divine talisman

Chapter 605 Opening of the peak test

Thanks for the 6 precious monthly votes voted by Brother Zhou Zhou and the support of the sad pig!


Jiuhua Sword Sect.

Donghua Peak.

A young man in a black robe sat cross-legged in a blessed place filled with aura.

The aura of the black-robed youth was like a monster, flamboyant, and his eyes were narrow and long like blades, but he was Du Xuan, the genius and powerhouse of the Crow Clan who had been defeated by Chen Xi before.

When he was defeated by Chen Xi last time, Du Xuan was only at the Nirvana Perfection Realm, but now, judging from the terrifying real energy fluctuations on his body, he has already reached the Nether Transformation Realm, and it seems that he has advanced for some time. No vanity.

Opening his eyes, a stern red light flashed in Du Xuan's long and narrow pupils.

"The state of darkness! The power of the blood of the crow family in my body has been activated by [-]%. The world of chaos in my body is supported by the seven kinds of mysteries of the Dao. It is strong and powerful, and the true essence is more than three times larger than before!"

"Not only that, but the 'Mysterious Qi Instant Killing Art' I cultivated has also reached the stage of great success, and my combat power is no longer comparable to what it was three months ago. This time, I will completely suppress Chen Xi in this peak test, and then I will become a seed in one fell swoop. player!"

Du Xuan is arrogant, he is arrogant, he does not allow any failure, not even once, losing to Chen Xi is the greatest shame in his life, especially when he thinks that he was forced to kneel in public that day, his heart is as painful as a knife , This kind of shame and humiliation even tortured him to the point of going crazy.

And this peak test, he wants to get it back completely and wash away all the shame on him!


A jade slip of communication flew over—"Xuan'er, hurry to Xingqiong Palace!"

Du Xuan put away the jade slips and frowned, tomorrow is the peak exam, why is Master summoning me at this time?


The next moment, Du Xuan had already left his cave. This was the first time he stepped out of his cave after he lost to Chen Xi. This time, under the eyes of everyone, he will take back all the humiliation he has suffered. Come!


In Donghua Peak, a secret place filled with endless ice and snow storms, Leng Qiu stands proudly in the ice and snow, his clothes are hunting, his breath is piercing, coupled with his extremely cold and indifferent aura, he is like a king of ice and snow, ruling the world.


A series of ice and snow storms swept across the world, rushing in from all directions, forming a circular ice and snow light curtain, wrapping the cold autumn inside, and the long hair was dyed in the wind and snow and fluttered, with a threatening momentum.

After an unknown amount of time passed, Leng Qiu suddenly opened his eyes, and two cold electric lights shot out, tearing apart the ice and snow light curtain.

"Extreme Emperor Wind Spirit Art!"

The invisible hurricane suddenly rolled up, Leng Qiu punched out violently, and the wind was so loud that he turned into a figure of the emperor wearing an imperial crown. The storm was raging all over his body, stepping on the universe, tearing the void, releasing a biting, raging, The all-pervasive chill torrent.


This area of ​​ice and snow immediately dissipated, turning into pure ice and snow vitality and spreading away. Wherever it went, the mountain peaks exploded, and the rivers were blasted into water foam and dried up and disappeared.

"The Taoism 'Huangji Fengling Jue' of the eighth layer of the Lotus Terrace is indeed a high-level Taoism. It is really extraordinary. Combined with my perfect Dao of Wind and the cultivation base of the Underworld, it is enough to perform twice as well." Fighting strength!"

On Leng Qiu's usual indifferent and expressionless face, at this moment, an imperceptible smile floated up, which was fleeting.

To reach his level of cultivation, we already know that Taoism in the world is divided into four levels: low-level, middle-level, high-level, and peak-level according to the size of its power.

Low-level Taoism is the least powerful and the most common, but this kind of universality is compared with other Taoisms. After all, no matter how low the level is, it is Taoism after all, and it is definitely not something that ordinary sects can possess.

The Taoism of the peak level is the most powerful and rarest. Even if you look at the top ten immortal sects, they are all rare existences, and they all belong to the inheritance of the town sect.

"In this peak test, I will definitely be one of the seed disciples!" Leng Qiu put his hands behind his back, a look of strong self-confidence and disdain welled up between his brows.


At this moment, a messenger jade slip flew over, which was exactly the same as what Du Xuan got.


At the same time, Pang Zhou, who was retreating in another cave, also received a communication jade slip and broke through.

During these three months of retreat, his aura has also become extremely powerful. With every gesture, he is in harmony with the heaven and the earth, revealing a unique aura that belongs to the monk of the meditation!


Star Palace.

Yue Chi sat in the seat, looking at Leng Qiu, Pang Zhou, and Du Xuan standing respectfully in the distance, he couldn't help but have a look of satisfaction on his face.

These are the three disciples he values ​​most, with outstanding aptitude and astonishing talent. They are all among the top five true disciples, and their reputation spreads far and wide, which makes him, as a master, extremely honorable.

Especially when he saw that their strength had improved to a higher level in the past three months, they had stepped into the realm of the underworld, and became a real great monk, he felt very honored and proud, Looking forward to tomorrow's upcoming peak test.

"Tomorrow's peak test, my true disciples from Donghua Peak, and the true disciples from Nanhua, Beihua, and Xihua peaks will also participate in it. At that time, some elders in the sect, as well as disciples from the inner sect and the outer sect will all participate. Come in and watch the performance of Moore and others. Therefore, the three of you must show your strongest side, and under the eyes of everyone, show me the power of Donghua Peak!"

Yue Chi said in a deep voice, with a trace of indescribable joy in his voice, "And this peak test will be presided over by me and Elder Lie Peng on Zhenwu Peak, so you don't have to worry about other things at all, just do it with all your strength. The game is enough!"

"I believe that with the current strength of the three of you, you will definitely shine in this peak test, and you can be selected as seed disciples!"

"Master, don't worry, this disciple will definitely go all out to win the highest honor for Donghua Peak!" Leng Qiu, Pang Zhou, and Du Xuan said solemnly.

"Hahaha, great!"

Yue Chi laughed out loud, with a heroic voice and burning eyes, "I'm not afraid to tell you that those who have been selected as seed disciples this time will not only be able to enter the Shenhua Peak for cultivation, but also each of them will receive a peak-level Taoism inheritance! "

The inheritance of the peak level Taoism!

Hearing this, even though he was as indifferent and calm as Leng Qiu, he couldn't help but feel a little shortness of breath.

"Master, the inheritance of the peak-level Taoism shouldn't come from the 49 pieces of Taoism that Chen Xi donated that day, right?" At this moment, Du Xuan suddenly said.

When Chen Xi's name was mentioned, the atmosphere in the Star Palace became strangely quiet.

Yue Chi's eyes showed an undisguised look of loathing and hatred. He was silent for a while, but he didn't know how to answer, because the facts were indeed as Du Xuan said, those peak-level Taoism techniques all came from Chen Xi. hand.

"Junior Brother Du Xuan's words are very wrong. The inheritance of Taoism that Chen Xi has obtained is originally part of my Jiuhua Sword Sect, but he just passed it on to the head teacher with the help of him." Pang Zhou shook his head and said.

At this moment, Yue Chi's mood suddenly changed, and he gave Pang Zhou an appreciative glance.

"This couldn't be better. In tomorrow's peak test, I will definitely defeat that Chen Xi completely, kneel down in front of everyone, and take the shame out of me!" Du Xuan gritted his teeth and said, his gaze as cold as a knife.

"Defeat Chen Xi?"

Yue Chi was startled, as if thinking of something interesting, he couldn't help laughing and said, "I'm afraid he won't be able to participate in the peak test again, Xuan'er, if you want to avenge your revenge, there will be opportunities in the future, don't be impatient .”

"How could this be..." Du Xuan was a little unwilling, and said in a low voice.

"Because you are not the only one in this world who wants to deal with Chen Xi." Yue Chi said with a smile, and immediately waved his hand, "Forget it, let's not talk about it, you will understand when the time comes."

Leng Qiu, Pang Zhou, and Du Xuan looked at each other, and they all vaguely guessed in their hearts that perhaps it was Master who took action and had already begun to take revenge on Chen Xi...

Thinking about it, three months ago, Chen Xi unceremoniously accused his master in front of everyone, it was simply outrageous and lawless.

If it were them, they would definitely not be able to swallow this breath.

"Of course, just in case, if that kid really shows up in the peak test tomorrow, do the three of you know what to do?" Yue Chi glanced at Leng Qiu and the others, and said lightly.

"Understood!" Leng Qiu and the others replied without hesitation.

"Master, what if the apprentice accidentally kills him?" Du Xuan couldn't help asking.

Yue Chi smiled lightly, and said leisurely, "Swords have no eyes, since it is a trial, there will always be some accidents, isn't it?"

"However, if the teacher and other elders find out about doing this..." Leng Qiu hesitated for a while before saying.

"Don't worry, have you forgotten that tomorrow's peak test will be hosted by me as a teacher?" Yue Chi glanced at the three apprentices with deep meaning, and almost said, "You can kill as much as you want, just kill people." , and it's up to me to deal with the aftermath'.

The three of Leng Qiu were completely relieved.


Sihua Peak.

Huo Mole and other senior brothers gathered in front of the wooden house in front of the Sword Washing Pond, looking anxious and looking around from time to time, as if they were waiting for someone.

Before I knew it, it was already very late at night.

Qing Yu couldn't bear it any longer and said: "Tomorrow is going to be the peak exam, and the little junior brother hasn't come back yet, so there shouldn't be any accidents?"

"Crow's Mouth!" Huo Mole scolded, "With the strength of my junior brother's cultivation, and the assessment task being carried out, how can there be any accidents?"

"Maybe it's because of the delay on the road. After all, the junior brother has received all the assessment tasks at once, and it's really hard for him to complete them in a short time."

"Yeah, if it weren't for us not to live up to expectations, my junior brother wouldn't be running around before the peak test, busy with trivial matters, delaying my own cultivation."

"Oh, we are the ones who are sorry for the younger brother."

The other senior brothers also chattered, and there was already a hint of guilt in their voices. After all, those assessment tasks were all owed to them, and now Chen Xi was completing it alone, which made them feel very ashamed.

"Don't worry, Chen Xi will definitely come back!"

At this moment, Ling Bai rode on Bai Kui's back and flew over, his expression was relaxed, but there was an undeniable taste in his voice, loud and clear.

However, having said that, until the next morning, when the sky just broke, there was no trace of Chen Xi.At this time, the atmosphere of the entire Jiuhua Sword Sect has begun to boil.

Because today, the peak test is about to begin!

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