divine talisman

Chapter 698

"Good bow!"

After killing the Amethyst-level powerhouse, Mengwei looked at the big black and rough bow in his hand with a pair of tiger eyes, and couldn't help admiring it.

This is a powerful witch treasure, the whole body is dark and dumb, exuding a mysterious and desolate atmosphere. Its bow body and bow strings are refined from the bones and tendons of gods and demons. It is extremely rare and valuable.

Mengwei is a well-deserved archery master. In the Jiuyou tribe, he has always been known as the "magic archer". In his memory, he only heard that there were such magic soldiers in the tribe before the ancient times weapon.

Unfortunately, with the passage of time, these rare treasures have long since disappeared.

The big bow in front of him, named Mie Xing, was lent to him by Chen Xi, and it was precisely by virtue of the terrifying power of this bow that he was able to easily kill the ten gold-ranked foreign powerhouses, and finally Explode that amethyst-level powerhouse with one blow.

Gently stroking the cold and hard bow with his fingertips, Mengwei looked at the Star Extinguishing Bow again for a moment, and resolutely handed the bow to Chen Xi, "This time, I can easily wipe out all the enemies, thanks to brother Chen Xi for providing it." Such a magic weapon."

Chen Xi didn't answer, and said with a smile: "Since big brother Mengwei likes it, you can just use this bow. Anyway, it's a waste of money in my hands. Only an archery expert like big brother Mengwei can display its true value. "

He has already seen that Mengwei is a real archery master, with a body training base, and with this Star Extinguishing Bow, it can explode amazing combat power.

According to his speculation, even Yan Shisan and Mengwei may not be able to win the battle.

This is because Mengwei has not mastered the mysteries of the Dao. If he enters the outside world and comprehends the meaning of the Dao, God knows how much his strength can be improved.

Mengwei was dumbfounded all of a sudden, this man who was burly and tough like a rock, calm and composed, would not have any emotional changes when he killed people, but he was a little caught off guard when faced with Chen Xi's gift.

There is no way, he is too obsessed with the way of arrows, and he loves it very much. Up to now, he has spent all his thoughts on the way of arrows. Facing a treasure such as the Extinguishing Star Bow, it is like a child seeing his favorite toy. How can you not be excited?

Even Moya who was next to him was stunned. She didn't expect that Chen Xi would give away such a rare treasure as soon as he said it. Judging by his expression, he was not joking, which surprised her.

"No, this kind of treasure is too precious, I can't accept it." Mengwei struggled for a long time, but still gritted his teeth and refused.

"Take it!" Chen Xi couldn't refuse, he forced the Star Extinguishing Bow into Mengwei's hands, and said with a smile, "The sword is given to heroes, and the pink powder is given to beauties. This bow is only worthy of Big Brother Mengwei!" , others have turned and left.

"This time, you owe this guy too much." Looking at Chen Xi's back, Mo Ya couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Our tribe owes him too much, and I will pay him back, even if I sacrifice my life for him." Mengwei carefully put away the Star Extinguishing Bow, his expression had returned to his previous calm and steady, only a pair of tiger eyes were bright and eye-catching, With an incomparable firmness.

"If it were me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to refuse such kindness." Mo Ya laughed.She is also very clear that Chen Xi has gradually integrated into the Nine Nether Tribe, and perhaps only by following his footsteps can the members of the Nine Nether Tribe gain a foothold in the outside world, and then multiply and become stronger.


After annihilating this team composed of experts from the Wing Realm, the three of Chen Xi returned to the camp in a hurry, and then started moving forward again without stopping.

The appearance of a foreign powerhouse made Chen Xi feel a rush of pressure. This time the three of them might be able to sneak attack and kill one of the teams, but next time they might not have such luck.

Therefore, leaving this place quickly is the top priority.

In order to hurry, Chen Xi even shortened the daily rest and recuperation time to two hours. In other words, in this extremely short period of time, the tribal clansmen had to recover enough physical strength while eating, and those teenagers and Young children also have to take care of their cultivation.

Fortunately, this urgent sense of rhythm did not overwhelm those teenagers and young children. On the contrary, all this made them understand the value of time, and they practiced harder than before.

And Chen Xi wasn't idle either. While using the immortal brewed liquid in the jade pot to repair his cultivation, he meditated and deduced how to use the power of runes to construct a world of chaos that he was most satisfied with.

He is very clear that this cannot be accomplished overnight. After all, the Dao Foundation has been abolished, and it is more difficult to restore it than ascending to the sky. Fortunately, he has found a path, and he is not in a hurry.

Meals have to be eaten bite by bite, and roads have to be taken step by step. He only needs to prepare everything adequately.

At the same time, he also has to take care of cooking food, instructing young people to practice martial arts, comprehending Taoism, etc. He is so busy that he hardly touches the ground, and he can't wait to use every minute of his time.

Even on the way forward, I could hear his voice instructing those teenagers to practice martial arts from time to time.


On the ninth day of the march, they encountered a group of foreign tribes who could not escape.

In a bloody battle, the enemy was completely wiped out, but the guards in the tribe, in order to protect the safety of the teenagers and young children, fell again three, plus Mengwei and Moya, only seven people remained.

This fierce bloody battle made the atmosphere of the team become more and more silent, everyone's heart was burning with fire, and they practiced harder and harder.

Because Chen Xi provided a steady stream of elixir and food every day, these teenagers and young children entered the realm very quickly, and almost all of them had advanced to the Huangting realm. The advanced Jindan realm has aroused praise from others without hesitation.

Chen Xi also kept his promise, and gave them other rewards—supernatural powers of "three heads and six arms" and "Faxiang Tiandi"!

As for Qi Refining Shitou, Xiao Cen, and others, they obtained the perfect-level Dao-grade martial arts taught by Chen Xi, and each of them was equipped with a ground-level magic weapon.

This kind of reward made the other teenagers in the tribe jealous, and they practiced harder and harder, almost as desperately, which made Mengwei and Moya very happy.

This was the only thing that made them happy during the hard march.


March No.14 days.

They were intercepted again. Unlike the last time, this time they were composed of three teams of foreign races from outside the territory, with a total number of nearly 1000 people, including three Amethyst-level powerhouses.

This battle was extraordinarily tragic and tragic.

In this battle, the youngsters from the Zidian Battalion and the Cyan Frost Battalion also participated in the battle. It was Chen Xi's order in desperation, but he never expected that these youngsters would actually erupt with astonishing fighting power.

Every 20 people are in a team, and every three teams are a battalion. They cooperate with each other and have a tacit understanding with each other. They actually caused huge damage to the silver-level and bronze-level powerhouses of the enemy army!

But the reality is cruel, until the end of the battle, six teenagers and three young children left them completely.

What saddens the Jiuyou tribe the most is that their god-respecting priest, the scrawny old man, exhausted his remaining strength and an amethyst-level foreigner in this battle in order to take care of those youngsters. The strong perish together, and they die suddenly.

Before dying, the old priest did not leave any last words, but tremblingly shook Chen Xi's hand,

Chen Xi understood what the old priest meant, and facing the old man's body, he kowtowed earnestly. Without this old man, Chen Xi would not be where he is today. Therefore, he will help the old man take good care of these clansmen.

In this battle, there were only 72 teenagers in the tribe, ten young children, all the guards died, and the old priest also passed away.

This is an extremely heavy ordeal. After going through this baptism of blood and fire, the teenagers seem to have grown up overnight, becoming calm and sensible.


March No.20 for six days.

Chen Xi's body refining cultivation has recovered, and he is only one step away from the realm of psychic transformation.


March No.30 for one day.

A team of alien races from outside the territory was completely wiped out, and they received mixed news - there is a passage leading to the outside world [-] miles away from them!

But what makes people feel heavy is that in front of that passage, there are six teams of foreign races from outside the territory. Among them, not only are there six Amethyst-level alien powerhouses, but it is said that there is also a general-level alien powerhouse!

A general-level foreign powerhouse is equivalent to the level of the ancestors of the earth immortals.

Chen Xi, who had been attacked by the Earth Immortal Patriarch, had a deep understanding of the horror of such an existence, and immediately decided not to move forward, and stationed his team in a canyon.

In order to avoid the enemy's eyes and ears, Chen Xi even spent nearly seven days setting up a large formation around the canyon—"Qingyang Underworld Fire Formation"!

This formation is composed of one hundred and eight kinds of Ziwu Qingyang killing formations, and at the eye of the formation is a semi-immortal weapon - the fire plume fan. Amethyst-level alien powerhouses will also perish if they enter it.

However, this large formation consumed ninety-nine percent of all the materials on Chen Xi's body, except for some elixir, magic weapons, jade slips and other sundries, it could be said to be clean.

The formation of the big formation naturally requires power to activate it. Although the aura of the Nine Nether Lands has been exhausted, it is not difficult for Chen Xi. After a lot of hard work, he was finally able to mobilize the fairy spirit of the Cangwu seedling in his dantian. strength.

With the power of fairy spirits as the source of the power of the formation, it is naturally stronger than spiritual power.

And the price Chen Xi paid was that he could only sit in the eyes of the formation and guide the power of the fairy spirits all the time, and he couldn't move a single step.

However, he is already extremely satisfied with this. With the coverage of this large formation, it is extremely difficult to find their existence from the outside world, unless there are strong people at the level of the ancestors of the earth immortals who come to explore in person, but the probability of this is obvious. To be extremely small.

After all, this is just an inconspicuous canyon in the Land of Nine Nethernesses, no one would set their sights on it, even if they did, no one would have thought that there would be a large formation here.

And the purpose of Chen Xi's doing all this is to let everyone in the Nine Nether Tribe, in this extremely tense situation, have a safe place to greatly improve their own strength.

And he himself will also start to reshape the chaotic world!


ps: The contents of chapter 5 of the original detailed outline are all condensed into this chapter. The result of this is that Kawen stuck at 1:2 in the morning, and my brain cells were almost killed... Cough cough, continue to call for monthly tickets , the monthly pass breaks 10 per day, and there are still three changes this week!Of course, it is best to upgrade, and now there are only 700 left from the average order of 13!Capable brothers, please lend a helping hand, thank you first.

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