divine talisman

Chapter 577 Lawless

Thanks to the brothers "Qingdong", "Sad Brother Pig", and "Fat Dragon Mother" for their support and rewards, and the precious monthly tickets cast by sister Jingsi!


The profound meaning of space can only be grasped by the strong earth immortals.

Only the strong Earth Immortal knows what is beyond the void.

However, according to legend, in the entire Xuanhuan Great World, there is not only one layer on the surface, but layers upon layers, each layer hides an unknown amount of space, and there are endless mysteries hidden inside.

At this time, suddenly, from the void above Xihua Peak, a terrifying big hand protruded, obviously breaking the boundary of space. Only people with cultivation bases above the Earth Immortal can control such a method!


The clouds shattered and the void was torn apart. This big hand was surrounded by endless clouds and celestial beings, as if it could pick up the stars and the bright moon.

As soon as it came out, it directly covered Chen Xi!


The violent celestial fluctuations of this terrifying hand directly smashed that ray of "forbidden law light" into pieces easily, and spread it around, destroying the latitude and longitude of the void and shaking the backbone of the sky!

All the monks around felt suffocated, terrified, and hurriedly hid in the distance.

Such a terrifying big hand is no longer a means of Nirvana Realm, nor can it be mastered by a cultivator in the Nether Transformation Realm. It is clearly the ancestor of the Earth Immortal who has penetrated the profound meaning of space to display it!

An extremely dangerous aura suddenly surged into his heart, and a huge panic enveloped all of Chen Xi's spiritual consciousness. At this moment, he sensed the murderous intent in this big hand.

It is obvious that he wants to kill himself in one fell swoop, without giving himself a chance to react and struggle!


Under the stimulation of death, the sun and the moon surged in Chen Xi's eyes of divine truth between his brows, interpreting all kinds of changes in the heavens, as if reflecting the universe and everything, and overflowing with turbulent rays of forbidden law.

At this time, if an ordinary cultivator looked at Chen Xi vertically, he would definitely feel a feeling of palpitations like facing an abyss and hell, and his soul would sink into it.

At this moment, all the scenes before Chen Xi's eyes, all the time and space became more and more slow, and every wind and grass moved like a snail crawling slowly.

He saw that Du Xuan's originally terrified face was rekindled with hope after seeing this big hand coming through the void, and even a smug sneer appeared on the corner of his lips.

He saw that Leng Qiu and Pang Zhou in the distance suddenly stopped their bodies, their expressions relaxed, and they all heaved a sigh of relief. Obviously, the two of them had made plans to rescue Du Xuan before, but after seeing this big hand After appearing, stop immediately.

He saw shock, shock, and doubt on the faces of many disciples... Immediately, these complex expressions turned into expressions of pity, and he couldn't bear to look directly at them, as if he had decided that he would die tragically under this big hand.

He also saw the grief, indignation and frightened appearance of the elder brother and the others, which warmed his heart, and his desire to survive became stronger and stronger.

However, what made his heart cold was that, facing this terrifying giant hand that descended from the sky, and feeling the power of the celestial gang spreading from it, he felt a deep sense of being unable to resist.

Even the room for struggle was taken away!

How to do?

Chen Xi unconsciously clenched the small tripod on his chest.

Xiao Ding is very mysterious. On the ancient battlefield, when facing Bing Shitian's threat, Xiao Ding once said that there is a [-]% chance of seriously injuring Bing Shitian.Facing this big hand now, Chen Xi could only pin his hopes on Xiao Ding and put all his eggs in one basket.

Seeing that the terrifying big hand was about to be grabbed, at the critical moment, when Chen Xi was about to push the small cauldron, suddenly the void in the distance exploded with a bang, and a big slender white hand also flew out. , Grabbed directly to that terrifying big hand.


The two giant hands that pierced through the air clashed above Chen Xi's head. As soon as they collided, an infinite rain of immortal light exploded, just like a bright sun exploding. The sound was deafening and impacted all directions.

This kind of game between forces is really terrifying, just for a moment, the wild winds are strong, the light is like a galaxy, and the immortal power is like intertwined lightning, flooding the sky.


This is the sky above Xihua Peak. As one of the nine main peaks of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, Xihua Peak has also been placed with countless restrictions. At this moment, it is threatened, and it suddenly bursts into infinite glory, resisting the impact of this collision. shock.

And the spectators had already retreated far enough, but they still felt the strong wind blowing against their faces, and the light was dazzling, shaking their bodies so that they were about to fall, and their blood was churning endlessly.

"Go back!"

People were horrified, the confrontation between forces of this level was really against the sky, it made people tremble, like falling into an ice cave.

At the same time, Chen Xi only felt a soft force enveloping him, and his whole body was immediately carried away and landed in an extremely distant place, barely avoiding this earth-shattering confrontation.

In an instant, the two terrifying hands turned into torrents of air and scattered in all directions, raging like a solar storm, tearing this piece of sky into countless shocking cracks, thousands of ravines, extremely terrifying.

When the light dissipated, there was already a group of figures in the place of confrontation, each of them with big sleeves fluttering, surrounded by a fairy spirit, they were all the elders of the Jiuhua Sword Sect.

And the person who is the leader is none other than the head teacher Wen Huating.

Seeing the head teacher and a group of elders appearing together, everyone in the distance couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after being shocked. You must know that the previous scene was too terrifying. If it continues, they will be very worried about themselves. Will it be affected.

However, Chen Xi didn't have such emotions like the rest of his life after a catastrophe. He swept his gaze over the head teacher Wen Huating and the others, and finally landed on Yue Chi.

The terrifying big hand before must have been cast by someone from the top of these sects, and Yue Chi was the only one who dared to kill him in one fell swoop!

The reason is very simple, this person has always been at odds with Crazy Liu, and he is Du Xuan's master, seeing that he wants to punish Du Xuan, he will not tolerate such things happening.

"Senior Brother Yuechi, what do you mean!?"

Wen Huating said in a deep voice, at this moment, on his warm and jade-like face, there was already a hint of sullenness, his eyes were cold and electric, making one's heart palpitate.

This time, everyone present understood that the person who attacked Chen Xi earlier was indeed Elder Yuechi!

It's clear, but Yue Chi's move made most of the people present frown.

Because everyone knows that Yue Chi is the master of Donghua Peak, but at this moment he intervenes in the battle between the disciples. The previous palm was even more aimed at killing Chen Xi in one fell swoop. Such a domineering behavior naturally makes people feel extremely uncomfortable. .

Today is Chen Xi, what if tomorrow he is himself?

Everyone is a disciple of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, why should Du Xuan have to kill Chen Xi when he is being bullied?If so, who would dare to exchange ideas with Donghua Peak disciples in the future?

"Student in charge, don't you see that this son is vicious and wants to kill Du Xuan? Such vicious disciples should be punished

That's right, otherwise there might be some trouble in the future. "

On the other hand, Yue Chi looked calm and calm, and said lightly, without any guilt at all, as if everything he did to Chen Xi before was just an ordinary thing.

Headmaster Wen Huating frowned, and a look of deep displeasure flashed in his eyes. He was about to speak, but Chen Xi took a step ahead.

"Dare to ask Master Yue, but the sect stipulates that high-level figures are not allowed to intervene in disputes between disciples?"

Under the gazes of surprised eyes, Chen Xi suddenly stepped forward, and asked coldly. He had a tall figure, was well-dressed, and had a calm and fearless expression.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help feeling a little admiration in their hearts. Perhaps Chen Xi would be the first one who dared to talk to the elders in the sect like this?But what Chen Xi said was exactly what they thought in their hearts.

That's right, they already knew long ago that the high-level members of the sect had stipulated that they would never intervene in the competition between the disciples of the sect in the future. Who would have thought that Elder Yue Chi would disobey this order less than a day after it was issued? This provision?

"Bold, as a disciple, you dare to offend your superiors. You are simply lawless!" Yue Chi's eyes narrowed, and he shouted loudly, with terrifying power.

As the elder of the sect and the master of Donghua Peak, he has a lofty status and a noble status. How could he have been questioned so unceremoniously by a disciple?

This is simply provoking his dignity!

"Who is lawless? Uncle Yue, I respect you as an elder, you must not make false statements!" Now that his face has been torn apart, Chen Xi will not be polite, and he will not be frightened by Yue Chi's aura.

He stepped forward again and pointed at Du Xuan: "Let me ask you, this person led his accomplices to plunder my Xihua Peak wantonly, and humiliated my brothers and sisters again and again, with despicable methods and domineering arrogance, why don't you care?"

"Du Xuan fought against me, several times he wanted to kill me, why don't you care?"

As he said that, Chen Xi's voice became louder and more passionate, shaking in all directions, and even carried an aggressive flavor, "As an elder of the sect, you don't care about injustice, but you attack me, what kind of intentions do you have? "

The three questions were like thunderbolts blasting the sky one after another, shaking the heads of many disciples present. They couldn't believe that Chen Xi dared to talk to the elders in the sect like this!

Even the head teacher Wen Huating and the other elders were slightly taken aback. They didn't expect that this little guy, Chen Xi, would have such a strong and unyielding disposition.

Immediately, they were relieved, because in their view, Chen Xi had just narrowly escaped death, and his mind must have been greatly stimulated, so he vented all his resentment.

And Yue Chi's face was already gloomy, almost dripping water. Chen Xi's three consecutive questionings were simply provoking his dignity time and time again in front of everyone. It was no different from slapping his face!

This made him so angry that he wished he could kill this sharp-toothed guy right now.

However, before he could open his mouth, Chen Xi yelled coldly and questioned again: "As an elder of the sect, I don't know how to love myself, trample on the rules of the sect, indulge my disciples, and bring harm to the sect! Now I don't even care about my manners, and use the big to bully the small ! Senior Uncle Yuechi, you are truly lawless!"

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