divine talisman

Chapter 595 Pure Blood Pheasant

What kind of sword is this?

As fast as lightning, like a long river of sword energy coming out of thin air, mighty and turbulent, full of unshakable power of heaven and earth, it can kill the sun and the moon, and crush yin and yang!

Taoism——Yuxiao Burial Sword Jue!

In just a split second, under the shocking eyes of the crowd, the four big monsters who had been infamous for many years were directly wiped out by this sword qi, and completely fell into this world.

"Tao... Taoism!?"

Seeing this scene, everyone present was shocked and speechless, some even trembled in shock, their teeth trembled uncontrollably, making a clicking sound, which was especially harsh in the silent atmosphere.

Taoism only exists in superpowers, not to mention Yuetuo City, even if you look at the entire Shi Kingdom, there are very few people who can control Taoism, very few.

What's more important is that Taoism is not only rare, but also extremely difficult to cultivate and control. Super powerful forces like the Jiuhua Sword Sect can only be mastered by a small group of true disciples.For example, Du Xuan, as one of the five true disciples of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, has only mastered one Taoism.

However, the power of Taoism is unquestionable, and even after mastering a Taoism, one can kill enemies across borders!

In just a split second, all the gazes looking at Chen Xi changed. There was an unconcealable awe in the shock. In their hearts, they seemed to regard Chen Xi as a disciple of a superpower.

And he is also the kind of true disciple with a high status among the superpowers!

The reason is very simple. Only a super powerful force can cultivate such a young man who can master Taoism and wipe out five arrogance big monsters at a glance.

Chen Xi didn't pay attention to these gazes. He used the "Yuxiao Burial Sword Art" to kill the four monsters before, but he was secretly surprised. He never expected that just one blow would almost destroy the true essence in his body. Consume half!

In fact, the reason is very simple. The stronger the power of Taoism, the greater the consumption of true energy. With his cultivation base of Nirvana Perfection, if he does not use pills to replenish his true energy, he can only use it a few times at most. It will completely use up the true essence.

"It seems that we must prepare more pills in the future..."

Chen Xi secretly sighed in his heart, no wonder the higher the cultivation base, the more difficult it is to improve the strength. This kind of consumption alone is enough to kill the progress of most people.


The next moment, he had come to the body of the Seven Demon Qu Mu, reached out and grabbed Qu Mu's primordial spirit, imprisoned him, then raised his head, and looked at Wu Zhichong in the distance, with a cold look on his lips. However, "Wu Zhichong?"

Among those present, only Wu Zhichong was a cultivator in the Nether Transformation Realm, and Chen Xi was able to confirm the identity of this person without guessing at all.

"It's Wu." Wu Zhichong took a deep breath, suppressed the horror in his heart, and clasped his fists and said, "Forgive Wu's blindness, dare to ask the young hero, who is he from?"

"Oh? Don't you know where I come from?" Chen Xi's gaze fell on Wu Zhichong like a sharp knife, "Do you know why I came to you?"

Chen Xi's voice was very soft.

But Wu Zhichong felt chills in his heart when he heard it, he could feel the monstrous killing intent contained in Chen Xi's voice!

"This..." Wu Zhichong stared at Chen Xi with an uncertain expression.

"I know, Senior Brother Qingyu is not here."

Chen Xi's gaze swept around the Zifeng Gate, and that gaze seemed to have seen through all the secrets here, "However, this matter is related to you, just tell me, who ordered you, and I can let you go, if not, The entire Zifeng Sect will be buried with you!"

Wu Zhichong's complexion suddenly changed. Chen Xi, who had mastered Taoism, made him extremely jealous. He naturally understood that Chen Xi was not boasting.Coupled with the terrifying sect power behind Chen Xi, he understood almost instantly that he had no choice.

However, if he said everything about it, it would also put him in a desperate situation, because this matter involved more than just the Jiuhua Sword Sect!

How to do?

Wu Zhichong was in a dilemma. He was only the head of a second-rate force, and he deeply understood that he could not keep Chen Xi today. If he did not make a decision, let alone him in the future, even the Zifengmen behind him would face serious problems. The catastrophe.

After all, no matter how you say it, he finally colluded with the Black Pheasant and the Seven Demons and harmed a true disciple of the Jiuhua Sword Sect. Such behavior is enough to make him fall into a place of eternal doom...

"Tell me everything, you may be able to escape now and gain a chance of life, if you resist, then you will have no chance of surviving!"

Chen Xi's voice was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, making Wu Zhichong finally give in.

"Tianyan Dao Sect, Jiuhua Sword Sect..." Knowing everything from Wu Zhichong, Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and his eyes were so cold that he almost wanted to choose someone to eat.

He finally understood that Senior Brother Qingyu's troubles were all because of him, and Qingyu was just a bait to blackmail him.

And what made all of this was the cooperation of Yue Chi, the master of Donghua Peak of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, and the Tianyan Taoist Sect!

In other words, Yue Chi has reached a tacit understanding with a certain important figure in Tianyan Taoist Sect, and both of them will be against him.

Although Wu Zhichong didn't say who the big shot in Yan Dao Sect was that day, Chen Xi didn't think about it at all, and decided that it must be Bing Shitian!


On this day, Zifeng Sect, which had been entrenched in Yuetuo City for hundreds of years, was completely disbanded due to a major accident. The sect master Wu Zhichong disappeared, and the disciples in the sect also fell down and dispersed, leaving Yuetuo City completely.

On this day, among the seven black pheasant monsters who have been guilty of many crimes in Shenzhiling for many years, except for the big monster Jiao Liang, the other six monsters were all put to death.

All of this was done by a young man from a super powerful force.

As for the identity of that young man, it was quickly deduced that he was indeed a master disciple of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, one of the Ten Great Immortal Sects, named Chen Xi!

Yuetuo City is just one of the more than 300 cities in the Stone Kingdom. It looks inconspicuous, but because of today's incident, legends and allusions about Chen Xi have been circulating for thousands of years to come.

It is said that he hates evil like a vengeful, is chivalrous and courageous, eliminates violence and makes good, and killing the black pheasant and the seven demons is a joy to the hearts of the people.

It is said that he is an immortal who traveled all over the world. Seeing injustice, he couldn't bear the harm of demons to the common people, so he sent down the immortal punishment and killed all the seven black pheasants.

These legends with different opinions were even compiled into story books by teahouses, spread in the streets and alleys, and were talked about by people.


This is all for the future, and now, Chen Xi is taking advantage of the darkness, using the wings of the starry sky, and rushing with all his strength towards the Shenzhi Ridge, which is thousands of miles away from Yuetuo City.

And in his right hand, he was holding a phantom of the primordial spirit.

That was the primordial spirit of Qu Mu, one of the seven demons of the black pheasant. At that time, only his primordial spirit was deliberately left behind by Chen Xi. .

"Say no?

"Bah! You kind of killed me!"

"Hmph, I'll give you one last chance. If you don't, I'll completely refine you, make you eternal life without reincarnation, and completely disappear between heaven and earth."

"Do your Spring and Autumn Dream!"

"Ah!" There was a shrill howl, which was creepy.

"I say! I say! Please let me die quickly! Please..." After a while, Qu Mu's primordial spirit finally couldn't bear Chen Xi's incomparably cruel torture method, and let out an incomparably weak begging sound .

Then, without any hesitation, he confessed everything.

It turned out that, just as Chen Xi had speculated, Qing Yu was not eaten by these big monsters, but was trapped in the Shenzhi Ridge. Not surprisingly, she should still be alive and well now.

The reason for this is that there are not only the seven black pheasants entrenched on the Xuanzhi Ridge, but also a real pure-blooded Xuanzhi!

The pure-blooded black pheasant, that is a peerless ferocious bird with great reputation in the ancient times, just like Bi Fang and the swallowing bird, it is scary enough to become the overlord of the other side, so fierce that even the gods dare to fight.

However, according to Qu Mu, the pure-blooded Black Pheasant entrenched on the Black Pheasant Ridge is only at the level of the Underworld, and has not really grown up yet.

And the purpose of arresting Qing Yu is also very simple, that pure-blooded black pheasant wants to sacrifice Qing Yu's body to a powerful magic weapon!

The reason is because Qingyu is a descendant of the Qingluan clan, and she is also a rare pure-blooded Qingluan. Such an existence is extremely rare even among the Qingluan clan.

It was also because of this that the Black Pheasant and the Seven Demons deceived Wu Zhichong, saying that they had already eaten Qingyu, and they were unwilling to hand it over to Wu Zhichong.

As for what kind of magic weapon the pure-blooded Xuan Pheasant will consecrate, Naqu Mu is not very clear. After all, they are seven brothers. According to race, they are only a branch of the Xuan Pheasant family, and their blood is not pure.


After learning all this, Chen Xi directly wiped out Qu Mu's primordial spirit, then accelerated his speed, and in an instant he had arrived in front of a mountain surrounded by black mist.

This mountain, like a ferocious beast, curls up in black mist, and the evil spirit soars into the sky, exuding a sinister and cold aura, which makes one's heart palpitate when viewed from a distance.

This is Shenzhi Ridge, the lair where the Black Pheasant Seven Demons occupy. Within a thousand miles, almost no creatures dare to approach this place, and it looks extremely gloomy.

"It's weird, with Ling Bai's strength, and having mastered the Taoism of the Nirvana Sword Sect, he shouldn't be afraid of a pure-blooded black pheasant in the Nether Transformation Realm, how could Senior Brother Qingyu be trapped here..."

Chen Xi looked at the Shenzhi Ridge, pondered for a moment, and immediately jumped up, like a flash of light, silently arrived at the Shenzhi Ridge.

At the same time, his incomparably strong spiritual power spread out, covering the entire mountain in an instant. After searching carefully for a long time, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Deep in the mountainside of Shenzhiling, there is actually a spacious and secluded cave, a middle-aged man with a haggard face, pointed brows and thin lips, is sitting cross-legged.

The middle-aged man was dressed in a black robe, his fingers were as thin as bamboo poles, his sharp nails glowed with a cold black light, and the halo of guilt lingered around his body, making him look extremely sinister and stern.

If Chen Xi hadn't guessed, this person should be the boss of the Black Pheasant Seven Demons—Jiao Liang!


ps: I have seen the opinions of the brothers, very pertinent opinions, thank you for your support first, and then, I will speed up the pace in the near future, and strive to eliminate unnecessary bridges!

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