeezed inch by inch at an astonishing speed, like traces of erosion by wind and frost.

Innate Taoism is the most unique power of the ancient tribes. Every race has it. Du Xuan, as a genius of the Crow family among the ancient tribes, naturally controls this power.

The innate Taoism of his Crow Clan is the Thousand Crows Soul Eater!

It is said that if this Taoism is cultivated to the extreme, it can summon the real Hell Crow Evil God, which is earth-shattering, soul-stirring, and extremely powerful.

Chen Xi had seen Du Xuan's younger brother Du Guan perform this technique before, but unlike Du Guan, this technique was performed by Du Xuan, and it was obviously more than ten times stronger than Du Guan in terms of momentum and power.

That dark crow was lifelike, extremely huge, its eyes were like blood, overlooking the world, almost like a real evil god had descended, and its power was unparalleled.


A burst of sharp, piercing, and extremely unpleasant sound waves, as if there was substance, suddenly came out from the mouth of the dark crow, and the sound waves visible to the naked eye turned into arrows burning with jet-black flames, bursting out, like one after another shocking the sky The black rainbow broke.

"Not good! Hurry up!"

"Du Xuan, this lunatic, doesn't care about other people nearby!"

Around Xihua Peak, after witnessing this scene, almost all the disciples were shocked and retreated one after another, for fear of being affected by the black arrows formed by the sound waves.

Did they know that such sound waves can not only severely injure the body, but the most powerful thing is that they can absorb the soul.

Only a few people, such as Leng Qiu, Pang Zhou, and Xia Yi, stood still.


Facing this scene, Chen Xi's expression became extremely dignified. He took a deep breath, and stood up. His clothes were loose and his hair was fluttering. On his right fist, he wanted to tightly hold a round of scorching sun and release an extremely hot sun. of blinding white light.



At that moment, the entire world was flooded with white light, which was dazzling, making everyone present feel as if their eyes had been cut into countless pieces, and tears flowed horizontally.

"Annihilation Promise!"

Chen Xi's indifferent voice resounded through the sky, and immediately, a breath of annihilation that made the world tremble suddenly burst out from his fist, like a chaotic torrent gushing from the depths of the universe, wanting to annihilate the entire world !

This is the power of the third move of the Great Annihilation Fist, and it is also the first time Chen Xi has truly used this move!

In the past, because he failed to comprehend the meaning of annihilation, he was unable to comprehend this move for a long time. He only mastered its moves and could not exert its essence.

But it is different now. In the ancient city, due to absorbing a large amount of divine power, his cultivation base has been rising steadily, and he has skyrocketed from the initial state of nirvana to the perfect state of nirvana in a day.

Moreover, Xiao Ding personally taught him the complete annihilation dao, all of which made him have the conditions to display "Annihilation Promise".


The endless light of annihilation bloomed, covering nine heavens and ten places, and everyone present was in a state of temporary blindness, and could no longer see any scenes in the field.

All they could hear was a shocking roar of explosions sweeping across the sky and the ground, and the raging air blasted in all directions, forcing their bodies to back again and again.

Some of the weaker ones were directly shaken by the airflow, vomiting blood and flying backwards, screaming miserably, the scene was extremely horrifying.

"This move is almost indistinguishable from the power of Taoism." Leng Qiu murmured, his face remained icy, making it hard to see what he was thinking about.

"Who would have thought that a rookie who had just started mastered such an astonishing martial art?" Pang Zhou was also extremely shocked. From this move, he no longer dared to underestimate Chen Xi in front of him.

"It seems that I don't need my sister to help me anymore." An Ke, who was wearing a fiery red dress, had a beautiful and innocent appearance, and a tall and hot figure, said crisply.

"Let's keep watching quietly, it shouldn't end here." Beside An Ke, a woman with classical and beautiful face, temperament as empty as a valley after rain, but slim and charming figure mused. She is definitely An Wei.

"Oh?" An Ke frowned, a little puzzled, but she believed in her sister's judgment very much, she didn't think much, and looked into the distance again.

After an unknown amount of time, the sound of the explosion gradually subsided, and the violent airflow also calmed down.

When everyone saw the scene clearly, they couldn't help being dumbfounded.

I saw Chen Xi standing upright in the distance, his waist straight like a sword, and he was not injured at all, but his face was a little pale, and his breath was slightly panting. It was obvious that the move he used just now had exhausted him a lot.

But in front of him, there was a ragged, disheveled, scorched man. His appearance was quite miserable, and he couldn't help but want to laugh.

But at this moment, no one dared to laugh. On the contrary, when they saw the appearance of that person, everyone's heart twitched violently, because that person was unexpectedly Du Xuan!


ps: There will be more after midnight, brothers who can’t wait, watch it tomorrow. [END OF CHAPTER]

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