divine talisman

Chapter 684 Mixed Cave Collapse [Part 2]


This sword drew a bloodstain on Bing Shitian's right hand. Chen Xi shook his long sword again. The blood light was as real as it was. Wei, beheaded Xiang Bing Shitian again.

"Huh? You were able to hurt me?" Bing Shitian was slightly startled. He didn't expect that Chen Xi would be able to break through the power of his own palm in the blink of an eye and force him in front of him again.

"Chen Xi, I have to say, it's really not easy for you to cultivate to this level. Given time, if you cultivate to the realm of the Earth Immortal, you don't know how powerful you will be. At that time, I'm going to kill you. There are some difficulties. But now, no matter how much you struggle, it will be futile!"

Bing Shitian's body was flickering, flickering on and off in the void, and Chen Xi's sword immediately slashed to the empty space without even touching Bing Shitian's clothes.

Because this is not any body technique, but the technique of space teleportation!

With Bing Shitian's cultivation, he has already comprehended the profound meaning of space, and even mastered the law of space. That is the method of an immortal, and Chen Xi's attack on him will not receive any effect.

With Chen Xi's current strength, he could even kill an expert of the same generation whose combat power was seven times, or even eight times, but against a heavenly immortal who mastered the laws of space, he would definitely lose.

After all, no matter how powerful one is, it is useless. This is a difference in realm, and it cannot be compensated by strength, combat power, or magic weapon.

At this time, Bing Shitian seemed to be in another void, moving his body between spaces, ethereal and flickering. In this situation, any attack could not cause him any damage.

Only when Chen Xi's attack could cut through the void and break the shackles of space would it be possible to attack him.

"Still struggling? I'll let you see how powerful the power of the celestial beings is!"


Bing Shitian grabbed it with his hand, and a vast celestial light condensed in the palm of his hand, drifting down, unexpectedly turning into a blue sky, as if the sky suddenly collapsed, and suppressed it towards Chen Xi.

This piece of blue sky contained the traces of the sky, imprinted with the profound meaning of the infinite law, and emitted a vast, eternal, immortal, and undeniable terrifying aura, which penetrated into Chen Xi's Dao Heart, frightening him so much that he almost lost the will to resist.

Fortunately, in the Gate of Wonders before, his Dao Heart had undergone an earth-shaking transformation. It was as pure and firm as glass, and he woke up after being shocked for a moment.

However, before he could resist, that piece of blue sky had already suppressed him, directly trapping him, and the incomparably majestic power of the mysterious law diffused around him, which was more powerful and condensed a thousand times than the profound truth of the Dao. With his current strength, he couldn't struggle at all.

This is the power of angels!

Master the laws of the Dao, and with every gesture, the Dao is born and the laws follow. This level of power is definitely not something that any monk in the world can compete with!

clack clack...

Chen Xi struggled with all his strength to break away from the suppression of this piece of Qing Xiao, but it was of no avail. It seemed as if a hundred thousand mountains were pressing down on his head, and the laws of the Immortal Gang permeated the surroundings, making it impossible to resist, and his bones all gave out a toothache. There was a crisp sound, as if it was about to be shattered in the next moment.

His fleshy body was squeezed so that every inch of his pores leaked a trace of bright red blood, and he instantly turned into a blood man.

But the only good thing is that his body training is extremely powerful, even if his physical body is destroyed, as long as his soul is not destroyed, he can be reborn with a drop of blood.

At this moment, Chen Xi also knew how powerful he was. He concentrated all his strength on his body and guarded his primordial spirit within it, and he couldn't care less about getting out.

boom!boom! ...

As the suppressing force grew stronger, the flesh and blood around his body shattered inch by inch, bursting out a series of bloody flowers, which pressed his spine down and almost couldn't support it.

It is conceivable that if the oppression continues like this, sooner or later it will be completely suppressed into a flat mass of meat, and it will be impossible to die.

"Well, to be able to resist to such an extent, you are indeed a genius with supreme potential. You have not let me down. If you give you another hundred years, you may really grow to the point where you can compete with me."

Bing Shitian put his hands behind his back, his expression was extremely cold and indifferent, his eyes were filled with murderous intent, "Unfortunately, you will definitely die this time, and Liu Jianheng, the heaven-abandoner, will never be able to come to your rescue!"

While speaking, he waved his palms again and again, pressing down on Chen Xi again.

Chen Xi suddenly felt that the pressure had increased by more than ten times!

He urged his own chaotic world to run again and again, but it was of no avail. The blue sky was too terrifying, which made him feel as if he could not move and was imprisoned in a cage.


Bing Shitian's feathers fluttered, his face was extremely cold, his big hands clenched into fists, and he squeezed them hard!


Above the blue sky, thousands of thick chains suddenly appeared, and they were all condensed by the laws of the Great Dao. They were inserted directly around Chen Xi's body, bound in groups, and contracted and tightened fiercely!

Puff puff!

Chen Xi's body was like a piece of cloth that had been twisted and squeezed. It was strangled and collapsed, his bones were broken, and streams of blood shot out from his whole body. It was extremely terrifying.

Moreover, these thousands of chains do more damage to the primordial spirit and the soul, and emit a force of confinement to pull out Chen Xi's divine soul and the primordial spirit.

In an instant, Chen Xi felt endless pain.


Seeing that he was about to be strangled completely, suddenly a jade cauldron appeared, emitting divine light, diffusing an infinite blazing glow. As soon as it appeared, it immediately shattered the thousands of chains inch by inch, and shattered them into pieces.


The piece of green sky condensed by the power of the law of the great way was even broken by the jade tripod, and it collapsed without a trace.

"It's actually you!?"

Bing Shitian's pupils shrank, and he immediately recognized this Jade Cauldron. It was the powerful existence that showed great power on the ancient battlefield and killed four strong aliens from outside the territory.

But soon, he discovered that the power of this Jade Cauldron was far from as powerful as before, which made him feel moved, and he no longer had any scruples.

"No matter how sacred you are, today, no one can stop me from killing Chen Xi! Not only that, I will completely refine you and use it for me!"

Bing Shitian coldly drank, reached out and grasped, five fingers turned into the color of red gold, the roots were extremely thick, wrapped around millions of mysterious and unpredictable laws of the great way, and shrouded the small cauldron like overwhelming.


The small cauldron was silent, and simple and unsophisticated symbols appeared on the cauldron body, spreading divine brilliance, overflowing with brilliant and sacred light, and directly crushed them to pieces.

"Okay, very good! If such a powerful treasure is used by me and returns to the fairy world in the future, it will definitely help me create a new world!" Bing Shitian smiled instead of anger, his eyes were burning, and he already had the determination to win.

However, what surprised him was that the jade cauldron actually released a wave of divine brilliance, enveloping Chen Xi, directly tearing apart the void, and was about to escape.

"If you want to leave, leave it to me!" Bing Shitian's complexion darkened suddenly, he stepped forward, walked through many spaces, and punched out with one punch.

This fist condensed his will and the will to kill, like a startling dragon intertwined with the laws of the immortal gang, tearing through the void and rushing away.


At this moment, Chen Xi seemed to feel that he was on the verge of death, his whole body was in severe pain, and even the chaotic world in his body was suddenly exploded!


An incomparably severe pain spread all over his body, Chen Xi suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and the next moment his vision darkened, he passed out completely.

"So what if you run away!? Chen Xi, you have now been destroyed by me in the puddle world, your foundations have been necrotic, and you have become a complete waste. You will never be able to follow the path for the rest of your life! Hahahaha... After a hundred years, what are you going to do? Bet with me?"

The moment before he fell into a coma, Chen Xi vaguely heard Bing Shitian's hysterical roar, the voice was so ethereal and vicious.



On this day, the Cangwu Abyss experienced shocking shocks, whether it was the Cangwu Secret Realm, the Good Fortune Sword Domain, or the mysterious and unpredictable gates, all disappeared suddenly.

Immediately, under the attention of everyone in Bingxiao City, the Nine Yishen Mountain, which has existed since ancient times, also became blurred, as if melting into the void, and finally disappeared.

Just like that, the Cangwu Abyss, which only appeared once in ten thousand years, disappeared again, and perhaps it will be countless years later when it is opened next time.

Bingxiao City, an ancient city made of ice and snow, became silent with the disappearance of the Cangwu Abyss, and it was no longer as noisy and lively as before.

Most of the strong people who entered the Cangwu Abyss this time fell, and only a small number of people survived by chance and came out alive.Among these people, some got adventures, and some didn't.

"Unexpectedly, the one who had the greatest adventure this time was the Yan Dao Sect. It is said that they obtained many rare treasures that are rarely seen in the outside world in the Good Fortune Temple. Yuan, it's really enviable."

"Baozhen Temple, Yuxin Jianzhai, Bone Demon Sect, and Netherworld Demon Sect's gains are not much different. Didn't you see that after they left the Cangwu Abyss, they hurried back to the sect, all beaming, It’s clearly paid off.”

"Hmph, if it is said that the one who gained the most was Chen Xi of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, who alone took over the six fragments of the Great Dao in the Cangwu Secret Realm, entered the Temple of Creation, and even snatched a pot of divine brewing fairy syrup. I heard that he still The only one who has entered the door of wonders!"

"Joke! What is the door of all wonders? Your news is obviously false. I heard that he committed public anger in the Temple of Creation and was beaten into a place of great viciousness by an ancestor of the Earth Immortal of the Tianyan Dao Sect. I'm afraid I'm already dead by now!"

"Fart! How could someone like Chen Xi die so easily?"

"Don't you think he's still alive? Don't be stupid, until the Cangwu Abyss disappears and you don't see him appear, there's a good chance you're dead!"

Although the Cangwu Abyss disappeared, people in the streets and alleys were still hotly discussing what happened in the Cangwu Abyss, especially Chen Xi, who seemed to be the hottest topic.

He monopolizes six fragments of the avenue, fights against the heroes alone, and beheads more than a hundred people!

He repelled the mysterious assassin "You" who made people turn pale, and became the first powerful person who survived You's assassination and wounded him so far.

He fought Yan Shisan, the most famous lunatic of Tianyan Dao Sect, and defeated him in one fell swoop, which shocked the scene and convinced countless people.

He broke into the Temple of Creation, and knocked back with one blow. Wen Daoran and Chisongzi teamed up to win a pot of fairy wine. He was unparalleled in style and strength!


There are really too many things about Chen Xi, all of which are full of shocking legends. Almost everyone knows that within a few days, his name is destined to cause a sensation in the entire Xuanhuan world!

"Let's go, maybe Junior Brother Chen has already returned to the sect." On the street of Bingxiao City, Long Zhenbei sighed, and finally made up his mind to leave.

"You're right, Junior Brother Chen is definitely not a short-lived person. I have a feeling that he is definitely still alive. Maybe when we meet next time, he will surprise us all."

An Wei murmured, her expression was neither sad nor happy, there was only an indescribable firmness on her face, she believed that Chen Xi must still be alive, and definitely...

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