divine talisman

Chapter 682 Qingming Good Fortune Sword

There was panic in the hysterical voice of the mysterious white-haired man!

Before, he was majestic and majestic, like a high-ranking god king, and between talking and laughing, he wanted to completely suppress Xiao Ding, exuding a supreme demeanor.

But now, with the appearance of this sword intent, he was flustered, his awe-inspiring demeanor was gone, his face was filled with disbelief, and he was panic-stricken.

The sword of good fortune! ?

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and he felt the vast sword intent spreading around him. Suddenly, a series of words flashed in his mind, such as Good Fortune Sword Domain, Immemorial Supreme Power, Inheriting the Mantle...

Almost instantly, he realized that this sword intent might have come from that ancient supreme powerhouse!

As soon as this thought appeared in his mind, his heart trembled again. This was too frightening. I don’t know how many years have passed since the ancient times. Could it be that the ancient supreme powerhouse is still alive! ?


A sword chant resounded across the sky and the earth, and in the chaos, a broken sword appeared from the sky as if summoned, bursting with immeasurable light and urging out the sword energy reaching the sky.

"Qingming Good Fortune Sword! It really is you, it really is you!" The white-haired mysterious man looked at the broken sword, his lips trembling, and let out a terrifying roar, filled with endless resentment and hatred.

Chen Xi's heart was shocked again. The broken sword was originally together with the Chaos God Crystal, the fragments of the River Map, and the bronze tower.

But who would have imagined that this is actually a treasure of magic weapons that would make the Holy Emperor outside the territory look pale?

What surprised Chen Xi in particular was that he could clearly see that the broken sword shot towards him...

Then, in a flash in his vision, an ant flew up from his shoulder in a haze, and a frightening sword intent surged from that extremely tiny body!

It is so small, so ordinary, no different from any ant in the world, but now, because of the existence of this sword intent, it suddenly seems to have become another existence.

The meaning of the sword pierces the sky, like an abyss like an ocean, containing the creation of heaven and earth, as if a holy sword came out of the ancient times, making people feel endless reverence involuntarily.

It was an unparalleled sword intent, brilliant and vast, gathering the gods of all things, and spreading the power of immortality!

It seems that as long as it is willing, it can go up to the nine heavens, cut off the sun, moon and stars, and down it can exhaust the blue sky and destroy demons and demons!

Chen Xi was completely stunned. Isn't this the ant he picked up?Could it be the supreme powerhouse who stood shoulder to shoulder with the Cangwu Sacred Tree in the ancient times?

"Friend Daoist, you finally made a move." Xiao Ding sighed softly.

The little ant shook its tentacles, as if to signal, the next moment, it had grabbed the broken sword, and slashed towards the mysterious white-haired man.


With one sword strike, it is as if the heaven and the earth are reopened, and the sun, moon, and stars sink into it, roaring and wandering. The vast sword intent seems to contain infinite mysteries, and is interpreting the mysteries of the universe's changes.

"Bastard! Back then you joined forces with the Cangwu Sacred Tree to suppress this seat in the Sky-Suppressing Tower. After many years, even the Qingming Good Fortune Sword was broken in two. It is difficult to regain the former divine power. Do you think you can still suppress this seat?" Block suppressed again!?"

The white-haired mysterious man roared, revealing a touch of endless madness, and swiping his hands again and again, mysterious light burst out, like billions of galaxies pouring down from the depths of the universe.


That ray of sword light cut through the billions of mysterious lights in an instant, cutting off a strand of white hair from the mysterious man with white hair!

If he hadn't dodged in time, even this blow would be enough to kill him.

"Damn it! If it wasn't for the fact that the power of this seat has not been eroded by endless years, how could you be so rampant!" The mysterious white-haired man was furious, resentful and unwilling.

However, what is surprising is that he no longer fought fiercely, but directly probed and tore open the void, and he was about to leave here!


Seeing this, the little ant slashed out with a sword again, with a surge of divine light, it cut open the void, and with a puff, it cut off half of the white-haired mysterious man's body.

Seeing this, Chen Xi secretly heaved a sigh of relief. However, before his tightly hanging heart fell back to his stomach, the body of the mysterious white-haired man who had been divided into two squirmed for a while, and unexpectedly recovered!

It's just that his face was extremely pale and transparent, and there was a smell of decay and decay all over his body.

"Let's do it together, suppress and kill him!" Xiao Ding suddenly let out a long roar, the body of the tripod expanded loudly, surrounded by blazing radiance, and suppressed towards the mysterious white-haired man.

At the same time, the little ant also made a move, broke the sword and lifted the sky, Ruoyao made lightning, and evolved a simple and simple thunder, and chopped away.


The void exploded, and the mysterious white-haired man resisted again and again, but in the end he was blasted to pieces.

"This time, he should die, right?" Chen Xi murmured.

However, what made him shudder was that the flesh and blood that had turned into pieces, after a while of wriggling, condensed into the mysterious white-haired man again, as if he could not be killed, powerful and terrifying!

"Damn! You natives of the Three Realms are all damned! Within a thousand years, I will definitely return and wash the Three Realms with blood!" The figure of the mysterious white-haired man was already extremely blurred, as if it would be torn apart in the next moment.

The next moment, he took a step, as if he had crossed the obstacles of billions of voids, and his whole body disappeared in an instant.

Ran away! ?

Chen Xi was stunned. Even Xiao Ding and Little Ant teamed up and didn't leave the mysterious white-haired man behind. This made him almost unable to believe his eyes.

"Return to come back, wash the Three Realms with blood..." The roar full of endless resentment still echoed, telling Chen Xi that all of this happened for real.

"It's a pity, it's a pity..." Xiao Ding sighed softly, with a trace of loneliness and unwillingness that could not be concealed in his voice. If he had the power of the heyday, then such a scene would definitely not happen, right?

Bang bang bang!

The broken sword suddenly burst inch by inch, turning into balls of light, floating in the void, turning into nothingness, and completely disappeared.

Chen Xi woke up immediately, staring at this scene in astonishment, unable to understand how the Broken Sword, which was blooming with unparalleled divine power before, would be broken inch by inch at this moment.

"So it's true, all this has long been destined to be an irreversible reincarnation..." A faint voice sounded from that little ant.

Accompanied by this sigh, the aura around it began to fade and become dim... With a flash of light, it condensed into a white bone, only as thick as chopsticks, an inch long, crystal clear, exuding a divine luster, and a simple rune condensed on the surface , and finally turned into an ant pattern.

The mysterious white-haired man disappeared, the broken sword shattered, and the little ant turned into a piece of white bone. Everything seemed to be silent, only the broken altar and the mess all over the ground were telling, what kind of shocking event was staged before? war.

"It...how did it disappear?" After a long silence, Chen Xi carefully picked up the small white bone, looked at the ant pattern on the surface, and suddenly felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

Now he has confirmed that this little ant is the supreme powerhouse in the ancient times, and it was also the one who helped him block Xuankui's blow and saved his life in a critical moment.

He even guessed that when he climbed the towering sacred tree, he might have been influenced by the little ants, and the ant emperor would do him a big favor.

But now, after it cut back the white-haired mysterious man with three swords, it turned into a white bone. How could it not make Chen Xi sad.

"It has already passed away, and what appeared before is just a spiritual imprint left by it." Xiao Ding's voice has returned to its original level, calm and without any emotion.

"It's just a ray of spiritual imprint?" Chen Xi was stunned. He really didn't dare to imagine that it was just a ray of spiritual imprint that killed the Holy Emperor from outside the territory and fled away. That was because the little ant was still alive, so how powerful could it be? to what extent?

"There is no need to speculate. In this battle, neither the ant nor the Holy Emperor from outside the territory were as strong as one-thousandth of what they were in their heyday. Otherwise, the gates of wonders would have been destroyed long ago." .”

Xiao Ding paused, and said: "Pack up your things quickly and leave here. If my guess is correct, I'm afraid that the Cangwu Abyss will close again and disappear from the world in a short time."

Only then did Chen Xi's heart tremble, and he put away the piece of shiny termite bone left by the little ant. After a moment of sensing, he retrieved the fragments of the river map from the ruined rubble of the altar.

This thing is indeed miraculous and extraordinary. Xuankui sacrificed himself, and the power generated was so huge, but it didn't cause the slightest damage to it, and it still had the old and damaged appearance.

To Chen Xi's regret, during this series of accidents, the holy medicine growing on the altar, as well as the broken sword, and the bronze pagoda had all been crushed and annihilated. Otherwise, if they were collected, their value would be so great that many gods would definitely snatch them up. Break your head.

"Let's go, the Qingming Good Fortune Sword and the Tiantian Tower are all broken, and there is only a sliver of the original source left. Even if you get it, it will be difficult to repair it." Xiao Ding said.

Chen Xi nodded, glanced at the altar behind him again, turned around and returned to the original path.

This time, he gained enough from entering the Gate of Wonders, including a source of power from the Cangwu Sacred Tree, a Chaos God Crystal, a fragment of the River Map, and a piece of the shiny termite bone left by the ancient supreme powerhouse. .

However, compared with these, he feels that what he has gained the most is a clear understanding of his own strength. From the confrontation between the mysterious white-haired man and the little ant and Xiao Ding, he fully understands that the current self is still too weak , if you want to survive the catastrophe that is about to affect the Three Realms, you must work harder and practice harder!

Only when you are strong can you be afraid of any threat!

Whoosh! '

After a cup of tea, Chen Xi left the Gate of Wonders, and returned to the sacred tree that towered above the sky.

Looking at the dark night sky, the cold and silent land, and the piled up corpses and bones, he felt a sense of a world away for no reason.

It's like entering the gate of wonders before and going through a thrilling dream, absurd and bizarre.

"Fortunately, I came back alive..."

Chen Xi murmured, feeling an unprecedented sense of steadfastness. He wished he could join An Wei and Long Zhenbei right now, return to the Jiuhua Sword Sect, and strive to improve his cultivation in seclusion.

"Chen Xi, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" However, just when he was about to take action, an indifferent and cold voice suddenly sounded in the distance, and immediately, an outstanding and handsome figure suddenly appeared in the distant void .

How is it him! ?

When he saw the face of this figure clearly, Chen Xi's eyes suddenly shrank.

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