divine talisman

Chapter 613 Complete Suppression

Thanks to the brothers "see her again" and "zhenjun7256" for their support and valuable monthly tickets!


Mingtao Ten Thousand Waves Palm comes from the peak-level Taoism in the secret realm of the lotus platform, and it is the profound meaning of the way that the Chaos God Lotus took root in the Netherland and absorbed from the surging blood river.

The so-called Netherworld has a river that washes people's hearts and eliminates sins. Thousands of waves are like tides, and no ghosts and gods can resist them!And the great power contained in the palm of Mingtao Wanlang comes from the reincarnation of the underworld, the six hells!

If it were someone else, they might only be able to comprehend the superficial aspects of the Palm of the Nether Waves, but not its essence. After all, humans and ghosts have different paths, and very few monks in the world can comprehend and control the mysteries in the netherworld.

But Chen Xi was different. The profound meanings of the two great ways of the other side and the sinking that he had mastered both came from the six realms of reincarnation. Using this method to cast the palm of Mingtao Ten Thousand Waves was absolutely incomparable in power.


Chen Xi slapped this palm, and in the huge waves of thousands of palm shadows, a vision of a sea of ​​flowers suddenly appeared, bright red like blood, pouring over the sky and the earth, looking from a distance like a carpet covered with blood, stretching across the sky, leading to A hell of a sinful end.

The Way of the Other Side——The Road of Fire!

The shocking crimson flower is the famous manjusawa in the nether hell, also known as the other shore flower, like fire and blood, representing disaster, separation and death.

Legend has it that after the death of a human being, the soul can enter the netherworld and return to the six realms of reincarnation under the guidance of the Bianhua.

"Huh? It's actually the Taoism of the other side! Where did this guy get such a rare Taoism?!" In the distance, Lie Peng's face changed suddenly, and there was a cold light in his eyes, he was uncertain.

Having reached his level, his understanding of the fairy world, the human world, and the Nether Hell is far beyond ordinary people's comparability, so he can tell at a glance that Chen Xi's palm has actually struck out the profound meaning of the Dao that belongs to the Nether Hell!

On the other side, Yue Chi also showed a startled expression, with his beard flying high, "The Way of the Other Side, one of the three great ways controlled by Emperor Youming in ancient times, where did this kid learn it from?"


On the arena, the attacks of Chen Xi, Leng Qiu, and Pang Zhou finally collided head-on. If a thunderstorm shocked the world, the hurricane sea of ​​fire and the palm shadows of the turbulent waves exploded at the same time, this place seemed to be shattered by a round of scorching sun. Only then did it disperse.

Immediately, a shocking picture appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Leng Qiu and Pang Zhou, who were seriously injured and coughed up blood, stepped on the edge of the ring, panting heavily, their figures were shaky, and they were only one step away from being blown out of the ring.

On the other side, Chen Xi's clothes were loose, his waist was straight, and he looked intact, but his face was pale and almost transparent. Although he was not injured, he was exhausted.

At this point in the battle, the situation has already entered the final stage of intense heat. At this time, perhaps just one move will determine the final victory!

However, judging from the current situation, Leng Qiu and Pang Zhou obviously have to suffer a lot, because they seem to have been seriously injured...

At this moment, Zhenwu Peak was silent from top to bottom, needles could be heard falling, and the atmosphere was terribly dull and silent.

Everyone held their breath and concentrated, forgot to breathe, and fixed their eyes on the ring, looking at the three figures who looked like teenage supremacists, for fear of missing any details.

"Hahaha, Chen Xi, you are really brazen! Senior brother Leng Qiu and I are still standing in the ring with this blow, and we have never been defeated!"

In this utter silence, Pang Zhou turned his head to the sky and laughed loudly, his voice was already hoarse. He remembered that before, Chen Xi had said that he would throw them out of the arena, but now, they were all standing on the arena without falling behind. defeat!

Leng Qiu is indifferent, his white clothes are stained with blood, and his eyes are also full of indomitable color, resolute and fierce, it is not yet known who will win the battle, and he will not give up just like that.

These two people are indeed worthy of being the five great true disciples, and they have a great reputation. This dedication to fighting alone is enough to show how solid their Taoism is.

Similarly, it is not in vain that they can achieve today's achievements.

"Oh, is it?"

On the opposite side, a trace of coldness appeared on Chen Xi's lips, he straightened his waist suddenly, and with a bang, the air flow in the surrounding world suddenly changed, turning into a turbid and hazy sea, stretching across the sky and the earth, the turbid waves surging, boundless.

At the same time, an unparalleled suppressing force surged out from the sea, roaring violently, as if countless gods were shouting "Sink!" "Sink!", as if to suppress the entire sky In the vast sea.


Leng Qiu and Pang Zhou were caught off guard, and were instantly sucked into the turbid sea, and then were blown out of the ring. Without any strength left to struggle, they fell to the ground and vomited blood.

This change happened so quickly that no one thought that at this moment, Chen Xi would still have some strength left, but with a single thought, Zhou Tiantian's mechanism would be affected, and Leng Qiu and the two of them would be completely blown out of the ring.

"The Way of Sinking, sure enough, it's another way of hell!" Lie Peng's expression changed again, and he remembered a great man who looked down on the three worlds before the ancient times, and his heart trembled.

"The Other Shore, Shen Shen... Has he still mastered the legendary... the mystery of the end that the gods dread?" Yue Chi's eyes flickered frequently, and there was a strange look in Chen Xi's eyes, as if he was surprised , seeming greedy, suspicious, unbelievable, extremely complicated.

However, when he saw Leng Qiu and Pang Zhou who had been defeated and landed on the ground, the distracting thoughts in his mind were immediately replaced by a burst of extreme anger.

After preparing so hard for such a long time and laying down many countermeasures, he still failed to pull Chen Xi off his horse. This result made him so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

"I lost, the two senior brothers Leng Qiu and Pang Zhou actually lost..."

"It's scary, it's really scary. Senior Brother Chen Xi has only entered the sect for less than three months, and now he has swept away all the disciples of Donghua Peak by himself. This level of strength is enough to aspire to the top four true mountain peaks!"

"I even doubt that if Senior Sister An Wei takes the stage, will she be the opponent of Senior Brother Chen Xi?"

After a short period of silence, there was an uproar from the top and bottom of Zhenwu Peak. The sound was boiling, resounding beyond the sky. Some people felt sorry for Leng Qiu and others, while others were happy for Chen Xi. The atmosphere suddenly boiled to the extreme.

In front of the arena, Leng Qiu and Pang Zhou struggled to stand up, looking at Chen Xi who was standing alone on the arena with a look of unwillingness.

But both of them knew that it was too late now, they had already been kicked out of the arena and completely eliminated, even if they stood up again, it would be impossible for them to challenge Chen Xi in the arena.

"Unexpectedly, my Jiuhua Sword Sect has such a character..." Leng Qiu took a deep breath, shook his head, turned around and left, but he was quite upright and unrestrained.

"Junior Brother Chen Xi, although we are defeated, but next..." Pang Zhou glanced at the disciples of Nanhua Peak and Beihua Peak in the distance, and said with a smile, "I hope you can persevere until the end and win the title of a seed disciple." Quota."

It goes without saying that Feng's trial is not finished here, because besides their disciples from Donghua Peak, there are also disciples from Nanhua Peak and Beihua Peak. You, Chen Xi, are now on the verge of exhaustion. Taking the opportunity to blast out of the arena.

Chen Xi smiled lightly, but didn't say much.

He naturally understood the meaning of Pang Zhou's words, but he was not afraid, because besides being a Qi refiner, he was also a body refiner!


ps: Let’s stop here first, the sound of firecrackers is too loud, there are a lot of elders and juniors in the family, it’s so noisy, I really can’t calm down to type.I just counted the number of words, and there are nearly 21 words in one month, without interruption. At the busiest time of the year, I feel like an impossible miracle.

Of course, although it is incomparable with the previous few months of updates, this is already my limit. I shamelessly say that the end of the new year is approaching, and many authors have actually stopped writing for the new year... So, it seems that I keep writing. For the sake of your hard work, can you have the cheek to ask everyone for votes?

Finally, on New Year's Eve, I wish everyone a happy and happy reunion, and everyone has a red envelope!

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