divine talisman

Chapter 625

"Open it for me!"

Facing this shocking arrow, Chen Xi didn't dare to be negligent any longer. A divine light erupted between his palms and fingers, deriving and annihilating the mysteries into the runes, and condensed a heart-pounding symbol.

This is the Great Annihilation Fist, which is dominated by "talismans" and transformed into mysterious symbols to make its power more solid. As soon as it appears, the dust, light, and airflow in the void are instantly annihilated. Completely turned into nothingness.


The annihilation rune rotated, resisting the bright arrow that pierced through the air, and then emitted a blazing light of annihilation to fight against it.


Finally, this arrow light was wiped out, shattered in the air, and turned into a wave of five colors, dazzling and flooding the world.

And from the beginning to the end, Chen Xi stood still and never took a step backward.

The eyes of the golden-robed boy Wang Chonghuan were fixed. The opponent was able to take his own blow. His strength was indeed not bad. At least on this Shenhua Peak, there were only a handful of people who could do this with ease.

"According to what I know, you seem to have just advanced to the realm of Minghua?" He asked suspiciously.

"Is there any difference?" Chen Xi replied indifferently.

Wang Chonghuan's heart was shocked. He had entered the Underworld Realm for many years, and the other party had only just advanced into the Underworld Realm, so he was able to challenge himself. This qualification is indeed not easy!

"Hehe, don't worry, it's nothing to be able to rely on [-]% of my power. Next, you can enjoy it slowly!" Wang Chonghuan returned to his coldness, his eyes were like candles, glowing with a strange and dazzling light.


The bowstring vibrates, like the sound of a Hong bell, and another arrow shoots out of the string. The power of the gods is like casting, shaking the wind and clouds in all directions. , It makes people feel extremely hopeless and helpless when they look at it from afar.

This was Wang Chonghuan's pinnacle strike. Although he despised Chen Xi, he did not despise Chen Xi in any way during the battle. The power of this arrow was much more terrifying than before.

Chen Xi, however, remained expressionless. Dao sounds roared all over his body, and dozens of divine rings surrounded him. They were runes derived from various Dao intentions, like rounds of scorching sun floating around his body, making him extremely imposing. .

This is a means for him to use the "talisman" to dominate his own will. With a wave of his hand, he has the aura of controlling all things and ruling the world.

Now, the mixed world in his body is revolving, full of vigor and energy like a moon, and his whole body is like a sea of ​​runes, interpreting the infinite mysteries of the great way of heaven and earth, which makes people palpitate.

"This is……"

Wang Chonghuan was startled, the other party's performance exceeded his expectations, there was a terrifying dao rhyme in his whole body, the aura was surprisingly powerful, which made him feel a little palpitation.

What kind of power is this?


There was a heaven-shattering loud noise, and boundless light erupted, and waves surged out from Chen Xi's body, just like the eye of a storm on the sea, spreading out a boundless storm, blocking that ray of arrow light.

In the end, before the arrow light reached Chen Xi's body, it began to shatter inch by inch from the arrowhead, and then burst into pieces, turning into five-colored dust that filled the sky, disappearing into nothingness.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the distance couldn't help but change their colors. Chen Xi actually resisted the peak strike of the Vicious Spirit Five Elements Bow with his roaring morale and energy. Such a powerful posture shocked all of them on the spot.

"How is it possible that this kid has just reached the realm of psychic transformation, and he has already begun to control his own will to fight!?" Wang Chonghuan's pupils shrank, and a ray of light flashed across his eyes.

For him to be able to reach today's level, his eyesight is naturally not bad, and he can almost tell at a glance that Chen Xi's blow is actually a means to control Taoism!You know, he has only just begun to comprehend this fighting style now...


Surprised to be surprised, Wang Chonghuan's reaction was also extremely fast, he raised his bow, and once again burst out bright five-color arrows, the light beam was as long as a hundred feet, like a rainbow bursting through the sky.


The moment he launched the attack, Chen Xi's figure disappeared from the spot, and the next moment, he was a hundred feet away from Wang Chonghuan.

"Try my strength too!"

The indifferent words appeared, and Chen Xi's aura changed in an instant, becoming extremely fierce, and his sword intent soared straight into the sky, like a king of swords, looking down on the world.


Almost at the same time, countless extremely sharp sword lights flashed out from the void, carrying an aura of beheading the sun and the moon and burying everything, they slashed away at a high speed.

The sword light burst out like rain, and in terms of momentum, it was not inferior to the bursting sword curtain. The two phases collided, and clusters of dazzling light exploded in the air, like a group of people. Like a volcanic eruption, it flooded the world here.

The movement of the battle here was transmitted to the entire Shenhua Peak almost instantly, and many powerful and unknown beings sensed it, and they all sent their spiritual consciousness here to watch what happened.

Especially the masters among the seed disciples of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, they also wanted to see how Wang Chonghuan, an extremely ferocious upper-level figure, suppressed a newcomer, Chen Xi.

Shenhua Peak is a divine peak standing under the nine heavens. It is like a place where gods live. It has been managed by the big figures of Jiuhua Sword Sect for countless years. No one knows how vast it is, and how many secret realms and spaces it contains.

Although the commotion caused by the battle between Chen Xi and Wang Chonghuan was large, it only affected a small area where the seed disciples were. However, even though it was a small area, it was actually extremely vast, almost equivalent to a small country.

Wang Chonghuan wore a golden robe and controlled the half-immortal weapon, the ferocious five-element bow. When the bow was bent and the strings were drawn, the arrows flowed, and the divine glow burst into the sky, piercing through the nine heavens and ten earths, like a son of god who wants to destroy the world, with amazing power .

Chen Xi, on the other hand, operates the chaotic world, and controls many great mysteries around him. Every time he makes a move, he has the potential to destroy the world. There are endless killing moves, and each move is skillful and contains all kinds of mysteries.

The Taoism that he controls now all come from above the secret realm of the Lotus Terrace. Apart from the 49 Taoisms, there are also first-class township inheritances such as "The True Explanation of Da Luo". The level of proficiency is so high, but that level of power is amazing enough.

Any move, any mystery, is at your fingertips, such as "Yuxiao Burial Sword Art", "Great Imprisonment Technique", "Nine-step Kill against Chaos"...all of them are included, and everyone is dazzled and stunned in the distance, almost falling apart. I don't know what kind of way that is!

However, Wang Chonghuan was worthy of being a top-notch person with great luck. In the face of Chen Xi's various magical methods, he did not lose the wind at all. Moreover, he became stronger and stronger, and his power was rising steadily, which was also astonishing.

It can be seen that even though this person has supernatural powers, has great luck, and is loved by many old monsters from various sects, he still has something to rely on for daring to suppress a newcomer like Chen Xi so arrogantly.

"Chen Xi, do you really think that with this little means you can compete against me? My fairy weapon 'Miluo Dafan Sword' is currently conceived in the body for sacrifice, and it is only half a month away from the complete sacrifice. If not, Just using a sword is enough to kill you completely, how can it make you persist until now?"

Unable to fight for a long time, Wang Chonghuan seemed to be angry. His originally cold and arrogant voice became more ruthless and fierce. It seemed that as long as he had a reason, he could sacrifice an immortal weapon to kill Chen Xi at any time.

"It seems that Wang Chonghuan was really angry. I can't imagine that a rookie, Chen Xi, is so powerful that he can survive Wang Chonghuan's attack."

"That's right. Chen Xi is indeed hiding his secrets. He displayed dozens of peak-level Dao techniques in a row, but I can't see their inheritance. He's really a monstrosity."

"Hmph, no matter how much Taoism there is, Senior Brother Wang Chonghuan is a proud son of heaven with great fortune. According to rumors, when he went out to practice, he once obtained all the inheritance of an immortal mansion, and his own world of chaos is also extremely solid and magnificent. He is ten times and a hundred times more extraordinary than ordinary cultivators, with such a heaven-defying cultivation base, he can completely activate half of the power of that fairy weapon!"

"Immortal Artifact? Hehe, all I saw was that Chen Xi, with his bare hands and without using any magic weapon, was evenly matched with Wang Chonghuan, who was holding a semi-immortal artifact. Just based on this, he was enough to rank among the top among our seed disciples. "

The people watching the battle from afar were discussing a lot, and they were all shocked by the world-shattering battle in front of them.


"I don't know who will win in the end?"

"Perhaps Chen Xi is a bit inferior. After all, senior brother Wang Chonghuan has many means, and his own cultivation is extremely astonishing. Not long ago, he fought against the peerless genius Long Zhenbei, and neither of them could do anything to the other."

"That's right, Long Zhenbei is the invincible figure of the Yinglong clan among the ancient thousands of clans, and is quite famous in the entire Xuanhuan domain. Wang Chonghuan has just joined the sect for more than ten years, and he can stand up to him, so it should not be underestimated. "

"By the way, I heard that in the near future, the Ten Sects of the Immortal Dao will hold a grand meeting. From seed disciples like us, the most outstanding Tianjiao figures will be selected. Those who can beat the crowd can even win the favor of heavenly immortals and teach them exercises. , Reward the Immortal Artifact!"

"Immortal dao event? Heavenly immortals pass on skills? What an honor this must be!"

In a blessed place far away from Shenhua Peak, two seed disciple masters were drinking tea while watching the battle between dragons and tigers.


"Huh? That arrogant newcomer, unexpectedly met Wang Chonghuan so quickly?"

Yun Ye, who has the "Golden Eyes of the White Emperor", was retreating in the cave, when he suddenly sensed something, he opened his eyes and glanced away, and instantly saw a big battle in the distance.

"No wonder you dare to clamor to fight me. It turns out that there is some real material. Even Wang Chonghuan, a tyrannical character, can't suppress him. It seems that I have to re-examine this person..."


Just above and below the Shenhua Peak, amidst the discussions among various people, a terrifying, cold, and extremely mysterious wave suddenly surged out in the battlefield above the Jiangyuan Lingmai, spreading around.

Everyone in the room was suffocated, and felt that the true essence and blood vessels in the body were faintly showing signs of disorder and backlash!


Everyone saw that in the void behind Chen Xi, a pair of wings glowing with gray luster quietly appeared, and the gray light was dense, as if the air of chaos was permeating the air.


ps: I just got out of the hospital tonight, and will resume normal updates tomorrow.In addition, I have been sick these days, there are few updates, and I didn’t dare to call for a monthly pass, but when I got home and turned on the computer, I saw so many brothers silently voting for it. At that moment, I was really touched!

Sincere thanks to everyone, starting tomorrow, in addition to the guaranteed 2 updates, there will be more and more from time to time, to give back to the brothers and sisters for their support!

Although the sky is as cold as ice, my heart is as warm as fire, thank you!

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