divine talisman

Chapter 725

Thank you brothers for your valuable monthly tickets. Speaking of "Xingao" brother, you have a lot of monthly tickets, thank you very much!


After a long time, everyone recovered from the shock, and all of them were amazed at the majestic city above the sky.

Chen Xi said with a smile from the side: "It is rumored that this city has been standing since the ancient times, and the whole body is made of a material called 'floating stone', which is as solid as gold. current scale."

After all, he commanded the team and set off into the distance.

To get to the city, one must pass through a special passage - the ladder.

This kind of ladder, one piece after another, like white clouds, goes up layer by layer until reaching the Taotie City above the sky.

If they were flying through the air, they would not be able to get close to the Taotie city. The reason is very simple. The guards of the Taotie clan stationed around the city will regard them as enemies and kill them with all their strength!

Soon, Chen Xi and the others arrived at the location where the ladder was.

At this time, many cultivators lined up in front of the ladder, men and women, old and young, about a hundred people, and at the entrance of the ladder, there were two strong men from the gluttonous clan sitting in command.

Chen Xi led the youngsters and lined up at the back of the line. As for the beast carts, he had already packed them into the Pagoda of the Buddha.

At this moment, there was a sudden dispute in front of the team.

"Why don't you let us in?" A young man said angrily. Beside him, there were also more than a dozen people showing dissatisfaction.

"Hmph, only six people are allowed to enter with one piece of Nine Wonderful Orders, don't you understand this rule?" The person who spoke was an old man in gray clothes, who was a strong member of the Taotie clan.

"What about them? Why can you bring 50 people with just one piece of Nine Wonderful Orders?" The young man looked angry and raised his hand to point to the top of the ladder, where 50 people were climbing up the steps.

"You are a disciple of Konglian Daofu, young man, how about you?" the old man in gray said slowly, with an indifferent expression, but he did not hide the contempt between the lines.

"You..." The young man was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Why, you want to run wild on the territory of my gluttonous clan?" The old man in gray raised his head, his eyes flashed like a sharp sword, piercing the young man's cheek with burning pain.

"Hmph!" The young man finally looked slumped, his anger turned into a look of unwillingness, he shook his head, he did not enter the Taotie City anymore, and left angrily with his companions.

"Young and energetic, ignorant of good and evil, without identity or status, but still enjoying the same treatment as others, it's really childish and ridiculous!" The gray-clothed old man sneered.

Everyone in the team was silent. Although some people felt sympathy for the young man, they didn't intend to help him get ahead. There was no other way. Although the old man's words were harsh, what he said was the truth, which was realistic and cruel.

Soon, it was Chen Xi's turn.

The old man in gray raised his eyes and glanced at Chen Xi and the youngsters behind him, and couldn't help being stunned: "You want to bring these nearly a hundred people into the city?"

Chen Xi nodded, and took out the "Nine Wonderful Orders" given to him by Master Yong.

The gray-clothed old man didn't even look at it, and sneered with a sneer: "It's really strange today, why are there so many people who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, trying to defy the law?"

Chen Xi frowned, and slowly put away the Nine Wonderful Orders.

"Didn't you see what happened to that young man just now?" The gray-clothed old man squinted his eyes and glanced at Chen Xi. Since Chen Xi's aura had already reached the point of being round and flawless, unless his realm was higher than his, it would be absolutely difficult to see through him. Xiuwei.

Coupled with his unfamiliar face, the gray-clothed old man unconsciously felt contemptuous, and his attitude suddenly became cold and harsh.

"I see." Chen Xi nodded, somewhat disgusted by the gray-clothed old man's attitude, which was too snobbish.

However, he also knew that this kind of phenomenon existed everywhere in the strictly hierarchical practice world, and it could not be diverted by his own will, so he endured and did not get angry.

"I still want to persist after seeing you?" The gray-clothed old man frowned.

"What are you doing talking so much nonsense with a young man, there are still people queuing up behind, if he doesn't enter the city, he will be kicked out! If you dare to persist in your obsession, just kill him!" On the other side, a middle-aged man said displeased.

He is the companion of the gray-clothed old man, and the two sit here together.

"Did you hear that? Can you get in? If you don't get in, get out!" The gray-clothed old man was scolded by his companions, and suddenly his old face became angry, and he poured his anger on Chen Xi's head.

"Mengwei, Moya, beat these two bastards!" Chen Xi suddenly turned his head, and ordered lightly. He realized that sometimes it's not good to be too low-key, like now.

Mengwei and Moya had long been impatient, and before Chen Xi could finish speaking, the two of them had rushed out!


Just like two gods and demons, as soon as the two of them made a move, they showed the terrifying power of a strong man in the underworld. In a moment, they suppressed the gray-clothed old man and the middle-aged man to the ground, and beat them to the ground. Blood, howling miserably, lying on the ground like a dead dog, how could there be any trace of the proud arrogance just now?

The people who were queuing up at the back were stunned when they saw this scene. This group of people had so much courage to beat up the clansman of the Taotie clan in front of the door!


This guy is really arrogant!

Everyone smacked their tongues inwardly, but when they saw the two strong men of the gluttonous clan lying on the ground and howling, they all felt a little happy in their hearts. Such a lowly thing with dog eyes really needs repairing!

"You guys! This is asking for your own death! How dare you act wildly on my gluttonous clan, don't let any of you leave today!" The gray-robed old man and the middle-aged man both had distorted facial features and hissed loudly.


Chen Xi raised his hand, threw a token on the gray-robed old man's face, and said leisurely, "If you want to call someone, go quickly, I'll wait for you."

"Hmph, you think I dare not..." The gray-robed old man picked up the token in his hand, and was about to throw it away when he caught a glimpse of the four characters of "Jiuhua Sword School" engraved on the front of the token. The big gilt characters and silver hooks painted on iron exude a compelling and sharp aura.

His voice also stopped abruptly, and his face changed suddenly, Jiuhua Sword School?This young man is actually a disciple of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, one of the Ten Great Immortal Sects! ?

He couldn't help but flipped through the back of the token with trembling hands. When he saw the line of small characters clearly, he was struck by lightning, and he was stunned.

"Lao Liu, what's wrong with you! Hurry up and call for rescue!" The middle-aged man on one side roared while covering his red and swollen cheeks.

"You...you...look..." The gray-clothed old man lost his mind and stiffly handed the token into the middle-aged man's hand.

The middle-aged man grabbed the token fiercely, and was a little displeased, so it was just a broken token, what... huh?The next moment, when he caught sight of the writing on the token, his eyes shrank suddenly, he gasped for breath, and almost suffocated to death with his breath.

He will definitely not be mistaken, this token is real!

In other words, the young man in front of him is... the middle-aged man only felt his head buzzing, his eyes were full of stars, and his face was extremely ashen.

Seeing this strange scene, everyone who lined up behind was very surprised, and their eyes swept towards the token, wanting to find out.

It's a pity that Chen Xi had already taken back the token at this time, so they could only stare blankly, but in their hearts, they became more and more curious. Who the hell is this young man who even met the strong man of the Taotie clan? After this token, do you look like a mourning concubine?

He didn't even have the thought of calling for help!

"Can I bring people into the city?" Chen Xi asked.

The old man in gray robe and the middle-aged man nodded again and again as if they had just woken up from a dream, and there was an uncontrollable deep awe in their eyes.

"If I knew it was like this, why did I do it in the first place?" Chen Xi sighed, but there was no mercy in his eyes, only deep loathing. What he hated the most was to look down on others and bully others.

"Don't dare, don't dare again." The two trembled like two poor worms.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help shaking his head, his interest faded, he no longer hesitated, and led Mengwei and the others, waiting for the ladder, towards the Taotie City in the sky.

Just as they left, there was a whoosh, and the people lining up at the back rushed forward and asked, "Two fellow daoists, who is that young man?"

The gray-robed old man and the middle-aged man looked at each other in blank dismay, their expressions were extremely complicated, without the arrogance they had before, there was only a deep bitterness and powerlessness, and even a touch of shock from the bottom of their hearts.

Seeing this scene, the monks who lined up became more and more itchy and asked again.

Seeing this, the gray-clothed old man no longer hid it, otherwise he would be beaten up and dare not say his name, that would be embarrassing.

Taking a deep breath, he sighed with a complicated expression: "Who else can be, naturally it is Chen Xi."

"Chen Xi?"

Everyone was stunned, and they couldn't react, but soon, they remembered the name that had been making a lot of noise in the practice world these days, their expressions changed, and they exclaimed endlessly.

"He is that Chen Xi of the Jiuhua Sword Sect!?"

"God! He is still alive, that is to say, is the news spread from Lihuo City true?"

"Having disappeared for several months, and as soon as he reappeared in the world, he beheaded Yan Shisan, the Taoist sect of Tianyan. How many people in the current practice world can do this kind of courage?"

Everyone was amazed again and again, and they all responded with pity and sympathy to what happened to the gray-robed old man and the middle-aged man. It was not good to offend anyone, but to offend this fierce man, he really deserved it!

The old man and the middle-aged smiled wryly, their heads were downcast, and they didn't say another word.

"By the way, what is Chen Xi going to Taotie City for? Does he also want to participate in the Spiritual Chef Gold List?" Someone suddenly raised a voice in surprise.

The others were stunned, and they couldn't believe how a peerless genius like Chen Xi would come to participate in a grand meeting between Chef Ling.

"He must have participated in the Spiritual Chef Gold List. I saw clearly just now that what he holds in his hand is a piece of Nine Wonderful Token. Only first-class spiritual chefs can hold this token!"

One seemed to think of something, and said excitedly, "No, I can't wait to enter the city. If Chen Xi really joins in, it will be an explosive news to spread!"

Seeing this, the others couldn't wait any longer, and rushed up the ladder one after another, heading towards the gluttonous city.

At this time, Chen Xi and his group had already entered Taotie City, and were amazed at this "Gourmet City" built above the sky.

No way, there are too many delicacies here!


ps: I am about to be blown out of the top ten, brothers, urgently need monthly support!Too many monthly tickets, tomorrow will explode!

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