divine talisman

Chapter 707 Blazing Holy Emperor [Part 1]

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Blood rained down, severed limbs flew across, and miserable cries rang out one after another.

The sky above the canyon is like a shocking Shura field, where a feast of death is being staged.

And Chen Xi, like a master who holds the power of life and death, walks in it, his clothes fluttering, his figure like lightning, wherever he passes, bloody winds will inevitably erupt.

This was a massacre with disparity in strength, and alien races from outside the region were harvested mercilessly like weeds.

Chen Xi didn't show any mercy. These foreign races slaughtered millions of people from the Jiuyou tribe. What kind of massacre was that?Have they ever cared that there are ignorant young children, sick old people, and kind women among them?

These alien races should be killed!

Therefore, despite those alien races crying and begging for mercy in every possible way, Chen Xi's expression did not change a bit from the beginning to the end. It was cold, calm, indifferent to the extreme, and ruthless to the extreme.

In the canyon, the expressions of Mengwei, Moya and those youngsters changed from shock to calm, and there was a touch of sadness from the calm. Before their eyes, they seemed to see the tragic scene of countless people's blood flowing into rivers, as if they heard the desolate and hopeless scene again. crying...

Their fists were clenched unconsciously, and a rush of blood rushed to their hearts. Looking at the tall figure in the sky in the distance, their hearts were replaced by deep gratitude.


Mengwei knelt down on the ground, his face was solemn, serious and pious.

The next moment, Mo Ya and those teenagers also fell to their knees on the ground together, their expressions were like Mengwei's, with a firm and pious taste.

In the distance, the killing and bloodshed are still happening, which is shocking.

In the canyon, however, it was silent, and there was a more solemn and solemn smell in the air, as if the ancestors of the ancient times worshiped the heaven and the earth and worshiped the gods.

Kneeling is an ancient ceremony, which is the great wish and gratitude made by the ancestors when they prayed to the heaven and the earth. Only gods and priests who have made great contributions to the tribe can enjoy this kind of treatment.

Not much to say, the members of the Nine Nether Tribe turned their gratitude to Chen Xi into this kind of devout worship, which itself was the most soul-stirring way.

Only in this way can they explain their gratitude to Chen Xi.

The killing didn't know when it would end. Chen Xi came to the canyon, looked at the kneeling crowd, and his expressions gradually became serious and solemn.

He also knelt down on the ground, and only said softly: "My life, Chen Xi, was saved by everyone!"

After finishing speaking, he stood up, glanced at the distance, waved his sleeves, and a floating black hole appeared in the void, which was indeed the cave in the jade pendant!


A moment later, a streak of rainbow, as if teleporting, swept towards the extreme distance.


Not long after Chen Xi left, the void above the canyon suddenly rolled violently, and a handsome young man emerged with long blue hair hanging down his shoulders, and his lips were as thin as a blade, provoking a feminine curve. It was Yun Su.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, scanning the blood stained red on the rocky ground outside the canyon, and the broken limbs scattered all over the place. His expression was still elegant and calm, but his gaze became extremely cold.

Unexpectedly, it is still a step late...

Yun Su withdrew her gaze, expressionless.


An invisible wave of power suddenly spread out from his body, spreading in all directions, destroying, crushing, and disappearing the entire canyon.

Um?So fast!

Seeming to have found something, Yun Su was startled for a moment, and then his face darkened, and he grabbed it with his hand, tearing the void directly, and the person had already stepped into it, and disappeared suddenly.


Ninety thousand miles away, in the void, a portal emerged, like a black hole, deep and mysterious, and an army of alien races from outside the territory has been stationed around this portal, strictly guarding against it.

"Well, it's been so long, Moon Crow and the others should be back, right?"

"It's really trash. Isn't it just more than 100 remnants of the Nine Nethers? I will go out and promise to catch them easily. How can it be possible to grind until now?"

"You said, will there be any accidents with them? After all, these days, we have lost six teams here. Although these remnants are small in number, their combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated."

"Nonsense! There are a total of five teams in this encirclement and suppression campaign. If they fail again, it will be unreasonable!"

"Tianli? Hehe, this is the Three Realms, not our territory, who the hell is talking about Tianli!"

In the army of foreign races outside the territory, there was a loud chatter from time to time. They have been stationed here for many days. Up to now, they have not even seen a single bird, let alone the trace of the enemy. This also makes these foreign races stationed here A little impatient, extremely bored, can only live by chatting.

"Huh? There seemed to be a figure approaching just now. Could it be that my eyes were dazzled?" Someone suddenly raised a voice in surprise and opened his eyes wide.

"Shadow?" The others were also terrified. They scanned the surroundings and searched for a long time but did not find any trace.

"You're talking nonsense with your eyes open, you don't even have a hair, where is there anyone?" This made everyone secretly relieved, and immediately cursed in dissatisfaction.

The person earlier touched his head and muttered, "But I clearly saw it, how could I go wrong?"

"You are indeed blind, the enemy has already entered the passage." At this moment, a deep and magnetic voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately, Yun Su's tall figure suddenly appeared on the spot, but his expression at this time was extremely cold, and he did not hide his killing intent and anger.

"Lord Yunsu!" Everyone was shocked, and stood up abruptly, looking a little uneasy.

"It seems that the boring days have worn away your fighting spirit. What's the point of living?" Yun Su flipped his hand indifferently, and a huge golden sword like a door was already in his hand.


With a random strike of the sword, if a golden rainbow that reaches the sky collapses, it will kill all the more than three hundred strong alien races present, not even flesh and blood remains, as if they were completely evaporated.

On the ground, there is only a thousand zhang long gully, as deep as an abyss, shocking.

"You can't even look down on people, so how can you talk about attacking the Three Realms? It's better to die early, so as not to embarrass me." Yun Su put away the golden sword and shook his head.

This scene immediately shocked the other teams present, and the atmosphere suddenly became extremely silent. Everyone could clearly feel the cold killing intent released from Yun Su's body.

This made them all fearful, not knowing what had happened.

And the person who spoke earlier felt a thump in his heart, and he felt chills all over his body. He was the closest to Yun Su, but he had clearly witnessed this scene, and he was so frightened that he was almost out of his body.

"You are doing well." Yun Su glanced at this person and said lightly.

The man suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, secretly rejoicing in his heart.

"It's a pity, you found out too late, the enemy has already run away, so what's the use of finding out?" Yun Su's next words made him freeze up, and his soul froze.

However, before he could struggle, Yun Su stretched out his hand and directly smashed his head.

This scene shocked the strong aliens from other nearby teams to tremble, as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

After doing all this, the hostility in Yun Su's heart dissipated a lot. He jumped up and came to the portal floating in the void, frowning and pondering endlessly.

The most worrying thing still happened. The enemy escaped successfully. Soon, all beings in the three realms will know that their army from outside the territory has occupied the land of the Nine Nethers, right?

However, how did those remnants of the Nine Serenities escape?

Yun Su frowned, and couldn't figure out how a Nine Nether Remnants with only a hundred people could do all this easily.

Immediately, he suddenly remembered the figure that he detected before, and the movement that was as fast as teleportation. Who is that guy?

Could it be that all this was caused by him?

"Ran away?"

Just as Yun Su frowned and murmured, a hoarse voice sounded, the voice was not loud and there were no waves, but it carried a mysterious power, and the whole world resonated with his words, rumbling and vibrating.

As soon as these words came out, not only the expression of everyone present changed, even Yun Su's eyelids twitched and he turned his head suddenly.

In the distant sky, at some point, there appeared a flame-like figure. He was like a god bathed in flames, his whole body was blurred, only a pair of eyes were shining brightly, brighter than the flames, as if he could burn the sky and shock Heaven and earth, the hearts of everyone present trembled.

Even if it was Yun Su, he couldn't help but feel his heart tense and feel a sense of suffocation.


In just a split second, including Yun Su, many strong men from other races knelt down and shouted: "See my emperor!"

This person is astonishingly a holy emperor from outside the territory!

"Unexpectedly, I have been suppressed in this land of the Nine Nethers for endless years, and you still recognize me." Speaking of this, the man bathed in the divine fire smiled, very indifferent and deep, the red eyes in his eyes The fire was even more intense, as if it was about to burn everything in the universe.

"My lord, this time we broke the barrier of the Nine Nether Lands to welcome you back." Yun Su saluted respectfully, with deep awe in his voice.

Yun Su, but a master at the level of a general, who can compete with the ancestor of the earth immortal, is unparalleled in power, but it is such an extremely dazzling figure, who is so obedient at this time, he is in awe of this man, and dare not show the slightest disrespectful.

"This seat has already felt that Xuanchen Shenghuang, who was suppressed by the Cangwu Shenmu in the Gate of Wonders, has now escaped, and several other old friends are about to reappear in the world..."

The man bathed in the sacred fire, stepped out, and came to the portal leading to the Three Realms, and said softly: "The Three Realms are going to be chaotic, this is our chance, this time, we can't fail again..."

"The time to attack the Three Realms has not yet come. This portal cannot be left behind!" As he spoke, the man reached out, and billions of flames gushed out from his body, covering the portal in front of him and burning it blazingly.

This portal that gave Yun Su a headache was completely incinerated by the billions of divine fires almost in the blink of an eye!

This is the might of the "Blazing Sacred Emperor", a shocking figure who has been firmly remembered in the hearts of all walks of life outside the region for countless years!


ps: There will be frequent outbreaks these days, please ask for a monthly ticket!

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