divine talisman

Chapter 637

Thanks to the brothers "Cat Walking Underground" and "Happy Fat Man" for their valuable monthly support!


At this time, everyone in the hall also recognized the identity of the person who came, and they all frowned, and finally understood why this young man dared to be so domineering. It is indeed a headache to have the big tree of the Bauhinia and Bai family as a support.

After all, the Bauhinia and Bai family are notoriously protective of their weak points, no matter right or wrong, those who offend them will inevitably be implicated and punished.

At this moment, this young man named Bai Gunan has become a scourge, whoever sees him has a headache and is worried that he will be in trouble.

"Boy, didn't you hear that!?" A person beside him said, obviously taking this Bai Gu Nan as his lead.

Chen Xi was too lazy to talk nonsense, and with a sweep of his eyes, a violent aura erupted from his body, like a real dragon roaring out of the abyss, the killing aura was overwhelming, and in just a split second, the few people were so shocked that their blood rolled and they kicked back. , except for Bai Gu Nan who was the leader, everyone turned pale and almost coughed up blood.

Everyone was surprised. They never expected that Chen Xi would not care about the members of the Bauhinia and Bai family, and would directly attack them!And it was so aggressive that it directly shocked those people to stagger back, like willows in the wind, in a state of embarrassment.

This is more direct and crisp than beating the four Jiaosha brothers before, as if he didn't take the members of the Bauhinia and Bai family seriously.

"The person who dares to hurt me, you are doomed this time, no one in the world can save you!" Bai Gu Nan's eyes were like lightning, and he shouted violently.

Chen Xi snorted coldly, stood up abruptly, stretched out his big hand, the rune rolled, condensed into a simple symbol, suppressed it with a bang, directly grabbed the opponent, and then crackled hard.

Everyone in the hall was terrified. Chen Xi had caused a catastrophe. He dared to slap Bai Gu Nan like this. If the Bauhinia and Bai family knew about it, they would definitely be implicated.

The reason is very simple, they know very well that the Bauhinia and Bai family is very protective and extremely domineering. Although this Bai Gu Nan is not as powerful as some top generations, the reason why he dares to be so domineering all the time is because he is an old antique of the Bauhinia and Bai family. His direct descendants, so no one dares to mess with him.

Even the members of the Demon Sect have a headache for the children of the Bauhinia and Bai family. There is nothing they can do about it. It is really rare to see a hegemonic and terrifying power like the Bauhinia and Bai family.

Messing with them is simply a nightmare, and you will have to peel off your skin if you don't die!

However, all of this did not have any deterrent effect on Chen Xi, and even speaking of it, this arrogant and domineering fellow might have some distant origins with him.

You know, Bai Wanqing is the younger sister of the head of the Zijing Bai family. She not only takes good care of him, but also has a close relationship with his parents. Even a son like him doesn't know as much about his parents as Bai Wanqing.

Moreover, the reason why he came to Xuanhuanyu was to meet Bai Wanqing and get clues about his parents from her. With this relationship, how could he be polite when he saw Bai Gunan attacking him now? up.

What's more, a few months ago, Bai Gan, another disciple of the Bai family of Bauhinia, was unceremoniously beaten by him when he arrived at Xihua Peak, let alone Bai Gu Nan in front of him.

messed with yourself?Just beat it!

"You actually dare to attack me..." After being released, Bai Gunan's eyes flickered fiercely, and he was extremely furious. What kind of identity is he, and he grows up so big, others are bullied by him, how can he be bullied by others?

"You are so domineering outside, do your parents know?" When he was speaking, he raised his hand and brought Bai Gunan over again, and gave another slap in the face, resounding through the hall.

"Since the crime is in my hands, it deserves to be bad luck."

Everyone was stunned. Is Chen Xi crazy?This completely offended the Bauhinia and Bai family, even with the Jiuhua Sword Sect as their backer, it might not be safe...

Long Zhenbei took a deep breath and opened his mouth wide. Even in his capacity, he didn't dare to easily clash with the disciples of the Bauhinia and Bai family. Fortunately, Chen Xi just opened his mouth wide!

"Let go!"

Bai Gunan yelled, with an angry expression on his face, his head was a little dazed from the beating, since childhood, relying on the power of his family, he has never met such a ruthless person, who is even more arrogant and unscrupulous than him, which made him He could hardly believe it was real.

His companions are also a little dazed. On weekdays, they follow Bai Gunan's side, and they often harm others. , tried and tested.

I never thought that today I would meet a ruthless person who is not afraid of anything, and when I do it, I don't care about the identity they represent at all!


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Xi slapped several times in succession. Bai Gu Nan spit blood from his mouth and nose, and his cheeks were swollen out of shape.

Leng Chan'er on the side felt a little terrified, it's fine if he doesn't know Bai Gunan's origin, if he knows, who would dare to offend him?But Chen Xi just did that.

All of a sudden, she somewhat understood why Chen Xi rejected her kindness so resolutely before, and also refused to budge even an inch in the face of Master Bing Shitian's bet.

Just this kind of courage to violently beat up the disciples of the Bai family of Bauhinia is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Perhaps it is also because of the fearlessness in his heart that he is so courageous?

"Stop!" The disciples of the Bauhinia and Bai family who had been shaken out earlier finally came to their senses, shouting violently and rushing forward.

Chen Xi raised his head, his eyes were icy cold, and an invisible force field roared out, like a heavy hammer hitting these people, and fell backwards again, coughing up blood.

Everyone was shocked, what a majestic coercion it was, without moving their bodies, several disciples of the Bauhinia and Bai family were directly blown away by just a single momentum!

"Hmph, it's just a few wine bags and rice bags. If it wasn't for the disciples of the Bauhinia and Bai family, I would be able to do this." In the distance, Long Zhenbei groaned in his heart, very unhappy that Chen Xi was showing off in front of everyone.

"Let go of me!" Seeing this scene, Bai Gu Nan's expression suddenly changed, and he finally knew that he had met a ruthless character this time, and he must have something to rely on if he dared to attack him so unscrupulously.

"Go away, if you don't learn well in the future, you will be beaten every time you see it, until you get rid of your problems."

Chen Xi accepted it as soon as he saw it, and he didn't intend to embarrass him too much. After all, he was a disciple of the Bai family of Zijing, and he didn't look at the face of the monk or the face of the Buddha.

Everyone was stunned again, no matter how they heard these words, they felt like an elder teaching the younger generation, which was too strong. Was he really not afraid of the revenge of the Bauhinia and Bai family?

Bai Gunan was ashamed and angry at the same time, in front of the Princess Leng Chaner whom he pursued, he was so humiliated in public that he wished he could find a way to get in, his teeth were about to be crushed, and his heart was already full of embarrassment. He hated Chen Xi to the core.

"Boy, you wait for me!" Bai Gunan and the others hurried away dragging their wounded bodies. Before they left, they dared to say a harsh word, which showed how much fear they had towards Chen Xi.

The main hall on the highest floor of Bingyun Pavilion was completely quiet, and no one spoke for a long time.

Just who the hell is this Chen Xi?Not only did he have entanglements with big figures such as Qing Xiuyi and Bing Shitian, but now he even beat up the disciples of the Bauhinia and Bai family with impunity.

At this moment, all the eyes looking at Chen Xi became a little different. This kind of powerful and ruthless character was not well known by people before, and he was really well hidden.

Leng Chan'er's starry eyes flickered as she stared at Chen Xi, as if seeing him for the first time, showing a strange look, "I admit, I underestimated you a little before, but with this ability alone, I can defeat Bing Shitian from a distance. The adults are still too far behind."

"Then we'll wait and see." Chen Xi picked up the wine glass, drank it down in one gulp, with a calm expression.

"Hehe, then I wish you good luck." Leng Chan'er didn't bother to say anything more when she saw that this guy didn't care about anything. It is fate, there are some things I have to remind you, just now you beat Bai Gunan hard, but you caused a big disaster, I advise you to leave as soon as possible, otherwise the strong members of the Bauhinia and Bai family may trouble you."

"Thank you for the reminder." Chen Xi picked up the wine glass, made a toast to Leng Chan'er, and drank it down again, but there was no sign of intending to leave.

Seeing this, Leng Chan'er got up immediately, and before leaving, he suddenly said a strange word in a sound transmission way, "Tianyan Daozong came to explore the Abyss of Cangwu this time, not only what you can see in front of your eyes Several people."

After all, the fragrant wind wafted, and she returned to her seat gracefully.

Chen Xi smiled, not taking it seriously.

Since the last time he went out to experience and killed Wu Zhichong, the head teacher of Zifengmen, he knew one thing, Yue Chi, the elder of his Jiuhua Sword Sect, had secretly colluded with Bing Shitian in order to deal with him, using despicable methods extreme.

Therefore, when he went out to the Abyss of Cangwu this time, he had already made preparations, and he was on guard against any further disturbances by Bing Shitian. What Leng Chaner said now only made him more sure of what he thought in his heart. There is nothing to be afraid of.


At this moment, a gust of strong wind howled, and the monstrous mist swept across the entire hall, causing the entire top floor of the Frozen Cloud Pavilion to shake.

Immediately, a streak of black light rushed into the main hall, and in an instant it had transformed into a thin man, striding towards him like a dragon or a tiger, his whole body was fierce and murderous.

"The strong man of the Jiaosha clan!" Everyone knew immediately that he must have come to avenge the four Jiaosha brothers.

"You were the one who hurt my four junior brothers just now?" The skinny man stared at Chen Xi with a cold gaze, full of murderous aura, his whole body was covered in black mist, and his murderous intent was like a tide, almost like a demon god, causing even the void to groan.

Seeing that someone came looking for trouble again, at this moment, Chen Xi really felt a little tired. Ever since he entered this hall, he had been troubled all the time, which made him a little annoyed, so he decided to leave the place of right and wrong, and never come back.

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