divine talisman

Chapter 588 Wings of Black Magnetism [Part 2]

"Qing Yu? Is that trash from the Qingluan clan?" Yue Chi asked in a daze.

"Reporting to Master, it is this person." Outside the main hall, the respectful voice of the disciple came again.

"Where's Chen Xi? He can resist not showing up?" Yue Chi gradually frowned.

Originally, he thought that Chen Xi would not be able to help himself, leave the sect, and complete the task. In this way, he could contact some experts and deal with Chen Xi outside the sect.

Who would have thought that instead of forcing out Chen Xi, instead forcing out a trash, this was a bit beyond his expectation.

"I heard that...Chen Xi is in seclusion."

"Shut up?"

A gleam of coldness flashed across Yue Chi's eyes, and he sneered, "Understood, this little bastard is probably preparing for the peak test soon."

"It's such a good idea. Do you want to cultivate quietly? There is no door!" Yue Chi sneered, his eyes flickering, and asked: "Then what task did Qing Yu receive?"

"Shi Country, Pheasant God Ridge, kill the Black Pheasant Seven Demons!"

"Stone Country?"

Yue Chi pondered for a long time, raised his hand to write a jade slip, threw it out, and then ordered: "Go and hand this jade slip to the Zifeng Sect Master, he will naturally understand what to do."


"If you don't leave the customs, the old man will force you out. The old man wants to know, can you still cultivate in peace after your senior brother is arrested..." In the empty hall, Yue Chi lowered his head, with a gloomy look on his cheeks color.


Star world.

The stars are like pearls, exuding a clear and hazy brilliance.

Half a month has passed since Qing Yu left the sect, and there has been no news.

And Chen Xi, in the world of stars, has been obsessed with comprehension for more than a year.

This is the wonderful power of the star world. If you cultivate in it for ten years, it only takes one year for the outside world, and one month for the outside world, more than a year has passed.


Suddenly, Chen Xi woke up from his deep comprehension. Wisps of divine glow spewed out from his mouth and nose between his breaths, and his energy flowed like a real dragon.

During this period of time, his whole body and mind were immersed in an ethereal and flawless state, watching the magnificent scenery of the ancient wilderness, and comprehending the infinite mysteries in "The True Explanation of Da Luo".

His understanding of Taoism is like a river that swells after a rain. Before he knows it, he has acquired extremely profound attainments.

This is also thanks to the magical effect of Fuxi's statue, so that his perception and spirit power have already reached a height that can compete with the monks of Minghua. Naturally, there is no stagnation and unimpeded flow when he comprehends Taoism.

Otherwise, if you were someone else, you would be disturbed by the infinite mysteries in "The True Explanation of Da Luo" after a few days of comprehension.

As for Chen Xi, he persisted in comprehending for more than a year!This kind of perception has reached the point of astonishing the world, if it spreads out, it will definitely drop your jaw.

Even, Chen Xi had a premonition that when he advanced to the Nether Transformation Realm, the power of his soul would undergo a transformation, and he would be able to rival the ancestors of the Earth Immortals!

"Taoism, so this is Taoism..." Chen Xi muttered to himself, a smile could not help but appear on his lips, his eyes were deep, reflecting the galaxy.

"Unfortunately, the time is limited. There are still two months before the peak test. We must take advantage of this time to sharpen our cultivation. If we can advance to the Underworld Realm, we should not be afraid of anyone." Chen Xi shook his head. Think about it again.

He didn't linger any longer, he strode away from the world of stars, and flew out of the peak of Trial Heaven.

"Huh? Why did I forget about this treasure..." However, just as Chen Xi was about to leave, he suddenly saw a dark mountain standing on the side of the trial peak.

This mountain stands in the middle of the river, with only a sharp peak exposed, which is often submerged by the river. If you don't observe carefully, it is very easy to mistake it for a reef in the river.

But Chen Xi knew that it was not a reef, but an extraordinary treasure—— Xuanci Peak!

According to Ji Yu, there is a black magnetic light in this peak, and a sesame grain weighs more than ten thousand jun. It is born to restrain the essence of the five elements. Even in the ancient times, this black magnetic mountain is an extremely rare refining material.

What's more, the mysterious light in it can also be used to cultivate a kind of supernatural power called Xuanci Wings, which can not only tear apart the void, but can travel for thousands of miles in an instant. Being wiped out of spirituality, turned into a mass of scrap iron!

In terms of power, it is not inferior to the top ten five-colored light in the ancient times!

Back then, just to absorb this Xuanci Peak, Ji Yu made a move because he consumed too much mana, so he could only hibernate in the cave and could not show up again.

From this, it can be seen what a mysterious treasure this Xuanci Peak is.

"Although I still don't know the secrets of cultivating the supernatural powers of the mysterious magnetic wings, but I already have the wings of the starry sky. If I absorb this mysterious magnetic light, can I also exert a unique magical effect?"

Chen Xi thought for a while, then flew up, came to the middle of the river, and grabbed Xuanci Peak with his hands.


With a violent shout, witch power surged all over Chen Xi's body, every tendon burst out, and he had already used all his strength. Under this grasp, a huge boulder of a hundred thousand catties would have to be turned into powder.

However, this Xuanci Peak only shook for a while, and released a wave like a tide, dark, cold, and mysterious... It seems that it has accumulated enough power to crush all life breaths, which makes people feel involuntarily. Throbbing and horrified.

The most frightening thing is that this wave of fluctuations, like a soul-robbing devil, stimulated the true energy in his body to move, and the blood all over his body rushed violently, wanting to be disordered.

This time, Chen Xi finally understood the horror of Xuanci Peak, and finally realized how difficult it was for Ji Yu to collect this Xuanci Peak back then.

For example, he has reached the perfect state of Nirvana in his physical training, and he can only slightly shake the Xuanci Peak with his bare hands, but cannot pull it up. This kind of strength alone is enough to make people feel despair.


However, Chen Xi would not just give up like this. The next moment, he had cast his spells on the heavens and the earth and turned into a giant with three heads and six arms. His body was full of witch power surging like the sea, and his six arms, which were as thick as stone pillars, were tightly bound around Xuanci Peak. superior.


There was a roar, and the Xuanci Peak shook violently, before Chen Xi pulled it out of the river little by little.


The next moment, he brought Xuancifeng with all his strength and rushed out of the cave with his wings of starry sky.

There is no way, this Xuanci Peak is too heavy, the size of a sesame seed weighs more than [-] jun, and the entire mountain is ten thousand zhang high, hugging him, that kind of force almost squeezed his whole body muscles, It made his facial features distorted, his veins burst open, and he was quite embarrassed.

He had to seize the time to move this peak first, and then deal with it a little bit.



Huo Mole and a group of senior brothers were discussing something when they suddenly felt a shadow enveloping them. When they looked up, they were stunned.

A ten thousand zhang mountain peak is suspended in mid-air!

"Look, it's Junior Brother!"

"Oh, it's my junior brother, it made me so nervous, I thought something happened."

"Well, the little junior brother is actually playing with pulling up mountains. Could it be that he is just like us, a freak obsessed with pulling up mountains?"

"You are the freak, do you ever talk like that?"

A group of senior brothers talked a lot, after seeing that it was their junior brother who was flying over the mountain, they all relaxed, chatting and laughing.

"No, that's Xuanci Peak! God, there really is such a treasure in the world!"

Big Brother Huo Mo Le was shocked all over, and he was so excited that he exclaimed out loud. He is best at forging weapons, and he can see the extraordinaryness of that mountain at a glance.

The next moment, he had already burst into the air, surrounded by blazing flames, his beard and hair were as red as fire, and just standing in mid-air at this moment, it was like a god of fire descending, extremely powerful.

"Junior Brother, don't leave it behind, the Xuanci Peak is too heavy, it will smash the Xihua Peak into a big hole! Quick, quick, leave it to me!"

Amidst the loud shouts, the elder brother shook his arms, and in an instant he played out thousands of obscure and weird formulas, turning them into a sky-covering fire, enveloping the entire Xuanci Peak.


With a bang, the Xuanci Peak, which made Chen Xi helpless, actually shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye under the magic formula of big brother Huo Mole.

Almost in an instant, Xuanci Peak turned into a height of ten feet, with a black body, and released an extremely terrifying aura, which looked extremely miraculous.

Big Brother Huo Mo Le stepped forward, took out a gray cloth bag, put Xuanci Peak in it at once, and held it in his hand easily.

Chen Xi was already out of breath and sweating profusely at this time, but he couldn't help but be stunned and couldn't believe it when he saw that the elder brother had handled the Xuanci Peak with such ease.

"Eldest brother... you... are so mighty!"

Chen Xi said in a daze, feeling shocked in his heart, as expected, he was specialized in surgery, who would have thought that a senior brother who looked like a waste in the eyes of outsiders would be able to do this step?

You know, even Ji Yuke spent a lot of energy to bring Xuanci Peak into the cave!

"Haha, junior brother, don't forget, senior brother, I am a descendant of the Rongyan clan in the ancient times. I was born with a powerful weapon refining method, and it is no problem to subdue Xuanci Peak." Senior brother Huo Mole Ha ha laughed.

"The art of refining weapons?" Chen Xi's heart moved, and he asked, "Eldest senior brother, can you sacrifice the mysterious magic light in it?"

"Of course it is possible, but it will take some time..." Speaking of this, Huo Mole seemed to suddenly think of something, and said in surprise, "Little brother, don't you want to cultivate the supernatural powers of the Wings of Black Magnetism?"

"Exactly." Chen Xi was also quite curious, "Could it be that senior brother still understands this method of cultivating supernatural powers?"

"Although I don't understand, Junior Brother Qingyu understands. You must know that in the ancient times, the divine beast Qingluan inhabited the Xuanci Mountain. This supernatural power is also the unique skill of the Qingluan clan.

"Unfortunately, the Xuanci Peak disappeared a long time ago, and it is very difficult to find it in the entire Xuanhuan Domain. Naturally, no one can successfully cultivate this magical power. If it weren't for this, the Qingluan clan would not have fallen Even the Hades Crows dare not take them seriously."

Big brother Huo Mole sighed with emotion.

"So that's how it is." Chen Xi thought to himself, no wonder that Du Guan dared to bully Junior Brother Qingyu so unscrupulously, it turned out that it was because the Qingluan clan is no longer as good as it used to be...

"By the way, where is Junior Brother Qingyu?" Thinking of this, Chen Xi swept his eyes away, but couldn't find Junior Brother Qingyu, so he couldn't help asking in doubt.

"Together with Ling Bai, we went to perform the mission of the sect." Huo Mole pouted, and told Chen Xi about Xin Ruhai's visit half a month ago.

After listening to what had happened, Chen Xi suddenly felt something was wrong, and vaguely felt that there seemed to be a hint of conspiracy in it.

"It's not good! Is Junior Brother Chen Xi here? I just got the news that your Senior Brother Qingyu is trapped in Shiguozhishenling!" sounded.

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