divine talisman

Chapter 670 God Surrounding Body [Part 2]

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Puff puff……

On the arena, Chen Xi stepped forward, and the sound waves that were released spread out, not only knocking all the attacks to pieces, but also directly sending more than a dozen Donghua Peak disciples flying.

It actually fell directly outside the ring!

These disciples fell to the ground and coughed up blood. There was already a tinge of horror in their eyes looking at Chen Xi, and they couldn't believe that they couldn't even resist Chen Xi's blow.

The power created by this step was too astonishing. The battle had only just begun. Instead of being besieged, Chen Xi stepped out and destroyed everything. Everyone present was stunned.

boom!boom!boom! ...

Chen Xi stepped into the void, and with every step he took, there was a loud noise like a god-demon beating a heavenly drum, shaking people's spirits and souls, wanting to shatter.

And with the sound of footsteps falling, the aura of his body soared a lot. When he took the fifth step, an ancient and obscure rune suddenly appeared around his body, imprinted in the world, resonating with his breath, and Heaven and earth resonate!

If you look carefully, you can see that each rune has different shapes, representing different profound meanings of the Dao, but at this time, they are all condensed in the form of "talismans".

Like the avenue of fire shrouded in flames, it has evolved into a wanton and violent obscure rune at this moment, interpreting all kinds of mysteries belonging to the avenue of fire.

Like the avenue of the sword, it directly evolved into a sword-shaped rune, exuding an invincible and fierce aura.

Other profound meanings such as yin and yang, thunder, wind, stars, swallowing, annihilation, etc., are also controlled by means of "talents" at this moment, spinning around the body like rounds of bright sun.

Looking from a distance, around Chen Xi's body, it was as if a circle of divine halo was shining brightly.

This is the power and influence formed by Chen Xi's use of "Tales" to control his own various wills after reaching the Nether Transformation Realm!Only this method of controlling Taoism can fully display his strength.

Although all of this is just a prototype now, the terrifying momentum and monstrous vision still made everyone present shrink their eyes in astonishment.

"Good boy, you have already reached the level of controlling your own Dao! It is still dominated by the most obscure and complicated Talisman, this kind of talent is simply amazing!"

In the distance, the tall and mighty Elder Lie Peng suddenly burst into a ray of dazzling lightning, and he was amazed again and again.

After reaching his level, he already understood very well that whether he can control the Dao will or not determines the potential of a meditating cultivator, and also determines the strength he possesses.

Although a character like Chen Xi has just stepped into the realm of the underworld, but with the help of this method of controlling the Taoist will, and with the help of some extremely powerful Taoist techniques, he can definitely sweep away the powerhouses at the same stage!

Even leapfrog fighting is not impossible!

However, Yue Chi's face became gloomy. He also understood how astonishing the power Chen Xi displayed at this moment, but the more he was like this, the more uncomfortable he felt.


On the arena, Chen Xi's every step was like thunder, and the sonic boom was like a tide, spreading in all directions, squeezing and shattering the void inch by inch, turning into waves and sweeping away.

In just a split second, more than ten Donghua Peak disciples were caught off guard and flew out of the ring. They coughed up blood continuously, their spirits were hurt, and they collapsed on the ground, extremely miserable.

Seeing this scene, even Leng Qiu and Pang Zhou changed their colors. This kind of pace is too terrifying. It is obviously a very powerful Taoism. The power is surging. It seems that every extra step can crush the sky and explode. Void, shattering everything, completely falling into chaos.

The two couldn't bear it any longer and rushed out.

"Extreme Emperor Wind Spirit Art!"

Leng Qiu punched out, and the invisible hurricane suddenly raged, turning into a phantom of the emperor wearing the imperial crown, stepping on the void, tearing apart the void, and directly attacked and killed Chen Xi!

This punch was harsh, raging, and pervasive. It roared like a hurricane of ice and snow.

"Fire shining sky cut!"

On the other side, Pang Zhou's figure flitted through the air, clasped his palms into a knife, and slashed down. Suddenly, a rainbow of fire appeared in the void, cutting the void, burning the air flow, and surging tongues of flame, the momentum was equally astonishing.

What the two of them used was all Taoism that they were best at, and they came together to attack and kill. Just that kind of momentum alone has made the souls of most people present throbbing, like falling into an ice cave.

At the same time, Chen Xi rattled twice, took the sixth and seventh steps, and suddenly a roar erupted in the sky, like the sound of thousands of soldiers fighting on the battlefield, and like the sound of killing coming from the depths of hell , Shocking people want to split their liver and gallbladder.


All kinds of attacks collided together, bursting into a dazzling light, and the destructive power spread like a landslide, flooding the entire arena.

On the arena, a huge defensive light curtain was suddenly opened, covering everything in it, otherwise the disciples from outside would definitely be affected and there would be a large number of casualties.

bang bang bang...

In almost an instant, more than ten figures were thrown out of the ring like beads with broken strings, and fell thousands of feet away. They were covered in blood, screaming in pain, and suffered great injuries.

These are all disciples of Donghua Peak. Careful people will find that after a careful look, plus those who were blown out of the arena before, only Leng Qiu is left among the disciples of Donghua Peak who challenged Chen Xi on the arena. And Pang Zhou!

This discovery made people palpitate and shocked beyond words.

Only Leng Qiu and Pang Zhou were left behind. All the disciples of Donghua Peak who participated in the peak test were defeated and eliminated!And it's all caused by one person!

Putting it aside, who would have thought that such a scene would happen?

"Damn things!"

In the distance, Yue Chi looked at the disciples of Donghua Peak who fell all over the ground and screamed in pain, his face couldn't help twitching violently, and he couldn't help cursing again. He didn't know whether he was scolding Chen Xi for being too ruthless or scolding Those disciples are incompetent.

"Peak-level Taoism-Nine Steps to Kill against Chaos!" On the side, Lie Peng didn't notice Yue Chi's strangeness, but fixed his eyes on the ring, and muttered to himself, with a hint of shock in his voice.

The smoke and dust dispersed, and the scene on the ring reappeared in everyone's field of vision.

Leng Qiu and Pang Zhou stood side by side, with dignified expressions, surging aura and gathering momentum. The previous big collision did not seem to cause any harm to the two of them.

On the other side, Chen Xi was dressed in a flickering light, his eyes were like lightning, his waist was as straight as a spear, and he was about to pierce the sky. His aura was also fierce to the extreme. If he was the king of the world, even if he didn't move, he would still bring a deep feeling to him. pressure.

"Unexpectedly, I haven't seen you for three months. Your strength has reached such a level. Very good. The stronger the opponent, the more satisfied I will be."

Leng Qiu's eyes were like knives, and he locked on Chen Xi coldly. Anyone who knew him well knew that Leng Qiu at this moment was the most terrifying, because it indicated that he would fight with all his strength in the future.

"Hehe, Junior Brother Chen Xi, from now on, I will spare no effort!" Pang Zhou smiled lightly, but his voice was colder than ice, and there was a sense of chill.


Chen Xi didn't say much, the runes rolled around his body like a divine ring, enveloping it, and in the next instant, he had directly taken the eighth step since the start of the battle.

Taking this step, a monstrous murderous aura surged out. It can be clearly seen that the killing intent that turned into the symbol of "乙" bloomed with infinite radiance, and resonated with this murderous aura, producing a wave that was enough to make people feel ashamed. Feeling the terrifying fluctuations of despair, he suppressed and killed like a sky-slaying sword.

The word "奥" is the most lethal, it is the essence of killing, it is the source of harvesting all things, and it is controlled by Chen Xi with the "talisman way". At this moment, it finally exploded with its astonishing power.

But at this time, Leng Qiu and Pang Zhou's expressions suddenly changed, and they felt an irresistible pressure, as if they were facing tens of thousands of mountains, they were suffocated, and they deeply felt a kind of fierce and domineering to the extreme coercion .

"The emperor's pole breaks through the sky, and all things come to the wind!"

In an instant, Leng Qiu had already resisted, and his whole body was like an incarnation of a wind spirit from the ancient times. With the eyes of the hurricane, he controlled the source of the wind. When he raised his hand, hurricanes raged out, like three thousand demons. Roaring together, the sound moved the world, wanting to sweep the world.

This time, he has displayed twice as much fighting power with his own Dao of Wind of the Perfect Realm!In other words, this blow was like two Leng Qiu striking together.

"Extreme Yin Ripper!"

On the other side, Pang Zhou was also forced to perform the Taoism at the bottom of the box, his figure swept into the air, and rare black flames surged from a pair of slender and white palms, which was extremely cold and violent to the extreme. wave down.


The three collided together, the radiance soared into the sky, the killing was rampant, the hurricane was raging, everything on the ring seemed to be wiped out, and there were horrible scenes of chaos and collapse everywhere.

This time the collision was really earth-shattering, the terrifying power of Taoism, and the endless visions, all silently telling the strength of these three young strong men.

This kind of power has already shocked most of the disciples present, making them feel powerless, and feel that no matter how hard they try, it is difficult to reach this level.

An Wei and Xia Yi also changed countenance, shocked again and again, secretly guessing, if it were me, how would I face the attack of any of them?

Even Lie Peng couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly when he saw this scene. He knew very well that his strength was definitely not as strong as these little guys back then.

In other words, among the same generation, the strength that Chen Xi and the others displayed is already enough to disdain most of the cultivators who have transformed themselves!

At this moment, on the ring, Chen Xi let out a muffled snort. He was squeezed by a tremendous force. He kept resisting, but in the end, a streak of blood still spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"What! As powerful as Chen Xi was injured by this blow?" Outside the arena, everyone was shocked, and some people couldn't help but exclaim.

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